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Use speech-to-text and/or word prediction to support writers' needs. Runs on any Chromium, Safari, or Firefox based browser that supports WebAssembly.

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Co:Writer® SDK for Web

Add accessibility/accommodation tools for writing quickly and easily.

Use speech-to-text and/or word prediction to support writers' needs. Runs on any Chromium, Safari, or Firefox based browser that supports WebAssembly.

Where is Co:Writer SDK hosted

Co:Writer SDK can be used directly from Don Johnston Inc. CDN, or it can be hosted on integrator's CDN.

Snippet for Don Johnston Inc. CDN:

<script src=""></script>

Snippet for integrator's CDN:

<script src="<YOUR-CUSTOM-PATH>/cowriter.js""></script>

Example of Co:Writer SDK basic integration into a web page

<script src="<YOUR-CUSTOM-PATH>/cowriter.js"></script>


        sdkMode: true

Example of Co:Writer SDK basic integration without DOM scanning

<script src="<YOUR-CUSTOM-PATH>/cowriter.js"></script>

    const Config = {
        sdkMode: true,
        features: {
            autoScan: false,            // Auto detect the editable fields by scanning the DOM. Default value is true.

    async function runWorkflow() {

        await dji.cowriter.initialize(Config);

        await dji.cowriter.enable();

        await dji.cowriter.attach(document.querySelector("#some-editor-id"));

        // ... and later

        await dji.cowriter.detach(document.querySelector("#some-editor-id"));

        await dji.cowriter.disable();

Example of Co:Writer SDK integration using all config parameters

<script src="<YOUR-CUSTOM-PATH>/cowriter.js"></script>

    const Config = {
        sdkMode: true,
        language: "en-US",  // Prediction and TTS language. Possible values are: "en-US", "es-ES". Default value is "en-US".
        features: {
            autoScan: true,             // Auto detect the editable fields by scanning the DOM. Default value is true.
            prediction: true,           // Activate or deactivate the Word Prediction feature. Possible values are: true, false. Default value is true.
            tts: true,                  // Activate or deactivate the TTS feature. Possible values are: true, false. Default value is true.
            speechRecognition: true     // Activate or deactivate the Speech Recognition feature. Possible values are: true, false. Default value is true.
        settings: {
            prediction: {
                mode:               "advanced", // Prediction mode. Possible values are: "basic", "advanced". Default value is "advanced".
                mainDictionary:     "40k",      // Prediction main dictionary. Possible values are "40k", "12k", "6k", "3k", "1k", "0k". Default value is "40k".
                guesses:            5,          // The maximum number of displayed guesses. Possible values are between 1 and 9. Default value is 5.
                momentaryTopic:     true,       // Predict from page. Default value is true.
                ahead:              true,       // Predict ahead. Default value is true.
                flexibleSpelling:   true,       // Flexible spelling. Default value is true.
                grammar:            true,       // Grammar. Default value is true.
                autoCapitalization: false       // Auto capitalization. Default value is false.
            predictionWindow: {
                fontFamily:         "Verdana",  // Font family. Default value is "Verdana".
                fontSize:           24,         // Font size, in percents. Possible values are between 0% and 100%. Default value is 24%.
                textColor:          "#000000",  // Text color, in hexadecimal format. Default value is "#000000" (white).
                backgroundColor:    "#FFFFFF"   // Background color, in hexadecimal format. Default value is "#FFFFFF" (black).
            speech: {
                voice:      null,   // Voice name. Can be any supported voice name. Default is null.
                volume:     100,    // Speech volume, in percents. Possible values are between 0% and 100%. Default value is 100%.
                rate:       50,     // Speech rate, in percents. Possible values are between 0% and 100%. Default value is 50%.
                pitch:      50,     // Speech pitch, in percents. Possible values are between 0% and 100%. Default value is 50%.
                letters:    false,  // Speak the typed letter. Default value is false.
                words:      true,   // Speak the typed word. Default value is true.
                sentences:  true,   // Speak the typed sentence. Default value is true.

    async function runWorkflow() {

        await dji.cowriter.initialize(Config);

        await dji.cowriter.enable();

        // If you set Config.features.autoScan to false, you can programmatically attach Co:Writer to text editors.
        // await dji.cowriter.attach(document.querySelector("#some-editor-id"));

        // ... and later

        // If you set Config.features.autoScan to false, you can programmatically detach Co:Writer from text editors.
        // await dji.cowriter.detach(document.querySelector("#some-editor-id"));

        await dji.cowriter.disable();


Co:Writer SDK API


Set the license key for Co:Writer SDK.

ParameterTypeOptionalDescriptionPossible valuesDefault value
licenseKeyStringNoThe license key.--


  • dji.cowriter.initialize(...) must be called before with features.autoScan set to false.

async dji.cowriter.initialize(config)

Initialize Co:Writer SDK with the desired configuration.

ParameterTypeOptionalDescriptionPossible valuesDefault value
configObjectNoAn object with one or more of the following properties:--
config.sdkModeBooleanNoInitialize Co:Writer SDK to work as a standalone SDK.-false
config.sdkRootStringYes*The location of Co:Writer SDK. It can be an absolute location or a relative location to the current web page.
* If cowriter.js is loaded using eval, than this parameter must be set.
Example: ""
[config.language]StringYesPrediction and TTS language.en-US, es-ESen-US
[config.features]ObjectYesCo:Writer main features.-undefined
[config.features.autoScan]BooleanYesAuto detect the editable fields by scanning the DOM.-true
[config.features.showIconForAttachedEditors]BooleanYesWhen autoScan is set to false, this flag controls the CoWriter icon visibility when attached editors gain focus. When autoScan is set to true, this flag is ignored.-false
[config.features.prediction]BooleanYesActivate or deactivate the Word Prediction feature.-true
[config.features.tts]BooleanYesActivate or deactivate the TTS feature.-true
[config.features.speechRecognition]BooleanYesActivate or deactivate the Speech Recognition feature.-true
[config.settings]ObjectYesCo:Writer main settings.-undefined
[config.settings.prediction]ObjectYesCo:Writer prediction settings.-undefined
[config.settings.prediction.mainDictionary]StringYesPrediction mode. The basic mode is available only for English.basic, advancedadvanced
[config.settings.prediction.mode]StringYesPrediction main dictionary.40k, 12k, 6k, 3k, 1k, 0k40k
[config.settings.prediction.guesses]NumberYesThe maximum number of displayed guesses.[1..9]5
[config.settings.prediction.momentaryTopic]BooleanYesPredict from page.-true
[config.settings.prediction.ahead]BooleanYesPredict ahead.-true
[config.settings.prediction.flexibleSpelling]BooleanYesFlexible spelling.-true
[config.settings.prediction.autoCapitalization]BooleanYesAuto capitalization.-true
[config.settings.predictionWindow]ObjectYesCo:Writer prediction window settings.-undefined
[config.settings.predictionWindow.fontFamily]StringYesFont family.Any supported font family.Verdana
[config.settings.predictionWindow.fontSize]NumberYesFont size, in percents.[0%..100%]24%
[config.settings.predictionWindow.textColor]StringYesText color, in hexadecimal format.Any supported color.#000000
[config.settings.predictionWindow.backgroundColor]StringYesBackground color, in hexadecimal format.Any supported color.#FFFFFF
[config.settings.speech]ObjectYesCo:Writer speech settings.-undefined
[config.settings.speech.voice]StringYesVoice name.Any supported voice name.No default value. We used whatever the default voice is.
[config.settings.speech.volume]NumberYesSpeech volume, in percents.[0%..100%]100%
[config.settings.speech.rate]NumberYesSpeech rate, in percents.[0%..100%]50%
[config.settings.speech.pitch]NumberYesSpeech pitch, in percents.[0%..100%]50%
[config.settings.speech.letters]BooleanYesSpeak the typed letter.-false
[config.settings.speech.words]BooleanYesSpeak the typed word.-true
[config.settings.speech.sentences]BooleanYesSpeak the typed sentence.-true

async dji.cowriter.enable()

Enable Co:Writer in a web page.

When Co:Writer is enabled, its icon will be displayed when an editor has focus, and the users can turn it on/off.


  • dji.cowriter.initialize(...) must be called before.
  • if Co:Writer has been initialized with features.autoScan set to false, the icon will not appear.

async dji.cowriter.disable()

Disable Co:Writer in a web page.

When Co:Writer is disabled, its icon will NOT be displayed, and the users don't have access to it. Also, its Web Worker is not running.


  • dji.cowriter.initialize(...) must be called before.

async dji.cowriter.attach(targets)

Attach Co:Writer to some editors in the current web page.

ParameterTypeOptionalDescriptionPossible valuesDefault value
targetsHTMLElement,String,[HTMLElement,string]NoThe targets can be a HTMLElement, a selector, or an array of HTMLElements and selectors.--


  • dji.cowriter.initialize(...) must be called before with features.autoScan set to false.

async dji.cowriter.detach(targets)

Detach Co:Writer from some editors, or all editors, in the current web page.

ParameterTypeOptionalDescriptionPossible valuesDefault value
[targets]HTMLElement,String,[HTMLElement,string]YesThe targets can be a HTMLElement, a selector, or an array of HTMLElements and selectors. If not specified, Co:writer will be detached from all attached editors.--


  • dji.cowriter.initialize(...) must be called before with features.autoScan set to false.

async dji.cowriter.resetState()

Reset the state of the prediction engine.


  • dji.cowriter.initialize(...) must be called before.


Update Co:Writer features.

ParameterTypeOptionalDescriptionPossible valuesDefault value
featuresObjectNoAn object with one or more of the following properties:--
[features.prediction]BooleanYesActivate or deactivate the Word Prediction feature.-true
[features.tts]BooleanYesActivate or deactivate the TTS feature.-true
[features.speechRecognition]BooleanYesActivate or deactivate the Speech Recognition feature.-true


  • dji.cowriter.initialize(...) must be called before.

Customize the position of the Co:Writer icon

The position of the Co:Writer icon can be customized using the CSS variables in the example below.

:root {
    --dji-cowriter-sdk-position-bottom: 20px;
    --dji-cowriter-sdk-position-right: 20px;

Terms and Conditions

See Terms and Conditions: Co:Writer® SDK for Web in file.


Co:Writer SDK is a commercial product, and licensing arrangements can be made through Don Johnston Incorporated. We're happy to work with you to evaluate the integration into your product(s). Please email with the subject line of "CW SDK" to get started.

© 2022 Don Johnston Inc.



Last updated on 15 Apr 2024

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