0.12.2 [January 9, 2019]
- Icon: Add “application” icon. [#1401]
- Alternate implementation for uniqueId: This improves snapshot testing experience by removing random hashes from components attributes. [#1374] (Warning: You may need to update some snapshots and remove any uniqueId mock.)
- Breadcrumb: Fix automation attribute naming. [#1309] (Warning: You may need to update some tests.)
Breadcrumb change
We have renamed the Breadcrumb.Link automation attribute from this:
<a data-cosmos-key="link">clicky</a>
to this:
<a data-cosmos-key="breadcrumb.link">clicky</a>
Please update your tests (if any) accordingly.
UniqueId helper change
In the past, we used to randomly generate an id for some attributes that were required to link components.
Now we're using a global counter, which will lead to improve snapshot testing since each test is run in an isolated environment, and then each test run will have a fresh and pure start.
If you were using a mock for uniqueId
as a workaround:
jest.mock('../../../core/components/_helpers/uniqueId', () => () => 'abcdef1234')
Please, remove it since is no longer needed.