Bookends Store for @retorquere/zotero-sync
This is a store implementation for,
which allows to export Zotero libraries into Bookends, a MacOS reference
manager from Using Bookend's scripting support via
JSX, Zotero data is added to, or updated in a Bookends library.
This implementation saves all Zotero libraries that are accessible to a given Zotero
API key in a Bookends library, which must be opened during sync. All Zotero library items are
stored in a separate Bookends "group". Zotero collections, notes, and attachments are
not synchronized.
The library allows, among other things, to use Bookends super-fast search to do a
cross-library lookup of reference items, which is not possible with Zotero currently.
Note: This is currently a proof of concept not suitable for production use. Please
let me know if it works for you and open issues / pull requests if it doesn't.
git clone
cd zotero-sync-bookends
cp .env.dist ./.env
npm test
See the test script for an example on how to integrate the library in your project.