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@code-dot-org/maze - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.2.0 to 2.3.0


"name": "@code-dot-org/maze",
"version": "2.2.0",
"version": "2.3.0",
"description": "standalone project for the Maze app type",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "main": "dist/main.js",

@@ -220,3 +220,3 @@ const {SVG_NS, pegmanElements} = require('./constants');

if (options.row !== undefined) {
rect.setAttribute('y', getPegmanYForRow(, options.row));
rect.setAttribute('y', getPegmanYForRow(, options.row, this.maze.SQUARE_SIZE));

@@ -244,3 +244,3 @@ rect.setAttribute('width', this.maze.PEGMAN_WIDTH);

if (options.row !== undefined) {
img.setAttribute('y', getPegmanYForRow(, options.row));
img.setAttribute('y', getPegmanYForRow(, options.row, this.maze.SQUARE_SIZE));

@@ -271,3 +271,3 @@ }

rect.setAttribute('x', options.col * this.maze.SQUARE_SIZE + 1 + this.maze.PEGMAN_X_OFFSET);
rect.setAttribute('y', getPegmanYForRow(, options.row));
rect.setAttribute('y', getPegmanYForRow(, options.row, this.maze.SQUARE_SIZE));
var img = document.getElementById(utils.getPegmanElementId(options.type, options.pegmanId));

@@ -277,3 +277,3 @@ var x = this.maze.SQUARE_SIZE * options.col -

img.setAttribute('x', x);
var y = getPegmanYForRow(, options.row) - this.getPegmanFrameOffsetY_(options.animationRow);
var y = getPegmanYForRow(, options.row, this.maze.SQUARE_SIZE) - this.getPegmanFrameOffsetY_(options.animationRow);
img.setAttribute('y', y);

@@ -717,3 +717,3 @@ img.setAttribute('visibility', 'visible');

var clipRect = document.getElementById(utils.getPegmanElementId(pegmanElements.CLIP_RECT, pegmanId));
displayPegman(, pegmanIcon, clipRect, x, y, frame);
displayPegman(, pegmanIcon, clipRect, x, y, frame, this.maze.SQUARE_SIZE);

@@ -726,4 +726,4 @@

addNewPegman(pegmanId, x, y, d) {
addNewPegman(, pegmanId, x, y, d, this.svg);
addNewPegman(, pegmanId, x, y, d, this.svg, this.maze.SQUARE_SIZE);

@@ -23,3 +23,3 @@ const {SVG_NS, pegmanElements} = require('./constants');

x * squareSize - frame * skin.pegmanWidth + 1 + xOffset);
pegmanIcon.setAttribute('y', getPegmanYForRow(skin, y));
pegmanIcon.setAttribute('y', getPegmanYForRow(skin, y, squareSize));

@@ -30,3 +30,3 @@ clipRect.setAttribute('x', x * squareSize + 1 + xOffset);

function addNewPegman(skin, pegmanId, x, y, direction, svg) {
function addNewPegman(skin, pegmanId, x, y, direction, svg, squareSize = 50) {
// Pegman's clipPath element, whose (x, y) is reset by Maze.displayPegman

@@ -56,3 +56,3 @@ const pegmanClip = document.createElementNS(SVG_NS, 'clipPath');

displayPegman(skin, pegmanIcon, clipRect, x, y,
tiles.directionToFrame(direction), squareSize);

@@ -110,3 +110,3 @@

if (subtype.start) {
addNewPegman(skin, undefined, subtype.start.x, subtype.start.y, subtype.startDirection, svg);
addNewPegman(skin, undefined, subtype.start.x, subtype.start.y, subtype.startDirection, svg, squareSize);

@@ -113,0 +113,0 @@

@@ -57,2 +57,4 @@ /**

this.SQUARE_SIZE = null;
this.SVG_WIDTH = null;
this.SVG_HEIGHT = null;

@@ -84,5 +86,14 @@ if (options.methods) {

initWithSvg(svg) {
// Adjust outer element size.
svg.setAttribute('width', this.MAZE_WIDTH);
svg.setAttribute('height', this.MAZE_HEIGHT);
// Adjust outer element size to desired size of overall SVG.
// This may be equal to the 'actual' maze size
// (square size * num_columns x square size * num_rows)
// if no svg size was provided by the skin.
svg.setAttribute('width', this.SVG_WIDTH);
svg.setAttribute('height', this.SVG_HEIGHT);
// Adjust view box. View box width and height are the 'actual' maze dimensions.
// This attribute combined with the width and height will scale the svg to our
// desired size. We want to maintain the top corner location, so the min-x
// and min-y values are set to 0.
// See view box explanation here:
svg.setAttribute('viewBox', `0 0 ${this.MAZE_WIDTH} ${this.MAZE_HEIGHT}`);

@@ -128,3 +139,3 @@ drawMap(svg,, this.subtype,, this.SQUARE_SIZE);

// Pixel height and width of each maze square (i.e. tile).
this.SQUARE_SIZE = 50;
this.SQUARE_SIZE = || 50;

@@ -137,2 +148,5 @@ this.PEGMAN_WIDTH =;

this.SVG_WIDTH = || this.MAZE_WIDTH;
this.SVG_HEIGHT = || this.MAZE_HEIGHT;
this.PATH_WIDTH = this.SQUARE_SIZE / 3;

@@ -139,0 +153,0 @@ }

@@ -11,4 +11,3 @@ import Subtype from './subtype';

// TODO: this should be defined by the level
this.squareSize = 50;
this.squareSize = this.skin_.squareSize;

@@ -38,3 +37,3 @@

* @override
* @override
* Draw the tiles making up the maze map.

@@ -67,3 +66,2 @@ */


@@ -87,8 +85,8 @@ });

addPaint(pegmanId, color) {
const col = this.maze_.getPegmanX();
const row = this.maze_.getPegmanY();
const col = this.maze_.getPegmanX(pegmanId);
const row = this.maze_.getPegmanY(pegmanId);
const cell = this.getCell(row, col);
// TODO: update color on map
this.drawer.updateItemImage(row, col, true);

@@ -102,8 +100,9 @@

removePaint(pegmanId) {
const col = this.maze_.getPegmanX();
const row = this.maze_.getPegmanY();
const col = this.maze_.getPegmanX(pegmanId);
const row = this.maze_.getPegmanY(pegmanId);
const cell = this.getCell(row, col);
// TODO: remove color from map
this.drawer.resetTile(row, col);
this.drawer.updateItemImage(row, col, true);

@@ -110,0 +109,0 @@

@@ -0,4 +1,82 @@

const { SQUARE_SIZE, SVG_NS } = require("./drawer");
const Drawer = require('./drawer')
const tiles = require('./tiles');
const ROTATE180 = "rotate(180)";
const ROTATENEG90 = "rotate(-90)";
const ROTATE90 = "rotate(90)";
const ROTATE0 = "rotate(0)";
const CUT = "cut";
const PIE = "pie";
* This is a helper for creating SVG Elements.
* Groups are created by grid tile, under which paths are nested. These groups
* begin with "g" in the id. By checking for this when determining its position
* within the hierarchy, we can nest these groups just before the pegman,
* ensuring the pegman will appear on top of the paint.
* @param tag representing the element type, 'g' for group, 'path' for paths
* @param props representing the details of the element
* @param parent the parent it should be nested under
* @param id the unique identifier, beginning with 'g' if a group element
* @returns the element itself
function svgElement(tag, props, parent, id) {
var node = document.getElementById(id);
if (!node) {
node = document.createElementNS(SVG_NS, tag);
node.setAttribute("id", id);
Object.keys(props).map(function (key) {
node.setAttribute(key, props[key])
if (parent && id.startsWith("g")) {
let pegmanElement = parent.getElementsByClassName('pegman-location')[0];
parent.insertBefore(node, pegmanElement);
else if (parent) {
return node;
// Path drawing a quarter circle
// --+
// / |
// +---+
function quarterCircle(size) {
let halfSize = size/2;
let quarterSize = size/4;
return `m${halfSize} ${halfSize}h-${halfSize}c0-${quarterSize} ${quarterSize}-${halfSize} ${halfSize}-${halfSize}z`;
// Path of the the slice of a square remaining once a quarter circle is
// removed from it
// +----+
// | /
// +
function cutout(size) {
let halfSize = size / 2;
let quarterSize = size / 4;
return `m0 0v${halfSize}c0-${quarterSize} ${quarterSize}-${halfSize} ${halfSize}-${halfSize}z`
// For creating the groups for each grid location
function makeGrid(row, col, svg) {
let id = "g" + row + "." + col;
return svgElement("g", {
transform: `translate(${col * SQUARE_SIZE + SQUARE_SIZE},
}, svg, id);
* This drawer hosts all paint glomming logic.
* A note on layering paint: If paint is applied on top of existing paint
* (that has not been removed/scraped), portions of the cell might still
* display the first layer of paint. Example: [blue][blue] in layer 1 will
* create a "pill" visual. If the second cell is then painted [yellow], the
* yellow circle will appear on top, with the blue cutouts still visible below.
module.exports = class NeighborhoodDrawer extends Drawer {

@@ -12,2 +90,17 @@

resetTile(row, col) {
let neighbors = [
"g" + row + "." + col,
"g" + (row - 1) + "." + (col - 1),
"g" + row + "." + (col - 1),
"g" + (row - 1) + "." + col
for (const neighbor of neighbors) {
var node = document.getElementById(neighbor);
if (node) {
node.querySelectorAll('*').forEach(n => n.remove());

@@ -25,2 +118,44 @@ * @override

resetTiles() {}
// Quick helper to retrieve the color stored in this cell
// Ensures 'padding cells' (row/col < 0) have no color
cellColor(row, col) {
if (row >= this.map_.ROWS || row < 0) return null;
if (col >= this.map_.COLS || col < 0) return null;
return this.map_.getCell(row, col).getColor() || null;
// Helper method for determining color and path based on neighbors
pathCalculator(subjectCell, adjacent1, adjacent2, diagonal, transform, grid, id) {
let pie = quarterCircle(SQUARE_SIZE);
let cutOut = cutout(SQUARE_SIZE);
let tag = "path";
// Add a quarter circle to the top left corner of the block if there is
// a color value there
if (subjectCell) {
svgElement(tag, {d: pie, stroke: subjectCell, transform: transform, fill: subjectCell}, grid, `${id}-${PIE}`);
// Add the cutout if the top left corner has a color and an adjacent cell
// shares that color, filling in the top left quadrant of the block entirely
if (subjectCell && (subjectCell === adjacent1 || subjectCell === adjacent2)) {
svgElement(tag, {d: cutOut, stroke: subjectCell, transform: transform, fill: subjectCell}, grid, `${id}-${CUT}`);
// Otherwise, if the two adjacent corners have the same color, add the
// cutout shape with that color
else if (adjacent1 && adjacent1 === adjacent2 &&
((!diagonal || !subjectCell) || subjectCell !== diagonal)) {
svgElement(tag, {d: cutOut, stroke: adjacent1, transform: transform, fill: adjacent1}, grid, `${id}-${CUT}`);
// Fill in center corner only if an adjacent cell has the same color, or if
// the diagonal cell is same color and either adjacent is empty
// Note: this handles the "clover case", where we want each
// cell to "pop" out with its own color if diagonals are matching
else if (subjectCell && (adjacent1 === subjectCell || adjacent2 === subjectCell ||
(diagonal === subjectCell && ((!adjacent1 || !adjacent2) || adjacent1 !== adjacent2)))) {
svgElement(tag, {d: cutOut, stroke: subjectCell, transform: transform, fill: subjectCell}, grid, `${id}-${CUT}`);

@@ -36,3 +171,3 @@ * @override


@@ -49,2 +184,48 @@ tileSheetLocation,

* @override
* This method is used to display the paint, so has to reprocess the entire grid
* to get the paint glomming correct
updateItemImage(r, co, running) {
// Because this processes a grid of cells at a time, we start at -1 to allow for
// a 'padding' row and column with no color.
for (let row = -1; row < this.map_.ROWS; row++) {
for (let col = -1; col < this.map_.COLS; col++) {
* In a grid of four cells: top left, top right, bottom left, bottom right
* So if we are painting cell 0, adjacent cells are 1 & 2, diagonal is 3
* +-------+
* | 0 | 1 |
* --------
* | 2 | 3 |
* +-------+
let cells = [
this.cellColor(row, col),
this.cellColor(row, col+1),
this.cellColor(row+1, col),
if (cells[0] || cells[1] || cells[2] || cells[3]) {
// Create grid block group
let grid = makeGrid(row, col, this.svg_);
let id0 = row + "." + col + "." + ROTATE180;
let id1 = row + "." + col + "." + ROTATENEG90;
let id2 = row + "." + col + "." + ROTATE90;
let id3 = row + "." + col + "." + ROTATE0;
// Calculate all the svg paths based on neighboring cell colors
this.pathCalculator(cells[0], cells[1], cells[2], cells[3], ROTATE180, grid, id0);
this.pathCalculator(cells[1], cells[0], cells[3], cells[2], ROTATENEG90, grid, id1);
this.pathCalculator(cells[2], cells[0], cells[3], cells[1], ROTATE90, grid, id2);
this.pathCalculator(cells[3], cells[1], cells[2], cells[0], ROTATE0, grid, id3);

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