dFusion DEX: PoC Web App
Web app for dFusion DEX (see the dFusion paper).
This app will allow to:
- See the balances for any token: Both in your wallet and the exchange
- Deposit/Withdraw tokens from the exchange
- Submit sell orders to the Exchange
Running locally
npm install
npm start
Open http://localhost:8080 in any browser.
Mock mode (default)
The app will run by default in mock mode, that means that all service implementations will be replaced by a mocked one with some fake data. This is useful for development, however it's also useful to run it with the actual implementation:
MOCK=false npm start
Alternatively, if you want to modify always this behaviour, add the env var into a local .env
file (i.e. use .env.example as an example of the content).
Autoconnect for mock mode (default)
When running in mock mode, the wallet will be connected automatically, to change this behaviour run the app:
AUTOCONNECT=false npm start
Alternatively, if you want to modify always this behaviour, add the env var into a local .env
file (i.e. use .env.example as an example of the content).
Build app
npm run build
The static files will be generated in ./dist
Run tests
npm test
Automatically fixing code
Manually, by running:
npm run lint:fix
If you use Visual Studio Code, it's recommended to install Prettier - Code formatter
and add the following to your settings.json
"eslint.autoFixOnSave": true,
"eslint.validate": [
{"language": "typescript", "autoFix": true },
{"language": "typescriptreact", "autoFix": true }
Testnet faucets
In order to get testing tokens, read up the information here: