dmn-eval-js is a Javascript engine to execute decision tables according to the DMN standard.
This implementation is based on FEEL by EdgeVerve. It is tailored to evaluation of
simple expression language (S-FEEL), plus some cherry-picked parts of FEEL.
dmn-eval-js allows to load and execute DMN decision tables from XML. DRGs are supported. Evaluation of decision tables is currently limited to those of hit policy FIRST (F), UNIQUEE (U), RULE ORDER (R), and COLLECT (C) without aggregation.
var { decisionTable, dateTime } = require('@hbtgmbh/dmn-eval-js');
dmn-eval-js uses loglevel for logging.
By default, warning and error messages are shown only. For additional log output,
you need to configure a logger namend 'dmn-eval-js' as follows:
var loglevel = require('loglevel');
var logger = loglevel.getLogger('dmn-eval-js');
With loglevel 'info', you will see a few short log statements per decision call. With log level 'debug', you will
additionally see what input was passed to each decision call (including nested decisions in DRGs), this might be
verbose depending on what input values you pass for decision evaluation. Use loglevel 'error' to limit log statements
to exceptional cases only.
Parsing decision tables
dmn-eval-js parses DMN from XML content. It is up to you to obtain the XML content, e.g. from file system or service call.
Parsing is asynchronous using a Promise, while evaluation (execution) of a decision is synchronous.
const xmlContent = ... // wherever it may come from
.then((decisions) => {
// DMN was successfully parsed
const context = {
// your input for decision execution goes in here
try {
const data = decisionTable.evaluateDecision('decide-approval', decisions, context);
// data is the output of the decision execution
// it is an array for hit policy COLLECT and RULE ORDER, and an object else
... // do something with the data
} catch (err) {
// failed to evaluate rule, maybe the context is missing some data?
.catch(err => {
// failed to parse DMN XML: either invalid XML or valid XML but invalid DMN
Supported content in decision tables
Heads up! Undefined (in a Javascript sense) values are not supported. All variables that are referenced in input expressions, input entries, or output entries must not resolved to "undefined". If there is no value for them, they should be null, not undefined.
Input expressions
Input expressions are commonly (qualified) names, like so:
In the "context" object which is the input for decision execution, the corresponding properties / nested objects must exist. Example:
const context = {
customer: {
age: 18;
Input expressions are however not restricted to qualified names. You can use any expression according to S-FEEL, and
additionally even function invocations, too, like so:
- employee.salary * 12
- convertToUSD(employee.salary)
In the case of functions, you need to define these in the given context object:
const context = {
employee: {
salary: 100000;
convertToUSD: (valueInEUR) => [
// your conversion logic here
Function implementation should be free of side-effects. Date and time instances that are arguments to functions are moment-js instances.
Input entries
As input entries, simple unary tests according to the DMN specification are supported, with some additions:
- an endpoint can also be arithmetic expression
- a simple value can also be function invocation
- a simple literal can also be a null literal
- a date time literal can also be "date and time"
- brackets in arithmetic expressions are supported
- additional name symbols are not supported
Examples (the list is not complete though):
Input entry | matches if the input expression evaluates to... |
42 | the numeric value 42 |
< 42 | a value less than 42 |
[41 .. 50] | a value between 41 and 50 (inclusive) |
10, 20 | either 10 or 20 |
<10, >20 | a value either less than 10 or greater than 20 |
"A" | the string "A" |
"A", "B" | the string "A" or "B" |
true | the boolean value true |
- | any value |
| any value (sams as -) |
null | the value null |
not(null) | any value other than null |
property | the same value as the property (must be given in the context) |
object.property | the same value as the property of the object |
f(a) | the same value as the function evaluated with the property (function and property must be given in the context) |
limit - 10 | the same value as the limit minus 10 |
limit * 2 | the same value as the limit times 2 |
[limit.upper, limit.lower] | a value between the value of two given properties of object limit |
date("2017-05-01") | the date value Mai 1st, 2017 |
duration(d) | the duration specified by d, which must be an ISO 8601 duration string like P3D for three days |
duration(d) * 2 | twice the duration |
duration(begin, end) | the duration between the specified begin and end date |
date(begin) + duration(d) | the date that results by adding the given duration to the given date |
< date(begin) + duration(d) | any date before the date that results by adding the given duration to the given date |
Most combinations of the syntax elements above are valid, too. For example the following is a valid input entry (although it probably does not make any sense):
not(f(a + 1), [ date(b) + duration(c.d) .. g(d) ])
Output entries
A simple expression according to the DMN specification is supported as output entry, with the same additions as mentioned for input entries.
Since output entries are expressions, not comparisons, values like the following are not allowed:
- < 1
- [1 .. 2]
- not("A")
- empty values (this includes the dash -)
Passing dates as input
To create date, time, date and time, and duration object instances as input for decision execution, do as follows:
const someJavascriptDate = new Date(...);
const context = {
dateFromString: dateTime.date('2017-03-19'),
dateFromJavascriptDate: dateTime.date(someJavascriptDate),
dateFromYearMonthDay: dateTime.date(2018, 0, 1), // January 1st, 2018
timeFromString: dateTime.time('03:45:00'),
timeFromJavascriptDate: dateTime.time(someJavascriptDate), // only the time part is taken
timeFromHourMinuteSecond: dateTime.time(3, 45, 0), // same as above
dateAndTimeFromString: dateTime['date and time']('2012-12-22T03:45:00'),
dateAndTimeFromJavascriptDate: dateTime['date and time'](someJavascriptDate),
dateAndTimeFromIndividualDateAndTime: dateTime['date and time'](dateTime.date(...), dateTime.time(...)),
yearsMonthDurationFromString: dateTime.duration('P1Y2M'), // one year, 2 months (=14 months)
daysAndTimeDurationFromString: dateTime.duration('P3DT4H'), // 3 days, 4 hours (=76 hours)
durationAsDateDifference: dateTime.duration(dateTime.date(...), dateTime.date(...))
(to come: describe how timezones are specified)
npm install
npm test
gulp watch
gulp generate
npm run lint
npm run lintfix
For comprehensive set of documentation on DMN, you can refer to :
DMN Specification Document