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@code-hike/mini-editor - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.3.0--canary.77.6c844fa.0 to 0.3.0--canary.77.7150a39.0



import React from "react";
import { Classes } from "@code-hike/classer";
import { EditorTheme } from "@code-hike/smooth-code/dist/themes";
export { EditorFrameProps, getPanelStyles, Snapshot, OutputPanel, TabsSnapshot, Tab, };

@@ -17,2 +18,3 @@ declare type Tab = {

southPanel?: OutputPanel | null;
theme: EditorTheme;
terminalPanel?: React.ReactNode;

@@ -26,2 +28,3 @@ height?: number;

southPanel?: OutputPanel | null | undefined;
theme: EditorTheme;
terminalPanel?: React.ReactNode;

@@ -28,0 +31,0 @@ height?: number | undefined;



@@ -8,4 +8,4 @@ 'use strict';

var classer = require('@code-hike/classer');
var miniTerminal = require('@code-hike/mini-terminal');
var smoothCode = require('@code-hike/smooth-code');
var miniTerminal = require('@code-hike/mini-terminal');
var useSpring = require('use-spring');

@@ -78,11 +78,103 @@

var ColorName;
(function (ColorName) {
ColorName[ColorName["EditorBackground"] = 0] = "EditorBackground";
ColorName[ColorName["ActiveTabBackground"] = 1] = "ActiveTabBackground";
ColorName[ColorName["ActiveTabForeground"] = 2] = "ActiveTabForeground";
ColorName[ColorName["InactiveTabBackground"] = 3] = "InactiveTabBackground";
ColorName[ColorName["InactiveTabForeground"] = 4] = "InactiveTabForeground";
ColorName[ColorName["EditorGroupBorder"] = 5] = "EditorGroupBorder";
ColorName[ColorName["EditorGroupHeaderBackground"] = 6] = "EditorGroupHeaderBackground";
ColorName[ColorName["TabBorder"] = 7] = "TabBorder";
ColorName[ColorName["ActiveTabBottomBorder"] = 8] = "ActiveTabBottomBorder";
})(ColorName || (ColorName = {}));
var contrastBorder = "#6FC3DF";
// defaults from:
// keys from :
function getColor(theme, colorName) {
var colors = theme.colors || {};
switch (colorName) {
case ColorName.EditorBackground:
return (colors["editor.background"] ||
getDefault(theme, {
light: "#fffffe",
dark: "#1E1E1E",
hc: "#000000",
case ColorName.ActiveTabBackground:
return (colors["tab.activeBackground"] ||
getColor(theme, ColorName.EditorBackground));
case ColorName.ActiveTabForeground:
return (colors["tab.activeForeground"] ||
getDefault(theme, {
dark: "#ffffff",
light: "#333333",
hc: "#ffffff",
case ColorName.InactiveTabBackground:
return (colors["tab.inactiveBackground"] ||
getDefault(theme, {
dark: "#2D2D2D",
light: "#ECECEC",
hc: undefined,
case ColorName.InactiveTabForeground:
return (colors["tab.inactiveForeground"] ||
getDefault(theme, {
dark: transparent(getColor(theme, ColorName.ActiveTabForeground), 0.5),
light: transparent(getColor(theme, ColorName.ActiveTabForeground), 0.7),
hc: "#ffffff",
case ColorName.TabBorder:
return (colors["tab.border"] ||
getDefault(theme, {
dark: "#252526",
light: "#F3F3F3",
hc: contrastBorder,
case ColorName.ActiveTabBottomBorder:
return (colors["tab.activeBorder"] ||
getColor(theme, ColorName.ActiveTabBackground));
case ColorName.EditorGroupBorder:
return (colors["editorGroup.border"] ||
getDefault(theme, {
dark: "#444444",
light: "#E7E7E7",
hc: contrastBorder,
case ColorName.EditorGroupHeaderBackground:
return (colors["editorGroupHeader.tabsBackground"] ||
getDefault(theme, {
dark: "#252526",
light: "#F3F3F3",
hc: undefined,
return "#f00";
function transparent(color, opacity) {
var _opacity = Math.round(Math.min(Math.max(opacity || 1, 0), 1) * 255);
return !color
? color
: color + _opacity.toString(16).toUpperCase();
function getDefault(theme, defaults) {
var _a;
var themeType = (theme.type
? theme.type
: ((_a = === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.toLowerCase().includes("light")) ? "light"
: "dark");
return defaults[themeType];
var EditorFrame = React__default['default'].forwardRef(function InnerEditorFrame(_a, ref) {
var northPanel = _a.northPanel, southPanel = _a.southPanel, terminalPanel = _a.terminalPanel, style =, height = _a.height, button = _a.button, className = _a.className, rest = __rest(_a, ["northPanel", "southPanel", "terminalPanel", "style", "height", "button", "className"]);
var _b;
var northPanel = _a.northPanel, southPanel = _a.southPanel, terminalPanel = _a.terminalPanel, style =, height = _a.height, button = _a.button, theme = _a.theme, className = _a.className, rest = __rest(_a, ["northPanel", "southPanel", "terminalPanel", "style", "height", "button", "theme", "className"]);
var c = classer.useClasser("ch-editor");
return (React__default['default'].createElement(miniFrame.MiniFrame, __assign({ ref: ref, style: __assign({ height: height !== null && height !== void 0 ? height : DEFAULT_HEIGHT }, style), className: c("frame") + " " + className, overflow: "unset", titleBar: React__default['default'].createElement(TabsContainer, { tabs: northPanel.tabs, showFrameButtons: true, button: button, panel: "north" }) }, rest),
return (React__default['default'].createElement(miniFrame.MiniFrame, __assign({ ref: ref, style: __assign((_b = { height: height }, _b["--ch-content-background"] = getColor(theme, ColorName.EditorGroupHeaderBackground), _b), style), className: c("frame") + " " + className, overflow: "unset", titleBar: React__default['default'].createElement(TabsContainer, { tabs: northPanel.tabs, showFrameButtons: true, button: button, panel: "north", theme: theme }) }, rest),
React__default['default'].createElement("div", { "data-ch-panel": "north", className: c("body"), style:, children: northPanel.children }),
southPanel && (React__default['default'].createElement("div", { "data-ch-panel": "south", style: __assign({ display: "flex", flexDirection: "column" }, },
React__default['default'].createElement("div", { className: "ch-frame-title-bar", style: { background: "none" } },
React__default['default'].createElement(TabsContainer, { tabs: southPanel.tabs, showFrameButtons: false, topBorder: true, panel: "south" })),
React__default['default'].createElement(TabsContainer, { tabs: southPanel.tabs, showFrameButtons: false, topBorder: true, panel: "south", theme: theme })),
React__default['default'].createElement("div", { className: c("body"), children: southPanel.children, style: {

@@ -96,3 +188,3 @@ flexGrow: 1,

function TabsContainer(_a) {
var tabs = _a.tabs, button = _a.button, showFrameButtons = _a.showFrameButtons, topBorder = _a.topBorder, panel = _a.panel;
var tabs = _a.tabs, button = _a.button, showFrameButtons = _a.showFrameButtons, topBorder = _a.topBorder, panel = _a.panel, theme = _a.theme;
var c = classer.useClasser("ch-editor-tab");

@@ -103,3 +195,3 @@ return (React__default['default'].createElement(React__default['default'].Fragment, null,

height: "1px",
background: "#151515",
background: getColor(theme, ColorName.EditorGroupBorder),
width: "100%",

@@ -112,3 +204,9 @@ top: 0,

var title = _a.title, active =, style =;
return (React__default['default'].createElement("div", { key: title, title: title, "data-ch-tab": panel, className: c("", active ? "active" : "inactive"), style: style },
return (React__default['default'].createElement("div", { key: title, title: title, "data-ch-tab": panel, className: c("", active ? "active" : "inactive"), style: __assign(__assign({}, style), { background: getColor(theme, active
? ColorName.ActiveTabBackground
: ColorName.InactiveTabBackground), color: getColor(theme, active
? ColorName.ActiveTabForeground
: ColorName.InactiveTabForeground), borderRightColor: getColor(theme, ColorName.TabBorder), borderBottomColor: getColor(theme, active
? ColorName.ActiveTabBottomBorder
: ColorName.InactiveTabBackground) }) },
React__default['default'].createElement("div", null, title)));

@@ -119,2 +217,206 @@ }),

function TerminalPanel(_a) {
var prev = _a.prev, next =, t = _a.t, backward = _a.backward;
var height = getHeight({ prev: prev, next: next, t: t, backward: backward });
return !height ? null : (React__default['default'].createElement("div", { className: "ch-editor-terminal", style: { height: height } },
React__default['default'].createElement("div", { className: "ch-editor-terminal-tab" },
React__default['default'].createElement("span", null, "Terminal")),
React__default['default'].createElement("div", { className: "ch-editor-terminal-content" },
React__default['default'].createElement(miniTerminal.InnerTerminal, { steps: [
{ text: prev || "" },
{ text: next || "" },
], progress: t }),
function getHeight(_a) {
var prev = _a.prev, next =, t = _a.t; _a.backward;
if (!prev && !next)
return 0;
if (!prev && next)
return MAX_HEIGHT * Math.min(t * 4, 1);
if (prev && !next)
return MAX_HEIGHT * Math.max(1 - t * 4, 0);
return MAX_HEIGHT;
var MAX_HEIGHT = 150;
function useTransition(ref, prev, next, t, backward, codeConfig) {
var _a = useSnapshots(ref, prev, next), prevSnapshot = _a.prevSnapshot, nextSnapshot = _a.nextSnapshot;
if (!prevSnapshot) {
return startingPosition(prev, next, codeConfig);
if (!nextSnapshot) {
return endingPosition(prev, next, codeConfig);
// if (t === 0) {
// return startingPosition(prev, next, codeConfig)
// }
if (t === 1) {
return endingPosition(prev, next, codeConfig);
var inputSouthPanel = prev.southPanel || next.southPanel;
var _b = getStepFiles(prev, next, t == 0 || backward), prevNorthFile = _b.prevNorthFile, prevSouthFile = _b.prevSouthFile, nextNorthFile = _b.nextNorthFile, nextSouthFile = _b.nextSouthFile;
var _c = getPanelStyles(prevSnapshot, nextSnapshot, t), northStyle = _c.northStyle, southStyle = _c.southStyle;
var _d = getTabs(prevSnapshot, nextSnapshot,, prevSouthFile === null || prevSouthFile === void 0 ? void 0 :, t), northTabs = _d.northTabs, southTabs = _d.southTabs;
return {
northPanel: {
tabs: northTabs,
style: northStyle,
children: (React__default['default'].createElement(CodeTransition, { codeConfig: codeConfig, prevFile: prevNorthFile, nextFile: nextNorthFile, t: t, parentHeight: northStyle.height })),
southPanel: inputSouthPanel && {
tabs: southTabs,
style: southStyle,
children: (React__default['default'].createElement(CodeTransition, { codeConfig: codeConfig, prevFile: prevSouthFile, nextFile: nextSouthFile, t: t, parentHeight: southStyle === null || southStyle === void 0 ? void 0 : southStyle.height })),
// Returns the t=0 state of the transition
function startingPosition(prev, next, codeConfig) {
var inputNorthPanel = prev.northPanel;
var inputSouthPanel = prev.southPanel;
var _a = getStepFiles(prev, next, true), prevNorthFile = _a.prevNorthFile, prevSouthFile = _a.prevSouthFile, nextNorthFile = _a.nextNorthFile, nextSouthFile = _a.nextSouthFile;
var northHeight = inputSouthPanel
? "calc((100% - var(--ch-title-bar-height)) * " + inputNorthPanel.heightRatio + ")"
: "100%";
var southHeight = "calc((100% - var(--ch-title-bar-height)) * " + (inputSouthPanel === null || inputSouthPanel === void 0 ? void 0 : inputSouthPanel.heightRatio) + " + var(--ch-title-bar-height))";
return {
northPanel: {
tabs: (title) { return ({
title: title,
active: title ===,
style: {},
}); }),
style: {
height: northHeight,
children: (React__default['default'].createElement(CodeTransition, { codeConfig: codeConfig, prevFile: prevNorthFile, nextFile: nextNorthFile, t: 0, parentHeight: northHeight })),
southPanel: inputSouthPanel && {
tabs: (title) { return ({
title: title,
active: title ===,
style: {},
}); }),
style: {
height: "calc((100% - var(--ch-title-bar-height)) * " + inputSouthPanel.heightRatio + " + var(--ch-title-bar-height))",
children: (React__default['default'].createElement(CodeTransition, { codeConfig: codeConfig, prevFile: prevSouthFile, nextFile: nextSouthFile, t: 0, parentHeight: southHeight })),
// Returns the t=1 state of the transition
function endingPosition(prev, next, codeConfig) {
var _a;
var inputNorthPanel = next.northPanel;
var inputSouthPanel = next.southPanel;
var _b = getStepFiles(prev, next, false), prevNorthFile = _b.prevNorthFile, prevSouthFile = _b.prevSouthFile, nextNorthFile = _b.nextNorthFile, nextSouthFile = _b.nextSouthFile;
// getStepFiles return the intermediate files, we need to patch the ending state (2to1south)
var isTwoToOneSouth = !inputSouthPanel && === ((_a = prev === null || prev === void 0 ? void 0 : prev.southPanel) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :;
if (isTwoToOneSouth) {
nextNorthFile = nextSouthFile;
var northHeight = inputSouthPanel
? "calc((100% - var(--ch-title-bar-height)) * " + inputNorthPanel.heightRatio + ")"
: "100%";
var southHeight = "calc((100% - var(--ch-title-bar-height)) * " + (inputSouthPanel === null || inputSouthPanel === void 0 ? void 0 : inputSouthPanel.heightRatio) + " + var(--ch-title-bar-height))";
return {
northPanel: {
tabs: (title) { return ({
title: title,
active: title ===,
style: {},
}); }),
style: {
height: northHeight,
children: (React__default['default'].createElement(CodeTransition, { codeConfig: codeConfig, prevFile: prevNorthFile, nextFile: nextNorthFile, t: 1, parentHeight: northHeight })),
southPanel: inputSouthPanel && {
tabs: (title) { return ({
title: title,
active: title ===,
style: {},
}); }),
style: {
height: southHeight,
children: (React__default['default'].createElement(CodeTransition, { codeConfig: codeConfig, prevFile: prevSouthFile, nextFile: nextSouthFile, t: 1, parentHeight: southHeight })),
function CodeTransition(_a) {
var _b;
var prevFile = _a.prevFile, nextFile = _a.nextFile, t = _a.t, codeConfig = _a.codeConfig, parentHeight = _a.parentHeight;
var htmlProps = __assign(__assign({}, codeConfig === null || codeConfig === void 0 ? void 0 : codeConfig.htmlProps), { style: __assign({ height: "unset" }, (_b = codeConfig === null || codeConfig === void 0 ? void 0 : codeConfig.htmlProps) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : });
return (React__default['default'].createElement(smoothCode.CodeTween, __assign({ progress: t, tween: { prev: prevFile, next: nextFile }, config: __assign(__assign({}, codeConfig), { parentHeight: parentHeight }) }, htmlProps)));
* Get the StepFiles for a transition
* in each panel, if the prev and next active files are the same
* we return the prev and next version of that panel
* if the active files are different, we return the same file twice,
* if backward is true we return the prev active file twice,
* or else the next active file twice
function getStepFiles(prev, next, backward) {
var _a, _b;
// The active file in each panel before and after:
// +----+----+
// | pn | nn |
// +----+----+
// | ps | ns |
// +----+----+
var pn =;
var nn =;
var ps = (_a = prev.southPanel) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :;
var ns = (_b = next.southPanel) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 :;
var pnFile = prev.files.find(function (f) { return === pn; });
var nnFile = next.files.find(function (f) { return === nn; });
var psFile = ps
? prev.files.find(function (f) { return === ps; })
: null;
var nsFile = ns
? next.files.find(function (f) { return === ns; })
: null;
var oneToTwoSouth = !ps && pn === ns;
if (oneToTwoSouth) {
return {
prevNorthFile: nnFile,
nextNorthFile: nnFile,
prevSouthFile: pnFile,
nextSouthFile: nsFile,
var twoToOneSouth = !ns && nn === ps;
if (twoToOneSouth) {
return {
prevNorthFile: pnFile,
nextNorthFile: pnFile,
prevSouthFile: psFile,
nextSouthFile: nnFile,
var prevNorthFile = pn === nn ? pnFile : backward ? pnFile : nnFile;
var nextNorthFile = pn === nn ? nnFile : backward ? pnFile : nnFile;
var prevSouthFile = ps === ns
? psFile
: backward
? psFile || nsFile
: nsFile || psFile;
var nextSouthFile = ps === ns
? nsFile
: backward
? psFile || nsFile
: nsFile || psFile;
return {
prevNorthFile: prevNorthFile,
nextNorthFile: nextNorthFile,
prevSouthFile: prevSouthFile,
nextSouthFile: nextSouthFile,
function getPanelStyles(prev, next, t) {

@@ -224,71 +526,2 @@ // +---+---+

var useLayoutEffect = typeof window !== "undefined"
? React__default['default'].useLayoutEffect
: React__default['default'].useEffect;
function useSnapshots(ref, prev, next) {
var _a = __read(React__default['default'].useState({
prevSnapshot: null,
nextSnapshot: null,
}), 2), _b = _a[0], prevSnapshot = _b.prevSnapshot, nextSnapshot = _b.nextSnapshot, setState = _a[1];
useLayoutEffect(function () {
if (prevSnapshot || nextSnapshot) {
prevSnapshot: null,
nextSnapshot: null,
}, [prev, next]);
useLayoutEffect(function () {
if (!prevSnapshot) {
setState(function (s) { return (__assign(__assign({}, s), { prevSnapshot: __assign(__assign({}, getPanelSnapshot(ref.current, prev)), getTabsSnapshot(ref.current, prev)) })); });
else if (!nextSnapshot) {
setState(function (s) { return (__assign(__assign({}, s), { nextSnapshot: __assign(__assign({}, getPanelSnapshot(ref.current, next)), getTabsSnapshot(ref.current, next)) })); });
return { prevSnapshot: prevSnapshot, nextSnapshot: nextSnapshot };
function getPanelSnapshot(parent, step) {
var _a;
var northElement = parent.querySelector("[data-ch-panel='north']");
var southElement = parent.querySelector("[data-ch-panel='south']");
var bar = parent.querySelector(".ch-frame-title-bar");
return {
titleBarHeight: bar.getBoundingClientRect().height,
northHeight: northElement.getBoundingClientRect()
southHeight: (southElement === null || southElement === void 0 ? void 0 : southElement.getBoundingClientRect().height) || null,
southKey: (_a = step.southPanel) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :,
function getTabsSnapshot(parent, step) {
var _a;
var northTabs = Array.from(parent.querySelectorAll("[data-ch-tab='north']"));
var southTabs = Array.from(parent.querySelectorAll("[data-ch-tab='south']"));
return {
northTabs: getTabsDimensions(northTabs,,
southTabs: getTabsDimensions(southTabs, (_a = step.southPanel) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :,
function getTabsDimensions(tabElements, active) {
if (!tabElements[0]) {
return null;
var parent = tabElements[0].parentElement;
var parentLeft = parent.getBoundingClientRect().left;
var dimensions = {};
tabElements.forEach(function (child) {
var filename = child.getAttribute("title");
var rect = child.getBoundingClientRect();
dimensions[filename] = {
left: rect.left - parentLeft,
width: rect.width,
active: filename === active,
return dimensions;
function getTabs(prevSnapshot, nextSnapshot, northActive, southActive, t) {

@@ -416,231 +649,113 @@ // TODO simplify

function TerminalPanel(_a) {
var prev = _a.prev, next =, t = _a.t, backward = _a.backward;
var height = getHeight({ prev: prev, next: next, t: t, backward: backward });
return !height ? null : (React__default['default'].createElement("div", { className: "ch-editor-terminal", style: { height: height } },
React__default['default'].createElement("div", { className: "ch-editor-terminal-tab" },
React__default['default'].createElement("span", null, "Terminal")),
React__default['default'].createElement("div", { className: "ch-editor-terminal-content" },
React__default['default'].createElement(miniTerminal.InnerTerminal, { steps: [
{ text: prev || "" },
{ text: next || "" },
], progress: t }),
// snapshots
var useLayoutEffect = typeof window !== "undefined"
? React__default['default'].useLayoutEffect
: React__default['default'].useEffect;
function useSnapshots(ref, prev, next) {
var _a = __read(React__default['default'].useState({
prevSnapshot: null,
nextSnapshot: null,
}), 2), _b = _a[0], prevSnapshot = _b.prevSnapshot, nextSnapshot = _b.nextSnapshot, setState = _a[1];
useLayoutEffect(function () {
if (prevSnapshot || nextSnapshot) {
prevSnapshot: null,
nextSnapshot: null,
}, [prev, next]);
useLayoutEffect(function () {
if (!prevSnapshot) {
setState(function (s) { return (__assign(__assign({}, s), { prevSnapshot: __assign(__assign({}, getPanelSnapshot(ref.current, prev)), getTabsSnapshot(ref.current, prev)) })); });
else if (!nextSnapshot) {
setState(function (s) { return (__assign(__assign({}, s), { nextSnapshot: __assign(__assign({}, getPanelSnapshot(ref.current, next)), getTabsSnapshot(ref.current, next)) })); });
return { prevSnapshot: prevSnapshot, nextSnapshot: nextSnapshot };
function getHeight(_a) {
var prev = _a.prev, next =, t = _a.t; _a.backward;
if (!prev && !next)
return 0;
if (!prev && next)
return MAX_HEIGHT * Math.min(t * 4, 1);
if (prev && !next)
return MAX_HEIGHT * Math.max(1 - t * 4, 0);
return MAX_HEIGHT;
var MAX_HEIGHT = 150;
files: [{ code: "", lang: "js", name: "" }],
northPanel: { active: "", tabs: [""], heightRatio: 1 },
function MiniEditorTween(_a) {
var _b = _a.prev, prev = _b === void 0 ? DEFAULT_STEP : _b, _c =, next = _c === void 0 ? DEFAULT_STEP : _c, t = _a.t, backward = _a.backward, _d = _a.codeProps, codeProps = _d === void 0 ? {} : _d, _e = _a.frameProps, frameProps = _e === void 0 ? {} : _e;
var ref = React__default['default'].createRef();
var _f = useTransition(ref, prev, next, t, backward, codeProps), northPanel = _f.northPanel, southPanel = _f.southPanel;
var terminalPanel = (React__default['default'].createElement(TerminalPanel, { prev: prev.terminal, next: next.terminal, t: t, backward: backward }));
return (React__default['default'].createElement(EditorFrame, __assign({ ref: ref }, frameProps, { northPanel: northPanel, southPanel: southPanel, terminalPanel: terminalPanel })));
function useTransition(ref, prev, next, t, backward, codeProps) {
var _a = useSnapshots(ref, prev, next), prevSnapshot = _a.prevSnapshot, nextSnapshot = _a.nextSnapshot;
if (!prevSnapshot) {
return startingPosition(prev, next, codeProps);
if (!nextSnapshot) {
return endingPosition(prev, next, codeProps);
// if (t === 0) {
// return startingPosition(prev, next, codeProps)
// }
if (t === 1) {
return endingPosition(prev, next, codeProps);
var inputSouthPanel = prev.southPanel || next.southPanel;
var _b = getStepFiles(prev, next, t == 0 || backward), prevNorthFile = _b.prevNorthFile, prevSouthFile = _b.prevSouthFile, nextNorthFile = _b.nextNorthFile, nextSouthFile = _b.nextSouthFile;
var _c = getPanelStyles(prevSnapshot, nextSnapshot, t), northStyle = _c.northStyle, southStyle = _c.southStyle;
var _d = getTabs(prevSnapshot, nextSnapshot,, prevSouthFile === null || prevSouthFile === void 0 ? void 0 :, t), northTabs = _d.northTabs, southTabs = _d.southTabs;
function getPanelSnapshot(parent, step) {
var _a;
var northElement = parent.querySelector("[data-ch-panel='north']");
var southElement = parent.querySelector("[data-ch-panel='south']");
var bar = parent.querySelector(".ch-frame-title-bar");
return {
northPanel: {
tabs: northTabs,
style: northStyle,
children: (React__default['default'].createElement(CodeTransition, { codeProps: codeProps, prevFile: prevNorthFile, nextFile: nextNorthFile, t: t, parentHeight: northStyle.height })),
southPanel: inputSouthPanel && {
tabs: southTabs,
style: southStyle,
children: (React__default['default'].createElement(CodeTransition, { codeProps: codeProps, prevFile: prevSouthFile, nextFile: nextSouthFile, t: t, parentHeight: southStyle === null || southStyle === void 0 ? void 0 : southStyle.height })),
titleBarHeight: bar.getBoundingClientRect().height,
northHeight: northElement.getBoundingClientRect()
southHeight: (southElement === null || southElement === void 0 ? void 0 : southElement.getBoundingClientRect().height) || null,
southKey: (_a = step.southPanel) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :,
// Returns the t=0 state of the transition
function startingPosition(prev, next, codeProps) {
var inputNorthPanel = prev.northPanel;
var inputSouthPanel = prev.southPanel;
var _a = getStepFiles(prev, next, true), prevNorthFile = _a.prevNorthFile, prevSouthFile = _a.prevSouthFile, nextNorthFile = _a.nextNorthFile, nextSouthFile = _a.nextSouthFile;
var northHeight = inputSouthPanel
? "calc((100% - var(--ch-title-bar-height)) * " + inputNorthPanel.heightRatio + ")"
: "100%";
var southHeight = "calc((100% - var(--ch-title-bar-height)) * " + (inputSouthPanel === null || inputSouthPanel === void 0 ? void 0 : inputSouthPanel.heightRatio) + " + var(--ch-title-bar-height))";
return {
northPanel: {
tabs: (title) { return ({
title: title,
active: title ===,
style: {},
}); }),
style: {
height: northHeight,
children: (React__default['default'].createElement(CodeTransition, { codeProps: codeProps, prevFile: prevNorthFile, nextFile: nextNorthFile, t: 0, parentHeight: northHeight })),
southPanel: inputSouthPanel && {
tabs: (title) { return ({
title: title,
active: title ===,
style: {},
}); }),
style: {
height: "calc((100% - var(--ch-title-bar-height)) * " + inputSouthPanel.heightRatio + " + var(--ch-title-bar-height))",
children: (React__default['default'].createElement(CodeTransition, { codeProps: codeProps, prevFile: prevSouthFile, nextFile: nextSouthFile, t: 0, parentHeight: southHeight })),
// Returns the t=1 state of the transition
function endingPosition(prev, next, codeProps) {
function getTabsSnapshot(parent, step) {
var _a;
var inputNorthPanel = next.northPanel;
var inputSouthPanel = next.southPanel;
var _b = getStepFiles(prev, next, false), prevNorthFile = _b.prevNorthFile, prevSouthFile = _b.prevSouthFile, nextNorthFile = _b.nextNorthFile, nextSouthFile = _b.nextSouthFile;
// getStepFiles return the intermediate files, we need to patch the ending state (2to1south)
var isTwoToOneSouth = !inputSouthPanel && === ((_a = prev === null || prev === void 0 ? void 0 : prev.southPanel) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :;
if (isTwoToOneSouth) {
nextNorthFile = nextSouthFile;
var northHeight = inputSouthPanel
? "calc((100% - var(--ch-title-bar-height)) * " + inputNorthPanel.heightRatio + ")"
: "100%";
var southHeight = "calc((100% - var(--ch-title-bar-height)) * " + (inputSouthPanel === null || inputSouthPanel === void 0 ? void 0 : inputSouthPanel.heightRatio) + " + var(--ch-title-bar-height))";
var northTabs = Array.from(parent.querySelectorAll("[data-ch-tab='north']"));
var southTabs = Array.from(parent.querySelectorAll("[data-ch-tab='south']"));
return {
northPanel: {
tabs: (title) { return ({
title: title,
active: title ===,
style: {},
}); }),
style: {
height: northHeight,
children: (React__default['default'].createElement(CodeTransition, { codeProps: codeProps, prevFile: prevNorthFile, nextFile: nextNorthFile, t: 1, parentHeight: northHeight })),
southPanel: inputSouthPanel && {
tabs: (title) { return ({
title: title,
active: title ===,
style: {},
}); }),
style: {
height: southHeight,
children: (React__default['default'].createElement(CodeTransition, { codeProps: codeProps, prevFile: prevSouthFile, nextFile: nextSouthFile, t: 1, parentHeight: southHeight })),
northTabs: getTabsDimensions(northTabs,,
southTabs: getTabsDimensions(southTabs, (_a = step.southPanel) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :,
function CodeTransition(_a) {
var prevFile = _a.prevFile, nextFile = _a.nextFile, t = _a.t, codeProps = _a.codeProps, parentHeight = _a.parentHeight;
return (React__default['default'].createElement(smoothCode.Code, __assign({}, codeProps, { code: { prev: prevFile.code, next: nextFile.code }, focus: { prev: prevFile.focus, next: nextFile.focus }, annotations: {
prev: prevFile.annotations,
next: nextFile.annotations,
}, progress: t, language: prevFile.lang, parentHeight: parentHeight })));
* Get the StepFiles for a transition
* in each panel, if the prev and next active files are the same
* we return the prev and next version of that panel
* if the active files are different, we return the same file twice,
* if backward is true we return the prev active file twice,
* or else the next active file twice
function getStepFiles(prev, next, backward) {
var _a, _b;
// The active file in each panel before and after:
// +----+----+
// | pn | nn |
// +----+----+
// | ps | ns |
// +----+----+
var pn =;
var nn =;
var ps = (_a = prev.southPanel) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :;
var ns = (_b = next.southPanel) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 :;
var pnFile = prev.files.find(function (f) { return === pn; });
var nnFile = next.files.find(function (f) { return === nn; });
var psFile = ps
? prev.files.find(function (f) { return === ps; })
: null;
var nsFile = ns
? next.files.find(function (f) { return === ns; })
: null;
var oneToTwoSouth = !ps && pn === ns;
if (oneToTwoSouth) {
return {
prevNorthFile: nnFile,
nextNorthFile: nnFile,
prevSouthFile: pnFile,
nextSouthFile: nsFile,
function getTabsDimensions(tabElements, active) {
if (!tabElements[0]) {
return null;
var twoToOneSouth = !ns && nn === ps;
if (twoToOneSouth) {
return {
prevNorthFile: pnFile,
nextNorthFile: pnFile,
prevSouthFile: psFile,
nextSouthFile: nnFile,
var parent = tabElements[0].parentElement;
var parentLeft = parent.getBoundingClientRect().left;
var dimensions = {};
tabElements.forEach(function (child) {
var filename = child.getAttribute("title");
var rect = child.getBoundingClientRect();
dimensions[filename] = {
left: rect.left - parentLeft,
width: rect.width,
active: filename === active,
var prevNorthFile = pn === nn ? pnFile : backward ? pnFile : nnFile;
var nextNorthFile = pn === nn ? nnFile : backward ? pnFile : nnFile;
var prevSouthFile = ps === ns
? psFile
: backward
? psFile || nsFile
: nsFile || psFile;
var nextSouthFile = ps === ns
? nsFile
: backward
? psFile || nsFile
: nsFile || psFile;
return {
prevNorthFile: prevNorthFile,
nextNorthFile: nextNorthFile,
prevSouthFile: prevSouthFile,
nextSouthFile: nextSouthFile,
return dimensions;
function MiniEditorHike(_a) {
var _b = _a.steps, steps = _b === void 0 ? [] : _b, _c = _a.progress, progress = _c === void 0 ? 0 : _c, _d = _a.backward, backward = _d === void 0 ? false : _d, frameProps = _a.frameProps, codeProps = _a.codeProps;
var prevIndex = clamp(Math.floor(progress), 0, steps.length - 1);
var nextIndex = clamp(prevIndex + 1, 0, steps.length - 1);
var prev = steps[prevIndex];
var next = steps[nextIndex];
var t = clamp(progress - prevIndex, 0, steps.length - 1);
return (React__default['default'].createElement(MiniEditorTween, { frameProps: frameProps, codeProps: codeProps, prev: prev, next: next, backward: backward, t: t }));
files: [
code: { lines: [], lang: "js" },
focus: "",
name: "",
northPanel: { active: "", tabs: [""], heightRatio: 1 },
function EditorTween(_a) {
var _b = _a.prev, prev = _b === void 0 ? DEFAULT_STEP : _b, next =, t = _a.t, backward = _a.backward, codeConfig = _a.codeConfig, _c = _a.frameProps, frameProps = _c === void 0 ? {} : _c, divProps = __rest(_a, ["prev", "next", "t", "backward", "codeConfig", "frameProps"]);
var ref = React__default['default'].createRef();
var _d = useTransition(ref, prev, next || prev, t, backward, codeConfig), northPanel = _d.northPanel, southPanel = _d.southPanel;
var defaultHeight = useDefaultHeight(prev);
var framePropsWithHeight = __assign(__assign(__assign({}, frameProps), divProps), { style: __assign(__assign({ height: defaultHeight }, frameProps === null || frameProps === void 0 ? void 0 :, divProps === null || divProps === void 0 ? void 0 : });
var terminalPanel = (React__default['default'].createElement(TerminalPanel, { prev: prev.terminal, next: (next || prev).terminal, t: t, backward: backward }));
return (React__default['default'].createElement(EditorFrame, __assign({ ref: ref }, framePropsWithHeight, { northPanel: northPanel, southPanel: southPanel, terminalPanel: terminalPanel, theme: codeConfig.theme })));
function clamp(a, min, max) {
return Math.max(Math.min(a, max), min);
function useDefaultHeight(_a) {
var files = _a.files, northPanel = _a.northPanel, southPanel = _a.southPanel;
return React__default['default'].useMemo(function () {
var northFile = files.find(function (_a) {
var name =;
return name ===;
var southFile = files.find(function (_a) {
var name =;
return name === (southPanel === null || southPanel === void 0 ? void 0 :;
var focusedLines = getFocusedLineCount(northFile) + 3.9;
if (southFile) {
focusedLines += getFocusedLineCount(southFile) + 3.9;
var emHeight = focusedLines * 1.5;
return emHeight + "em";
}, []);
function getFocusedLineCount(_a) {
var code = _a.code; _a.focus;
return code.lines.length;

@@ -653,49 +768,3 @@ var defaultSpring = {

function MiniEditor(props) {
if ("northPanel" in props) {
return React__default['default'].createElement(TwoPanelEditor, __assign({}, props));
else if ("active" in props) {
return React__default['default'].createElement(SinglePanelEditor, __assign({}, props));
else {
return React__default['default'].createElement(SingleFileEditor, __assign({}, props));
function SingleFileEditor(_a) {
var _b = _a.code, code = _b === void 0 ? "" : _b, _c = _a.lang, lang = _c === void 0 ? "js" : _c, focus = _a.focus, _d = _a.filename, filename = _d === void 0 ? "" : _d, terminal = _a.terminal, springConfig = _a.springConfig, props = __rest(_a, ["code", "lang", "focus", "filename", "terminal", "springConfig"]);
var step = React__default['default'].useMemo(function () {
var step = {
files: [{ name: filename, code: code, lang: lang, focus: focus }],
northPanel: {
active: filename,
tabs: [filename],
heightRatio: 1,
terminal: terminal,
return step;
}, [code, lang, focus, filename, terminal]);
var _e = useStepSpring(step, springConfig), prev = _e.prev, next =, t = _e.t;
return (React__default['default'].createElement(MiniEditorTween, __assign({ t: t, backward: false, prev: prev, next: next }, props)));
function SinglePanelEditor(_a) {
var files = _a.files, active =, terminal = _a.terminal, springConfig = _a.springConfig, props = __rest(_a, ["files", "active", "terminal", "springConfig"]);
var step = React__default['default'].useMemo(function () {
var tabs = (file) { return; });
var step = {
files: files,
northPanel: {
active: active,
tabs: tabs,
heightRatio: 1,
terminal: terminal,
return step;
}, [files, active, terminal]);
var _b = useStepSpring(step, springConfig), prev = _b.prev, next =, t = _b.t;
return (React__default['default'].createElement(MiniEditorTween, __assign({ t: t, backward: false, prev: prev, next: next }, props)));
function TwoPanelEditor(_a) {
function EditorSpring(_a) {
var northPanel = _a.northPanel, southPanel = _a.southPanel, files = _a.files, terminal = _a.terminal, springConfig = _a.springConfig, props = __rest(_a, ["northPanel", "southPanel", "files", "terminal", "springConfig"]);

@@ -711,3 +780,3 @@ var step = React__default['default'].useMemo(function () {

var _b = useStepSpring(step, springConfig), prev = _b.prev, next =, t = _b.t;
return (React__default['default'].createElement(MiniEditorTween, __assign({ t: t, backward: false, prev: prev, next: next }, props)));
return (React__default['default'].createElement(EditorTween, __assign({ t: t, backward: false, prev: prev, next: next }, props)));

@@ -735,114 +804,3 @@ function useStepSpring(step, springConfig) {

function mdxToSteps(children, settings) {
if (settings === void 0) { settings = {}; }
var steps = [];
children.forEach(function (child, i) {
steps.push(mdxToStep(child, steps[i - 1], settings));
return steps;
var defaultFileName = "index.js";
function mdxToStep(child, prev, settings) {
var _a;
if (settings === void 0) { settings = {}; }
var stepProps = (child === null || child === void 0 ? void 0 : child.props) || {};
var stepChildren = React__default['default'].Children.toArray(stepProps.children);
var separatorIndex = stepChildren.findIndex(function (child) { var _a; return ((_a = child === null || child === void 0 ? void 0 : child.props) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.mdxType) === "hr"; });
var hasTwoPanels = separatorIndex !== -1;
var northChildren = hasTwoPanels
? stepChildren.slice(0, separatorIndex)
: stepChildren;
var southChildren = hasTwoPanels
? stepChildren.slice(separatorIndex + 1)
: null;
var northFiles = (pre) {
return preToFile(pre, prev ? prev.files : [], settings);
var southFiles = southChildren === null || southChildren === void 0 ? void 0 : (pre) {
return preToFile(pre, prev ? prev.files : [], settings);
var prevFiles = (prev === null || prev === void 0 ? void 0 : prev.files) || [];
var files = __spread(prevFiles.filter(function (f) {
return !northFiles.some(function (nf) { return ===; }) &&
!(southFiles === null || southFiles === void 0 ? void 0 : southFiles.some(function (sf) { return ===; }));
}), northFiles, (southFiles || []));
return {
files: files,
northPanel: {
tabs: chooseNorthTabs(prev, northFiles, southFiles),
active: chooseActiveFile(northFiles, prev === null || prev === void 0 ? void 0 :,
heightRatio: 0.5,
southPanel: southFiles && southFiles.length
? {
tabs: chooseSouthTabs(prev, northFiles, southFiles),
active: chooseActiveFile(southFiles, (_a = prev === null || prev === void 0 ? void 0 : prev.southPanel) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :,
heightRatio: 0.5,
: undefined,
function chooseNorthTabs(prev, northFiles, southFiles) {
// old north tabs + new north tabs (except hidden) - new south tabs
var oldNorthTabs = (prev === null || prev === void 0 ? void 0 : prev.northPanel.tabs) || [];
var newSouthTabs = (southFiles || []).map(function (f) { return; });
var newNorthTabs = northFiles
.filter(function (f) { return !f.hidden && !oldNorthTabs.includes(; })
.map(function (f) { return; });
var baseTabs = oldNorthTabs.filter(function (tab) { return !newSouthTabs.includes(tab); });
return __spread(baseTabs, newNorthTabs);
function chooseSouthTabs(prev, northFiles, southFiles) {
var _a;
// old south tabs + new south tabs (except hidden) - new north tabs
var oldSouthTabs = ((_a = prev === null || prev === void 0 ? void 0 : prev.southPanel) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tabs) || [];
var newSouthTabs = (southFiles || [])
.filter(function (f) { return !f.hidden && !oldSouthTabs.includes(; })
.map(function (f) { return; });
var newNorthTabs = (f) { return; });
var baseTabs = oldSouthTabs.filter(function (tab) { return !newNorthTabs.includes(tab); });
return __spread(baseTabs, newSouthTabs);
function chooseActiveFile(panelFiles, prev) {
var _a, _b;
var active = ((_a = panelFiles.find(function (file) { return; })) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : || ((_b = panelFiles[0]) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : ||
if (!active) {
throw new Error("Something is wrong with Code Hike");
return active;
function preToFile(preElement, prevFiles, settings) {
var _a, _b, _c;
var codeElementProps = ((_b = (_a = preElement === null || preElement === void 0 ? void 0 : preElement.props) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.children) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.props) || {};
var lang = (_c = codeElementProps.className) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.slice(9);
var _d = parseMetastring(codeElementProps.metastring || ""), name =, options = __rest(_d, ["name"]);
var fileName = name || (settings === null || settings === void 0 ? void 0 : settings.defaultFileName) || defaultFileName;
var code = codeElementProps.children;
var prevFile = prevFiles.find(function (file) { return === fileName; });
return __assign({ code: code.trim() === "" && prevFile ? prevFile.code : code, lang: lang, name: fileName }, options);
function parseMetastring(metastring) {
var params = metastring.split(" ");
var options = {};
var name = null;
params.forEach(function (param) {
var _a = __read(param.split("="), 2), key = _a[0], value = _a[1];
if (value != null) {
options[key] = value;
else if (name === null) {
name = key;
else {
options[key] = true;
return __assign({ name: name }, options);
exports.MiniEditor = MiniEditor;
exports.MiniEditorHike = MiniEditorHike;
exports.MiniEditorTween = MiniEditorTween;
exports.mdxToStep = mdxToStep;
exports.mdxToSteps = mdxToSteps;
exports.EditorSpring = EditorSpring;
exports.EditorTween = EditorTween;
import "./index.scss";
import { MiniEditorTween, MiniEditorTweenProps } from "./mini-editor-tween";
import { MiniEditorHike, MiniEditorHikeProps, EditorStep } from "./mini-editor-hike";
import { MiniEditor, MiniEditorProps } from "./mini-editor-spring";
import { mdxToStep, mdxToSteps } from "./mdx";
export { mdxToStep, mdxToSteps, MiniEditorTween, MiniEditorTweenProps, MiniEditor, MiniEditorProps, MiniEditorHike, MiniEditorHikeProps, EditorStep, };
import { EditorTween } from "./editor-tween";
import { EditorSpring, EditorProps, EditorStep, CodeFile } from "./editor-spring";
export { EditorTween, EditorSpring, EditorProps, EditorStep, CodeFile, };
import React from 'react';
import { MiniFrame, FrameButtons } from '@code-hike/mini-frame';
import { useClasser } from '@code-hike/classer';
import { Code } from '@code-hike/smooth-code';
import { InnerTerminal } from '@code-hike/mini-terminal';
import { CodeTween } from '@code-hike/smooth-code';
import { useSpring } from 'use-spring';

@@ -69,11 +69,103 @@

var ColorName;
(function (ColorName) {
ColorName[ColorName["EditorBackground"] = 0] = "EditorBackground";
ColorName[ColorName["ActiveTabBackground"] = 1] = "ActiveTabBackground";
ColorName[ColorName["ActiveTabForeground"] = 2] = "ActiveTabForeground";
ColorName[ColorName["InactiveTabBackground"] = 3] = "InactiveTabBackground";
ColorName[ColorName["InactiveTabForeground"] = 4] = "InactiveTabForeground";
ColorName[ColorName["EditorGroupBorder"] = 5] = "EditorGroupBorder";
ColorName[ColorName["EditorGroupHeaderBackground"] = 6] = "EditorGroupHeaderBackground";
ColorName[ColorName["TabBorder"] = 7] = "TabBorder";
ColorName[ColorName["ActiveTabBottomBorder"] = 8] = "ActiveTabBottomBorder";
})(ColorName || (ColorName = {}));
var contrastBorder = "#6FC3DF";
// defaults from:
// keys from :
function getColor(theme, colorName) {
var colors = theme.colors || {};
switch (colorName) {
case ColorName.EditorBackground:
return (colors["editor.background"] ||
getDefault(theme, {
light: "#fffffe",
dark: "#1E1E1E",
hc: "#000000",
case ColorName.ActiveTabBackground:
return (colors["tab.activeBackground"] ||
getColor(theme, ColorName.EditorBackground));
case ColorName.ActiveTabForeground:
return (colors["tab.activeForeground"] ||
getDefault(theme, {
dark: "#ffffff",
light: "#333333",
hc: "#ffffff",
case ColorName.InactiveTabBackground:
return (colors["tab.inactiveBackground"] ||
getDefault(theme, {
dark: "#2D2D2D",
light: "#ECECEC",
hc: undefined,
case ColorName.InactiveTabForeground:
return (colors["tab.inactiveForeground"] ||
getDefault(theme, {
dark: transparent(getColor(theme, ColorName.ActiveTabForeground), 0.5),
light: transparent(getColor(theme, ColorName.ActiveTabForeground), 0.7),
hc: "#ffffff",
case ColorName.TabBorder:
return (colors["tab.border"] ||
getDefault(theme, {
dark: "#252526",
light: "#F3F3F3",
hc: contrastBorder,
case ColorName.ActiveTabBottomBorder:
return (colors["tab.activeBorder"] ||
getColor(theme, ColorName.ActiveTabBackground));
case ColorName.EditorGroupBorder:
return (colors["editorGroup.border"] ||
getDefault(theme, {
dark: "#444444",
light: "#E7E7E7",
hc: contrastBorder,
case ColorName.EditorGroupHeaderBackground:
return (colors["editorGroupHeader.tabsBackground"] ||
getDefault(theme, {
dark: "#252526",
light: "#F3F3F3",
hc: undefined,
return "#f00";
function transparent(color, opacity) {
var _opacity = Math.round(Math.min(Math.max(opacity || 1, 0), 1) * 255);
return !color
? color
: color + _opacity.toString(16).toUpperCase();
function getDefault(theme, defaults) {
var _a;
var themeType = (theme.type
? theme.type
: ((_a = === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.toLowerCase().includes("light")) ? "light"
: "dark");
return defaults[themeType];
var EditorFrame = React.forwardRef(function InnerEditorFrame(_a, ref) {
var northPanel = _a.northPanel, southPanel = _a.southPanel, terminalPanel = _a.terminalPanel, style =, height = _a.height, button = _a.button, className = _a.className, rest = __rest(_a, ["northPanel", "southPanel", "terminalPanel", "style", "height", "button", "className"]);
var _b;
var northPanel = _a.northPanel, southPanel = _a.southPanel, terminalPanel = _a.terminalPanel, style =, height = _a.height, button = _a.button, theme = _a.theme, className = _a.className, rest = __rest(_a, ["northPanel", "southPanel", "terminalPanel", "style", "height", "button", "theme", "className"]);
var c = useClasser("ch-editor");
return (React.createElement(MiniFrame, __assign({ ref: ref, style: __assign({ height: height !== null && height !== void 0 ? height : DEFAULT_HEIGHT }, style), className: c("frame") + " " + className, overflow: "unset", titleBar: React.createElement(TabsContainer, { tabs: northPanel.tabs, showFrameButtons: true, button: button, panel: "north" }) }, rest),
return (React.createElement(MiniFrame, __assign({ ref: ref, style: __assign((_b = { height: height }, _b["--ch-content-background"] = getColor(theme, ColorName.EditorGroupHeaderBackground), _b), style), className: c("frame") + " " + className, overflow: "unset", titleBar: React.createElement(TabsContainer, { tabs: northPanel.tabs, showFrameButtons: true, button: button, panel: "north", theme: theme }) }, rest),
React.createElement("div", { "data-ch-panel": "north", className: c("body"), style:, children: northPanel.children }),
southPanel && (React.createElement("div", { "data-ch-panel": "south", style: __assign({ display: "flex", flexDirection: "column" }, },
React.createElement("div", { className: "ch-frame-title-bar", style: { background: "none" } },
React.createElement(TabsContainer, { tabs: southPanel.tabs, showFrameButtons: false, topBorder: true, panel: "south" })),
React.createElement(TabsContainer, { tabs: southPanel.tabs, showFrameButtons: false, topBorder: true, panel: "south", theme: theme })),
React.createElement("div", { className: c("body"), children: southPanel.children, style: {

@@ -87,3 +179,3 @@ flexGrow: 1,

function TabsContainer(_a) {
var tabs = _a.tabs, button = _a.button, showFrameButtons = _a.showFrameButtons, topBorder = _a.topBorder, panel = _a.panel;
var tabs = _a.tabs, button = _a.button, showFrameButtons = _a.showFrameButtons, topBorder = _a.topBorder, panel = _a.panel, theme = _a.theme;
var c = useClasser("ch-editor-tab");

@@ -94,3 +186,3 @@ return (React.createElement(React.Fragment, null,

height: "1px",
background: "#151515",
background: getColor(theme, ColorName.EditorGroupBorder),
width: "100%",

@@ -103,3 +195,9 @@ top: 0,

var title = _a.title, active =, style =;
return (React.createElement("div", { key: title, title: title, "data-ch-tab": panel, className: c("", active ? "active" : "inactive"), style: style },
return (React.createElement("div", { key: title, title: title, "data-ch-tab": panel, className: c("", active ? "active" : "inactive"), style: __assign(__assign({}, style), { background: getColor(theme, active
? ColorName.ActiveTabBackground
: ColorName.InactiveTabBackground), color: getColor(theme, active
? ColorName.ActiveTabForeground
: ColorName.InactiveTabForeground), borderRightColor: getColor(theme, ColorName.TabBorder), borderBottomColor: getColor(theme, active
? ColorName.ActiveTabBottomBorder
: ColorName.InactiveTabBackground) }) },
React.createElement("div", null, title)));

@@ -110,2 +208,206 @@ }),

function TerminalPanel(_a) {
var prev = _a.prev, next =, t = _a.t, backward = _a.backward;
var height = getHeight({ prev: prev, next: next, t: t, backward: backward });
return !height ? null : (React.createElement("div", { className: "ch-editor-terminal", style: { height: height } },
React.createElement("div", { className: "ch-editor-terminal-tab" },
React.createElement("span", null, "Terminal")),
React.createElement("div", { className: "ch-editor-terminal-content" },
React.createElement(InnerTerminal, { steps: [
{ text: prev || "" },
{ text: next || "" },
], progress: t }),
function getHeight(_a) {
var prev = _a.prev, next =, t = _a.t; _a.backward;
if (!prev && !next)
return 0;
if (!prev && next)
return MAX_HEIGHT * Math.min(t * 4, 1);
if (prev && !next)
return MAX_HEIGHT * Math.max(1 - t * 4, 0);
return MAX_HEIGHT;
var MAX_HEIGHT = 150;
function useTransition(ref, prev, next, t, backward, codeConfig) {
var _a = useSnapshots(ref, prev, next), prevSnapshot = _a.prevSnapshot, nextSnapshot = _a.nextSnapshot;
if (!prevSnapshot) {
return startingPosition(prev, next, codeConfig);
if (!nextSnapshot) {
return endingPosition(prev, next, codeConfig);
// if (t === 0) {
// return startingPosition(prev, next, codeConfig)
// }
if (t === 1) {
return endingPosition(prev, next, codeConfig);
var inputSouthPanel = prev.southPanel || next.southPanel;
var _b = getStepFiles(prev, next, t == 0 || backward), prevNorthFile = _b.prevNorthFile, prevSouthFile = _b.prevSouthFile, nextNorthFile = _b.nextNorthFile, nextSouthFile = _b.nextSouthFile;
var _c = getPanelStyles(prevSnapshot, nextSnapshot, t), northStyle = _c.northStyle, southStyle = _c.southStyle;
var _d = getTabs(prevSnapshot, nextSnapshot,, prevSouthFile === null || prevSouthFile === void 0 ? void 0 :, t), northTabs = _d.northTabs, southTabs = _d.southTabs;
return {
northPanel: {
tabs: northTabs,
style: northStyle,
children: (React.createElement(CodeTransition, { codeConfig: codeConfig, prevFile: prevNorthFile, nextFile: nextNorthFile, t: t, parentHeight: northStyle.height })),
southPanel: inputSouthPanel && {
tabs: southTabs,
style: southStyle,
children: (React.createElement(CodeTransition, { codeConfig: codeConfig, prevFile: prevSouthFile, nextFile: nextSouthFile, t: t, parentHeight: southStyle === null || southStyle === void 0 ? void 0 : southStyle.height })),
// Returns the t=0 state of the transition
function startingPosition(prev, next, codeConfig) {
var inputNorthPanel = prev.northPanel;
var inputSouthPanel = prev.southPanel;
var _a = getStepFiles(prev, next, true), prevNorthFile = _a.prevNorthFile, prevSouthFile = _a.prevSouthFile, nextNorthFile = _a.nextNorthFile, nextSouthFile = _a.nextSouthFile;
var northHeight = inputSouthPanel
? "calc((100% - var(--ch-title-bar-height)) * " + inputNorthPanel.heightRatio + ")"
: "100%";
var southHeight = "calc((100% - var(--ch-title-bar-height)) * " + (inputSouthPanel === null || inputSouthPanel === void 0 ? void 0 : inputSouthPanel.heightRatio) + " + var(--ch-title-bar-height))";
return {
northPanel: {
tabs: (title) { return ({
title: title,
active: title ===,
style: {},
}); }),
style: {
height: northHeight,
children: (React.createElement(CodeTransition, { codeConfig: codeConfig, prevFile: prevNorthFile, nextFile: nextNorthFile, t: 0, parentHeight: northHeight })),
southPanel: inputSouthPanel && {
tabs: (title) { return ({
title: title,
active: title ===,
style: {},
}); }),
style: {
height: "calc((100% - var(--ch-title-bar-height)) * " + inputSouthPanel.heightRatio + " + var(--ch-title-bar-height))",
children: (React.createElement(CodeTransition, { codeConfig: codeConfig, prevFile: prevSouthFile, nextFile: nextSouthFile, t: 0, parentHeight: southHeight })),
// Returns the t=1 state of the transition
function endingPosition(prev, next, codeConfig) {
var _a;
var inputNorthPanel = next.northPanel;
var inputSouthPanel = next.southPanel;
var _b = getStepFiles(prev, next, false), prevNorthFile = _b.prevNorthFile, prevSouthFile = _b.prevSouthFile, nextNorthFile = _b.nextNorthFile, nextSouthFile = _b.nextSouthFile;
// getStepFiles return the intermediate files, we need to patch the ending state (2to1south)
var isTwoToOneSouth = !inputSouthPanel && === ((_a = prev === null || prev === void 0 ? void 0 : prev.southPanel) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :;
if (isTwoToOneSouth) {
nextNorthFile = nextSouthFile;
var northHeight = inputSouthPanel
? "calc((100% - var(--ch-title-bar-height)) * " + inputNorthPanel.heightRatio + ")"
: "100%";
var southHeight = "calc((100% - var(--ch-title-bar-height)) * " + (inputSouthPanel === null || inputSouthPanel === void 0 ? void 0 : inputSouthPanel.heightRatio) + " + var(--ch-title-bar-height))";
return {
northPanel: {
tabs: (title) { return ({
title: title,
active: title ===,
style: {},
}); }),
style: {
height: northHeight,
children: (React.createElement(CodeTransition, { codeConfig: codeConfig, prevFile: prevNorthFile, nextFile: nextNorthFile, t: 1, parentHeight: northHeight })),
southPanel: inputSouthPanel && {
tabs: (title) { return ({
title: title,
active: title ===,
style: {},
}); }),
style: {
height: southHeight,
children: (React.createElement(CodeTransition, { codeConfig: codeConfig, prevFile: prevSouthFile, nextFile: nextSouthFile, t: 1, parentHeight: southHeight })),
function CodeTransition(_a) {
var _b;
var prevFile = _a.prevFile, nextFile = _a.nextFile, t = _a.t, codeConfig = _a.codeConfig, parentHeight = _a.parentHeight;
var htmlProps = __assign(__assign({}, codeConfig === null || codeConfig === void 0 ? void 0 : codeConfig.htmlProps), { style: __assign({ height: "unset" }, (_b = codeConfig === null || codeConfig === void 0 ? void 0 : codeConfig.htmlProps) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : });
return (React.createElement(CodeTween, __assign({ progress: t, tween: { prev: prevFile, next: nextFile }, config: __assign(__assign({}, codeConfig), { parentHeight: parentHeight }) }, htmlProps)));
* Get the StepFiles for a transition
* in each panel, if the prev and next active files are the same
* we return the prev and next version of that panel
* if the active files are different, we return the same file twice,
* if backward is true we return the prev active file twice,
* or else the next active file twice
function getStepFiles(prev, next, backward) {
var _a, _b;
// The active file in each panel before and after:
// +----+----+
// | pn | nn |
// +----+----+
// | ps | ns |
// +----+----+
var pn =;
var nn =;
var ps = (_a = prev.southPanel) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :;
var ns = (_b = next.southPanel) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 :;
var pnFile = prev.files.find(function (f) { return === pn; });
var nnFile = next.files.find(function (f) { return === nn; });
var psFile = ps
? prev.files.find(function (f) { return === ps; })
: null;
var nsFile = ns
? next.files.find(function (f) { return === ns; })
: null;
var oneToTwoSouth = !ps && pn === ns;
if (oneToTwoSouth) {
return {
prevNorthFile: nnFile,
nextNorthFile: nnFile,
prevSouthFile: pnFile,
nextSouthFile: nsFile,
var twoToOneSouth = !ns && nn === ps;
if (twoToOneSouth) {
return {
prevNorthFile: pnFile,
nextNorthFile: pnFile,
prevSouthFile: psFile,
nextSouthFile: nnFile,
var prevNorthFile = pn === nn ? pnFile : backward ? pnFile : nnFile;
var nextNorthFile = pn === nn ? nnFile : backward ? pnFile : nnFile;
var prevSouthFile = ps === ns
? psFile
: backward
? psFile || nsFile
: nsFile || psFile;
var nextSouthFile = ps === ns
? nsFile
: backward
? psFile || nsFile
: nsFile || psFile;
return {
prevNorthFile: prevNorthFile,
nextNorthFile: nextNorthFile,
prevSouthFile: prevSouthFile,
nextSouthFile: nextSouthFile,
function getPanelStyles(prev, next, t) {

@@ -215,71 +517,2 @@ // +---+---+

var useLayoutEffect = typeof window !== "undefined"
? React.useLayoutEffect
: React.useEffect;
function useSnapshots(ref, prev, next) {
var _a = __read(React.useState({
prevSnapshot: null,
nextSnapshot: null,
}), 2), _b = _a[0], prevSnapshot = _b.prevSnapshot, nextSnapshot = _b.nextSnapshot, setState = _a[1];
useLayoutEffect(function () {
if (prevSnapshot || nextSnapshot) {
prevSnapshot: null,
nextSnapshot: null,
}, [prev, next]);
useLayoutEffect(function () {
if (!prevSnapshot) {
setState(function (s) { return (__assign(__assign({}, s), { prevSnapshot: __assign(__assign({}, getPanelSnapshot(ref.current, prev)), getTabsSnapshot(ref.current, prev)) })); });
else if (!nextSnapshot) {
setState(function (s) { return (__assign(__assign({}, s), { nextSnapshot: __assign(__assign({}, getPanelSnapshot(ref.current, next)), getTabsSnapshot(ref.current, next)) })); });
return { prevSnapshot: prevSnapshot, nextSnapshot: nextSnapshot };
function getPanelSnapshot(parent, step) {
var _a;
var northElement = parent.querySelector("[data-ch-panel='north']");
var southElement = parent.querySelector("[data-ch-panel='south']");
var bar = parent.querySelector(".ch-frame-title-bar");
return {
titleBarHeight: bar.getBoundingClientRect().height,
northHeight: northElement.getBoundingClientRect()
southHeight: (southElement === null || southElement === void 0 ? void 0 : southElement.getBoundingClientRect().height) || null,
southKey: (_a = step.southPanel) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :,
function getTabsSnapshot(parent, step) {
var _a;
var northTabs = Array.from(parent.querySelectorAll("[data-ch-tab='north']"));
var southTabs = Array.from(parent.querySelectorAll("[data-ch-tab='south']"));
return {
northTabs: getTabsDimensions(northTabs,,
southTabs: getTabsDimensions(southTabs, (_a = step.southPanel) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :,
function getTabsDimensions(tabElements, active) {
if (!tabElements[0]) {
return null;
var parent = tabElements[0].parentElement;
var parentLeft = parent.getBoundingClientRect().left;
var dimensions = {};
tabElements.forEach(function (child) {
var filename = child.getAttribute("title");
var rect = child.getBoundingClientRect();
dimensions[filename] = {
left: rect.left - parentLeft,
width: rect.width,
active: filename === active,
return dimensions;
function getTabs(prevSnapshot, nextSnapshot, northActive, southActive, t) {

@@ -407,231 +640,113 @@ // TODO simplify

function TerminalPanel(_a) {
var prev = _a.prev, next =, t = _a.t, backward = _a.backward;
var height = getHeight({ prev: prev, next: next, t: t, backward: backward });
return !height ? null : (React.createElement("div", { className: "ch-editor-terminal", style: { height: height } },
React.createElement("div", { className: "ch-editor-terminal-tab" },
React.createElement("span", null, "Terminal")),
React.createElement("div", { className: "ch-editor-terminal-content" },
React.createElement(InnerTerminal, { steps: [
{ text: prev || "" },
{ text: next || "" },
], progress: t }),
// snapshots
var useLayoutEffect = typeof window !== "undefined"
? React.useLayoutEffect
: React.useEffect;
function useSnapshots(ref, prev, next) {
var _a = __read(React.useState({
prevSnapshot: null,
nextSnapshot: null,
}), 2), _b = _a[0], prevSnapshot = _b.prevSnapshot, nextSnapshot = _b.nextSnapshot, setState = _a[1];
useLayoutEffect(function () {
if (prevSnapshot || nextSnapshot) {
prevSnapshot: null,
nextSnapshot: null,
}, [prev, next]);
useLayoutEffect(function () {
if (!prevSnapshot) {
setState(function (s) { return (__assign(__assign({}, s), { prevSnapshot: __assign(__assign({}, getPanelSnapshot(ref.current, prev)), getTabsSnapshot(ref.current, prev)) })); });
else if (!nextSnapshot) {
setState(function (s) { return (__assign(__assign({}, s), { nextSnapshot: __assign(__assign({}, getPanelSnapshot(ref.current, next)), getTabsSnapshot(ref.current, next)) })); });
return { prevSnapshot: prevSnapshot, nextSnapshot: nextSnapshot };
function getHeight(_a) {
var prev = _a.prev, next =, t = _a.t; _a.backward;
if (!prev && !next)
return 0;
if (!prev && next)
return MAX_HEIGHT * Math.min(t * 4, 1);
if (prev && !next)
return MAX_HEIGHT * Math.max(1 - t * 4, 0);
return MAX_HEIGHT;
var MAX_HEIGHT = 150;
files: [{ code: "", lang: "js", name: "" }],
northPanel: { active: "", tabs: [""], heightRatio: 1 },
function MiniEditorTween(_a) {
var _b = _a.prev, prev = _b === void 0 ? DEFAULT_STEP : _b, _c =, next = _c === void 0 ? DEFAULT_STEP : _c, t = _a.t, backward = _a.backward, _d = _a.codeProps, codeProps = _d === void 0 ? {} : _d, _e = _a.frameProps, frameProps = _e === void 0 ? {} : _e;
var ref = React.createRef();
var _f = useTransition(ref, prev, next, t, backward, codeProps), northPanel = _f.northPanel, southPanel = _f.southPanel;
var terminalPanel = (React.createElement(TerminalPanel, { prev: prev.terminal, next: next.terminal, t: t, backward: backward }));
return (React.createElement(EditorFrame, __assign({ ref: ref }, frameProps, { northPanel: northPanel, southPanel: southPanel, terminalPanel: terminalPanel })));
function useTransition(ref, prev, next, t, backward, codeProps) {
var _a = useSnapshots(ref, prev, next), prevSnapshot = _a.prevSnapshot, nextSnapshot = _a.nextSnapshot;
if (!prevSnapshot) {
return startingPosition(prev, next, codeProps);
if (!nextSnapshot) {
return endingPosition(prev, next, codeProps);
// if (t === 0) {
// return startingPosition(prev, next, codeProps)
// }
if (t === 1) {
return endingPosition(prev, next, codeProps);
var inputSouthPanel = prev.southPanel || next.southPanel;
var _b = getStepFiles(prev, next, t == 0 || backward), prevNorthFile = _b.prevNorthFile, prevSouthFile = _b.prevSouthFile, nextNorthFile = _b.nextNorthFile, nextSouthFile = _b.nextSouthFile;
var _c = getPanelStyles(prevSnapshot, nextSnapshot, t), northStyle = _c.northStyle, southStyle = _c.southStyle;
var _d = getTabs(prevSnapshot, nextSnapshot,, prevSouthFile === null || prevSouthFile === void 0 ? void 0 :, t), northTabs = _d.northTabs, southTabs = _d.southTabs;
function getPanelSnapshot(parent, step) {
var _a;
var northElement = parent.querySelector("[data-ch-panel='north']");
var southElement = parent.querySelector("[data-ch-panel='south']");
var bar = parent.querySelector(".ch-frame-title-bar");
return {
northPanel: {
tabs: northTabs,
style: northStyle,
children: (React.createElement(CodeTransition, { codeProps: codeProps, prevFile: prevNorthFile, nextFile: nextNorthFile, t: t, parentHeight: northStyle.height })),
southPanel: inputSouthPanel && {
tabs: southTabs,
style: southStyle,
children: (React.createElement(CodeTransition, { codeProps: codeProps, prevFile: prevSouthFile, nextFile: nextSouthFile, t: t, parentHeight: southStyle === null || southStyle === void 0 ? void 0 : southStyle.height })),
titleBarHeight: bar.getBoundingClientRect().height,
northHeight: northElement.getBoundingClientRect()
southHeight: (southElement === null || southElement === void 0 ? void 0 : southElement.getBoundingClientRect().height) || null,
southKey: (_a = step.southPanel) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :,
// Returns the t=0 state of the transition
function startingPosition(prev, next, codeProps) {
var inputNorthPanel = prev.northPanel;
var inputSouthPanel = prev.southPanel;
var _a = getStepFiles(prev, next, true), prevNorthFile = _a.prevNorthFile, prevSouthFile = _a.prevSouthFile, nextNorthFile = _a.nextNorthFile, nextSouthFile = _a.nextSouthFile;
var northHeight = inputSouthPanel
? "calc((100% - var(--ch-title-bar-height)) * " + inputNorthPanel.heightRatio + ")"
: "100%";
var southHeight = "calc((100% - var(--ch-title-bar-height)) * " + (inputSouthPanel === null || inputSouthPanel === void 0 ? void 0 : inputSouthPanel.heightRatio) + " + var(--ch-title-bar-height))";
return {
northPanel: {
tabs: (title) { return ({
title: title,
active: title ===,
style: {},
}); }),
style: {
height: northHeight,
children: (React.createElement(CodeTransition, { codeProps: codeProps, prevFile: prevNorthFile, nextFile: nextNorthFile, t: 0, parentHeight: northHeight })),
southPanel: inputSouthPanel && {
tabs: (title) { return ({
title: title,
active: title ===,
style: {},
}); }),
style: {
height: "calc((100% - var(--ch-title-bar-height)) * " + inputSouthPanel.heightRatio + " + var(--ch-title-bar-height))",
children: (React.createElement(CodeTransition, { codeProps: codeProps, prevFile: prevSouthFile, nextFile: nextSouthFile, t: 0, parentHeight: southHeight })),
// Returns the t=1 state of the transition
function endingPosition(prev, next, codeProps) {
function getTabsSnapshot(parent, step) {
var _a;
var inputNorthPanel = next.northPanel;
var inputSouthPanel = next.southPanel;
var _b = getStepFiles(prev, next, false), prevNorthFile = _b.prevNorthFile, prevSouthFile = _b.prevSouthFile, nextNorthFile = _b.nextNorthFile, nextSouthFile = _b.nextSouthFile;
// getStepFiles return the intermediate files, we need to patch the ending state (2to1south)
var isTwoToOneSouth = !inputSouthPanel && === ((_a = prev === null || prev === void 0 ? void 0 : prev.southPanel) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :;
if (isTwoToOneSouth) {
nextNorthFile = nextSouthFile;
var northHeight = inputSouthPanel
? "calc((100% - var(--ch-title-bar-height)) * " + inputNorthPanel.heightRatio + ")"
: "100%";
var southHeight = "calc((100% - var(--ch-title-bar-height)) * " + (inputSouthPanel === null || inputSouthPanel === void 0 ? void 0 : inputSouthPanel.heightRatio) + " + var(--ch-title-bar-height))";
var northTabs = Array.from(parent.querySelectorAll("[data-ch-tab='north']"));
var southTabs = Array.from(parent.querySelectorAll("[data-ch-tab='south']"));
return {
northPanel: {
tabs: (title) { return ({
title: title,
active: title ===,
style: {},
}); }),
style: {
height: northHeight,
children: (React.createElement(CodeTransition, { codeProps: codeProps, prevFile: prevNorthFile, nextFile: nextNorthFile, t: 1, parentHeight: northHeight })),
southPanel: inputSouthPanel && {
tabs: (title) { return ({
title: title,
active: title ===,
style: {},
}); }),
style: {
height: southHeight,
children: (React.createElement(CodeTransition, { codeProps: codeProps, prevFile: prevSouthFile, nextFile: nextSouthFile, t: 1, parentHeight: southHeight })),
northTabs: getTabsDimensions(northTabs,,
southTabs: getTabsDimensions(southTabs, (_a = step.southPanel) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :,
function CodeTransition(_a) {
var prevFile = _a.prevFile, nextFile = _a.nextFile, t = _a.t, codeProps = _a.codeProps, parentHeight = _a.parentHeight;
return (React.createElement(Code, __assign({}, codeProps, { code: { prev: prevFile.code, next: nextFile.code }, focus: { prev: prevFile.focus, next: nextFile.focus }, annotations: {
prev: prevFile.annotations,
next: nextFile.annotations,
}, progress: t, language: prevFile.lang, parentHeight: parentHeight })));
* Get the StepFiles for a transition
* in each panel, if the prev and next active files are the same
* we return the prev and next version of that panel
* if the active files are different, we return the same file twice,
* if backward is true we return the prev active file twice,
* or else the next active file twice
function getStepFiles(prev, next, backward) {
var _a, _b;
// The active file in each panel before and after:
// +----+----+
// | pn | nn |
// +----+----+
// | ps | ns |
// +----+----+
var pn =;
var nn =;
var ps = (_a = prev.southPanel) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :;
var ns = (_b = next.southPanel) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 :;
var pnFile = prev.files.find(function (f) { return === pn; });
var nnFile = next.files.find(function (f) { return === nn; });
var psFile = ps
? prev.files.find(function (f) { return === ps; })
: null;
var nsFile = ns
? next.files.find(function (f) { return === ns; })
: null;
var oneToTwoSouth = !ps && pn === ns;
if (oneToTwoSouth) {
return {
prevNorthFile: nnFile,
nextNorthFile: nnFile,
prevSouthFile: pnFile,
nextSouthFile: nsFile,
function getTabsDimensions(tabElements, active) {
if (!tabElements[0]) {
return null;
var twoToOneSouth = !ns && nn === ps;
if (twoToOneSouth) {
return {
prevNorthFile: pnFile,
nextNorthFile: pnFile,
prevSouthFile: psFile,
nextSouthFile: nnFile,
var parent = tabElements[0].parentElement;
var parentLeft = parent.getBoundingClientRect().left;
var dimensions = {};
tabElements.forEach(function (child) {
var filename = child.getAttribute("title");
var rect = child.getBoundingClientRect();
dimensions[filename] = {
left: rect.left - parentLeft,
width: rect.width,
active: filename === active,
var prevNorthFile = pn === nn ? pnFile : backward ? pnFile : nnFile;
var nextNorthFile = pn === nn ? nnFile : backward ? pnFile : nnFile;
var prevSouthFile = ps === ns
? psFile
: backward
? psFile || nsFile
: nsFile || psFile;
var nextSouthFile = ps === ns
? nsFile
: backward
? psFile || nsFile
: nsFile || psFile;
return {
prevNorthFile: prevNorthFile,
nextNorthFile: nextNorthFile,
prevSouthFile: prevSouthFile,
nextSouthFile: nextSouthFile,
return dimensions;
function MiniEditorHike(_a) {
var _b = _a.steps, steps = _b === void 0 ? [] : _b, _c = _a.progress, progress = _c === void 0 ? 0 : _c, _d = _a.backward, backward = _d === void 0 ? false : _d, frameProps = _a.frameProps, codeProps = _a.codeProps;
var prevIndex = clamp(Math.floor(progress), 0, steps.length - 1);
var nextIndex = clamp(prevIndex + 1, 0, steps.length - 1);
var prev = steps[prevIndex];
var next = steps[nextIndex];
var t = clamp(progress - prevIndex, 0, steps.length - 1);
return (React.createElement(MiniEditorTween, { frameProps: frameProps, codeProps: codeProps, prev: prev, next: next, backward: backward, t: t }));
files: [
code: { lines: [], lang: "js" },
focus: "",
name: "",
northPanel: { active: "", tabs: [""], heightRatio: 1 },
function EditorTween(_a) {
var _b = _a.prev, prev = _b === void 0 ? DEFAULT_STEP : _b, next =, t = _a.t, backward = _a.backward, codeConfig = _a.codeConfig, _c = _a.frameProps, frameProps = _c === void 0 ? {} : _c, divProps = __rest(_a, ["prev", "next", "t", "backward", "codeConfig", "frameProps"]);
var ref = React.createRef();
var _d = useTransition(ref, prev, next || prev, t, backward, codeConfig), northPanel = _d.northPanel, southPanel = _d.southPanel;
var defaultHeight = useDefaultHeight(prev);
var framePropsWithHeight = __assign(__assign(__assign({}, frameProps), divProps), { style: __assign(__assign({ height: defaultHeight }, frameProps === null || frameProps === void 0 ? void 0 :, divProps === null || divProps === void 0 ? void 0 : });
var terminalPanel = (React.createElement(TerminalPanel, { prev: prev.terminal, next: (next || prev).terminal, t: t, backward: backward }));
return (React.createElement(EditorFrame, __assign({ ref: ref }, framePropsWithHeight, { northPanel: northPanel, southPanel: southPanel, terminalPanel: terminalPanel, theme: codeConfig.theme })));
function clamp(a, min, max) {
return Math.max(Math.min(a, max), min);
function useDefaultHeight(_a) {
var files = _a.files, northPanel = _a.northPanel, southPanel = _a.southPanel;
return React.useMemo(function () {
var northFile = files.find(function (_a) {
var name =;
return name ===;
var southFile = files.find(function (_a) {
var name =;
return name === (southPanel === null || southPanel === void 0 ? void 0 :;
var focusedLines = getFocusedLineCount(northFile) + 3.9;
if (southFile) {
focusedLines += getFocusedLineCount(southFile) + 3.9;
var emHeight = focusedLines * 1.5;
return emHeight + "em";
}, []);
function getFocusedLineCount(_a) {
var code = _a.code; _a.focus;
return code.lines.length;

@@ -644,49 +759,3 @@ var defaultSpring = {

function MiniEditor(props) {
if ("northPanel" in props) {
return React.createElement(TwoPanelEditor, __assign({}, props));
else if ("active" in props) {
return React.createElement(SinglePanelEditor, __assign({}, props));
else {
return React.createElement(SingleFileEditor, __assign({}, props));
function SingleFileEditor(_a) {
var _b = _a.code, code = _b === void 0 ? "" : _b, _c = _a.lang, lang = _c === void 0 ? "js" : _c, focus = _a.focus, _d = _a.filename, filename = _d === void 0 ? "" : _d, terminal = _a.terminal, springConfig = _a.springConfig, props = __rest(_a, ["code", "lang", "focus", "filename", "terminal", "springConfig"]);
var step = React.useMemo(function () {
var step = {
files: [{ name: filename, code: code, lang: lang, focus: focus }],
northPanel: {
active: filename,
tabs: [filename],
heightRatio: 1,
terminal: terminal,
return step;
}, [code, lang, focus, filename, terminal]);
var _e = useStepSpring(step, springConfig), prev = _e.prev, next =, t = _e.t;
return (React.createElement(MiniEditorTween, __assign({ t: t, backward: false, prev: prev, next: next }, props)));
function SinglePanelEditor(_a) {
var files = _a.files, active =, terminal = _a.terminal, springConfig = _a.springConfig, props = __rest(_a, ["files", "active", "terminal", "springConfig"]);
var step = React.useMemo(function () {
var tabs = (file) { return; });
var step = {
files: files,
northPanel: {
active: active,
tabs: tabs,
heightRatio: 1,
terminal: terminal,
return step;
}, [files, active, terminal]);
var _b = useStepSpring(step, springConfig), prev = _b.prev, next =, t = _b.t;
return (React.createElement(MiniEditorTween, __assign({ t: t, backward: false, prev: prev, next: next }, props)));
function TwoPanelEditor(_a) {
function EditorSpring(_a) {
var northPanel = _a.northPanel, southPanel = _a.southPanel, files = _a.files, terminal = _a.terminal, springConfig = _a.springConfig, props = __rest(_a, ["northPanel", "southPanel", "files", "terminal", "springConfig"]);

@@ -702,3 +771,3 @@ var step = React.useMemo(function () {

var _b = useStepSpring(step, springConfig), prev = _b.prev, next =, t = _b.t;
return (React.createElement(MiniEditorTween, __assign({ t: t, backward: false, prev: prev, next: next }, props)));
return (React.createElement(EditorTween, __assign({ t: t, backward: false, prev: prev, next: next }, props)));

@@ -726,110 +795,2 @@ function useStepSpring(step, springConfig) {

function mdxToSteps(children, settings) {
if (settings === void 0) { settings = {}; }
var steps = [];
children.forEach(function (child, i) {
steps.push(mdxToStep(child, steps[i - 1], settings));
return steps;
var defaultFileName = "index.js";
function mdxToStep(child, prev, settings) {
var _a;
if (settings === void 0) { settings = {}; }
var stepProps = (child === null || child === void 0 ? void 0 : child.props) || {};
var stepChildren = React.Children.toArray(stepProps.children);
var separatorIndex = stepChildren.findIndex(function (child) { var _a; return ((_a = child === null || child === void 0 ? void 0 : child.props) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.mdxType) === "hr"; });
var hasTwoPanels = separatorIndex !== -1;
var northChildren = hasTwoPanels
? stepChildren.slice(0, separatorIndex)
: stepChildren;
var southChildren = hasTwoPanels
? stepChildren.slice(separatorIndex + 1)
: null;
var northFiles = (pre) {
return preToFile(pre, prev ? prev.files : [], settings);
var southFiles = southChildren === null || southChildren === void 0 ? void 0 : (pre) {
return preToFile(pre, prev ? prev.files : [], settings);
var prevFiles = (prev === null || prev === void 0 ? void 0 : prev.files) || [];
var files = __spread(prevFiles.filter(function (f) {
return !northFiles.some(function (nf) { return ===; }) &&
!(southFiles === null || southFiles === void 0 ? void 0 : southFiles.some(function (sf) { return ===; }));
}), northFiles, (southFiles || []));
return {
files: files,
northPanel: {
tabs: chooseNorthTabs(prev, northFiles, southFiles),
active: chooseActiveFile(northFiles, prev === null || prev === void 0 ? void 0 :,
heightRatio: 0.5,
southPanel: southFiles && southFiles.length
? {
tabs: chooseSouthTabs(prev, northFiles, southFiles),
active: chooseActiveFile(southFiles, (_a = prev === null || prev === void 0 ? void 0 : prev.southPanel) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 :,
heightRatio: 0.5,
: undefined,
function chooseNorthTabs(prev, northFiles, southFiles) {
// old north tabs + new north tabs (except hidden) - new south tabs
var oldNorthTabs = (prev === null || prev === void 0 ? void 0 : prev.northPanel.tabs) || [];
var newSouthTabs = (southFiles || []).map(function (f) { return; });
var newNorthTabs = northFiles
.filter(function (f) { return !f.hidden && !oldNorthTabs.includes(; })
.map(function (f) { return; });
var baseTabs = oldNorthTabs.filter(function (tab) { return !newSouthTabs.includes(tab); });
return __spread(baseTabs, newNorthTabs);
function chooseSouthTabs(prev, northFiles, southFiles) {
var _a;
// old south tabs + new south tabs (except hidden) - new north tabs
var oldSouthTabs = ((_a = prev === null || prev === void 0 ? void 0 : prev.southPanel) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tabs) || [];
var newSouthTabs = (southFiles || [])
.filter(function (f) { return !f.hidden && !oldSouthTabs.includes(; })
.map(function (f) { return; });
var newNorthTabs = (f) { return; });
var baseTabs = oldSouthTabs.filter(function (tab) { return !newNorthTabs.includes(tab); });
return __spread(baseTabs, newSouthTabs);
function chooseActiveFile(panelFiles, prev) {
var _a, _b;
var active = ((_a = panelFiles.find(function (file) { return; })) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : || ((_b = panelFiles[0]) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : ||
if (!active) {
throw new Error("Something is wrong with Code Hike");
return active;
function preToFile(preElement, prevFiles, settings) {
var _a, _b, _c;
var codeElementProps = ((_b = (_a = preElement === null || preElement === void 0 ? void 0 : preElement.props) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.children) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.props) || {};
var lang = (_c = codeElementProps.className) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.slice(9);
var _d = parseMetastring(codeElementProps.metastring || ""), name =, options = __rest(_d, ["name"]);
var fileName = name || (settings === null || settings === void 0 ? void 0 : settings.defaultFileName) || defaultFileName;
var code = codeElementProps.children;
var prevFile = prevFiles.find(function (file) { return === fileName; });
return __assign({ code: code.trim() === "" && prevFile ? prevFile.code : code, lang: lang, name: fileName }, options);
function parseMetastring(metastring) {
var params = metastring.split(" ");
var options = {};
var name = null;
params.forEach(function (param) {
var _a = __read(param.split("="), 2), key = _a[0], value = _a[1];
if (value != null) {
options[key] = value;
else if (name === null) {
name = key;
else {
options[key] = true;
return __assign({ name: name }, options);
export { MiniEditor, MiniEditorHike, MiniEditorTween, mdxToStep, mdxToSteps };
export { EditorSpring, EditorTween };
"name": "@code-hike/mini-editor",
"version": "0.3.0--canary.77.6c844fa.0",
"version": "0.3.0--canary.77.7150a39.0",
"main": "dist/index.cjs.js",

@@ -15,3 +15,3 @@ "typings": "dist/index.d.ts",

"devDependencies": {
"@code-hike/script": "0.3.0--canary.77.6c844fa.0",
"@code-hike/script": "0.3.0--canary.77.7150a39.0",
"@types/react": "^16.9.38",

@@ -21,10 +21,10 @@ "react": "^16.13.1"

"dependencies": {
"@code-hike/classer": "0.3.0--canary.77.6c844fa.0",
"@code-hike/mini-frame": "0.3.0--canary.77.6c844fa.0",
"@code-hike/mini-terminal": "0.3.0--canary.77.6c844fa.0",
"@code-hike/smooth-code": "0.3.0--canary.77.6c844fa.0",
"@code-hike/classer": "0.3.0--canary.77.7150a39.0",
"@code-hike/mini-frame": "0.3.0--canary.77.7150a39.0",
"@code-hike/mini-terminal": "0.3.0--canary.77.7150a39.0",
"@code-hike/smooth-code": "0.3.0--canary.77.7150a39.0",
"use-spring": "^0.2.3"
"peerDependencies": {
"react": ">=16.8"
"react": "^16.8.3 || ^17 || ^18"

@@ -45,3 +45,3 @@ "keywords": [

"gitHead": "6c844fa2ccfc2fa1368e7b26b2a903f70aa3eee6"
"gitHead": "7150a3912c39850db726e4c1a30c9655b7d14525"

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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