Notti Android library
Notti library is an embedded Android service for controlling Notti Bluetooth devices
Notti is a small bluetooth led light with built in battery made by Witti
This project is composed of two modules :
- Android Service, exposing APIs to scan,connect and control a Notti device
- Android Application which control Notti through service APIs
Notti Service
Android service that manage your Notti bluetooth device(s) through BLE GATT interfaces :
- set ON/OFF
- set RGB color
- set color intensity
Characteristics on Notti cant be read on current device firmware. Previous state should be memorized to maintain statefull processing
Include into your project
Grab from Bintray maven repository :
compile 'fr.bmartel:notti-service:0.21'
Bind and/or Start Notti service
Bind your activity/service to NottiBtService
Intent intent = new Intent(context, NottiBtService.class);
bound = bindService(intent, mServiceConnection, BIND_AUTO_CREATE);
if (bound){
// you are bound to Notti service
else {
// binding failure
And for your service connection :
private ServiceConnection mServiceConnection = new ServiceConnection() {
public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) {
Log.i(TAG, "Connected to service");
NottiBtService nottiService = ((NottiBtService.LocalBinder) service).getService();
public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) {
Log.i(TAG, "Disconnected from service");
API Description
Notti service exposes a set of API, an application can uses in its own process
Start a scan
Start a scan which will go on until a stopScan()
is called :
boolean status = service.startScan();
if (status){
// scan start request success
else {
//scan start failure
Stop a scan
Get scanning list
This is a map of devices scanned until now. Only Notti
devices will appear :
- key : Bluetooth address
- value :
Map<String, BluetoothDevice> scanList = service.getScanningList();
Get scaning status
boolean scanStatus = service.isScanning();
if (scanStatus){
// currently scanning
else {
// not scanning
Clear scannning list
Empty the scanning list :
Connect to device
Connect a device with its device address :
You can get device address from scanning list key item
Get list of devices
List of devices that have already been connected at least once since service start :
- key : Bluetooth address
- value :
object featuring a Bluetooth connection object
HashMap<String, IBluetoothDeviceConn> connectionList = service.getConnectionList();
can be cast into INottiDevice
to be able to control your Notti device :
if (service.getConnectionList().get("5C:31:3E:7F:81:1B").getDevice() instanceof INottiDevice) {
INottiDevice device = (INottiDevice) service.getConnectionList().get("5C:31:3E:7F:81:1B").getDevice();
Disconnect from device
boolean status = service.disconnect("5C:31:3E:7F:81:1B");
if (status){
// disconnection request complete
else {
// disconnection failure
Disconnect all devices
You can receive events related to following actions :
- scan has started
- scan has ended
- a new device has been discovered
- a device has connected
- a device has disconnected
To receive those one of these events or all of them, you have to register a BroadcastReceiver
object with following filters :
Intent | descriptions |
BluetoothEvents.BT_EVENT_SCAN_START | scan has started |
BluetoothEvents.BT_EVENT_SCAN_END | scan has ended |
BluetoothEvents.BT_EVENT_DEVICE_DISCOVERED | a new device has been discovered and added to scanning list |
BluetoothEvents.BT_EVENT_DEVICE_CONNECTED | a device has connected |
BluetoothEvents.BT_EVENT_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED | a device has disconnected |
For receiving all events :
IntentFilter intentFilter = new IntentFilter();
Register your BroadCastReceiver
registerReceiver(mGattUpdateReceiver, intentFilter);
And your mGattUpdateReceiver
looks like :
private final BroadcastReceiver mGattUpdateReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
String action = intent.getAction();
if (BluetoothEvents.BT_EVENT_SCAN_START.equals(action)) {
Log.i("notti-app", "Scan has started");
} else if (BluetoothEvents.BT_EVENT_SCAN_END.equals(action)) {
Log.i("notti-app", "Scan has ended");
} else if (BluetoothEvents.BT_EVENT_DEVICE_DISCOVERED.equals(action)) {
BluetoothObject btDevice = BluetoothObject.parseArrayList(intent);
if (btDevice != null) {
Log.i("notti-app", "New device has been discovered : " +
btDevice.getDeviceName() + " - " + btDevice.getDeviceAddress());
} else if (BluetoothEvents.BT_EVENT_DEVICE_CONNECTED.equals(action)) {
BluetoothObject btDevice = BluetoothObject.parseArrayList(intent);
if (btDevice != null) {
Log.i("notti-app", "Device connected : " +
btDevice.getDeviceName() + " - " + btDevice.getDeviceAddress());
} else if (BluetoothEvents.BT_EVENT_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED.equals(action)) {
BluetoothObject btDevice = BluetoothObject.parseArrayList(intent);
if (btDevice != null) {
Log.i("notti-app", "Device disconnected : " +
btDevice.getDeviceName() + " - " + btDevice.getDeviceAddress());
You can parse device name and device address with BluetoothObject
class as featured above.
Notti application
This Android application bounds to Notti service to control your device(s)
You can do the following :
- scan network looking for your Notti devices
- connect to your devices,
- control all Notti device functions
This project require Android SDK lvl17+
External Lib