Wrapper to setup broswer stack and run Selenium tests with Jest
To Use:
const {
} = require("@gliff-ai/jest-browserstack-automate");
const { TARGET_URL = "http://localhost:3000/" } = process.env;
wrapper(() => {
describe("Load page", () => {
test("Loads the page", async (driver) => {
await driver.get(TARGET_URL);
await driver.wait(webdriver.until.titleMatches(/Title/i), 5000);
const title = await driver.getTitle();
expect(title).toEqual("PAGE TITLE");
run with jest --no-colors
as we send the message to browserstack so don't want the colour codes.
If no env vars are set, it will run locally, you will need the driver installed for the selected browser.
If BROWSERSTACK_URL is set, it will use Browserstack for the driver (capabilities can be passed as the final arg to test
If BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY is set, the Browserstack local proxy will be set up, which allows the use of local URLs.