CLI for Dek
What does the CLI do?
- Create a base project
- Has an optional base skeleton to facilitate the development (https://github.com/dekproject/boostrap)
- Installs development components (cross-env, nodemon, babel, etc)
- Configure Babel for ES6 (client and server)
- It has plugins for basic services (mongodb, redis, etc)
- Be happy =)
To start using the CLI you will first need to download in NPM using the following command
$ npm i -g @dekproject/cli
Create new project
$ dek init
The CLI will ask you some questions for configuring the package.json and .git.
? What is the name of the project? myproject
? What is the author's name?
? What is the project description? Another DEK project
? What is the version of the project? 1.0.0
? Directory for your project: /media/Dek/CLI/myproject
? What is the repository of this project? https://github.com/dekproject/CLI
? Do you want to use default skeleton? [Yes/No]
What does the skeleton do?
For more information access: https://github.com/dekproject/boostrap
Dev mode
To start the project in development mode just enter the following commands:
$ cd myproject
$ yarn dev
To build both the server and the frontend files, simply enter the following command
$ yarn build
We recommend that for production be configured using the DEK publish function, but if you want to perform all configuration manually, just use the following commands:
$ yarn start
To install plugins manually use the command:
$ dek install mongodb redis
New Plugin
To create a new plugin run the following command:
$ dek new plugin
$ dek [help/h/?]