🤩 @aircall/tractor
The Aircall Tractor design system Foundations.
✨ Features
- 🌈 Aircall Design System designed for web applications.
- 📦 A set of high-quality React components out of the box written with Styled-components.
- 🛡 Written in TypeScript with predictable static types.
- 🎨 Powerful theme customization in every detail.
📦 Install
npm install --save @aircall/tractor
yarn add @aircall/tractor
🔨 Usage
import { ThemeProvider, Spacer, Typography } from '@aircall/tractor';
const App = () => (
<Spacer space="s">
<Typography variant="displayM">Hello</Typography>
<Typography variant="displayL">World</Typography>
You must wrap your React Tree components with the ThemeProvider
component otherwise it will throw an error.
There is no need to import the styles of the components because they are going to be injected for you at runtime.
⌨️ Development
You first need to clone the repository locally:
$ git clone git@bitbucket.org:aircall/tractor.git
$ cd tractor
$ yarn
$ yarn start:storybook
If you want to test this Design System with your project, you need to:
$ cd tractor
$ yarn link
$ yarn build:watch
$ cd path/to/your/project
$ yarn link "@aircall/tractor"
Make sure that your project is using a single version of React otherwise you will end up having errors:
Use in create-react-app project
In the real world, we usually have to modify default webpack config for custom needs. We can achieve that by using craco which is one of create-react-app's custom config solutions.
Install craco and modify the scripts field in package.json
$ npm install --save-dev @craco/craco
$ yarn add --dev @craco/craco
/* package.json */
"scripts": {
- "start": "react-scripts start",
- "build": "react-scripts build",
- "test": "react-scripts test",
+ "start": "craco start",
+ "build": "craco build",
+ "test": "craco test",
Then create a craco.config.js
at root directory of your project for further overriding.
const path = require('path');
module.exports = {
webpack: {
alias: {
react: path.resolve('./node_modules/react')
Use in project using Webpack
const path = require('path');
module.exports = {
resolve: {
alias: {
react: path.resolve('./node_modules/react')
If you are using Jest and in the same time linking tractor locally to your project, you might need to change your craco configuration to the following, in order to resolve the following issue: "hooks can only be called inside the body of a function component".
const CracoAlias = require('craco-alias');
module.exports = {
plugins: [
plugin: CracoAlias,
options: {
source: 'options',
baseUrl: './',
aliases: {
react: './node_modules/react'
🤝 Contributing
We decided to use commitlint which is a small library that enforces the conventional commit format.
In general the pattern mostly looks like this:
type(scope?): subject
Real world examples can look like this:
chore: run tests on travis ci
fix(spacer): fix the margin on the small variant
feat(button): implement new button component
We recommend to use the type of the commit followed by the component name if possible and then followed when the actual commit message.
We also encourage developers to split as much as possible their commits into small chunks so that it easy for us to review.
Common types according to commitlint-config-conventional can be:
- build
- ci
- chore
- docs
- feat
- fix
- perf
- refactor
- revert
- style
- test
Release & Publish
When a or several PRs are merged into master, standard-version will generate the changelog and the bump the version of the package depending on all the commits between the previous tags and the latest commit on master.
Publishing the repository to NPM is a matter of clicking on the Bitbucket Pipeline Publish Button.