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@apexdevtools/apex-parser - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 3.1.0 to 3.2.0

# apex-parser - Changelog
## 3.2.0 - 2023-01-24
* Adds user/system mode on DML and within SOQL queries
## 3.1.0 - 2022-11-17

@@ -4,0 +7,0 @@

@@ -102,2 +102,20 @@ "use strict";

test('testSoqlModeKeywords', () => {
for (const mode of MODES) {
const [parser, errorCounter] = (0, SyntaxErrorCounter_1.createParser)(`SELECT Id FROM Account WITH ${mode}`);
const context = parser.query();
test('testDmlModeKeywords', () => {
const MODES = ["USER", "SYSTEM"];
for (const mode of MODES) {
const [parser, errorCounter] = (0, SyntaxErrorCounter_1.createParser)(`insert as ${mode} contact;`);
const context = parser.statement();



@@ -62,189 +62,193 @@ import { ATN } from "antlr4ts/atn/ATN";

static readonly MAP = 56;
static readonly SELECT = 57;
static readonly COUNT = 58;
static readonly FROM = 59;
static readonly AS = 60;
static readonly USING = 61;
static readonly SCOPE = 62;
static readonly WHERE = 63;
static readonly ORDER = 64;
static readonly BY = 65;
static readonly LIMIT = 66;
static readonly SOQLAND = 67;
static readonly SOQLOR = 68;
static readonly NOT = 69;
static readonly AVG = 70;
static readonly COUNT_DISTINCT = 71;
static readonly MIN = 72;
static readonly MAX = 73;
static readonly SUM = 74;
static readonly TYPEOF = 75;
static readonly END = 76;
static readonly THEN = 77;
static readonly LIKE = 78;
static readonly IN = 79;
static readonly INCLUDES = 80;
static readonly EXCLUDES = 81;
static readonly ASC = 82;
static readonly DESC = 83;
static readonly NULLS = 84;
static readonly FIRST = 85;
static readonly LAST = 86;
static readonly GROUP = 87;
static readonly ALL = 88;
static readonly ROWS = 89;
static readonly VIEW = 90;
static readonly HAVING = 91;
static readonly ROLLUP = 92;
static readonly TOLABEL = 93;
static readonly OFFSET = 94;
static readonly DATA = 95;
static readonly CATEGORY = 96;
static readonly AT = 97;
static readonly ABOVE = 98;
static readonly BELOW = 99;
static readonly ABOVE_OR_BELOW = 100;
static readonly SECURITY_ENFORCED = 101;
static readonly REFERENCE = 102;
static readonly CUBE = 103;
static readonly FORMAT = 104;
static readonly TRACKING = 105;
static readonly VIEWSTAT = 106;
static readonly CUSTOM = 107;
static readonly STANDARD = 108;
static readonly DISTANCE = 109;
static readonly GEOLOCATION = 110;
static readonly CALENDAR_MONTH = 111;
static readonly CALENDAR_QUARTER = 112;
static readonly CALENDAR_YEAR = 113;
static readonly DAY_IN_MONTH = 114;
static readonly DAY_IN_WEEK = 115;
static readonly DAY_IN_YEAR = 116;
static readonly DAY_ONLY = 117;
static readonly FISCAL_MONTH = 118;
static readonly FISCAL_QUARTER = 119;
static readonly FISCAL_YEAR = 120;
static readonly HOUR_IN_DAY = 121;
static readonly WEEK_IN_MONTH = 122;
static readonly WEEK_IN_YEAR = 123;
static readonly CONVERT_TIMEZONE = 124;
static readonly YESTERDAY = 125;
static readonly TODAY = 126;
static readonly TOMORROW = 127;
static readonly LAST_WEEK = 128;
static readonly THIS_WEEK = 129;
static readonly NEXT_WEEK = 130;
static readonly LAST_MONTH = 131;
static readonly THIS_MONTH = 132;
static readonly NEXT_MONTH = 133;
static readonly LAST_90_DAYS = 134;
static readonly NEXT_90_DAYS = 135;
static readonly LAST_N_DAYS_N = 136;
static readonly NEXT_N_DAYS_N = 137;
static readonly N_DAYS_AGO_N = 138;
static readonly NEXT_N_WEEKS_N = 139;
static readonly LAST_N_WEEKS_N = 140;
static readonly N_WEEKS_AGO_N = 141;
static readonly NEXT_N_MONTHS_N = 142;
static readonly LAST_N_MONTHS_N = 143;
static readonly N_MONTHS_AGO_N = 144;
static readonly THIS_QUARTER = 145;
static readonly LAST_QUARTER = 146;
static readonly NEXT_QUARTER = 147;
static readonly NEXT_N_QUARTERS_N = 148;
static readonly LAST_N_QUARTERS_N = 149;
static readonly N_QUARTERS_AGO_N = 150;
static readonly THIS_YEAR = 151;
static readonly LAST_YEAR = 152;
static readonly NEXT_YEAR = 153;
static readonly NEXT_N_YEARS_N = 154;
static readonly LAST_N_YEARS_N = 155;
static readonly N_YEARS_AGO_N = 156;
static readonly THIS_FISCAL_QUARTER = 157;
static readonly LAST_FISCAL_QUARTER = 158;
static readonly NEXT_FISCAL_QUARTER = 159;
static readonly NEXT_N_FISCAL_QUARTERS_N = 160;
static readonly LAST_N_FISCAL_QUARTERS_N = 161;
static readonly N_FISCAL_QUARTERS_AGO_N = 162;
static readonly THIS_FISCAL_YEAR = 163;
static readonly LAST_FISCAL_YEAR = 164;
static readonly NEXT_FISCAL_YEAR = 165;
static readonly NEXT_N_FISCAL_YEARS_N = 166;
static readonly LAST_N_FISCAL_YEARS_N = 167;
static readonly N_FISCAL_YEARS_AGO_N = 168;
static readonly DateLiteral = 169;
static readonly DateTimeLiteral = 170;
static readonly IntegralCurrencyLiteral = 171;
static readonly FIND = 172;
static readonly EMAIL = 173;
static readonly NAME = 174;
static readonly PHONE = 175;
static readonly SIDEBAR = 176;
static readonly FIELDS = 177;
static readonly METADATA = 178;
static readonly PRICEBOOKID = 179;
static readonly NETWORK = 180;
static readonly SNIPPET = 181;
static readonly TARGET_LENGTH = 182;
static readonly DIVISION = 183;
static readonly RETURNING = 184;
static readonly LISTVIEW = 185;
static readonly FindLiteral = 186;
static readonly FindLiteralAlt = 187;
static readonly IntegerLiteral = 188;
static readonly LongLiteral = 189;
static readonly NumberLiteral = 190;
static readonly BooleanLiteral = 191;
static readonly StringLiteral = 192;
static readonly NullLiteral = 193;
static readonly LPAREN = 194;
static readonly RPAREN = 195;
static readonly LBRACE = 196;
static readonly RBRACE = 197;
static readonly LBRACK = 198;
static readonly RBRACK = 199;
static readonly SEMI = 200;
static readonly COMMA = 201;
static readonly DOT = 202;
static readonly ASSIGN = 203;
static readonly GT = 204;
static readonly LT = 205;
static readonly BANG = 206;
static readonly TILDE = 207;
static readonly QUESTIONDOT = 208;
static readonly QUESTION = 209;
static readonly COLON = 210;
static readonly EQUAL = 211;
static readonly TRIPLEEQUAL = 212;
static readonly NOTEQUAL = 213;
static readonly LESSANDGREATER = 214;
static readonly TRIPLENOTEQUAL = 215;
static readonly AND = 216;
static readonly OR = 217;
static readonly INC = 218;
static readonly DEC = 219;
static readonly ADD = 220;
static readonly SUB = 221;
static readonly MUL = 222;
static readonly DIV = 223;
static readonly BITAND = 224;
static readonly BITOR = 225;
static readonly CARET = 226;
static readonly MAPTO = 227;
static readonly ADD_ASSIGN = 228;
static readonly SUB_ASSIGN = 229;
static readonly MUL_ASSIGN = 230;
static readonly DIV_ASSIGN = 231;
static readonly AND_ASSIGN = 232;
static readonly OR_ASSIGN = 233;
static readonly XOR_ASSIGN = 234;
static readonly LSHIFT_ASSIGN = 235;
static readonly RSHIFT_ASSIGN = 236;
static readonly URSHIFT_ASSIGN = 237;
static readonly ATSIGN = 238;
static readonly Identifier = 239;
static readonly WS = 240;
static readonly DOC_COMMENT = 241;
static readonly COMMENT = 242;
static readonly LINE_COMMENT = 243;
static readonly SYSTEM = 57;
static readonly USER = 58;
static readonly SELECT = 59;
static readonly COUNT = 60;
static readonly FROM = 61;
static readonly AS = 62;
static readonly USING = 63;
static readonly SCOPE = 64;
static readonly WHERE = 65;
static readonly ORDER = 66;
static readonly BY = 67;
static readonly LIMIT = 68;
static readonly SOQLAND = 69;
static readonly SOQLOR = 70;
static readonly NOT = 71;
static readonly AVG = 72;
static readonly COUNT_DISTINCT = 73;
static readonly MIN = 74;
static readonly MAX = 75;
static readonly SUM = 76;
static readonly TYPEOF = 77;
static readonly END = 78;
static readonly THEN = 79;
static readonly LIKE = 80;
static readonly IN = 81;
static readonly INCLUDES = 82;
static readonly EXCLUDES = 83;
static readonly ASC = 84;
static readonly DESC = 85;
static readonly NULLS = 86;
static readonly FIRST = 87;
static readonly LAST = 88;
static readonly GROUP = 89;
static readonly ALL = 90;
static readonly ROWS = 91;
static readonly VIEW = 92;
static readonly HAVING = 93;
static readonly ROLLUP = 94;
static readonly TOLABEL = 95;
static readonly OFFSET = 96;
static readonly DATA = 97;
static readonly CATEGORY = 98;
static readonly AT = 99;
static readonly ABOVE = 100;
static readonly BELOW = 101;
static readonly ABOVE_OR_BELOW = 102;
static readonly SECURITY_ENFORCED = 103;
static readonly SYSTEM_MODE = 104;
static readonly USER_MODE = 105;
static readonly REFERENCE = 106;
static readonly CUBE = 107;
static readonly FORMAT = 108;
static readonly TRACKING = 109;
static readonly VIEWSTAT = 110;
static readonly CUSTOM = 111;
static readonly STANDARD = 112;
static readonly DISTANCE = 113;
static readonly GEOLOCATION = 114;
static readonly CALENDAR_MONTH = 115;
static readonly CALENDAR_QUARTER = 116;
static readonly CALENDAR_YEAR = 117;
static readonly DAY_IN_MONTH = 118;
static readonly DAY_IN_WEEK = 119;
static readonly DAY_IN_YEAR = 120;
static readonly DAY_ONLY = 121;
static readonly FISCAL_MONTH = 122;
static readonly FISCAL_QUARTER = 123;
static readonly FISCAL_YEAR = 124;
static readonly HOUR_IN_DAY = 125;
static readonly WEEK_IN_MONTH = 126;
static readonly WEEK_IN_YEAR = 127;
static readonly CONVERT_TIMEZONE = 128;
static readonly YESTERDAY = 129;
static readonly TODAY = 130;
static readonly TOMORROW = 131;
static readonly LAST_WEEK = 132;
static readonly THIS_WEEK = 133;
static readonly NEXT_WEEK = 134;
static readonly LAST_MONTH = 135;
static readonly THIS_MONTH = 136;
static readonly NEXT_MONTH = 137;
static readonly LAST_90_DAYS = 138;
static readonly NEXT_90_DAYS = 139;
static readonly LAST_N_DAYS_N = 140;
static readonly NEXT_N_DAYS_N = 141;
static readonly N_DAYS_AGO_N = 142;
static readonly NEXT_N_WEEKS_N = 143;
static readonly LAST_N_WEEKS_N = 144;
static readonly N_WEEKS_AGO_N = 145;
static readonly NEXT_N_MONTHS_N = 146;
static readonly LAST_N_MONTHS_N = 147;
static readonly N_MONTHS_AGO_N = 148;
static readonly THIS_QUARTER = 149;
static readonly LAST_QUARTER = 150;
static readonly NEXT_QUARTER = 151;
static readonly NEXT_N_QUARTERS_N = 152;
static readonly LAST_N_QUARTERS_N = 153;
static readonly N_QUARTERS_AGO_N = 154;
static readonly THIS_YEAR = 155;
static readonly LAST_YEAR = 156;
static readonly NEXT_YEAR = 157;
static readonly NEXT_N_YEARS_N = 158;
static readonly LAST_N_YEARS_N = 159;
static readonly N_YEARS_AGO_N = 160;
static readonly THIS_FISCAL_QUARTER = 161;
static readonly LAST_FISCAL_QUARTER = 162;
static readonly NEXT_FISCAL_QUARTER = 163;
static readonly NEXT_N_FISCAL_QUARTERS_N = 164;
static readonly LAST_N_FISCAL_QUARTERS_N = 165;
static readonly N_FISCAL_QUARTERS_AGO_N = 166;
static readonly THIS_FISCAL_YEAR = 167;
static readonly LAST_FISCAL_YEAR = 168;
static readonly NEXT_FISCAL_YEAR = 169;
static readonly NEXT_N_FISCAL_YEARS_N = 170;
static readonly LAST_N_FISCAL_YEARS_N = 171;
static readonly N_FISCAL_YEARS_AGO_N = 172;
static readonly DateLiteral = 173;
static readonly DateTimeLiteral = 174;
static readonly IntegralCurrencyLiteral = 175;
static readonly FIND = 176;
static readonly EMAIL = 177;
static readonly NAME = 178;
static readonly PHONE = 179;
static readonly SIDEBAR = 180;
static readonly FIELDS = 181;
static readonly METADATA = 182;
static readonly PRICEBOOKID = 183;
static readonly NETWORK = 184;
static readonly SNIPPET = 185;
static readonly TARGET_LENGTH = 186;
static readonly DIVISION = 187;
static readonly RETURNING = 188;
static readonly LISTVIEW = 189;
static readonly FindLiteral = 190;
static readonly FindLiteralAlt = 191;
static readonly IntegerLiteral = 192;
static readonly LongLiteral = 193;
static readonly NumberLiteral = 194;
static readonly BooleanLiteral = 195;
static readonly StringLiteral = 196;
static readonly NullLiteral = 197;
static readonly LPAREN = 198;
static readonly RPAREN = 199;
static readonly LBRACE = 200;
static readonly RBRACE = 201;
static readonly LBRACK = 202;
static readonly RBRACK = 203;
static readonly SEMI = 204;
static readonly COMMA = 205;
static readonly DOT = 206;
static readonly ASSIGN = 207;
static readonly GT = 208;
static readonly LT = 209;
static readonly BANG = 210;
static readonly TILDE = 211;
static readonly QUESTIONDOT = 212;
static readonly QUESTION = 213;
static readonly COLON = 214;
static readonly EQUAL = 215;
static readonly TRIPLEEQUAL = 216;
static readonly NOTEQUAL = 217;
static readonly LESSANDGREATER = 218;
static readonly TRIPLENOTEQUAL = 219;
static readonly AND = 220;
static readonly OR = 221;
static readonly INC = 222;
static readonly DEC = 223;
static readonly ADD = 224;
static readonly SUB = 225;
static readonly MUL = 226;
static readonly DIV = 227;
static readonly BITAND = 228;
static readonly BITOR = 229;
static readonly CARET = 230;
static readonly MAPTO = 231;
static readonly ADD_ASSIGN = 232;
static readonly SUB_ASSIGN = 233;
static readonly MUL_ASSIGN = 234;
static readonly DIV_ASSIGN = 235;
static readonly AND_ASSIGN = 236;
static readonly OR_ASSIGN = 237;
static readonly XOR_ASSIGN = 238;
static readonly LSHIFT_ASSIGN = 239;
static readonly RSHIFT_ASSIGN = 240;
static readonly URSHIFT_ASSIGN = 241;
static readonly ATSIGN = 242;
static readonly Identifier = 243;
static readonly WS = 244;
static readonly DOC_COMMENT = 245;
static readonly COMMENT = 246;
static readonly LINE_COMMENT = 247;
static readonly WHITESPACE_CHANNEL = 2;

@@ -251,0 +255,0 @@ static readonly COMMENT_CHANNEL = 3;

@@ -86,2 +86,3 @@ import { ParseTreeVisitor } from "antlr4ts/tree/ParseTreeVisitor";

import { ContinueStatementContext } from "./ApexParser";
import { AccessLevelContext } from "./ApexParser";
import { InsertStatementContext } from "./ApexParser";

@@ -721,2 +722,8 @@ import { UpdateStatementContext } from "./ApexParser";

* Visit a parse tree produced by `ApexParser.accessLevel`.
* @param ctx the parse tree
* @return the visitor result
visitAccessLevel?: (ctx: AccessLevelContext) => Result;
* Visit a parse tree produced by `ApexParser.insertStatement`.

@@ -723,0 +730,0 @@ * @param ctx the parse tree

"name": "@apexdevtools/apex-parser",
"version": "3.1.0",
"version": "3.2.0",
"author": "Apex Dev Tools Team <> (",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "bugs": "",

@@ -51,3 +51,3 @@ # apex-parser


@@ -57,3 +57,3 @@

"@apexdevtools/apex-parser": "^3.0.0"
"@apexdevtools/apex-parser": "^3.2.0"

@@ -68,3 +68,3 @@ ## Building

Unit tests are executed during the respective package builds. The system tests require both packages to be built, as the js test also spawns the jar version. They use a collection of sample projects located in the [apex-samples]( repository. Follow the README instructions in apex-samples to checkout the submodules or use `git clone --recurse-submodules <repo-url>`. To run the tests:
Unit tests are executed during the respective package builds. The system tests require both packages to be built, as the js test also spawns the jar version. They use a collection of sample projects located in the [apex-samples]( repository. Follow the README instructions in apex-samples to checkout the submodules. To run the tests:

@@ -79,28 +79,6 @@ # Set SAMPLES env var to samples repo location

## History
The tag version of apex-samples used by builds is set in the [build file](.github/workflows/Build.yml).
3.0.0 - Move to @apexdevtools/apex-parser
2.14.0 - Change npm api to replace ANTLRInputStream with CharStream, for Unicode char positions
2.13.0 - Fixes for negative numerics & Currency literals in SOQL
2.12.0 - Replace deprecated ANTLRInputStream, DateTime & Currency literals fixes (contrib Aaron Hurst)
2.11.0 - Fix for SOQL UPDATE VIEWSTAT/TRACKING & removal of class type arguments
2.10.0 - Allow type arguments on Classes (non-standard!)
2.9.2 - Generate .d.ts files
2.9.1 - JVM build and npm dependency updates
2.9.0 - Add SOQL Fields function
2.8.0 - Apex cast priority fix, SOSL & SOQL query format fixes, Added SOQL Date functions
2.7.1 - Bugfix for 'Network' identifier
2.7.0 - Support inline SOSL queries
2.6.1 - Dependency security fixes
2.6.0 - Add SOQL parsing support
2.5.0 - Allow safe navigation operator ?.
2.4.0 - Enable Listener & Visitor use
2.3.0 - Removed modifers from enhanced for loop
2.2.1 - Dependency security fixes
2.2.0 - Parser performance improvements
2.1.0 - Supports trigger parsing and switch statement parsing syntax was corrected
1.0.0 - Initial version
## Source & Licenses
All the source code included uses a 3-clause BSD license. The only third-party component included is the Apex Antlr4 grammar originally from [](, although this version used is now markedly different from the original.

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