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Tools for the creation of manufactured test data for the Australian Consumer Data Right regime

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Consumer Data Right Test Data CLI


The artefacts in this repo are offered without warranty or liability, in accordance with the MIT licence.

The Data Standards Body (DSB) develops these artefacts in the course of its work, in order to perform quality assurance on the Australian Consumer Data Right Standards (Data Standards).

The DSB makes this repo, and its artefacts, public on a non-commercial basis in the interest of supporting the participants in the CDR eco-system.

The resources of the DSB are primarily directed towards assisting the Data Standards Chair for developing the Data Standards.

Consequently, the development work provided on the artefacts in this repo is on a best-effort basis, and the DSB acknowledges the use of these tools alone is not sufficient for, nor should they be relied upon with respect to accreditation, conformance, or compliance purposes.


The CDR testdata CLI can be used to generate manufactured test data for the Consumer Data Right standards. This CLI allows the configuration, through an option file, of a variety of data factories that can be used to generate test files with different characteristics. This project is also designed to allow for additional factories to be added via Pull Request to accommodate different scenarios.

This tool has been created by the Data Standards Body to support participants implementing of the technical standards developed for the Australian Consumer Data Right regime.

The goal of the testdata CLI is to provide support for CDR participants seeking to test their implementations to ensure confidence that they have covered a wide range of possible scenarios liked to be encountered in production scenarios.

CLI Usage

To install the testdata command line tool (testdata) you need to have npm installed. With npm installed run the following command: npm install @cds-au/testdata -g

This will make the CLI available globally.

Test Data Commands

schemavonlyNonePrint out the test data schema currently in use to stdout. This will be the full JSON schema file and allows for the schema to be reused in your own tools or workflowtestdata schema
Output only the version of the schema that the CLI is currently usingtestdata schema --vonly
factoriesNoneNoneList the factories that are currently implemented with a short description of each factory describing its purposetestdata factories
factoryNone<factory-id>, the ID of the factory that documentation is requested forGive detailed documentation for a specific factory including the purpose of the factory, the data that it generates or modifies and the options that it consumes.testdata factory load-static-data
generateNone<opts> the options file for the data generation processRead in the specified options file and generate a data file in the file specified as the destination. The resulting file will contain JSON consistent with the test data schema supported by the CLI.testdata generate options.json data.json Generate test data using the options in the options.json file and output the resulting data to the data.json file.
<dst>, the destination file for the generated output. The contents will always be JSON consistent with the test data schema

Building and running the cli locally

To build the repository and use the library without installing it globally

  1. Install libraries npm install

  2. Build npm run build

  3. Use npm link npm link @cds-au/testdata

Data Generation Process


The data generator utilises one or more data factories and creates data by excuting the individual factories.

This data generation logic does not impose any restrictions on the detailed data contents, it merely relies on a high-level structure which is required to programmatically generate data. In particular, this approach allows for the development and incorporation of data factories, which deliberately generate invalid data.

This high-level structure is depicted in the diagram below.

Test Data Schema Figure 1: ConsumerDataRightTestDataJSONSchema

A single data factory can be designed to generate a complete data set containing all structures defined in ConsumerDataRightTestDataJSONSchema, or generate a one or more specific data structures (eg EnergyAccountData and EnergyInvoiceData). This allows for a great deal of flexibility and reusability.

Run testdata factories to view all currently available factories, and locate the underlying data generation code in the src/facrories directories.

To view a description and the capability of a factory run testdata factory <FACTORY_NAME>

Eg, testdata factory create-customers will return

Supported capabilities include:
    create a customer
    create a set of customers

Most of data factories in this repository will take into account the conditional property dependencies, optional and mandatory requirements, and randonly select enumerated types for each data structure generated. That is, these will generate valid data and this data can be validated against the schemas defined by by the Data Standards Body, eg energy schemas.

A set of valid data factories can be found in this repository (src/factories) grouped by sector (see folders for banking, energy, etc) as well as the common factories (see common folder).

This framework also allows for the deliberate generation of invalid data, which can be usefull for particular test harness configuration. The src\factories\invalid-factories folder contains some examples of such invalid factories

Additionally, the framework can read in a static file and augment this file with additional data. An example of this is the loadStatic factory. More information on data augmentation can be found here.

Generate Data Command

To generate data issue the follwing command.

testdata generate <opts> <dst>

<opts>The options file indicating the factories to execute, in what order and with what options specified.
<dst>The destination file for the generated output. The contents will always be JSON consistent with the test data schema.

Options File

The options file (<opts>) is a mandatory input for the testdata generate command and it has to adhere to the schema defined in the file src\logic\options.ts. This schema defines the hierachical dependencies between factories.

  general?: OptionsGeneral,

  factories?: {
    allDataFactory?: OptionsFactory,

    holdersFactory?: OptionsFactory,
    holders?: [
        count?: OptionsItemCount,

        holderFactory?: OptionsFactory,
        unauthenticated?: {
          banking?: {
            productsFactory?: OptionsFactory
          energy?: {
            plansFactory?: OptionsFactory
          admin?: {
            statusFactory?: OptionsFactory,
            outagesFactory?: OptionsFactory
        authenticated?: {
          customersFactory?: OptionsFactory,
          customers?: [
              count?: OptionsItemCount;
              customerFactory?: OptionsFactory,

              banking?: {
                accountsFactory?: OptionsFactory,
                accounts?: [{
                  count?: OptionsItemCount;
                  accountFactory?: OptionsFactory,
                  balanceFactory?: OptionsFactory,
                  transactionsFactory?: OptionsFactory,
                directDebitsFactory?: OptionsFactory,
                payeesFactory?: OptionsFactory,
                scheduledPaymentsFactory?: OptionsFactory
              energy?: {
                accountsFactory?: OptionsFactory,
                accounts?: [{
                  count?: OptionsItemCount;
                  accountFactory?: OptionsFactory,
                  balanceFactory?: OptionsFactory,
                  invoicesFactory?: OptionsFactory,
                  transactionsFactory?: OptionsFactory,
                  concessionsFactory?: OptionsFactory,
                  paymentScheduleFactory?: OptionsFactory
                servicePointsFactory?: OptionsFactory,
                servicePoints?: [{
                  count?: OptionsItemCount;
                  servicePointFactory?: OptionsFactory,
                  derFactory?: OptionsFactory,
                  usageFactory?: OptionsFactory,

    clientCacheFactory?: OptionsFactory,

    registerCacheFactory?: OptionsFactory

The options file drives the behaviour of the data generation. The process is configured via the existence (or absence) of OptionsFactory properties defined under the factories object. (see options.ts). This will determine the extend of data detail the generate command will create.

An options file can utilise any number of factories. For instance, the samples\options\.json options file utilses a single factory (sse factories\static-factories\simple-ull.ts) to implement a complete data set.

On the other habd, the options file samples\options\create-combined.json utilises a range of individual factories, each with specific configurations to create a complete data set. To create a comprehensive data set run testdata generate <OPTIONS_FILE> <OUTPUT_FILE>

Eg, testdata generate ./samples/options/create-combined.json ./samples/output/combined-data.json

Data Factoroies

The data factories in src/factories contain the code to generate the data taking into account the configuration from the options file. Additional factories can be developed and added to the relevant folder, which will make the factory available to the cli.

A factory (OptionsFactory) can be implemented as a Sequence factory, Weighted factory, or a Single factory.

Factory TypeDescription
OptionsSingleFactoryA single factory which will be executed.
OptionsSequenceMultiple factories which will be executed in sequence. Eg, see UC4
OptionsWeightegMultiple factories of which one will be executed and for the execution the selection is random and based on a weighting. Eg UC6

Additionally, each factory may have factory specific options. These can be used to fine-tune the data being generated. To get the options available for a factory.

testdata factory <FACTORY_NAME>

Eg, testdata factory create-customers will return

This factory supports the follow option fields:

  type:    The type must be either 'person' or 'organisation'. This will determine if a 
           CommonPersonDetail or a CommonOrganisationDetail structure will be created.

General Options

The general section in the options file can be used to capture information about the generated data set.

Should this section does not exists in the options file, the generic template response will be created

    "general": {
        "fileVersion": "1.0.0",
        "standardsVersion": "1.20.0",
        "title": "Automatically generated data file",
        "description": "Test data generated by the CDR Test Data CLI",

Additionally the setting individualFileOutDir can be added to the general options. This will create a folder for each data holder and generated a single file for each customer (CustomerWrapper) in the directory specified. This may be useful in some situations, especially where larger data sets are to be generated.

Data Augmentation

The data generation can augment an existing data file. To achieve this the factories:allDataFactory has to be defined. For instance,a data file with previously generated data may need to be augmented with additional holders (UC5), or a data file with only product exists (unauthenticated) and some customer data needs to be added (UC4), or Client and RegisterRecipient data may exists in a file, but no data holder data. The loadStatic factory can be used to load a static file. The allDataFactory implementation will simply use whatever input file is specified as the base dataset.


The repository contains a number of example options files for each factory in the the src/factories folder. Additionally, below are some typical use cases for this cli and the associated options files required to achieve this.

For each of these example naviate to the root of this repository

Use Case 1 (UC1)

Generate some energy plan data, which is compliant with the CDR. (unauthenticated data)

testdata generate ./samples/options/uc1.json ./samples/output/u1-output.json

Use Case 2 (UC2)

Generate customers, some of them should residential, some of them business customers.

testdata generate ./samples/options/uc2.json ./samples/output/u2-output.json

Use Case 3 (UC3)

Generate a single residential customer with a single energy account.

testdata generate ./samples/options/uc3.json ./output/samples/u3-output.json

Use Case 4 (UC4)

Augment an existing holder structure and add some customers.

testdata generate ./samples/options/uc4.json ./samples/output/u4-output.json

Use Case 5 (UC5)

Augment an existing data file by adding additional holders. Exsiting data rermains as per input file

testdata generate ./samples/options/uc5.json ./samples/output/u5-output.json

Use Case 6 (UC6)

Create a mix of valid and invalid customer data

testdata generate ./samples/options/uc6.json ./samples/output/u6-output.json


Enhancement and bug fix pull requests are welcome in accordance with the contribution policy for the repository.

For additional contribution please ensure that pull requests are fully tested and include updates to documentation.


Package last updated on 19 Nov 2023

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