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Package codec provides a High Performance, Feature-Rich Idiomatic Go 1.4+ codec/encoding library for binc, msgpack, cbor, json. Supported Serialization formats are: To install: This package will carefully use 'unsafe' for performance reasons in specific places. You can build without unsafe use by passing the safe or appengine tag i.e. 'go install -tags=safe ...'. Note that unsafe is only supported for the last 3 go sdk versions e.g. current go release is go 1.9, so we support unsafe use only from go 1.7+ . This is because supporting unsafe requires knowledge of implementation details. For detailed usage information, read the primer at . The idiomatic Go support is as seen in other encoding packages in the standard library (ie json, xml, gob, etc). Rich Feature Set includes: Users can register a function to handle the encoding or decoding of their custom types. There are no restrictions on what the custom type can be. Some examples: As an illustration, MyStructWithUnexportedFields would normally be encoded as an empty map because it has no exported fields, while UUID would be encoded as a string. However, with extension support, you can encode any of these however you like. This package maintains symmetry in the encoding and decoding halfs. We determine how to encode or decode by walking this decision tree This symmetry is important to reduce chances of issues happening because the encoding and decoding sides are out of sync e.g. decoded via very specific encoding.TextUnmarshaler but encoded via kind-specific generalized mode. Consequently, if a type only defines one-half of the symmetry (e.g. it implements UnmarshalJSON() but not MarshalJSON() ), then that type doesn't satisfy the check and we will continue walking down the decision tree. RPC Client and Server Codecs are implemented, so the codecs can be used with the standard net/rpc package. The Handle is SAFE for concurrent READ, but NOT SAFE for concurrent modification. The Encoder and Decoder are NOT safe for concurrent use. Consequently, the usage model is basically: Sample usage model: To run tests, use the following: To run the full suite of tests, use the following: You can run the tag 'safe' to run tests or build in safe mode. e.g. Please see . Struct fields matching the following are ignored during encoding and decoding Every other field in a struct will be encoded/decoded. Embedded fields are encoded as if they exist in the top-level struct, with some caveats. See Encode documentation.

Version published




This is a comparison of different binary and text encodings.

We compare the codecs provided by package, against other libraries: provides:

Other codecs compared include:


The data being serialized is a TestStruc randomly generated values. See for the definition of the TestStruc.

Run Benchmarks

See for how to download the external libraries which we benchmark against, generate the files for the types when needed, and run the suite of tests.

The 3 suite of benchmarks are

  • CodecSuite
  • XSuite
  • CodecXSuite
# Note that `` may be in the codec sub-directory, and should be run from there.

# download the code and all its dependencies
./ -d

# code-generate files needed for benchmarks against ffjson, easyjson, msgp, etc
./ -c

# run the full suite of tests
./ -s

# Below, see how to just run some specific suite of tests, knowing the right tags and flags ...
# See for different iterations

# Run suite of tests in default mode (selectively using unsafe in specific areas)
go test -tags "alltests x" -bench "CodecXSuite" -benchmem 
# Run suite of tests in safe mode (no usage of unsafe)
go test -tags "alltests x safe" -bench "CodecXSuite" -benchmem 
# Run suite of tests in codecgen mode, including all tests which are generated (msgp, ffjson, etc)
go test -tags "alltests x generated" -bench "CodecXGenSuite" -benchmem 


The following issues are seen currently (11/20/2014):

  • fails on encoding and decoding the test struct
  • fails on encoding and decoding the test struct
  • fails on decoding the serialized test struct

Representative Benchmark Results

Please see the benchmarking blog post for detailed representative results.

A snapshot of some results on my 2016 MacBook Pro is below.
Note: errors are truncated, and lines re-arranged, for readability.

Below are results of running the entire suite on 2017-11-20 (ie running ./ -s).

What you should notice:

  • Results get better with codecgen, showing about 20-50% performance improvement. Users should carefully weigh the performance improvements against the usability and binary-size increases, as performance is already extremely good without the codecgen path.

See for latest run of as of 2017-11-20

  • snippet of bench.out.txt, running without codecgen *
BenchmarkCodecXSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Msgpack____Encode-8         	   10000	    183961 ns/op	   10224 B/op	      75 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Binc_______Encode-8         	   10000	    206362 ns/op	   12551 B/op	      80 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Simple_____Encode-8         	   10000	    193966 ns/op	   10224 B/op	      75 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Cbor_______Encode-8         	   10000	    192666 ns/op	   10224 B/op	      75 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Json_______Encode-8         	    3000	    475767 ns/op	   10352 B/op	      75 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Std_Json___Encode-8         	    3000	    525223 ns/op	  256049 B/op	     835 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Gob________Encode-8         	    5000	    270550 ns/op	  333548 B/op	     959 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__JsonIter___Encode-8         	    3000	    478130 ns/op	  183552 B/op	    3262 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Bson_______Encode-8         	    2000	    747360 ns/op	  715539 B/op	    5629 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__VMsgpack___Encode-8         	    2000	    637388 ns/op	  320385 B/op	     542 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Sereal_____Encode-8         	    5000	    361369 ns/op	  294541 B/op	    4286 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Msgpack____Decode-8         	    5000	    370340 ns/op	  120352 B/op	    1210 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Binc_______Decode-8         	    3000	    443650 ns/op	  126144 B/op	    1263 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Simple_____Decode-8         	    3000	    381155 ns/op	  120352 B/op	    1210 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Cbor_______Decode-8         	    5000	    370754 ns/op	  120352 B/op	    1210 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Json_______Decode-8         	    2000	    719658 ns/op	  159289 B/op	    1478 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Std_Json___Decode-8         	    1000	   2204258 ns/op	  276336 B/op	    6959 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Gob________Decode-8         	    5000	    383884 ns/op	  256684 B/op	    3261 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__JsonIter___Decode-8         	    2000	    907079 ns/op	  301520 B/op	    7769 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Bson_______Decode-8         	    2000	   1146851 ns/op	  373121 B/op	   15703 allocs/op
  • snippet of bench.out.txt, running with codecgen *
BenchmarkCodecXGenSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Msgpack____Encode-8         	   10000	    124729 ns/op	    6224 B/op	       7 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXGenSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Binc_______Encode-8         	   10000	    119745 ns/op	    6256 B/op	       7 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXGenSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Simple_____Encode-8         	   10000	    132501 ns/op	    6224 B/op	       7 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXGenSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Cbor_______Encode-8         	   10000	    129706 ns/op	    6224 B/op	       7 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXGenSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Json_______Encode-8         	    3000	    436958 ns/op	    6352 B/op	       7 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXGenSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Std_Json___Encode-8         	    3000	    539884 ns/op	  256049 B/op	     835 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXGenSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Gob________Encode-8         	    5000	    270663 ns/op	  333548 B/op	     959 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXGenSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__JsonIter___Encode-8         	    3000	    476215 ns/op	  183552 B/op	    3262 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXGenSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Bson_______Encode-8         	    2000	    741688 ns/op	  715539 B/op	    5629 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXGenSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__VMsgpack___Encode-8         	    2000	    649516 ns/op	  320385 B/op	     542 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXGenSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Msgp_______Encode-8         	   30000	     57573 ns/op	       0 B/op	       0 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXGenSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Easyjson___Encode-8         	    5000	    366701 ns/op	   92762 B/op	      14 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXGenSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Ffjson_____Encode-8         	    3000	    568665 ns/op	  219803 B/op	    1569 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXGenSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Sereal_____Encode-8         	    5000	    365595 ns/op	  296303 B/op	    4285 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXGenSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Msgpack____Decode-8         	   10000	    244013 ns/op	  131912 B/op	    1112 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXGenSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Binc_______Decode-8         	    5000	    280478 ns/op	  131944 B/op	    1112 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXGenSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Simple_____Decode-8         	    5000	    247863 ns/op	  131912 B/op	    1112 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXGenSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Cbor_______Decode-8         	   10000	    244624 ns/op	  131912 B/op	    1112 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXGenSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Json_______Decode-8         	    3000	    571572 ns/op	  170824 B/op	    1376 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXGenSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Std_Json___Decode-8         	    1000	   2224320 ns/op	  276337 B/op	    6959 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXGenSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Gob________Decode-8         	    5000	    387137 ns/op	  256683 B/op	    3261 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXGenSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__JsonIter___Decode-8         	    2000	    913324 ns/op	  301472 B/op	    7769 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXGenSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Bson_______Decode-8         	    2000	   1139852 ns/op	  373121 B/op	   15703 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXGenSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Msgp_______Decode-8         	   10000	    124270 ns/op	  112688 B/op	    1058 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXGenSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Easyjson___Decode-8         	    3000	    521070 ns/op	  184176 B/op	    1371 allocs/op
BenchmarkCodecXGenSuite/options-false.../Benchmark__Ffjson_____Decode-8         	    2000	    970256 ns/op	  161798 B/op	    1927 allocs/op


Last updated on 18 Feb 2020

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