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@eternaljs/user-agent - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.3 to 1.0.4



@@ -1,40 +0,8 @@

export declare class UserAgent {
version: string;
_Versions: {
[key: string]: RegExp;
_Browsers: {
[key: string]: RegExp;
_OS: {
[key: string]: RegExp;
_Platform: {
[key: string]: RegExp;
DefaultAgent: any;
Agent: any;
getBrowser(userAgent: string): string;
getBrowserVersion(userAgent: string): string;
getWechatVersion(userAgent: string): string;
getElectronVersion(string: string): string;
getOS(userAgent: string): string;
getPlatform(string: string): string;
testCompatibilityMode(): void;
testSilk(): string | boolean;
testKindleFire(): string | boolean;
testCaptiveNetwork(): string | boolean;
reset(): UserAgent;
testMobile(): void;
testTablet(): void;
testNginxGeoIP(headers: {
[key: string]: string;
}): UserAgent;
testBot(): void;
testSmartTV(): void;
testAndroidTablet(): void;
testWebkit(): void;
testWechat(): void;
parse(source: string): any;
export declare function userAgent(agent: string): {
browser: any;
version: any;
os: any;
platform: any;
source: any;
type: string;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.UserAgent = void 0;
const bots_1 = require("./bots");
const IS_BOT_REGEXP = new RegExp('^.*(' + bots_1.BOTS.join('|') + ').*$');
class UserAgent {
constructor() {
this.version = '1.0.15';
this._Versions = {
Edge: /(?:edge|edga|edgios|edg)\/([\d\w\.\-]+)/i,
Firefox: /(?:firefox|fxios)\/([\d\w\.\-]+)/i,
IE: /msie\s([\d\.]+[\d])|trident\/\d+\.\d+;.*[rv:]+(\d+\.\d)/i,
Chrome: /(?:chrome|crios)\/([\d\w\.\-]+)/i,
Chromium: /chromium\/([\d\w\.\-]+)/i,
Safari: /(version|safari)\/([\d\w\.\-]+)/i,
Opera: /version\/([\d\w\.\-]+)|OPR\/([\d\w\.\-]+)/i,
Ps3: /([\d\w\.\-]+)\)\s*$/i,
Psp: /([\d\w\.\-]+)\)?\s*$/i,
Amaya: /amaya\/([\d\w\.\-]+)/i,
SeaMonkey: /seamonkey\/([\d\w\.\-]+)/i,
OmniWeb: /omniweb\/v([\d\w\.\-]+)/i,
Flock: /flock\/([\d\w\.\-]+)/i,
Epiphany: /epiphany\/([\d\w\.\-]+)/i,
WinJs: /msapphost\/([\d\w\.\-]+)/i,
PhantomJS: /phantomjs\/([\d\w\.\-]+)/i,
AlamoFire: /alamofire\/([\d\w\.\-]+)/i,
UC: /ucbrowser\/([\d\w\.]+)/i,
Facebook: /FBAV\/([\d\w\.]+)/i,
WebKit: /applewebkit\/([\d\w\.]+)/i,
Wechat: /micromessenger\/([\d\w\.]+)/i,
Electron: /Electron\/([\d\w\.]+)/i,
this._Browsers = {
YaBrowser: /yabrowser/i,
Edge: /edge|edga|edgios|edg/i,
Amaya: /amaya/i,
Konqueror: /konqueror/i,
Epiphany: /epiphany/i,
SeaMonkey: /seamonkey/i,
Flock: /flock/i,
OmniWeb: /omniweb/i,
Chromium: /chromium/i,
Chrome: /chrome|crios/i,
Safari: /safari/i,
IE: /msie|trident/i,
Opera: /opera|OPR\//i,
PS3: /playstation 3/i,
PSP: /playstation portable/i,
Firefox: /firefox|fxios/i,
WinJs: /msapphost/i,
PhantomJS: /phantomjs/i,
AlamoFire: /alamofire/i,
UC: /UCBrowser/i,
Facebook: /FBA[NV]/,
this._OS = {
Windows10: /windows nt 10\.0/i,
Windows81: /windows nt 6\.3/i,
Windows8: /windows nt 6\.2/i,
Windows7: /windows nt 6\.1/i,
UnknownWindows: /windows nt 6\.\d+/i,
WindowsVista: /windows nt 6\.0/i,
Windows2003: /windows nt 5\.2/i,
WindowsXP: /windows nt 5\.1/i,
Windows2000: /windows nt 5\.0/i,
WindowsPhone81: /windows phone 8\.1/i,
WindowsPhone80: /windows phone 8\.0/i,
OSXCheetah: /os x 10[._]0/i,
OSXPuma: /os x 10[._]1(\D|$)/i,
OSXJaguar: /os x 10[._]2/i,
OSXPanther: /os x 10[._]3/i,
OSXTiger: /os x 10[._]4/i,
OSXLeopard: /os x 10[._]5/i,
OSXSnowLeopard: /os x 10[._]6/i,
OSXLion: /os x 10[._]7/i,
OSXMountainLion: /os x 10[._]8/i,
OSXMavericks: /os x 10[._]9/i,
OSXYosemite: /os x 10[._]10/i,
OSXElCapitan: /os x 10[._]11/i,
MacOSSierra: /os x 10[._]12/i,
MacOSHighSierra: /os x 10[._]13/i,
MacOSMojave: /os x 10[._]14/i,
Mac: /os x/i,
Linux: /linux/i,
Linux64: /linux x86\_64/i,
ChromeOS: /cros/i,
Wii: /wii/i,
PS3: /playstation 3/i,
PSP: /playstation portable/i,
iPad: /\(iPad.*os (\d+)[._](\d+)/i,
iPhone: /\(iPhone.*os (\d+)[._](\d+)/i,
iOS: /ios/i,
Bada: /Bada\/(\d+)\.(\d+)/i,
Curl: /curl\/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/i,
Electron: /Electron\/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/i,
this._Platform = {
Windows: /windows nt/i,
WindowsPhone: /windows phone/i,
Mac: /macintosh/i,
Linux: /linux/i,
Wii: /wii/i,
Playstation: /playstation/i,
iPad: /ipad/i,
iPod: /ipod/i,
iPhone: /iphone/i,
Android: /android/i,
Blackberry: /blackberry/i,
Samsung: /samsung/i,
Curl: /curl/i,
Electron: /Electron/i,
iOS: /^ios\-/i,
this.DefaultAgent = {
isYaBrowser: false,
isAuthoritative: true,
isMobile: false,
isMobileNative: false,
isTablet: false,
isiPad: false,
isiPod: false,
isiPhone: false,
isiPhoneNative: false,
isAndroid: false,
isAndroidNative: false,
isBlackberry: false,
isOpera: false,
isIE: false,
isEdge: false,
isIECompatibilityMode: false,
isSafari: false,
isFirefox: false,
isWebkit: false,
isChrome: false,
isKonqueror: false,
isOmniWeb: false,
isSeaMonkey: false,
isFlock: false,
isAmaya: false,
isPhantomJS: false,
isEpiphany: false,
isDesktop: false,
isWindows: false,
isLinux: false,
isLinux64: false,
isMac: false,
isChromeOS: false,
isBada: false,
isSamsung: false,
isRaspberry: false,
isBot: false,
isCurl: false,
isAndroidTablet: false,
isWinJs: false,
isKindleFire: false,
isSilk: false,
isCaptive: false,
isSmartTV: false,
isUC: false,
isFacebook: false,
isAlamoFire: false,
isElectron: false,
silkAccelerated: false,
browser: 'unknown',
version: 'unknown',
os: 'unknown',
platform: 'unknown',
geoIp: {},
source: '',
isWechat: false,
this.Agent = {};
getBrowser(userAgent) {
switch (true) {
case this._Browsers.YaBrowser.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isYaBrowser = true;
return 'YaBrowser';
case this._Browsers.AlamoFire.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isAlamoFire = true;
return 'AlamoFire';
case this._Browsers.Edge.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isEdge = true;
return 'Edge';
case this._Browsers.PhantomJS.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isPhantomJS = true;
return 'PhantomJS';
case this._Browsers.Konqueror.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isKonqueror = true;
return 'Konqueror';
case this._Browsers.Amaya.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isAmaya = true;
return 'Amaya';
case this._Browsers.Epiphany.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isEpiphany = true;
return 'Epiphany';
case this._Browsers.SeaMonkey.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isSeaMonkey = true;
return 'SeaMonkey';
case this._Browsers.Flock.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isFlock = true;
return 'Flock';
case this._Browsers.OmniWeb.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isOmniWeb = true;
return 'OmniWeb';
case this._Browsers.Opera.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isOpera = true;
return 'Opera';
case this._Browsers.Chromium.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isChrome = true;
return 'Chromium';
case this._Browsers.Facebook.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isFacebook = true;
return 'Facebook';
case this._Browsers.Chrome.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isChrome = true;
return 'Chrome';
case this._Browsers.WinJs.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isWinJs = true;
return 'WinJs';
case this._Browsers.IE.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isIE = true;
return 'IE';
case this._Browsers.Firefox.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isFirefox = true;
return 'Firefox';
case this._Browsers.Safari.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isSafari = true;
return 'Safari';
case this._Browsers.PS3.test(userAgent):
return 'ps3';
case this._Browsers.PSP.test(userAgent):
return 'psp';
case this._Browsers.UC.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isUC = true;
return 'UCBrowser';
if (userAgent.indexOf('Mozilla') !== 0 && /^([\d\w\-\.]+)\/[\d\w\.\-]+/i.test(userAgent)) {
this.Agent.isAuthoritative = false;
return RegExp.$1;
return 'unknown';
getBrowserVersion(userAgent) {
let regex;
switch (this.Agent.browser) {
case 'Edge':
if (this._Versions.Edge.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$1;
case 'PhantomJS':
if (this._Versions.PhantomJS.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$1;
case 'Chrome':
if (this._Versions.Chrome.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$1;
case 'Chromium':
if (this._Versions.Chromium.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$1;
case 'Safari':
if (this._Versions.Safari.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$2;
case 'Opera':
if (this._Versions.Opera.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$1 ? RegExp.$1 : RegExp.$2;
case 'Firefox':
if (this._Versions.Firefox.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$1;
case 'WinJs':
if (this._Versions.WinJs.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$1;
case 'IE':
if (this._Versions.IE.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$2 ? RegExp.$2 : RegExp.$1;
case 'ps3':
if (this._Versions.Ps3.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$1;
case 'psp':
if (this._Versions.Psp.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$1;
case 'Amaya':
if (this._Versions.Amaya.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$1;
case 'Epiphany':
if (this._Versions.Epiphany.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$1;
case 'SeaMonkey':
if (this._Versions.SeaMonkey.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$1;
case 'Flock':
if (this._Versions.Flock.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$1;
case 'OmniWeb':
if (this._Versions.OmniWeb.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$1;
case 'UCBrowser':
if (this._Versions.UC.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$1;
case 'Facebook':
if (this._Versions.Facebook.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$1;
if (this.Agent.browser !== 'unknown') {
regex = new RegExp(this.Agent.browser + '[\\/ ]([\\d\\w\\.\\-]+)', 'i');
if (regex.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$1;
else {
if (this.Agent.isWebkit && this._Versions.WebKit.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$1;
return 'unknown';
return 'unknown';
getWechatVersion(userAgent) {
if (this._Versions.Wechat.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$1;
return 'unknown';
getElectronVersion(string) {
if (this._Versions.Electron.test(string)) {
this.Agent.isElectron = true;
return RegExp.$1;
return '';
getOS(userAgent) {
switch (true) {
case this._OS.WindowsVista.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isWindows = true;
return 'Windows Vista';
case this._OS.Windows7.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isWindows = true;
return 'Windows 7';
case this._OS.Windows8.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isWindows = true;
return 'Windows 8';
case this._OS.Windows81.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isWindows = true;
return 'Windows 8.1';
case this._OS.Windows10.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isWindows = true;
return 'Windows 10.0';
case this._OS.Windows2003.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isWindows = true;
return 'Windows 2003';
case this._OS.WindowsXP.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isWindows = true;
return 'Windows XP';
case this._OS.Windows2000.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isWindows = true;
return 'Windows 2000';
case this._OS.WindowsPhone81.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isWindowsPhone = true;
return 'Windows Phone 8.1';
case this._OS.WindowsPhone80.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isWindowsPhone = true;
return 'Windows Phone 8.0';
case this._OS.Linux64.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isLinux = true;
this.Agent.isLinux64 = true;
return 'Linux 64';
case this._OS.Linux.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isLinux = true;
return 'Linux';
case this._OS.ChromeOS.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isChromeOS = true;
return 'Chrome OS';
case this._OS.Wii.test(userAgent):
return 'Wii';
case this._OS.PS3.test(userAgent):
return 'Playstation';
case this._OS.PSP.test(userAgent):
return 'Playstation';
case this._OS.OSXCheetah.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isMac = true;
return 'OS X Cheetah';
case this._OS.OSXPuma.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isMac = true;
return 'OS X Puma';
case this._OS.OSXJaguar.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isMac = true;
return 'OS X Jaguar';
case this._OS.OSXPanther.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isMac = true;
return 'OS X Panther';
case this._OS.OSXTiger.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isMac = true;
return 'OS X Tiger';
case this._OS.OSXLeopard.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isMac = true;
return 'OS X Leopard';
case this._OS.OSXSnowLeopard.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isMac = true;
return 'OS X Snow Leopard';
case this._OS.OSXLion.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isMac = true;
return 'OS X Lion';
case this._OS.OSXMountainLion.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isMac = true;
return 'OS X Mountain Lion';
case this._OS.OSXMavericks.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isMac = true;
return 'OS X Mavericks';
case this._OS.OSXYosemite.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isMac = true;
return 'OS X Yosemite';
case this._OS.OSXElCapitan.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isMac = true;
return 'OS X El Capitan';
case this._OS.MacOSSierra.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isMac = true;
return 'macOS Sierra';
case this._OS.MacOSHighSierra.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isMac = true;
return 'macOS High Sierra';
case this._OS.MacOSMojave.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isMac = true;
return 'macOS Mojave';
case this._OS.Mac.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isMac = true;
return 'OS X';
case this._OS.iPad.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isiPad = true;
const iPadMatch = userAgent.match(this._OS.iPad);
return iPadMatch ? iPadMatch[0].replace('_', '.') : 'unknown';
case this._OS.iPhone.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isiPhone = true;
const iPhoneMatch = userAgent.match(this._OS.iPhone);
return iPhoneMatch ? iPhoneMatch[0].replace('_', '.') : 'unknown';
case this._OS.Bada.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isBada = true;
return 'Bada';
case this._OS.Curl.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isCurl = true;
return 'Curl';
case this._OS.iOS.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isiPhone = true;
return 'iOS';
case this._OS.Electron.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isElectron = true;
return 'Electron';
return 'unknown';
getPlatform(string) {
switch (true) {
case this._Platform.Windows.test(string):
return 'Microsoft Windows';
case this._Platform.WindowsPhone.test(string):
this.Agent.isWindowsPhone = true;
return 'Microsoft Windows Phone';
case this._Platform.Mac.test(string):
return 'Apple Mac';
case this._Platform.Curl.test(string):
return 'Curl';
case this._Platform.Electron.test(string):
this.Agent.isElectron = true;
return 'Electron';
case this._Platform.Android.test(string):
this.Agent.isAndroid = true;
return 'Android';
case this._Platform.Blackberry.test(string):
this.Agent.isBlackberry = true;
return 'Blackberry';
case this._Platform.Linux.test(string):
return 'Linux';
case this._Platform.Wii.test(string):
return 'Wii';
case this._Platform.Playstation.test(string):
return 'Playstation';
case this._Platform.iPad.test(string):
this.Agent.isiPad = true;
return 'iPad';
case this._Platform.iPod.test(string):
this.Agent.isiPod = true;
return 'iPod';
case this._Platform.iPhone.test(string):
this.Agent.isiPhone = true;
return 'iPhone';
case this._Platform.Samsung.test(string):
this.Agent.isSamsung = true;
return 'Samsung';
case this._Platform.iOS.test(string):
return 'Apple iOS';
return 'unknown';
testCompatibilityMode() {
const ua = this;
if (this.Agent.isIE) {
if (/Trident\/(\d)\.0/i.test(ua.Agent.source)) {
const tridentVersion = parseInt(RegExp.$1, 10);
const version = parseInt(ua.Agent.version, 10);
if (version === 7 && tridentVersion === 7) {
ua.Agent.isIECompatibilityMode = true;
ua.Agent.version = 11.0;
if (version === 7 && tridentVersion === 6) {
ua.Agent.isIECompatibilityMode = true;
ua.Agent.version = 10.0;
if (version === 7 && tridentVersion === 5) {
ua.Agent.isIECompatibilityMode = true;
ua.Agent.version = 9.0;
if (version === 7 && tridentVersion === 4) {
ua.Agent.isIECompatibilityMode = true;
ua.Agent.version = 8.0;
testSilk() {
var ua = this;
switch (true) {
case new RegExp("silk", "gi").test(ua.Agent.source):
this.Agent.isSilk = true;
if (/Silk-Accelerated=true/gi.test(ua.Agent.source)) {
this.Agent.SilkAccelerated = true;
return this.Agent.isSilk ? "Silk" : false;
testKindleFire() {
var ua = this;
switch (true) {
case /KFOT/gi.test(ua.Agent.source):
this.Agent.isKindleFire = true;
return "Kindle Fire";
case /KFTT/gi.test(ua.Agent.source):
this.Agent.isKindleFire = true;
return "Kindle Fire HD";
case /KFJWI/gi.test(ua.Agent.source):
this.Agent.isKindleFire = true;
return "Kindle Fire HD 8.9";
case /KFJWA/gi.test(ua.Agent.source):
this.Agent.isKindleFire = true;
return "Kindle Fire HD 8.9 4G";
case /KFSOWI/gi.test(ua.Agent.source):
this.Agent.isKindleFire = true;
return "Kindle Fire HD 7";
case /KFTHWI/gi.test(ua.Agent.source):
this.Agent.isKindleFire = true;
return "Kindle Fire HDX 7";
case /KFTHWA/gi.test(ua.Agent.source):
this.Agent.isKindleFire = true;
return "Kindle Fire HDX 7 4G";
case /KFAPWI/gi.test(ua.Agent.source):
this.Agent.isKindleFire = true;
return "Kindle Fire HDX 8.9";
case /KFAPWA/gi.test(ua.Agent.source):
this.Agent.isKindleFire = true;
return "Kindle Fire HDX 8.9 4G";
return false;
testCaptiveNetwork() {
var ua = this;
switch (true) {
case /CaptiveNetwork/gi.test(ua.Agent.source):
ua.Agent.isCaptive = true;
ua.Agent.isMac = true;
ua.Agent.platform = "Apple Mac";
return "CaptiveNetwork";
return false;
reset() {
var ua = this;
for (var key in ua.DefaultAgent) {
ua.Agent[key] = ua.DefaultAgent[key];
return ua;
testMobile() {
var ua = this;
switch (true) {
case ua.Agent.isWindows:
case ua.Agent.isLinux:
case ua.Agent.isMac:
case ua.Agent.isChromeOS:
ua.Agent.isDesktop = true;
case ua.Agent.isAndroid:
case ua.Agent.isSamsung:
ua.Agent.isMobile = true;
switch (true) {
case ua.Agent.isiPad:
case ua.Agent.isiPod:
case ua.Agent.isiPhone:
case ua.Agent.isBada:
case ua.Agent.isBlackberry:
case ua.Agent.isAndroid:
case ua.Agent.isWindowsPhone:
ua.Agent.isMobile = true;
ua.Agent.isDesktop = false;
if (/mobile|^ios\-/i.test(ua.Agent.source)) {
ua.Agent.isMobile = true;
ua.Agent.isDesktop = false;
if (/dalvik/i.test(ua.Agent.source)) {
ua.Agent.isAndroidNative = true;
ua.Agent.isMobileNative = true;
if (/scale/i.test(ua.Agent.source)) {
ua.Agent.isiPhoneNative = true;
ua.Agent.isMobileNative = true;
testTablet() {
var ua = this;
switch (true) {
case ua.Agent.isiPad:
case ua.Agent.isAndroidTablet:
case ua.Agent.isKindleFire:
ua.Agent.isTablet = true;
if (/tablet/i.test(ua.Agent.source)) {
ua.Agent.isTablet = true;
testNginxGeoIP(headers) {
var ua = this;
Object.keys(headers).forEach(function (key) {
if (/^GEOIP/i.test(key)) {
ua.Agent.geoIp[key] = headers[key];
return ua;
testBot() {
var ua = this;
var isBot = IS_BOT_REGEXP.exec(ua.Agent.source.toLowerCase());
if (isBot) {
ua.Agent.isBot = isBot[1];
else if (!ua.Agent.isAuthoritative) {
ua.Agent.isBot = /bot/i.test(ua.Agent.source);
testSmartTV() {
var ua = this;
ua.Agent.isSmartTV = new RegExp("smart-tv|smarttv|googletv|appletv|hbbtv|pov_tv|", "gi").test(ua.Agent.source.toLowerCase());
testAndroidTablet() {
var ua = this;
if (ua.Agent.isAndroid && !/mobile/i.test(ua.Agent.source)) {
ua.Agent.isAndroidTablet = true;
testWebkit() {
var ua = this;
if (ua.Agent.browser === "unknown" &&
/applewebkit/i.test(ua.Agent.source)) {
ua.Agent.browser = "Apple WebKit";
ua.Agent.isWebkit = true;
testWechat() {
var ua = this;
if (/micromessenger/i.test(ua.Agent.source)) {
ua.Agent.isWechat = true;
ua.Agent.version = this.getWechatVersion(ua.Agent.source);
parse(source) {
var ua = new UserAgent();
ua.Agent.source = source.replace(/^\s*/, "").replace(/\s*$/, "");
ua.Agent.os = ua.getOS(ua.Agent.source);
ua.Agent.platform = ua.getPlatform(ua.Agent.source);
ua.Agent.browser = ua.getBrowser(ua.Agent.source);
ua.Agent.version = ua.getBrowserVersion(ua.Agent.source);
ua.Agent.electronVersion = ua.getElectronVersion(ua.Agent.source);
return {
browser: {
name: ua.Agent['browser'],
version: ua.Agent['version']
device: {
type: ua.Agent['isMobile'] ? "mobile" : "desktop",
os: ua.Agent['os'],
platform: ua.Agent['platform']
user_agent: ua.Agent['source']
exports.userAgent = void 0;
const useragent = require('express-useragent');
function getRequestType(userAgent) {
if (userAgent?.isMobile)
return "mobile";
if (userAgent?.isTablet)
return "tab";
return "web";
exports.UserAgent = UserAgent;
function userAgent(agent) {
const userAgent = useragent.parse(agent);
return {
browser: userAgent.browser,
version: userAgent.version,
os: userAgent.os,
platform: userAgent.platform,
source: userAgent.source,
type: getRequestType(userAgent),
exports.userAgent = userAgent;


"name": "@eternaljs/user-agent",
"version": "1.0.3",
"version": "1.0.4",
"description": "A user agent request is a string of text that identifies the client software requesting online content.",

@@ -44,6 +44,9 @@ "main": "dist/index.js",

"devDependencies": {
"nodemon": "^3.0.2",
"ts-node": "^10.9.1",
"typescript": "^5.3.2"
"nodemon": "3.1.7",
"ts-node": "10.9.2",
"typescript": "5.3.2"
"dependencies": {
"express-useragent": "1.0.15"

@@ -1,792 +0,19 @@

import { BOTS } from "./bots";
const useragent = require('express-useragent')
const IS_BOT_REGEXP: RegExp = new RegExp('^.*(' + BOTS.join('|') + ').*$');
function getRequestType(userAgent: Record<string, any>) {
if (userAgent?.isMobile) return "mobile"
if (userAgent?.isTablet) return "tab"
return "web"
export class UserAgent {
version: string;
_Versions: { [key: string]: RegExp };
_Browsers: { [key: string]: RegExp };
_OS: { [key: string]: RegExp };
_Platform: { [key: string]: RegExp };
DefaultAgent: any;
Agent: any;
constructor() {
this.version = '1.0.15';
this._Versions = {
Edge: /(?:edge|edga|edgios|edg)\/([\d\w\.\-]+)/i,
Firefox: /(?:firefox|fxios)\/([\d\w\.\-]+)/i,
IE: /msie\s([\d\.]+[\d])|trident\/\d+\.\d+;.*[rv:]+(\d+\.\d)/i,
Chrome: /(?:chrome|crios)\/([\d\w\.\-]+)/i,
Chromium: /chromium\/([\d\w\.\-]+)/i,
Safari: /(version|safari)\/([\d\w\.\-]+)/i,
Opera: /version\/([\d\w\.\-]+)|OPR\/([\d\w\.\-]+)/i,
Ps3: /([\d\w\.\-]+)\)\s*$/i,
Psp: /([\d\w\.\-]+)\)?\s*$/i,
Amaya: /amaya\/([\d\w\.\-]+)/i,
SeaMonkey: /seamonkey\/([\d\w\.\-]+)/i,
OmniWeb: /omniweb\/v([\d\w\.\-]+)/i,
Flock: /flock\/([\d\w\.\-]+)/i,
Epiphany: /epiphany\/([\d\w\.\-]+)/i,
WinJs: /msapphost\/([\d\w\.\-]+)/i,
PhantomJS: /phantomjs\/([\d\w\.\-]+)/i,
AlamoFire: /alamofire\/([\d\w\.\-]+)/i,
UC: /ucbrowser\/([\d\w\.]+)/i,
Facebook: /FBAV\/([\d\w\.]+)/i,
WebKit: /applewebkit\/([\d\w\.]+)/i,
Wechat: /micromessenger\/([\d\w\.]+)/i,
Electron: /Electron\/([\d\w\.]+)/i,
this._Browsers = {
YaBrowser: /yabrowser/i,
Edge: /edge|edga|edgios|edg/i,
Amaya: /amaya/i,
Konqueror: /konqueror/i,
Epiphany: /epiphany/i,
SeaMonkey: /seamonkey/i,
Flock: /flock/i,
OmniWeb: /omniweb/i,
Chromium: /chromium/i,
Chrome: /chrome|crios/i,
Safari: /safari/i,
IE: /msie|trident/i,
Opera: /opera|OPR\//i,
PS3: /playstation 3/i,
PSP: /playstation portable/i,
Firefox: /firefox|fxios/i,
WinJs: /msapphost/i,
PhantomJS: /phantomjs/i,
AlamoFire: /alamofire/i,
UC: /UCBrowser/i,
Facebook: /FBA[NV]/,
this._OS = {
Windows10: /windows nt 10\.0/i,
Windows81: /windows nt 6\.3/i,
Windows8: /windows nt 6\.2/i,
Windows7: /windows nt 6\.1/i,
UnknownWindows: /windows nt 6\.\d+/i,
WindowsVista: /windows nt 6\.0/i,
Windows2003: /windows nt 5\.2/i,
WindowsXP: /windows nt 5\.1/i,
Windows2000: /windows nt 5\.0/i,
WindowsPhone81: /windows phone 8\.1/i,
WindowsPhone80: /windows phone 8\.0/i,
OSXCheetah: /os x 10[._]0/i,
OSXPuma: /os x 10[._]1(\D|$)/i,
OSXJaguar: /os x 10[._]2/i,
OSXPanther: /os x 10[._]3/i,
OSXTiger: /os x 10[._]4/i,
OSXLeopard: /os x 10[._]5/i,
OSXSnowLeopard: /os x 10[._]6/i,
OSXLion: /os x 10[._]7/i,
OSXMountainLion: /os x 10[._]8/i,
OSXMavericks: /os x 10[._]9/i,
OSXYosemite: /os x 10[._]10/i,
OSXElCapitan: /os x 10[._]11/i,
MacOSSierra: /os x 10[._]12/i,
MacOSHighSierra: /os x 10[._]13/i,
MacOSMojave: /os x 10[._]14/i,
Mac: /os x/i,
Linux: /linux/i,
Linux64: /linux x86\_64/i,
ChromeOS: /cros/i,
Wii: /wii/i,
PS3: /playstation 3/i,
PSP: /playstation portable/i,
iPad: /\(iPad.*os (\d+)[._](\d+)/i,
iPhone: /\(iPhone.*os (\d+)[._](\d+)/i,
iOS: /ios/i,
Bada: /Bada\/(\d+)\.(\d+)/i,
Curl: /curl\/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/i,
Electron: /Electron\/(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/i,
this._Platform = {
Windows: /windows nt/i,
WindowsPhone: /windows phone/i,
Mac: /macintosh/i,
Linux: /linux/i,
Wii: /wii/i,
Playstation: /playstation/i,
iPad: /ipad/i,
iPod: /ipod/i,
iPhone: /iphone/i,
Android: /android/i,
Blackberry: /blackberry/i,
Samsung: /samsung/i,
Curl: /curl/i,
Electron: /Electron/i,
iOS: /^ios\-/i,
this.DefaultAgent = {
isYaBrowser: false,
isAuthoritative: true,
isMobile: false,
isMobileNative: false,
isTablet: false,
isiPad: false,
isiPod: false,
isiPhone: false,
isiPhoneNative: false,
isAndroid: false,
isAndroidNative: false,
isBlackberry: false,
isOpera: false,
isIE: false,
isEdge: false,
isIECompatibilityMode: false,
isSafari: false,
isFirefox: false,
isWebkit: false,
isChrome: false,
isKonqueror: false,
isOmniWeb: false,
isSeaMonkey: false,
isFlock: false,
isAmaya: false,
isPhantomJS: false,
isEpiphany: false,
isDesktop: false,
isWindows: false,
isLinux: false,
isLinux64: false,
isMac: false,
isChromeOS: false,
isBada: false,
isSamsung: false,
isRaspberry: false,
isBot: false,
isCurl: false,
isAndroidTablet: false,
isWinJs: false,
isKindleFire: false,
isSilk: false,
isCaptive: false,
isSmartTV: false,
isUC: false,
isFacebook: false,
isAlamoFire: false,
isElectron: false,
silkAccelerated: false,
browser: 'unknown',
version: 'unknown',
os: 'unknown',
platform: 'unknown',
geoIp: {},
source: '',
isWechat: false,
this.Agent = {};
export function userAgent(agent: string) {
const userAgent = useragent.parse(agent)
return {
browser: userAgent.browser,
version: userAgent.version,
os: userAgent.os,
platform: userAgent.platform,
source: userAgent.source,
type: getRequestType(userAgent),
getBrowser(userAgent: string): string {
switch (true) {
case this._Browsers.YaBrowser.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isYaBrowser = true;
return 'YaBrowser';
case this._Browsers.AlamoFire.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isAlamoFire = true;
return 'AlamoFire';
case this._Browsers.Edge.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isEdge = true;
return 'Edge';
case this._Browsers.PhantomJS.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isPhantomJS = true;
return 'PhantomJS';
case this._Browsers.Konqueror.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isKonqueror = true;
return 'Konqueror';
case this._Browsers.Amaya.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isAmaya = true;
return 'Amaya';
case this._Browsers.Epiphany.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isEpiphany = true;
return 'Epiphany';
case this._Browsers.SeaMonkey.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isSeaMonkey = true;
return 'SeaMonkey';
case this._Browsers.Flock.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isFlock = true;
return 'Flock';
case this._Browsers.OmniWeb.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isOmniWeb = true;
return 'OmniWeb';
case this._Browsers.Opera.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isOpera = true;
return 'Opera';
case this._Browsers.Chromium.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isChrome = true;
return 'Chromium';
case this._Browsers.Facebook.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isFacebook = true;
return 'Facebook';
case this._Browsers.Chrome.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isChrome = true;
return 'Chrome';
case this._Browsers.WinJs.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isWinJs = true;
return 'WinJs';
case this._Browsers.IE.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isIE = true;
return 'IE';
case this._Browsers.Firefox.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isFirefox = true;
return 'Firefox';
case this._Browsers.Safari.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isSafari = true;
return 'Safari';
case this._Browsers.PS3.test(userAgent):
return 'ps3';
case this._Browsers.PSP.test(userAgent):
return 'psp';
case this._Browsers.UC.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isUC = true;
return 'UCBrowser';
if (userAgent.indexOf('Mozilla') !== 0 && /^([\d\w\-\.]+)\/[\d\w\.\-]+/i.test(userAgent)) {
this.Agent.isAuthoritative = false;
return RegExp.$1;
return 'unknown';
getBrowserVersion(userAgent: string): string {
let regex: RegExp;
switch (this.Agent.browser) {
case 'Edge':
if (this._Versions.Edge.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$1;
case 'PhantomJS':
if (this._Versions.PhantomJS.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$1;
case 'Chrome':
if (this._Versions.Chrome.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$1;
case 'Chromium':
if (this._Versions.Chromium.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$1;
case 'Safari':
if (this._Versions.Safari.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$2;
case 'Opera':
if (this._Versions.Opera.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$1 ? RegExp.$1 : RegExp.$2;
case 'Firefox':
if (this._Versions.Firefox.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$1;
case 'WinJs':
if (this._Versions.WinJs.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$1;
case 'IE':
if (this._Versions.IE.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$2 ? RegExp.$2 : RegExp.$1;
case 'ps3':
if (this._Versions.Ps3.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$1;
case 'psp':
if (this._Versions.Psp.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$1;
case 'Amaya':
if (this._Versions.Amaya.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$1;
case 'Epiphany':
if (this._Versions.Epiphany.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$1;
case 'SeaMonkey':
if (this._Versions.SeaMonkey.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$1;
case 'Flock':
if (this._Versions.Flock.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$1;
case 'OmniWeb':
if (this._Versions.OmniWeb.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$1;
case 'UCBrowser':
if (this._Versions.UC.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$1;
case 'Facebook':
if (this._Versions.Facebook.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$1;
if (this.Agent.browser !== 'unknown') {
regex = new RegExp(this.Agent.browser + '[\\/ ]([\\d\\w\\.\\-]+)', 'i');
if (regex.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$1;
} else {
if (this.Agent.isWebkit && this._Versions.WebKit.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$1;
return 'unknown';
return 'unknown';
getWechatVersion(userAgent: string): string {
if (this._Versions.Wechat.test(userAgent)) {
return RegExp.$1;
return 'unknown';
getElectronVersion(string: string): string {
if (this._Versions.Electron.test(string)) {
this.Agent.isElectron = true;
return RegExp.$1;
return '';
getOS(userAgent: string): string {
switch (true) {
case this._OS.WindowsVista.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isWindows = true;
return 'Windows Vista';
case this._OS.Windows7.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isWindows = true;
return 'Windows 7';
case this._OS.Windows8.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isWindows = true;
return 'Windows 8';
case this._OS.Windows81.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isWindows = true;
return 'Windows 8.1';
case this._OS.Windows10.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isWindows = true;
return 'Windows 10.0';
case this._OS.Windows2003.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isWindows = true;
return 'Windows 2003';
case this._OS.WindowsXP.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isWindows = true;
return 'Windows XP';
case this._OS.Windows2000.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isWindows = true;
return 'Windows 2000';
case this._OS.WindowsPhone81.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isWindowsPhone = true;
return 'Windows Phone 8.1';
case this._OS.WindowsPhone80.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isWindowsPhone = true;
return 'Windows Phone 8.0';
case this._OS.Linux64.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isLinux = true;
this.Agent.isLinux64 = true;
return 'Linux 64';
case this._OS.Linux.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isLinux = true;
return 'Linux';
case this._OS.ChromeOS.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isChromeOS = true;
return 'Chrome OS';
case this._OS.Wii.test(userAgent):
return 'Wii';
case this._OS.PS3.test(userAgent):
return 'Playstation';
case this._OS.PSP.test(userAgent):
return 'Playstation';
case this._OS.OSXCheetah.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isMac = true;
return 'OS X Cheetah';
case this._OS.OSXPuma.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isMac = true;
return 'OS X Puma';
case this._OS.OSXJaguar.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isMac = true;
return 'OS X Jaguar';
case this._OS.OSXPanther.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isMac = true;
return 'OS X Panther';
case this._OS.OSXTiger.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isMac = true;
return 'OS X Tiger';
case this._OS.OSXLeopard.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isMac = true;
return 'OS X Leopard';
case this._OS.OSXSnowLeopard.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isMac = true;
return 'OS X Snow Leopard';
case this._OS.OSXLion.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isMac = true;
return 'OS X Lion';
case this._OS.OSXMountainLion.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isMac = true;
return 'OS X Mountain Lion';
case this._OS.OSXMavericks.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isMac = true;
return 'OS X Mavericks';
case this._OS.OSXYosemite.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isMac = true;
return 'OS X Yosemite';
case this._OS.OSXElCapitan.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isMac = true;
return 'OS X El Capitan';
case this._OS.MacOSSierra.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isMac = true;
return 'macOS Sierra';
case this._OS.MacOSHighSierra.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isMac = true;
return 'macOS High Sierra';
case this._OS.MacOSMojave.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isMac = true;
return 'macOS Mojave';
case this._OS.Mac.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isMac = true;
return 'OS X';
case this._OS.iPad.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isiPad = true;
const iPadMatch = userAgent.match(this._OS.iPad);
return iPadMatch ? iPadMatch[0].replace('_', '.') : 'unknown';
case this._OS.iPhone.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isiPhone = true;
const iPhoneMatch = userAgent.match(this._OS.iPhone);
return iPhoneMatch ? iPhoneMatch[0].replace('_', '.') : 'unknown';
case this._OS.Bada.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isBada = true;
return 'Bada';
case this._OS.Curl.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isCurl = true;
return 'Curl';
case this._OS.iOS.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isiPhone = true;
return 'iOS';
case this._OS.Electron.test(userAgent):
this.Agent.isElectron = true;
return 'Electron';
return 'unknown';
getPlatform(string: string): string {
switch (true) {
case this._Platform.Windows.test(string):
return 'Microsoft Windows';
case this._Platform.WindowsPhone.test(string):
this.Agent.isWindowsPhone = true;
return 'Microsoft Windows Phone';
case this._Platform.Mac.test(string):
return 'Apple Mac';
case this._Platform.Curl.test(string):
return 'Curl';
case this._Platform.Electron.test(string):
this.Agent.isElectron = true;
return 'Electron';
case this._Platform.Android.test(string):
this.Agent.isAndroid = true;
return 'Android';
case this._Platform.Blackberry.test(string):
this.Agent.isBlackberry = true;
return 'Blackberry';
case this._Platform.Linux.test(string):
return 'Linux';
case this._Platform.Wii.test(string):
return 'Wii';
case this._Platform.Playstation.test(string):
return 'Playstation';
case this._Platform.iPad.test(string):
this.Agent.isiPad = true;
return 'iPad';
case this._Platform.iPod.test(string):
this.Agent.isiPod = true;
return 'iPod';
case this._Platform.iPhone.test(string):
this.Agent.isiPhone = true;
return 'iPhone';
case this._Platform.Samsung.test(string):
this.Agent.isSamsung = true;
return 'Samsung';
case this._Platform.iOS.test(string):
return 'Apple iOS';
return 'unknown';
testCompatibilityMode() {
const ua = this;
if (this.Agent.isIE) {
if (/Trident\/(\d)\.0/i.test(ua.Agent.source)) {
const tridentVersion = parseInt(RegExp.$1, 10);
const version = parseInt(ua.Agent.version, 10);
if (version === 7 && tridentVersion === 7) {
ua.Agent.isIECompatibilityMode = true;
ua.Agent.version = 11.0;
if (version === 7 && tridentVersion === 6) {
ua.Agent.isIECompatibilityMode = true;
ua.Agent.version = 10.0;
if (version === 7 && tridentVersion === 5) {
ua.Agent.isIECompatibilityMode = true;
ua.Agent.version = 9.0;
if (version === 7 && tridentVersion === 4) {
ua.Agent.isIECompatibilityMode = true;
ua.Agent.version = 8.0;
testSilk(): string | boolean {
var ua = this;
switch (true) {
case new RegExp("silk", "gi").test(ua.Agent.source):
this.Agent.isSilk = true;
if (/Silk-Accelerated=true/gi.test(ua.Agent.source)) {
this.Agent.SilkAccelerated = true;
return this.Agent.isSilk ? "Silk" : false;
testKindleFire(): string | boolean {
var ua = this;
switch (true) {
case /KFOT/gi.test(ua.Agent.source):
this.Agent.isKindleFire = true;
return "Kindle Fire";
case /KFTT/gi.test(ua.Agent.source):
this.Agent.isKindleFire = true;
return "Kindle Fire HD";
case /KFJWI/gi.test(ua.Agent.source):
this.Agent.isKindleFire = true;
return "Kindle Fire HD 8.9";
case /KFJWA/gi.test(ua.Agent.source):
this.Agent.isKindleFire = true;
return "Kindle Fire HD 8.9 4G";
case /KFSOWI/gi.test(ua.Agent.source):
this.Agent.isKindleFire = true;
return "Kindle Fire HD 7";
case /KFTHWI/gi.test(ua.Agent.source):
this.Agent.isKindleFire = true;
return "Kindle Fire HDX 7";
case /KFTHWA/gi.test(ua.Agent.source):
this.Agent.isKindleFire = true;
return "Kindle Fire HDX 7 4G";
case /KFAPWI/gi.test(ua.Agent.source):
this.Agent.isKindleFire = true;
return "Kindle Fire HDX 8.9";
case /KFAPWA/gi.test(ua.Agent.source):
this.Agent.isKindleFire = true;
return "Kindle Fire HDX 8.9 4G";
return false;
testCaptiveNetwork(): string | boolean {
var ua = this;
switch (true) {
case /CaptiveNetwork/gi.test(ua.Agent.source):
ua.Agent.isCaptive = true;
ua.Agent.isMac = true;
ua.Agent.platform = "Apple Mac";
return "CaptiveNetwork";
return false;
reset(): UserAgent {
var ua = this;
for (var key in ua.DefaultAgent) {
ua.Agent[key] = ua.DefaultAgent[key];
return ua;
testMobile(): void {
var ua = this;
switch (true) {
case ua.Agent.isWindows:
case ua.Agent.isLinux:
case ua.Agent.isMac:
case ua.Agent.isChromeOS:
ua.Agent.isDesktop = true;
case ua.Agent.isAndroid:
case ua.Agent.isSamsung:
ua.Agent.isMobile = true;
switch (true) {
case ua.Agent.isiPad:
case ua.Agent.isiPod:
case ua.Agent.isiPhone:
case ua.Agent.isBada:
case ua.Agent.isBlackberry:
case ua.Agent.isAndroid:
case ua.Agent.isWindowsPhone:
ua.Agent.isMobile = true;
ua.Agent.isDesktop = false;
if (/mobile|^ios\-/i.test(ua.Agent.source)) {
ua.Agent.isMobile = true;
ua.Agent.isDesktop = false;
if (/dalvik/i.test(ua.Agent.source)) {
ua.Agent.isAndroidNative = true;
ua.Agent.isMobileNative = true;
if (/scale/i.test(ua.Agent.source)) {
ua.Agent.isiPhoneNative = true;
ua.Agent.isMobileNative = true;
testTablet(): void {
var ua = this;
switch (true) {
case ua.Agent.isiPad:
case ua.Agent.isAndroidTablet:
case ua.Agent.isKindleFire:
ua.Agent.isTablet = true;
if (/tablet/i.test(ua.Agent.source)) {
ua.Agent.isTablet = true;
testNginxGeoIP(headers: { [key: string]: string }): UserAgent {
var ua = this;
Object.keys(headers).forEach(function (key) {
if (/^GEOIP/i.test(key)) {
ua.Agent.geoIp[key] = headers[key];
return ua;
testBot(): void {
var ua = this;
var isBot = IS_BOT_REGEXP.exec(ua.Agent.source.toLowerCase());
if (isBot) {
ua.Agent.isBot = isBot[1];
} else if (!ua.Agent.isAuthoritative) {
ua.Agent.isBot = /bot/i.test(ua.Agent.source);
testSmartTV(): void {
var ua = this;
ua.Agent.isSmartTV = new RegExp(
testAndroidTablet(): void {
var ua = this;
if (ua.Agent.isAndroid && !/mobile/i.test(ua.Agent.source)) {
ua.Agent.isAndroidTablet = true;
testWebkit(): void {
var ua = this;
if (
ua.Agent.browser === "unknown" &&
) {
ua.Agent.browser = "Apple WebKit";
ua.Agent.isWebkit = true;
testWechat(): void {
var ua = this;
if (/micromessenger/i.test(ua.Agent.source)) {
ua.Agent.isWechat = true;
ua.Agent.version = this.getWechatVersion(ua.Agent.source);
parse(source: string): any {
var ua = new UserAgent();
ua.Agent.source = source.replace(/^\s*/, "").replace(/\s*$/, "");
ua.Agent.os = ua.getOS(ua.Agent.source);
ua.Agent.platform = ua.getPlatform(ua.Agent.source);
ua.Agent.browser = ua.getBrowser(ua.Agent.source);
ua.Agent.version = ua.getBrowserVersion(ua.Agent.source);
ua.Agent.electronVersion = ua.getElectronVersion(ua.Agent.source);
return {
browser: {
name: ua.Agent['browser'],
version: ua.Agent['version']
device: {
type: ua.Agent['isMobile'] ? "mobile" : "desktop",
os: ua.Agent['os'],
platform: ua.Agent['platform']
user_agent: ua.Agent['source']
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