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@frontify/app-bridge-theme - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.0-alpha.11 to 0.0.0-alpha.12



@@ -18,25 +18,2 @@ import { Simplify } from 'type-fest';

declare interface AppBridgeTheme_2 {
dispatch<CommandName extends keyof CommandRegistry_2>(
dispatchHandler: DispatchHandlerParameter_2<CommandName, CommandRegistry_2>,
): Promise<void>;
context(): ContextReturn_2<Context_2, void>;
context<Key extends keyof Context_2>(key: Key): ContextReturn_2<Context_2, Key>;
context(key?: keyof Context_2 | void): unknown;
subscribe<EventName extends keyof AppBridgeThemeEvent_2>(
eventName: EventNameParameter_2<EventName, AppBridgeThemeEvent_2>,
callback: EventCallbackParameter_2<EventName, AppBridgeThemeEvent_2>,
): EventUnsubscribeFunction_2;
* @deprecated
* Search in the current Guideline for a given query.
* @param query - The query to search for.
* @param order - The order in which the results should be returned. Defaults to 'relevance'.
searchInGuideline(query: string, order?: 'relevance' | 'newest' | 'oldest'): Promise<GuidelineSearchResult_2[]>;
export declare type AppBridgeThemeEvent = EventNameValidator<Pick<EventRegistry, 'assetsChosen'> & ContextAsEventName<Context & {

@@ -46,11 +23,2 @@ '*': Context;

declare type AppBridgeThemeEvent_2 = EventNameValidator_2<
Pick<EventRegistry_2, 'assetsChosen'> &
Context_2 & {
'*': Context_2;
export declare type Asset = {

@@ -81,27 +49,2 @@ id: number;

declare type Asset_2 = {
id: number;
creatorName: string;
extension: string;
externalUrl: Nullable<string>;
fileName: string;
title: string;
status: string;
objectType: string;
height: Nullable<number>;
width: Nullable<number>;
genericUrl: string;
previewUrl: string;
originUrl: string;
projectId: number;
fileSize: number;
fileSizeHumanReadable: string;
fileId: string;
token: string;
projectType: Nullable<string>;
revisionId: Nullable<number>;
backgroundColor: Nullable<string>;
isDownloadProtected: boolean;
export declare interface BrandPortalLink {

@@ -113,10 +56,4 @@ isEnabled(): boolean;

declare interface BrandPortalLink_2 {
isEnabled(): boolean;
title(language?: string): string;
url(language?: string): string;
export declare const closeSearchDialog: () => DispatchHandlerParameter<"closeSearchDialog", CommandRegistry>;
export declare const closeSearchDialog: () => DispatchHandlerParameter_2<"closeSearchDialog", CommandRegistry>;
declare type CommandNamePattern = {

@@ -126,10 +63,4 @@ [commandName: `${CommandVerb}${string}`]: unknown;

declare type CommandNamePattern_2 = { [commandName: `${CommandVerb_2}${string}`]: unknown };
declare type CommandNameValidator<CommandNameObject> = Simplify<ObjectNameValidator<CommandNameObject, CommandNamePattern, 'Command'>>;
declare type CommandNameValidator_2<CommandNameObject> = Simplify<
ObjectNameValidator_2<CommandNameObject, CommandNamePattern_2, 'Command'>
export declare type CommandRegistry = CommandNameValidator<{

@@ -143,14 +74,4 @@ openSearchDialog: void;

declare type CommandRegistry_2 = CommandNameValidator_2<{
openSearchDialog: void;
closeSearchDialog: void;
navigate: string;
navigateToDocumentSection: number | string;
hydrateContextDocumentNavigation: number;
declare type CommandVerb = 'open' | 'close' | 'navigate' | 'hydrateContext';
declare type CommandVerb_2 = 'open' | 'close' | 'navigate' | 'hydrateContext';
export declare type Context = {

@@ -178,24 +99,2 @@ brandId: number;

declare type Context_2 = {
brandId: number;
brandPortalLink: BrandPortalLink_2 | null;
projectId: number;
portalId: number;
portalNavigation: PortalNavigationItem_2[] | null;
documentNavigation: Record<number, DocumentChildNavigationItem_2[] | undefined>;
portalToken: string | null;
currentLanguage: string;
defaultLanguage: string;
isEditing: boolean;
isPublicLink: boolean;
isAuthenticated: boolean;
isSearchDialogOpen: boolean;
languages: Language_2[];
template: TemplateContext_2 | null;
settings: {
templateSettings: Record<string, unknown>;
templateAssets: Record<string, Asset_2[]>;
declare type ContextAsEventName<Context> = {

@@ -208,9 +107,2 @@ [ContextKey in keyof Context as ContextKey extends string ? `Context.${ContextKey}` : never]: [

declare type ContextAsEventName_2<Context> = {
[ContextKey in keyof Context as ContextKey extends string ? `Context.${ContextKey}` : never]: [
export declare type ContextReturn<Context, Key> = Key extends keyof Context ? {

@@ -236,33 +128,5 @@ /**

declare type ContextReturn_2<Context, Key> = Key extends keyof Context
? {
* Gets the current value of the context object at the given key.
get(): Readonly<Context[Key]>;
* Subscribes to changes in the context object at the given key.
callbackFunction: (nextContext: Context[Key], previousContext: Context[Key]) => void,
): EventUnsubscribeFunction_2;
: {
* Gets the current value of the context object.
get(): Readonly<Context>;
* Subscribes to changes in the context object.
callbackFunction: (nextContext: Context, previousContext: Context) => void,
): EventUnsubscribeFunction_2;
export declare interface CoverPage extends CoverPageBase {
declare interface CoverPage_2 extends CoverPageBase_2 {}
declare interface CoverPageBase {

@@ -277,16 +141,5 @@ id(): number;

declare interface CoverPageBase_2 {
id(): number;
title(language?: string): string;
isPublished(): boolean;
isHiddenInNavigation(): boolean;
url(language?: string): string;
type: 'cover-page';
export declare interface CoverPageNavigationItem extends CoverPageBase {
declare interface CoverPageNavigationItem_2 extends CoverPageBase_2 {}
declare type DispatchHandler<CommandName extends keyof CommandRegistry, TCommand extends CommandRegistry> = TCommand[CommandName] extends void ? {

@@ -299,16 +152,4 @@ name: CommandName;

declare type DispatchHandler_2<
CommandName extends keyof CommandRegistry_2,
TCommand extends CommandRegistry_2,
> = TCommand[CommandName] extends void ? { name: CommandName } : { name: CommandName; payload: TCommand[CommandName] };
export declare type DispatchHandlerParameter<CommandName, TCommand extends CommandRegistry> = CommandName extends keyof CommandRegistry ? DispatchHandler<CommandName, TCommand> : WrongNamePattern<CommandName, 'Command'>;
declare type DispatchHandlerParameter_2<
TCommand extends CommandRegistry_2,
> = CommandName extends keyof CommandRegistry_2
? DispatchHandler_2<CommandName, TCommand>
: WrongNamePattern_2<CommandName, 'Command'>;
declare interface Document_2 extends DocumentBase {

@@ -319,6 +160,2 @@ documentGroupId(): Nullable<number>;

declare interface Document_3 extends DocumentBase_2 {
documentGroupId(): Nullable<number>;
declare interface DocumentBase {

@@ -332,17 +169,4 @@ id(): number;

declare interface DocumentBase_2 {
id(): number;
title(language?: string): string;
slug(language?: string): string;
url(language?: string): string;
type: 'document';
export declare type DocumentChildNavigationItem = PageCategoryNavigationItem | DocumentPageNavigationItem | DocumentPageLinkNavigationItem;
declare type DocumentChildNavigationItem_2 =
| PageCategoryNavigationItem_2
| DocumentPageNavigationItem_2
| DocumentPageLinkNavigationItem_2;
export declare interface DocumentGroupNavigationItem {

@@ -355,9 +179,2 @@ id(): number;

declare interface DocumentGroupNavigationItem_2 {
id(): number;
title(language?: string): string;
children(): (DocumentNavigationItem_2 | DocumentLibraryNavigationItem_2 | DocumentLinkNavigationItem_2)[];
type: 'document-group';
export declare interface DocumentLibrary extends DocumentLibraryBase {

@@ -367,6 +184,2 @@ documentGroupId(): Nullable<number>;

declare interface DocumentLibrary_2 extends DocumentLibraryBase_2 {
documentGroupId(): Nullable<number>;
declare interface DocumentLibraryBase {

@@ -380,10 +193,2 @@ id(): number;

declare interface DocumentLibraryBase_2 {
id(): number;
title(language?: string): string;
slug(language?: string): string;
url(language?: string): string;
type: 'document-library';
export declare interface DocumentLibraryNavigationItem extends DocumentLibraryBase {

@@ -393,6 +198,2 @@ parentId(): Nullable<number>;

declare interface DocumentLibraryNavigationItem_2 extends DocumentLibraryBase_2 {
parentId(): Nullable<number>;
export declare interface DocumentLinkNavigationItem {

@@ -410,14 +211,2 @@ id(): number;

declare interface DocumentLinkNavigationItem_2 {
id(): number;
title(language?: string): string;
url(): string;
displayMode(): LinkSettingsDisplay_2;
iconPosition(): LinkSettingsIconPosition_2;
customIconUrl(): Nullable<string>;
shouldOpenInNewTab(): boolean;
parentId(): Nullable<number>;
type: 'document-link';
export declare interface DocumentNavigationItem extends DocumentBase {

@@ -427,6 +216,2 @@ parentId(): Nullable<number>;

declare interface DocumentNavigationItem_2 extends DocumentBase_2 {
parentId(): Nullable<number>;
export declare interface DocumentPage extends DocumentPageBase {

@@ -437,7 +222,2 @@ categoryId(): Nullable<number>;

declare interface DocumentPage_2 extends DocumentPageBase_2 {
categoryId(): Nullable<number>;
documentId(): number;
declare interface DocumentPageBase {

@@ -451,10 +231,2 @@ id(): number;

declare interface DocumentPageBase_2 {
id(): number;
title(language?: string): string;
slug(language?: string): string;
url(language?: string): string;
type: 'document-page';
export declare interface DocumentPageHeadingNavigationItem {

@@ -467,9 +239,2 @@ id(): number;

declare interface DocumentPageHeadingNavigationItem_2 {
id(): number;
title(language?: string): string;
slug(language?: string): string;
type: 'document-page-heading';
export declare interface DocumentPageLinkNavigationItem {

@@ -482,9 +247,2 @@ id(): number;

declare interface DocumentPageLinkNavigationItem_2 {
id(): number;
title(language?: string): string;
url(): string;
type: 'document-page-link';
export declare interface DocumentPageNavigationItem extends DocumentPageBase {

@@ -494,22 +252,6 @@ headings(): DocumentPageHeadingNavigationItem[];

declare interface DocumentPageNavigationItem_2 extends DocumentPageBase_2 {
headings(): DocumentPageHeadingNavigationItem_2[];
export declare type EventCallbackParameter<EventName, AppBridgeThemeEvent> = EventName extends keyof AppBridgeThemeEvent ? AppBridgeThemeEvent[EventName] extends any[] ? (...eventReturn: AppBridgeThemeEvent[EventName]) => void : (eventReturn: AppBridgeThemeEvent[EventName]) => void : () => void;
declare type EventCallbackParameter_2<EventName, AppBridgeThemeEvent> = EventName extends keyof AppBridgeThemeEvent
? // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
AppBridgeThemeEvent[EventName] extends any[]
? (...eventReturn: AppBridgeThemeEvent[EventName]) => void
: (eventReturn: AppBridgeThemeEvent[EventName]) => void
: () => void;
export declare type EventNameParameter<EventName, EventNameParameter extends EventNamePattern> = EventName extends keyof EventNameParameter ? EventName : WrongNamePattern<EventName, 'Event'>;
declare type EventNameParameter_2<
EventNameParameter extends EventNamePattern_2,
> = EventName extends keyof EventNameParameter ? EventName : WrongNamePattern_2<EventName, 'Event'>;
export declare type EventNamePattern = {

@@ -519,12 +261,4 @@ [eventName: `Context.${string}` | `${string}${Capitalize<EventVerb>}`]: unknown;

declare type EventNamePattern_2 = {
[eventName: `Context.${string}` | `${string}${Capitalize<EventVerb_2>}`]: unknown;
export declare type EventNameValidator<EventNameObject> = Simplify<ObjectNameValidator<EventNameObject, EventNamePattern, 'Event'>>;
declare type EventNameValidator_2<EventNameObject> = Simplify<
ObjectNameValidator_2<EventNameObject, EventNamePattern_2, 'Event'>
export declare type EventRegistry = EventNameValidator<{

@@ -536,14 +270,6 @@ assetsChosen: {

declare type EventRegistry_2 = EventNameValidator_2<{
assetsChosen: { assets: Asset_2[] };
export declare type EventUnsubscribeFunction = () => void;
declare type EventUnsubscribeFunction_2 = () => void;
declare type EventVerb = 'chosen';
declare type EventVerb_2 = 'chosen';
export declare type GuidelineSearchResult = {

@@ -571,28 +297,4 @@ highlights: string[];

declare type GuidelineSearchResult_2 = {
highlights: string[];
type: GuidelineSearchResultType_2;
objectId: number;
pageId: number;
pageSlug: string;
pageTitle: string;
pageCategorySlug: string | null;
blockId: number;
documentId: number;
documentSlug: string;
documentTitle: string;
portalId: number;
portalToken: string | null;
sectionId: string | null;
sectionSlug: string | null;
sectionTitle: string | null;
colorHex?: string;
projectColorId?: string;
guidelineTitle: string;
declare type GuidelineSearchResultType = (typeof GuidelineSearchResultTypeMap)[keyof typeof GuidelineSearchResultTypeMap];
declare type GuidelineSearchResultType_2 = (typeof GuidelineSearchResultTypeMap_2)[keyof typeof GuidelineSearchResultTypeMap_2];
export declare const GuidelineSearchResultTypeMap: {

@@ -605,11 +307,4 @@ block: string;

declare const GuidelineSearchResultTypeMap_2 = {
block: 'BLOCK',
section: 'SECTION',
page: 'PAGE',
color: 'COLOR',
export declare const hydrateContextDocumentNavigation: (documentId: CommandRegistry["hydrateContextDocumentNavigation"]) => DispatchHandlerParameter<"hydrateContextDocumentNavigation", CommandRegistry>;
export declare const hydrateContextDocumentNavigation: (documentId: CommandRegistry["hydrateContextDocumentNavigation"]) => DispatchHandlerParameter_2<"hydrateContextDocumentNavigation", CommandRegistry>;
export declare type Language = {

@@ -634,24 +329,2 @@ /**

declare type Language_2 = {
* The language code in ISO 639-1 format.
isoCode: string;
* The name of the language.
name: string;
* Indicates whether the language is the default language.
isDefault: boolean;
* Indicates whether the language is in draft state.
isDraft: boolean;
export declare enum LinkSettingsDisplay {

@@ -663,8 +336,2 @@ TextAndIcon = "ICON_TEXT",

declare enum LinkSettingsDisplay_2 {
TextAndIcon = 'ICON_TEXT',
IconOnly = 'ICON',
TextOnly = 'TEXT',
export declare enum LinkSettingsIconPosition {

@@ -675,30 +342,12 @@ Right = "RIGHT",

declare enum LinkSettingsIconPosition_2 {
Right = 'RIGHT',
Left = 'LEFT',
declare type NameContextList = 'Command' | 'Event';
declare type NameContextList_2 = 'Command' | 'Event';
export declare const navigate: (path: CommandRegistry["navigate"]) => DispatchHandlerParameter<"navigate", CommandRegistry>;
export declare const navigate: (path: CommandRegistry["navigate"]) => DispatchHandlerParameter_2<"navigate", CommandRegistry>;
export declare const navigateToDocumentSection: (sectionId: CommandRegistry["navigateToDocumentSection"]) => DispatchHandlerParameter<"navigateToDocumentSection", CommandRegistry>;
export declare const navigateToDocumentSection: (sectionId: CommandRegistry["navigateToDocumentSection"]) => DispatchHandlerParameter_2<"navigateToDocumentSection", CommandRegistry>;
export declare type ObjectNameValidator<NameObject, PatternObject, NameContext extends NameContextList> = keyof NameObject extends keyof PatternObject ? NameObject : WrongNamePattern<`${Exclude<Extract<keyof NameObject, string>, Extract<keyof PatternObject, string>>}`, NameContext>;
declare type ObjectNameValidator_2<
NameContext extends NameContextList_2,
> = keyof NameObject extends keyof PatternObject
? NameObject
: WrongNamePattern_2<
`${Exclude<Extract<keyof NameObject, string>, Extract<keyof PatternObject, string>>}`,
export declare const openSearchDialog: () => DispatchHandlerParameter<"openSearchDialog", CommandRegistry>;
export declare const openSearchDialog: () => DispatchHandlerParameter_2<"openSearchDialog", CommandRegistry>;
export declare interface PageCategoryNavigationItem {

@@ -712,19 +361,4 @@ id(): number;

declare interface PageCategoryNavigationItem_2 {
id(): number;
title(language?: string): string;
slug(language?: string): string;
children(): (DocumentPageNavigationItem_2 | DocumentPageLinkNavigationItem_2)[];
type: 'page-category';
export declare type PortalNavigationItem = CoverPageNavigationItem | DocumentGroupNavigationItem | DocumentNavigationItem | DocumentLibraryNavigationItem | DocumentLinkNavigationItem;
declare type PortalNavigationItem_2 =
| CoverPageNavigationItem_2
| DocumentGroupNavigationItem_2
| DocumentNavigationItem_2
| DocumentLibraryNavigationItem_2
| DocumentLinkNavigationItem_2;
export declare type SubscribeMap<Event> = {

@@ -749,14 +383,6 @@ [EventName in keyof Event as EventName]: Map<EventCallbackParameter<keyof Event, Event>, boolean>;

declare type TemplateContext_2 = { templateId: string; type: ThemeTemplate_2 } & (
| { type: 'documentPage'; document: Document_3; documentPage: DocumentPage_2 }
| { type: 'library'; document: DocumentLibrary_2 }
| { type: 'cover'; coverPage: CoverPage_2 }
export declare type ThemeTemplate = 'documentPage' | 'cover' | 'library';
declare type ThemeTemplate_2 = 'documentPage' | 'cover' | 'library';
export declare const useDocumentNavigation: (appBridge: AppBridgeTheme, document: DocumentNavigationItem) => DocumentChildNavigationItem[];
export declare const useDocumentNavigation: (appBridge: AppBridgeTheme_2, document: DocumentNavigationItem) => DocumentChildNavigationItem[];
export declare const useIsEditing: (appBridge: AppBridgeTheme) => boolean;

@@ -773,6 +399,2 @@

declare type WrongNamePattern_2<ApiMethodName, NameContext extends NameContextList_2> = ApiMethodName extends string
? `The following ${NameContext} do not match the naming pattern: ${ApiMethodName}`
: never;
export { }



@@ -1,11 +0,11 @@

import { useSyncExternalStore as n, useEffect as o } from "react";
const s = (t) => n(t.context("isEditing").subscribe, t.context("isEditing").get), i = (t) => {
const e = n(
import { useSyncExternalStore as a, useEffect as o } from "react";
const s = (t) => a(t.context("isEditing").subscribe, t.context("isEditing").get), i = (t) => {
const e = a(
), a = n(
), n = a(
return { currentLanguage: e, defaultLanguage: a };
return { currentLanguage: e, defaultLanguage: n };
}, c = (t) => ({

@@ -15,3 +15,3 @@ name: "hydrateContextDocumentNavigation",

}), l = (t, e) => {
const a = n(
const n = a(

@@ -22,3 +22,3 @@ t.context("documentNavigation").get

}, [t, e]), a[] ?? [];
}, [t, e]), n ? n[] ?? [] : [];
}, x = () => ({

@@ -25,0 +25,0 @@ name: "openSearchDialog"

"name": "@frontify/app-bridge-theme",
"type": "module",
"version": "0.0.0-alpha.11",
"version": "0.0.0-alpha.12",
"description": "Package to establish communication between Frontify and themes",

@@ -6,0 +6,0 @@ "author": "Frontify Developers <>",

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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