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@@ -6,2 +6,202 @@ import { events } from 'events';

declare class ApplePay {
constructor(client: EvervaultClient, transaction: Transaction, options: ApplePayOptions);
get config(): {
config: {
type: ApplePayButtonType | undefined;
style: ApplePayButtonStyle | undefined;
locale: ApplePayButtonLocale | undefined;
borderRadius: number | undefined;
allowedCardNetworks: ApplePayCardNetwork[] | undefined;
transaction: TransactionDetails;
paymentRequest: ApplePayPaymentRequest | undefined;
mount(selector: SelectorType): this;
update(options?: ApplePayOptions): this;
unmount(): this;
on<T extends keyof ApplePayEvents>(event: T, callback: ApplePayEvents[T]): () => void;
declare type ApplePayAutomaticReloadPaymentRequest = BaseApplePayPaymentRequest & {
automaticReloadPaymentRequest: ApplePayJS.ApplePayAutomaticReloadPaymentRequest;
multiTokenContexts?: never;
recurringPaymentRequest?: never;
deferredPaymentRequest?: never;
export declare type ApplePayButtonLocale =
| "ar-AB"
| "ca-ES"
| "cs-CZ"
| "da-DK"
| "de-DE"
| "el-GR"
| "en-AU"
| "en-GB"
| "en-US"
| "es-ES"
| "es-MX"
| "fi-FI"
| "fr-CA"
| "fr-FR"
| "he-IL"
| "hi-IN"
| "hr-HR"
| "hu-HU"
| "id-ID"
| "it-IT"
| "ja-JP"
| "ko-KR"
| "ms-MY"
| "nb-NO"
| "nl-NL"
| "pl-PL"
| "pt-BR"
| "pt-PT"
| "ro-RO"
| "ru-RU"
| "sk-SK"
| "sv-SE"
| "th-TH"
| "tr-TR"
| "uk-UA"
| "vi-VN"
| "zh-CN"
| "zh-HK"
| "zh-TW";
export declare type ApplePayButtonStyle = "black" | "white" | "white-outline";
export declare type ApplePayButtonType =
| "add-money"
| "book"
| "buy"
| "check-out"
| "continue"
| "contribute"
| "donate"
| "order"
| "pay"
| "plain"
| "reload"
| "rent"
| "set-up"
| "subscribe"
| "support"
| "tip"
| "top-up";
export declare type ApplePayCardNetwork =
| "amex"
| "bancomat"
| "bancontact"
| "cartesBancaires"
| "chinaUnionPay"
| "dankort"
| "discover"
| "eftpos"
| "electron"
| "elo"
| "girocard"
| "interac"
| "jcb"
| "mada"
| "maestro"
| "masterCard"
| "mir"
| "privateLabel"
| "visa"
| "vPay";
export declare interface ApplePayClientMessages extends EvervaultFrameClientMessages {
EV_APPLE_PAY_AUTH: EncryptedApplePayData;
declare type ApplePayDeferredPaymentRequest = BaseApplePayPaymentRequest & {
deferredPaymentRequest: ApplePayJS.ApplePayDeferredPaymentRequest;
recurringPaymentRequest?: never;
automaticReloadPaymentRequest?: never;
export declare interface ApplePayErrorMessage {
message: string
code?: ApplePayJS.ApplePayErrorCode;
contactField?: ApplePayJS.ApplePayErrorContactField;
declare interface ApplePayEvents {
ready: () => void;
success: () => void;
error: (error: string) => void;
cancel: () => void;
export declare interface ApplePayHostMessages extends EvervaultFrameHostMessages {
EV_APPLE_PAY_AUTH_ERROR: ApplePayErrorMessage;
export declare interface ApplePayOptions {
process: (
data: EncryptedApplePayData,
helpers: {
fail: (error: ApplePayErrorMessage) => void;
) => Promise<void>;
type?: ApplePayButtonType;
style?: ApplePayButtonStyle;
locale?: ApplePayButtonLocale;
padding?: string;
borderRadius?: number;
size?: { width: WalletDimension; height: WalletDimension };
allowedCardNetworks?: ApplePayCardNetwork[];
paymentRequest?: ApplePayPaymentRequest;
export declare interface ApplePayPaymentDataRequest {
encryptedCredentials: ApplePayToken;
export declare type ApplePayPaymentRequest =
| ApplePayRecurringPaymentRequest
| ApplePayDeferredPaymentRequest
| ApplePayAutomaticReloadPaymentRequest
| ApplePayStandardPaymentRequest;
declare type ApplePayRecurringPaymentRequest = BaseApplePayPaymentRequest & {
recurringPaymentRequest: ApplePayJS.ApplePayRecurringPaymentRequest;
deferredPaymentRequest?: never;
automaticReloadPaymentRequest?: never;
declare type ApplePayStandardPaymentRequest = BaseApplePayPaymentRequest & {
recurringPaymentRequest?: never;
multiTokenContexts?: never;
deferredPaymentRequest?: never;
automaticReloadPaymentRequest?: never;
export declare interface ApplePayToken {
version: string;
data: string;
signature: string;
header: {
ephemeralPublicKey?: string;
wrappedKey?: string;
publicKeyHash: string;
transactionId: string;
applicatoinData?: string;
declare type BaseApplePayPaymentRequest = {
lineItems?: ApplePayJS.ApplePayLineItem[];
declare interface CageKey {

@@ -17,3 +217,3 @@ teamUuid: string;

export declare function Card({ theme, icons, fields, autoFocus, translations, onSwipe, onReady, onError, onChange, onComplete, autoComplete, autoProgress, acceptedBrands, defaultValues, }: CardProps): React_2.JSX.Element;
export declare function Card({ theme, icons, fields, autoFocus, translations, onSwipe, onReady, onError, onChange, onComplete, onFocus, onBlur, onKeyUp, onKeyDown, autoComplete, autoProgress, acceptedBrands, defaultValues, }: CardProps): React_2.JSX.Element;

@@ -75,2 +275,6 @@ declare class Card_2 {

validate: (payload: CardPayload) => void;
focus: (event: FieldEvent) => void;
blur: (event: FieldEvent) => void;
keydown: (event: FieldEvent) => void;
keyup: (event: FieldEvent) => void;

@@ -97,2 +301,6 @@

EV_VALIDATED: CardPayload;
EV_FOCUS: CardField;
EV_BLUR: CardField;
EV_KEYDOWN: CardField;
EV_KEYUP: CardField;

@@ -164,2 +372,6 @@

onFocus?: (event: FieldEvent) => void;
onBlur?: (event: FieldEvent) => void;
onKeyUp?: (event: FieldEvent) => void;
onKeyDown?: (event: FieldEvent) => void;

@@ -373,2 +585,33 @@

export declare type EncryptedApplePayData = EncryptedDPAN<"apple">;
export declare interface EncryptedDPAN<P> {
token: {
tokenServiceProvider: P;
number: string;
expiry: {
month: string;
year: string;
card: {
brand: string;
cryptogram: string;
eci: string;
export declare interface EncryptedFPAN {
card: {
brand: string;
number: string;
expiry: {
month: string;
year: string;
export declare type EncryptedGooglePayData = EncryptedDPAN<"google"> | EncryptedFPAN;
declare const encryptionConstants: {

@@ -469,2 +712,5 @@ cipherAlgorithm: "aes-256-gcm";

isInDebugMode(): boolean;
get transactions(): {
create: (details: TransactionDetails) => Transaction;

@@ -474,3 +720,3 @@

EV_ERROR: ComponentError | undefined;
EV_RESIZE: { height: number };
EV_RESIZE: { height: number; width?: number };
EV_FRAME_READY: undefined;

@@ -532,2 +778,7 @@ EV_FRAME_HANDSHAKE: undefined;

export declare interface FieldEvent {
field: CardField;
data: CardPayload;
declare class Form {

@@ -566,2 +817,110 @@ #private;

declare class GooglePay {
constructor(client: EvervaultClient, transaction: Transaction, options: GooglePayOptions);
get config(): {
config: {
transaction: TransactionDetails;
type: GooglePayButtonType | undefined;
color: GooglePayButtonColor | undefined;
locale: GooglePayButtonLocale | undefined;
borderRadius: number | undefined;
environment: "TEST" | "PRODUCTION" | undefined;
allowedAuthMethods: google.payments.api.CardAuthMethod[] | undefined;
allowedCardNetworks: google.payments.api.CardNetwork[] | undefined;
mount(selector: SelectorType): this;
unmount(): this;
on<T extends keyof GooglePayEvents>(event: T, callback: GooglePayEvents[T]): () => void;
export declare type GooglePayButtonColor = "black" | "white";
export declare type GooglePayButtonLocale =
| "en"
| "ar"
| "bg"
| "ca"
| "cs"
| "da"
| "de"
| "el"
| "es"
| "et"
| "fi"
| "fr"
| "hr"
| "id"
| "it"
| "ja"
| "ko"
| "ms"
| "nl"
| "no"
| "pl"
| "pt"
| "ru"
| "sk"
| "sl"
| "sr"
| "sv"
| "th"
| "tr"
| "uk"
| "zh";
export declare type GooglePayButtonType =
| "book"
| "buy"
| "checkout"
| "donate"
| "order"
| "pay"
| "plain"
| "subscribe";
export declare interface GooglePayClientMessages extends EvervaultFrameClientMessages {
EV_GOOGLE_PAY_AUTH: EncryptedGooglePayData;
export declare interface GooglePayErrorMessage {
message: string;
reason?: google.payments.api.ErrorReason;
intent?: google.payments.api.CallbackIntent;
declare interface GooglePayEvents {
ready: () => void;
success: () => void;
error: (error: string) => void;
cancel: () => void;
export declare interface GooglePayHostMessages extends EvervaultFrameHostMessages {
EV_GOOGLE_PAY_AUTH_ERROR: GooglePayErrorMessage;
export declare interface GooglePayOptions {
process: (
data: EncryptedGooglePayData,
helpers: {
fail: (error: GooglePayErrorMessage) => void;
) => Promise<void>;
type?: GooglePayButtonType;
color?: GooglePayButtonColor;
locale?: GooglePayButtonLocale;
borderRadius?: number;
size?: { width: WalletDimension; height: WalletDimension };
allowedAuthMethods?: google.payments.api.CardAuthMethod[];
allowedCardNetworks?: google.payments.api.CardNetwork[];
environment?: "TEST" | "PRODUCTION";
declare interface HttpConfig {

@@ -1182,2 +1541,24 @@ keysUrl: string;

declare class Transaction {
details: TransactionDetails;
constructor(details: TransactionDetails);
export declare interface TransactionDetails {
amount: number;
currency: string;
country: string;
merchant: {
id: string;
name: string;
applePayIdentifier?: string;
lineItems?: TransactionLineItem[];
export declare interface TransactionLineItem {
amount: number;
label: string;
export declare interface TranslationsObject {

@@ -1201,2 +1582,4 @@ [key: string]: string | TranslationsObject | undefined;

threeDSecure(session: string, opts?: ThreeDSecureOptions): ThreeDSecure_2;
googlePay(tx: Transaction, opts: GooglePayOptions): GooglePay;
applePay(tx: Transaction, opts: ApplePayOptions): ApplePay;

@@ -1226,2 +1609,4 @@

export declare type WalletDimension = string | number;
export { }


"use client";
import * as u from "react";
import { createContext as I, useContext as Y, useState as L, useRef as h, useLayoutEffect as R, useEffect as g, useMemo as T, useCallback as P } from "react";
function U(o) {
import * as d from "react";
import { createContext as _, useContext as q, useState as C, useRef as b, useLayoutEffect as S, useEffect as h, useMemo as M, useCallback as j } from "react";
function G(o) {
return (n) => ({

@@ -103,3 +103,3 @@ styles: {

function A(o) {
function J(o) {
return (n) => ({

@@ -207,3 +207,3 @@ styles: {

function H(o) {
function N(o) {
return (n) => ({

@@ -357,16 +357,16 @@ styles: {

const W = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
const k = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.freeze(/* @__PURE__ */ Object.defineProperty({
__proto__: null,
clean: U,
material: A,
minimal: H
}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), z = I(null);
clean: G,
material: J,
minimal: N
}, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module" })), L = _(null);
function E() {
if (typeof window > "u")
return null;
if (typeof u.useContext != "function")
if (typeof d.useContext != "function")
throw new Error(
"You must use React >= 18.0 in order to use useEvervault()"
const o = u.useContext(z);
const o = d.useContext(L);
if (!o)

@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ throw new Error(

const j = I(
const O = _(
void 0
function _() {
const o = Y(j);
function Y() {
const o = q(O);
if (!o)

@@ -388,3 +388,3 @@ throw new Error("Reveal consumers must be used within a Reveal component");

function V({
function Q({
path: o,

@@ -394,17 +394,17 @@ onCopy: n,

}) {
const [i, l] = L(null), d = h(null), { reveal: e } = _();
return u.useEffect(() => {
if (!(!i || !n))
return i == null ? void 0 : i.on("copy", n);
}, [i, n]), R(() => {
if ((!d.current || i) ?? !e)
const [u, l] = C(null), f = b(null), { reveal: e } = Y();
return d.useEffect(() => {
if (!(!u || !n))
return u == null ? void 0 : u.on("copy", n);
}, [u, n]), S(() => {
if ((!f.current || u) ?? !e)
const a = e == null ? void 0 : e.copyButton(o, r);
a.mount(d.current), l(a);
}, [e, o, r, i]), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { ref: d });
a.mount(f.current), l(a);
}, [e, o, r, u]), /* @__PURE__ */ d.createElement("div", { ref: f });
function q({ path: o, theme: n, format: r }) {
const [i, l] = L(null), d = h(null), { reveal: e } = _();
return R(() => {
if ((!d.current || i) ?? !e)
function U({ path: o, theme: n, format: r }) {
const [u, l] = C(null), f = b(null), { reveal: e } = Y();
return S(() => {
if ((!f.current || u) ?? !e)

@@ -415,14 +415,14 @@ const a = e.text(o, {

a.mount(d.current), l(a);
}, [e, o, n, r, i]), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { ref: d });
a.mount(f.current), l(a);
}, [e, o, n, r, u]), /* @__PURE__ */ d.createElement("div", { ref: f });
function D({ request: o, children: n, onReady: r, onError: i }) {
const l = h(!1), d = E(), [e, a] = L(null), c = h(null);
return u.useEffect(() => {
function D({ request: o, children: n, onReady: r, onError: u }) {
const l = b(!1), f = E(), [e, a] = C(null), c = b(null);
return d.useEffect(() => {
if (!(!e || !r))
return e == null ? void 0 : e.on("ready", r);
}, [e, r]), u.useEffect(() => {
if (!(!e || !i))
return e == null ? void 0 : e.on("error", i);
}, [e, i]), g(() => {
}, [e, r]), d.useEffect(() => {
if (!(!e || !u))
return e == null ? void 0 : e.on("error", u);
}, [e, u]), h(() => {
if (!c.current || l.current)

@@ -432,3 +432,3 @@ return;

l.current = !0;
const t = await d;
const t = await f;
if (!t)

@@ -440,13 +440,13 @@ return;

}, [e, o, d]), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(j.Provider, { value: { reveal: e } }, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(u.Fragment, null, /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { ref: c }), n));
}, [e, o, f]), /* @__PURE__ */ d.createElement(O.Provider, { value: { reveal: e } }, /* @__PURE__ */ d.createElement(d.Fragment, null, /* @__PURE__ */ d.createElement("div", { ref: c }), n));
D.Text = q;
D.CopyButton = V;
function X({
D.Text = U;
D.CopyButton = Q;
function ee({
theme: o,
icons: n,
fields: r,
autoFocus: i,
autoFocus: u,
translations: l,
onSwipe: d,
onSwipe: f,
onReady: e,

@@ -456,25 +456,41 @@ onError: a,

onComplete: s,
autoComplete: t,
autoProgress: v,
acceptedBrands: p,
defaultValues: m
onFocus: t,
onBlur: v,
onKeyUp: p,
onKeyDown: m,
autoComplete: g,
autoProgress: x,
acceptedBrands: w,
defaultValues: P
}) {
const w = E(), b = h(!1), x = h(null), [f, M] = u.useState(null);
g(() => {
if (!(!f || !e))
return f == null ? void 0 : f.on("ready", e);
}, [f, e]), g(() => {
if (!(!f || !a))
return f == null ? void 0 : f.on("error", a);
}, [f, a]), g(() => {
if (!(!f || !d))
return f == null ? void 0 : f.on("swipe", d);
}, [f, d]), g(() => {
if (!(!f || !c))
return f == null ? void 0 : f.on("change", c);
}, [f, c]), g(() => {
if (!(!f || !s))
return f == null ? void 0 : f.on("complete", s);
}, [f, s]);
const S = T(
const A = E(), B = b(!1), y = b(null), [i, H] = d.useState(null);
h(() => {
if (!(!i || !e))
return i == null ? void 0 : i.on("ready", e);
}, [i, e]), h(() => {
if (!(!i || !a))
return i == null ? void 0 : i.on("error", a);
}, [i, a]), h(() => {
if (!(!i || !f))
return i == null ? void 0 : i.on("swipe", f);
}, [i, f]), h(() => {
if (!(!i || !c))
return i == null ? void 0 : i.on("change", c);
}, [i, c]), h(() => {
if (!(!i || !s))
return i == null ? void 0 : i.on("complete", s);
}, [i, s]), h(() => {
if (!(!i || !t))
return i == null ? void 0 : i.on("focus", t);
}, [i, t]), h(() => {
if (!(!i || !v))
return i == null ? void 0 : i.on("blur", v);
}, [i, v]), h(() => {
if (!(!i || !p))
return i == null ? void 0 : i.on("keyup", p);
}, [i, p]), h(() => {
if (!(!i || !m))
return i == null ? void 0 : i.on("keydown", m);
}, [i, m]);
const z = M(
() => ({

@@ -484,8 +500,8 @@ theme: o,

fields: r,
autoFocus: i,
autoFocus: u,
translations: l,
autoComplete: t,
autoProgress: v,
acceptedBrands: p,
defaultValues: m
autoComplete: g,
autoProgress: x,
acceptedBrands: w,
defaultValues: P

@@ -497,47 +513,47 @@ [

return R(() => {
if (!x.current)
return S(() => {
if (!y.current)
async function O() {
if (b.current || !x.current)
async function V() {
if (B.current || !y.current)
b.current = !0;
const C = await w;
if (!C)
B.current = !0;
const I = await A;
if (!I)
const B = C.ui.card(S);
B.mount(x.current), M(B);
const T = I.ui.card(z);
T.mount(y.current), H(T);
f ? f.update(S) : O().catch(console.error);
}, [S, f]), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { ref: x });
i ? i.update(z) : V().catch(console.error);
}, [z, i]), /* @__PURE__ */ d.createElement("div", { ref: y });
function Z({
function re({
theme: o,
autoFocus: n,
mode: r,
inputType: i,
inputType: u,
length: l,
onReady: d,
onReady: f,
onChange: e,
onError: a
}) {
const c = E(), s = h(!1), [t, v] = u.useState(null), p = h(null);
u.useEffect(() => {
if (!(!t || !d))
return t == null ? void 0 : t.on("ready", d);
}, [t, d]), u.useEffect(() => {
const c = E(), s = b(!1), [t, v] = d.useState(null), p = b(null);
d.useEffect(() => {
if (!(!t || !f))
return t == null ? void 0 : t.on("ready", f);
}, [t, f]), d.useEffect(() => {
if (!(!t || !a))
return t == null ? void 0 : t.on("error", a);
}, [t, a]), u.useEffect(() => {
}, [t, a]), d.useEffect(() => {
if (!(!t || !e))
return t == null ? void 0 : t.on("change", e);
}, [t, e]);
const m = T(
const m = M(
() => ({

@@ -548,48 +564,48 @@ theme: o,

mode: r,
inputType: i
inputType: u
[o, l, n, r, i]
[o, l, n, r, u]
return R(() => {
return S(() => {
if (!p.current)
async function w() {
async function g() {
if (s.current || !p.current)
s.current = !0;
const b = await c;
if (!b)
const x = await c;
if (!x)
const x =;
x.mount(p.current), v(x);
const w =;
w.mount(p.current), v(w);
t ? t.update(m) : w().catch(console.error);
}, [t, m]), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { ref: p });
t ? t.update(m) : g().catch(console.error);
}, [t, m]), /* @__PURE__ */ d.createElement("div", { ref: p });
function $({
function te({
session: o,
theme: n,
size: r,
onReady: i,
onReady: u,
onError: l,
onSuccess: d,
onSuccess: f,
onFailure: e
}) {
const a = E(), c = u.useRef(!1), s = u.useRef(null), [t, v] = u.useState(
const a = E(), c = d.useRef(!1), s = d.useRef(null), [t, v] = d.useState(
u.useEffect(() => {
if (!(!t || !i))
return t == null ? void 0 : t.on("ready", i);
}, [t, i]), u.useEffect(() => {
if (!(!t || !d))
return t == null ? void 0 : t.on("success", d);
}, [t, d]), u.useEffect(() => {
d.useEffect(() => {
if (!(!t || !u))
return t == null ? void 0 : t.on("ready", u);
}, [t, u]), d.useEffect(() => {
if (!(!t || !f))
return t == null ? void 0 : t.on("success", f);
}, [t, f]), d.useEffect(() => {
if (!(!t || !e))
return t == null ? void 0 : t.on("failure", e);
}, [t, e]), u.useEffect(() => {
}, [t, e]), d.useEffect(() => {
if (!(!t || !l))
return t == null ? void 0 : t.on("error", l);
}, [t, l]);
const p = u.useMemo(
const p = d.useMemo(
() => ({

@@ -601,3 +617,3 @@ theme: n,

return u.useLayoutEffect(() => {
return d.useLayoutEffect(() => {
async function m() {

@@ -607,14 +623,14 @@ if (c.current)

c.current = !0;
const w = await a;
if (!w)
const g = await a;
if (!g)
const b = w.ui.threeDSecure(o, p);
b.mount(s.current), v(b);
const x = g.ui.threeDSecure(o, p);
x.mount(s.current), v(x);
t ? t.update(p) : m().catch(console.error);
}, [t, o, p]), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { ref: s });
}, [t, o, p]), /* @__PURE__ */ d.createElement("div", { ref: s });
function k(o) {
const n = E(), r = h(null), i = P(
(d, e) => {
function oe(o) {
const n = E(), r = b(null), u = j(
(f, e) => {
r.current && (r.current.unmount(), r.current = null);

@@ -625,3 +641,3 @@ async function a() {

try {
r.current = c.ui.threeDSecure(d, o), e != null && e.onReady && r.current.on("ready", e.onReady), e != null && e.onSuccess && r.current.on("success", e.onSuccess), e != null && e.onFailure && r.current.on("failure", e.onFailure), e != null && e.onError && r.current.on("error", e.onError), r.current.mount();
r.current = c.ui.threeDSecure(f, o), e != null && e.onReady && r.current.on("ready", e.onReady), e != null && e.onSuccess && r.current.on("success", e.onSuccess), e != null && e.onFailure && r.current.on("failure", e.onFailure), e != null && e.onError && r.current.on("error", e.onError), r.current.mount();
} catch (s) {

@@ -635,14 +651,14 @@ r.current = null, e != null && e.onError && e.onError(s);

g(() => () => {
h(() => () => {
r.current && (r.current.unmount(), r.current = null);
}, []);
const l = P((d) => {
r.current && r.current.update(d);
const l = j((f) => {
r.current && r.current.update(f);
}, []);
return {
start: i,
start: u,
update: l
class F extends Promise {
class W extends Promise {
async encrypt(n) {

@@ -655,6 +671,6 @@ return (await this).encrypt(n);

const G = "";
function J(o) {
const X = "";
function Z(o) {
const n = document.createElement("script");
o ? n.src = o : n.src = G;
o ? n.src = o : n.src = X;
const r = document.head || document.body;

@@ -667,5 +683,5 @@ if (!r)

let y = null;
function K(o) {
return y !== null || (y = new Promise((n, r) => {
let R = null;
function $(o) {
return R !== null || (R = new Promise((n, r) => {
if (typeof window > "u") {

@@ -680,32 +696,32 @@ n(void 0);

try {
const i = J(o);
i.addEventListener("load", () => {
const u = Z(o);
u.addEventListener("load", () => {
window.Evervault ? n(window.Evervault) : r(new Error("Evervault.js not available"));
}), i.addEventListener("error", () => {
}), u.addEventListener("error", () => {
r(new Error("Failed to load Evervault.js"));
} catch (i) {
} catch (u) {
})), y;
})), R;
function N(o) {
const n = Promise.resolve().then(() => K(o));
function F(o) {
const n = Promise.resolve().then(() => $(o));
let r = !1;
return n.catch((i) => {
r || console.warn(i);
}), r = !0, n.then((i) => typeof window < "u" ? window.Evervault : i ?? void 0);
return n.catch((u) => {
r || console.warn(u);
}), r = !0, n.then((u) => typeof window < "u" ? window.Evervault : u ?? void 0);
const ee = ({
const ne = ({
teamId: o,
appId: n,
customConfig: r,
children: i,
children: u,
}) => {
if (typeof window > "u")
return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(z.Provider, { value: null }, i);
const d = u.useMemo(
() => new F((e, a) => {
N(r == null ? void 0 : r.jsSdkUrl).then((c) => {
return /* @__PURE__ */ d.createElement(L.Provider, { value: null }, u);
const f = d.useMemo(
() => new W((e, a) => {
F(r == null ? void 0 : r.jsSdkUrl).then((c) => {
c !== void 0 ? e(new c(o, n, r)) : (console.error("Evervault.js not available"), a("Evervault.js not available"));

@@ -716,5 +732,5 @@ }).catch((c) => a(c));

return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement(z.Provider, { ...l, value: d }, i);
return /* @__PURE__ */ d.createElement(L.Provider, { ...l, value: f }, u);
function re({
function ie({
onChange: o,

@@ -724,9 +740,9 @@ config: n,

}) {
const i = u.useId();
const u = d.useId();
if (typeof window > "u")
return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { id: i });
const l = E(), { height: d = "auto", ...e } = n ?? {}, a = e ? { height: d, ...e } : { height: d };
return u.useEffect(() => {
return /* @__PURE__ */ d.createElement("div", { id: u });
const l = E(), { height: f = "auto", ...e } = n ?? {}, a = e ? { height: f, ...e } : { height: f };
return d.useEffect(() => {
l == null || l.then((c) => {
const s = c.inputs(i, a);
const s = c.inputs(u, a);
s == null || s.on("change", (t) => {

@@ -736,20 +752,20 @@ typeof o == "function" && o(t);

}, [l]), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { id: i });
}, [l]), /* @__PURE__ */ d.createElement("div", { id: u });
function te({
function ue({
request: o,
config: n,
onCopy: r,
onRevealLoad: i,
onRevealLoad: u,
onRevealError: l
}) {
const d = u.useId();
const f = d.useId();
if (typeof window > "u")
return /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { id: d });
return /* @__PURE__ */ d.createElement("div", { id: f });
const e = E(), { height: a = "auto", ...c } = n ?? {}, s = c ? { height: a, ...c } : { height: a };
return u.useEffect(() => {
return d.useEffect(() => {
e == null || e.then((t) => {
const v = t.reveal(d, o, s, r);
const v = t.reveal(f, o, s, r);
(v == null ? void 0 : v.isRevealLoaded) != null && v.isRevealLoaded instanceof Promise && v.isRevealLoaded.then(() => {
i && i();
u && u();
}).catch((p) => {

@@ -759,16 +775,16 @@ l && l(p);

}, [e]), /* @__PURE__ */ u.createElement("div", { id: d });
}, [e]), /* @__PURE__ */ d.createElement("div", { id: f });
export {
X as Card,
re as EvervaultInput,
ee as EvervaultProvider,
te as EvervaultReveal,
Z as Pin,
F as PromisifiedEvervaultClient,
ee as Card,
ie as EvervaultInput,
ne as EvervaultProvider,
ue as EvervaultReveal,
re as Pin,
W as PromisifiedEvervaultClient,
D as Reveal,
$ as ThreeDSecure,
W as themes,
te as ThreeDSecure,
k as themes,
E as useEvervault,
k as useThreeDSecure
oe as useThreeDSecure
"private": false,
"name": "@evervault/react",
"version": "2.13.0",
"version": "2.14.0",
"description": "React package for the Evervault SDK",

@@ -37,6 +37,6 @@ "license": "MIT",

"vite-plugin-dts": "^3.6.3",
"types": "^0.3.0",
"themes": "^0.1.3",
"@evervault/browser": "^2.32.0",
"tsconfig": "^0.0.1"
"@evervault/browser": "^2.35.0",
"themes": "^0.1.5",
"tsconfig": "^0.0.1",
"types": "^0.5.0"

@@ -43,0 +43,0 @@ "scripts": {

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