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@jiaminghi/color - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.1.1 to 1.0.0



@@ -1,3 +0,16 @@

# 0.1.1-alpha (2019-08-28)
# 1.0.0-alpha (2020-04-11)
### Upgrade
- **typescript:** Rewrite with typescript.
### New API
- **isHex:** Test is a Hex color.
- **isRgb:** Test is a Rgb color.
- **isRgba:** Test is a Rgba color.
- **isRgbOrRgba:** Test is a Rgb or Rgba color.
# 0.1.1-alpha (2019-08-29)
### Perfect

@@ -29,3 +42,3 @@

* **version:** V 0.0.4-alpha.
- **version:** V 0.0.4-alpha.

@@ -36,3 +49,3 @@ # 0.0.3-alpha (2019-04-30)

* **getOpacity:** Abnormal calculation due to spaces.
- **getOpacity:** Abnormal calculation due to spaces.

@@ -43,3 +56,3 @@ # 0.0.2-alpha (2019-04-08)

* **version:** V 0.0.2-alpha.
- **version:** V 0.0.2-alpha.

@@ -50,2 +63,2 @@ # 0.0.1-alpha (2019-04-04)

* **version:** V 0.0.1-alpha.
- **version:** V 0.0.1-alpha.

@@ -1,86 +0,248 @@

"use strict";
'use strict';
var _interopRequireDefault = require("@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault");
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.getRgbValue = getRgbValue;
exports.getRgbaValue = getRgbaValue;
exports.getOpacity = getOpacity;
exports.toRgb = toRgb;
exports.toHex = toHex;
exports.getColorFromRgbValue = getColorFromRgbValue;
exports.darken = darken;
exports.lighten = lighten;
exports.fade = fade;
exports["default"] = void 0;
/*! *****************************************************************************
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use
this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
License at
var _toConsumableArray2 = _interopRequireDefault(require("@babel/runtime/helpers/toConsumableArray"));
var _keywords = _interopRequireDefault(require("./config/keywords"));
See the Apache Version 2.0 License for specific language governing permissions
and limitations under the License.
***************************************************************************** */
var hexReg = /^#([0-9a-fA-f]{3}|[0-9a-fA-f]{6})$/;
var rgbReg = /^(rgb|rgba|RGB|RGBA)/;
var rgbaReg = /^(rgba|RGBA)/;
function __spreadArrays() {
for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) s += arguments[i].length;
for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++)
for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++)
r[k] = a[j];
return r;
var ColorKeywords;
(function (ColorKeywords) {
ColorKeywords["transparent"] = "rgba(0,0,0,0)";
ColorKeywords["black"] = "#000000";
ColorKeywords["silver"] = "#C0C0C0";
ColorKeywords["gray"] = "#808080";
ColorKeywords["white"] = "#FFFFFF";
ColorKeywords["maroon"] = "#800000";
ColorKeywords["red"] = "#FF0000";
ColorKeywords["purple"] = "#800080";
ColorKeywords["fuchsia"] = "#FF00FF";
ColorKeywords["green"] = "#008000";
ColorKeywords["lime"] = "#00FF00";
ColorKeywords["olive"] = "#808000";
ColorKeywords["yellow"] = "#FFFF00";
ColorKeywords["navy"] = "#000080";
ColorKeywords["blue"] = "#0000FF";
ColorKeywords["teal"] = "#008080";
ColorKeywords["aqua"] = "#00FFFF";
ColorKeywords["aliceblue"] = "#f0f8ff";
ColorKeywords["antiquewhite"] = "#faebd7";
ColorKeywords["aquamarine"] = "#7fffd4";
ColorKeywords["azure"] = "#f0ffff";
ColorKeywords["beige"] = "#f5f5dc";
ColorKeywords["bisque"] = "#ffe4c4";
ColorKeywords["blanchedalmond"] = "#ffebcd";
ColorKeywords["blueviolet"] = "#8a2be2";
ColorKeywords["brown"] = "#a52a2a";
ColorKeywords["burlywood"] = "#deb887";
ColorKeywords["cadetblue"] = "#5f9ea0";
ColorKeywords["chartreuse"] = "#7fff00";
ColorKeywords["chocolate"] = "#d2691e";
ColorKeywords["coral"] = "#ff7f50";
ColorKeywords["cornflowerblue"] = "#6495ed";
ColorKeywords["cornsilk"] = "#fff8dc";
ColorKeywords["crimson"] = "#dc143c";
ColorKeywords["cyan"] = "#00ffff";
ColorKeywords["darkblue"] = "#00008b";
ColorKeywords["darkcyan"] = "#008b8b";
ColorKeywords["darkgoldenrod"] = "#b8860b";
ColorKeywords["darkgray"] = "#a9a9a9";
ColorKeywords["darkgreen"] = "#006400";
ColorKeywords["darkgrey"] = "#a9a9a9";
ColorKeywords["darkkhaki"] = "#bdb76b";
ColorKeywords["darkmagenta"] = "#8b008b";
ColorKeywords["darkolivegreen"] = "#556b2f";
ColorKeywords["darkorange"] = "#ff8c00";
ColorKeywords["darkorchid"] = "#9932cc";
ColorKeywords["darkred"] = "#8b0000";
ColorKeywords["darksalmon"] = "#e9967a";
ColorKeywords["darkseagreen"] = "#8fbc8f";
ColorKeywords["darkslateblue"] = "#483d8b";
ColorKeywords["darkslategray"] = "#2f4f4f";
ColorKeywords["darkslategrey"] = "#2f4f4f";
ColorKeywords["darkturquoise"] = "#00ced1";
ColorKeywords["darkviolet"] = "#9400d3";
ColorKeywords["deeppink"] = "#ff1493";
ColorKeywords["deepskyblue"] = "#00bfff";
ColorKeywords["dimgray"] = "#696969";
ColorKeywords["dimgrey"] = "#696969";
ColorKeywords["dodgerblue"] = "#1e90ff";
ColorKeywords["firebrick"] = "#b22222";
ColorKeywords["floralwhite"] = "#fffaf0";
ColorKeywords["forestgreen"] = "#228b22";
ColorKeywords["gainsboro"] = "#dcdcdc";
ColorKeywords["ghostwhite"] = "#f8f8ff";
ColorKeywords["gold"] = "#ffd700";
ColorKeywords["goldenrod"] = "#daa520";
ColorKeywords["greenyellow"] = "#adff2f";
ColorKeywords["grey"] = "#808080";
ColorKeywords["honeydew"] = "#f0fff0";
ColorKeywords["hotpink"] = "#ff69b4";
ColorKeywords["indianred"] = "#cd5c5c";
ColorKeywords["indigo"] = "#4b0082";
ColorKeywords["ivory"] = "#fffff0";
ColorKeywords["khaki"] = "#f0e68c";
ColorKeywords["lavender"] = "#e6e6fa";
ColorKeywords["lavenderblush"] = "#fff0f5";
ColorKeywords["lawngreen"] = "#7cfc00";
ColorKeywords["lemonchiffon"] = "#fffacd";
ColorKeywords["lightblue"] = "#add8e6";
ColorKeywords["lightcoral"] = "#f08080";
ColorKeywords["lightcyan"] = "#e0ffff";
ColorKeywords["lightgoldenrodyellow"] = "#fafad2";
ColorKeywords["lightgray"] = "#d3d3d3";
ColorKeywords["lightgreen"] = "#90ee90";
ColorKeywords["lightgrey"] = "#d3d3d3";
ColorKeywords["lightpink"] = "#ffb6c1";
ColorKeywords["lightsalmon"] = "#ffa07a";
ColorKeywords["lightseagreen"] = "#20b2aa";
ColorKeywords["lightskyblue"] = "#87cefa";
ColorKeywords["lightslategray"] = "#778899";
ColorKeywords["lightslategrey"] = "#778899";
ColorKeywords["lightsteelblue"] = "#b0c4de";
ColorKeywords["lightyellow"] = "#ffffe0";
ColorKeywords["limegreen"] = "#32cd32";
ColorKeywords["linen"] = "#faf0e6";
ColorKeywords["magenta"] = "#ff00ff";
ColorKeywords["mediumaquamarine"] = "#66cdaa";
ColorKeywords["mediumblue"] = "#0000cd";
ColorKeywords["mediumorchid"] = "#ba55d3";
ColorKeywords["mediumpurple"] = "#9370db";
ColorKeywords["mediumseagreen"] = "#3cb371";
ColorKeywords["mediumslateblue"] = "#7b68ee";
ColorKeywords["mediumspringgreen"] = "#00fa9a";
ColorKeywords["mediumturquoise"] = "#48d1cc";
ColorKeywords["mediumvioletred"] = "#c71585";
ColorKeywords["midnightblue"] = "#191970";
ColorKeywords["mintcream"] = "#f5fffa";
ColorKeywords["mistyrose"] = "#ffe4e1";
ColorKeywords["moccasin"] = "#ffe4b5";
ColorKeywords["navajowhite"] = "#ffdead";
ColorKeywords["oldlace"] = "#fdf5e6";
ColorKeywords["olivedrab"] = "#6b8e23";
ColorKeywords["orange"] = "#ffa500";
ColorKeywords["orangered"] = "#ff4500";
ColorKeywords["orchid"] = "#da70d6";
ColorKeywords["palegoldenrod"] = "#eee8aa";
ColorKeywords["palegreen"] = "#98fb98";
ColorKeywords["paleturquoise"] = "#afeeee";
ColorKeywords["palevioletred"] = "#db7093";
ColorKeywords["papayawhip"] = "#ffefd5";
ColorKeywords["peachpuff"] = "#ffdab9";
ColorKeywords["peru"] = "#cd853f";
ColorKeywords["pink"] = "#ffc0cb";
ColorKeywords["plum"] = "#dda0dd";
ColorKeywords["powderblue"] = "#b0e0e6";
ColorKeywords["rosybrown"] = "#bc8f8f";
ColorKeywords["royalblue"] = "#4169e1";
ColorKeywords["saddlebrown"] = "#8b4513";
ColorKeywords["salmon"] = "#fa8072";
ColorKeywords["sandybrown"] = "#f4a460";
ColorKeywords["seagreen"] = "#2e8b57";
ColorKeywords["seashell"] = "#fff5ee";
ColorKeywords["sienna"] = "#a0522d";
ColorKeywords["skyblue"] = "#87ceeb";
ColorKeywords["slateblue"] = "#6a5acd";
ColorKeywords["slategray"] = "#708090";
ColorKeywords["snow"] = "#fffafa";
ColorKeywords["springgreen"] = "#00ff7f";
ColorKeywords["steelblue"] = "#4682b4";
ColorKeywords["tan"] = "#d2b48c";
ColorKeywords["thistle"] = "#d8bfd8";
ColorKeywords["tomato"] = "#ff6347";
ColorKeywords["turquoise"] = "#40e0d0";
ColorKeywords["violet"] = "#ee82ee";
ColorKeywords["wheat"] = "#f5deb3";
ColorKeywords["whitesmoke"] = "#f5f5f5";
ColorKeywords["yellowgreen"] = "#9acd32";
})(ColorKeywords || (ColorKeywords = {}));
var ColorKeywords$1 = ColorKeywords;
* @description Color validator
* @param {String} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {String|Boolean} Valid color Or false
* @description Test if a hex color
* @param {string} color color string
* @return {boolean} Test result
function validator(color) {
var isHex = hexReg.test(color);
var isRgb = rgbReg.test(color);
if (isHex || isRgb) return color;
color = getColorByKeyword(color);
function isHex(color) {
if (typeof color !== 'string') return false;
color = color.toLowerCase();
return /^#([0-9a-fA-f]{3}|[0-9a-fA-f]{6})$/.test(color);
* @description Test if a rgb color
* @param {string} color color string
* @return {boolean} Test result
if (!color) {
console.error('Color: Invalid color!');
return false;
function isRgb(color) {
if (typeof color !== 'string') return false;
color = color.toLowerCase();
return /^(rgb\(|RGB\()/.test(color);
* @description Test if a rgba color
* @param {string} color color string
* @return {boolean} Test result
return color;
function isRgba(color) {
if (typeof color !== 'string') return false;
color = color.toLowerCase();
return /^(rgba|RGBA)/.test(color);
* @description Test if a rgb or rgba color
* @param {string} color color string
* @return {boolean} Test result
function isRgbOrRgba(color) {
return /^(rgb|rgba|RGB|RGBA)/.test(color);
* @description Get color by keyword
* @param {String} keyword Color keyword like red, green and etc.
* @return {String|Boolean} Hex or rgba color (Invalid keyword will return false)
* @param {keyof typeof ColorKeywords} keyword Color keyword like red, green and etc.
* @return {ColorKeywords} Hex or rgba color
function getColorByKeyword(keyword) {
if (!keyword) {
console.error('getColorByKeywords: Missing parameters!');
return false;
if (!_keywords["default"].has(keyword)) return false;
return _keywords["default"].get(keyword);
return ColorKeywords$1[keyword];
* @description Get the Rgb value of the color
* @param {String} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {Array<Number>|Boolean} Rgb value of the color (Invalid input will return false)
* @description Color validator
* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keywords
* @return {string|null} Valid color (Invalid input will return null)
function getRgbValue(color) {
if (!color) {
console.error('getRgbValue: Missing parameters!');
return false;
color = validator(color);
if (!color) return false;
var isHex = hexReg.test(color);
var isRgb = rgbReg.test(color);
var lowerColor = color.toLowerCase();
if (isHex) return getRgbValueFromHex(lowerColor);
if (isRgb) return getRgbValueFromRgb(lowerColor);
function validator(color) {
if (isHex(color) || isRgbOrRgba(color)) return color;
return getColorByKeyword(color) || null;
* @description Get the rgb value of the hex color
* @param {String} color Hex color
* @return {Array<Number>} Rgb value of the color
* @param {string} color Hex color
* @return {RgbValue} Rgb value of the color

@@ -94,5 +256,5 @@

color = color.split('');
return new Array(3).fill(0).map(function (t, i) {
return parseInt("0x".concat(color[i * 2]).concat(color[i * 2 + 1]));
var colorValues = color.split('');
return new Array(3).fill(0).map(function (_, i) {
return parseInt("0x" + colorValues[i * 2] + colorValues[i * 2 + 1]);

@@ -102,4 +264,4 @@ }

* @description Get the rgb value of the rgb/rgba color
* @param {String} color Hex color
* @return {Array} Rgb value of the color
* @param {string} color Hex color
* @return {RgbValue} Rgb value of the color

@@ -114,123 +276,90 @@

* @description Get the Rgba value of the color
* @param {String} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {Array<Number>|Boolean} Rgba value of the color (Invalid input will return false)
* @description Get the Rgb value of the color
* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {RgbValue|null} Rgb value of the color (Invalid input will return null)
function getRgbaValue(color) {
if (!color) {
console.error('getRgbaValue: Missing parameters!');
return false;
var colorValue = getRgbValue(color);
if (!colorValue) return false;
return colorValue;
function getRgbValue(color) {
var validColor = validator(color);
if (!validColor) return null;
var lowerColor = validColor.toLowerCase();
return isHex(lowerColor) ? getRgbValueFromHex(lowerColor) : getRgbValueFromRgb(lowerColor);
* @description Get the opacity of color
* @param {String} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {Number|Boolean} Color opacity (Invalid input will return false)
* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {number} Color opacity
function getOpacity(color) {
if (!color) {
console.error('getOpacity: Missing parameters!');
return false;
var validColor = validator(color);
if (!validColor || !isRgba(validColor)) return 1;
return Number(validColor.toLowerCase().split(',').slice(-1)[0].replace(/[)|\s]/g, ''));
* @description Get the Rgba value of the color
* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {RgbaValue|null} Rgba value of the color (Invalid input will return null)
color = validator(color);
if (!color) return false;
var isRgba = rgbaReg.test(color);
if (!isRgba) return 1;
color = color.toLowerCase();
return Number(color.split(',').slice(-1)[0].replace(/[)|\s]/g, ''));
function getRgbaValue(color) {
var rgbValue = getRgbValue(color);
return rgbValue && __spreadArrays(rgbValue, [getOpacity(color)]);
* @description Convert color to Rgb|Rgba color
* @param {String} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @param {Number} opacity The opacity of color
* @return {String|Boolean} Rgb|Rgba color (Invalid input will return false)
* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @param {number} opacity The opacity of color
* @return {string|null} Rgb|Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
function toRgb(color, opacity) {
if (!color) {
console.error('toRgb: Missing parameters!');
return false;
var rgbValue = getRgbValue(color);
if (!rgbValue) return false;
var addOpacity = typeof opacity === 'number';
if (addOpacity) return 'rgba(' + rgbValue.join(',') + ",".concat(opacity, ")");
return 'rgb(' + rgbValue.join(',') + ')';
if (!rgbValue) return null;
return typeof opacity === 'number' ? "rgba(" + rgbValue.join(',') + "," + opacity + ")" : "rgb(" + rgbValue.join(',') + ")";
* @description Convert color to Hex color
* @param {String} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {String|Boolean} Hex color (Invalid input will return false)
* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {string|null} Hex color (Invalid input will return null)
function toHex(color) {
if (!color) {
console.error('toHex: Missing parameters!');
return false;
if (isHex(color)) return color;
var colorValue = getRgbValue(color);
if (!colorValue) return null;
if (hexReg.test(color)) return color;
color = getRgbValue(color);
if (!color) return false;
return '#' + (n) {
return Number(n).toString(16);
}).map(function (n) {
return n === '0' ? '00' : n;
var format10To16 = function format10To16(_) {
return Number(_).toString(16).padStart(2, '0');
return "#" +'');
* @description Get Color from Rgb|Rgba value
* @param {Array<Number>} value Rgb|Rgba color value
* @return {String|Boolean} Rgb|Rgba color (Invalid input will return false)
* @param {RgbValue|RgbaValue} value Rgb|Rgba color value
* @return {string|null} Rgb|Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
function getColorFromRgbValue(value) {
if (!value) {
console.error('getColorFromRgbValue: Missing parameters!');
return false;
var valueLength = value.length;
if (valueLength !== 3 && valueLength !== 4) {
console.error('getColorFromRgbValue: Value is illegal!');
return false;
var color = valueLength === 3 ? 'rgb(' : 'rgba(';
color += value.join(',') + ')';
return color;
if (!Array.isArray(value)) return null;
var length = value.length;
if (length !== 3 && length !== 4) return null;
return (length === 3 ? 'rgb(' : 'rgba(') + value.join(',') + ')';
* @description Deepen color
* @param {String} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {Number} Percent of Deepen (1-100)
* @return {String|Boolean} Rgba color (Invalid input will return false)
* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @param {number} percent of Deepen (1-100)
* @return {string|null} Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
function darken(color) {
var percent = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0;
if (!color) {
console.error('darken: Missing parameters!');
return false;
function darken(color, percent) {
if (percent === void 0) {
percent = 0;
var rgbaValue = getRgbaValue(color);
if (!rgbaValue) return false;
if (!rgbaValue) return null;
rgbaValue = (v, i) {

@@ -245,18 +374,14 @@ return i === 3 ? v : v - Math.ceil(2.55 * percent);

* @description Brighten color
* @param {String} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {Number} Percent of brighten (1-100)
* @return {String|Boolean} Rgba color (Invalid input will return false)
* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @param {number} percent of brighten (1-100)
* @return {string|null} Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
function lighten(color) {
var percent = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 0;
if (!color) {
console.error('lighten: Missing parameters!');
return false;
function lighten(color, percent) {
if (percent === void 0) {
percent = 0;
var rgbaValue = getRgbaValue(color);
if (!rgbaValue) return false;
if (!rgbaValue) return null;
rgbaValue = (v, i) {

@@ -271,23 +396,21 @@ return i === 3 ? v : v + Math.ceil(2.55 * percent);

* @description Adjust color opacity
* @param {String} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @param {Number} Percent of opacity
* @return {String|Boolean} Rgba color (Invalid input will return false)
* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @param {number} percent of opacity
* @return {string|null} Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
function fade(color) {
var percent = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 100;
if (!color) {
console.error('fade: Missing parameters!');
return false;
function fade(color, percent) {
if (percent === void 0) {
percent = 100;
var rgbValue = getRgbValue(color);
if (!rgbValue) return false;
var rgbaValue = [].concat((0, _toConsumableArray2["default"])(rgbValue), [percent / 100]);
return getColorFromRgbValue(rgbaValue);
if (!rgbValue) return null;
return getColorFromRgbValue(__spreadArrays(rgbValue, [percent / 100]));
var _default = {
var index = {
isHex: isHex,
isRgb: isRgb,
isRgba: isRgba,
isRgbOrRgba: isRgbOrRgba,
fade: fade,

@@ -303,2 +426,16 @@ toHex: toHex,

exports["default"] = _default;
exports.darken = darken;
exports.default = index;
exports.fade = fade;
exports.getColorFromRgbValue = getColorFromRgbValue;
exports.getOpacity = getOpacity;
exports.getRgbValue = getRgbValue;
exports.getRgbaValue = getRgbaValue;
exports.isHex = isHex;
exports.isRgb = isRgb;
exports.isRgbOrRgba = isRgbOrRgba;
exports.isRgba = isRgba;
exports.lighten = lighten;
exports.toHex = toHex;
exports.toRgb = toRgb;
"name": "@jiaminghi/color",
"version": "0.1.1",
"version": "1.0.0",
"author": "JiaMing <>",
"description": "Color extension",
"main": "lib/index.js",
"unpkg": "dist/index.js",
"module": "es/index.js",
"types": "types/index.d.ts",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"url": ""
"scripts": {
"build": "node build/index.js",
"prepublish": "npm run build",
"deploy": "node deploy/index.js",
"test": "mocha"
"clean": "rimraf lib dist es types",
"format": "prettier --write .",
"format:check": "prettier --check .",
"type:check": "tsc --noEmit",
"lint": "eslint --ext js,ts src test",
"build": "rollup -c",
"prepare": "npm run clean && npm run check && npm run build",
"test": "mocha",
"check": "npm run type:check && npm run lint && npm run format:check && npm run test"
"husky": {
"hooks": {
"pre-commit": "npm run check",
"pre-push": "npm run check"
"license": "MIT",
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"url": ""

@@ -29,17 +43,32 @@ "keywords": [

"homepage": "",
"homepage": "",
"dependencies": {
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"@babel/core": "^7.4.5",
"@babel/preset-env": "^7.5.5",
"@babel/plugin-transform-runtime": "^7.5.5",
"@babel/register": "^7.4.4",
"@jiaminghi/fs": "0.0.2",
"@babel/cli": "^7.8.4",
"@babel/core": "^7.8.6",
"@babel/plugin-transform-runtime": "^7.8.3",
"@babel/preset-env": "^7.8.6",
"@babel/preset-typescript": "^7.9.0",
"@babel/register": "^7.9.0",
"@types/chai": "^4.2.11",
"@types/mocha": "^7.0.2",
"@types/node": "^13.11.0",
"@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^2.27.0",
"@typescript-eslint/parser": "^2.27.0",
"chai": "^4.2.0",
"ftp": "^0.3.10",
"mocha": "^6.1.4"
"dependencies": {
"@babel/runtime": "^7.5.5"
"eslint": "^6.8.0",
"husky": "^4.2.5",
"mocha": "^6.2.3",
"prettier": "^2.0.4",
"rimraf": "^3.0.2",
"rollup-plugin-babel": "^4.4.0",
"rollup-plugin-node-resolve": "^5.2.0",
"rollup-plugin-replace": "^2.2.0",
"rollup-plugin-terser": "^5.3.0",
"rollup-plugin-typescript2": "^0.27.0",
"ts-node": "^8.8.2",
"typescript": "^3.8.3"

@@ -6,41 +6,64 @@ [中文](./

<p align="center">
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Travis CI"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="LICENSE" /> </a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="NPM" /> </a>
<a href="">
<img src="" alt="Travis CI" />
<a href="">
<img src="" alt="LICENSE" />
<a href="">
<img src="" alt="NPM" />
### This plugin provides some extension methods for color.
- **[darken](#darken)**
- **[isHex](#isHex)**
Test if a Hex color.
- **[isRgb](#isRgb)**
Test if a Rgb color.
* **[isRgba](#isRgba)**
Test if a Rgba color.
* **[isRgbOrRgba](#isRgbOrRgba)**
Test if a Rgb or Rgba color.
* **[darken](#darken)**
Deepen color.
- **[lighten](#lighten)**
* **[lighten](#lighten)**
Brighten color.
- **[fade](#fade)**
* **[fade](#fade)**
Adjust color opacity.
- **[toHex](#toHex)**
* **[toHex](#toHex)**
Convert color to Hex color.
- **[toRgb](#toRgb)**
* **[toRgb](#toRgb)**
Convert color to Rgb|Rgba color.
- **[getOpacity](#getOpacity)**
* **[getOpacity](#getOpacity)**
Get color opacity.
- **[getRgbValue](#getRgbValue)**
* **[getRgbValue](#getRgbValue)**
Get the color Rgb value.
- **[getRgbaValue](#getRgbaValue)**
* **[getRgbaValue](#getRgbaValue)**
Get the color Rgba value.
- **[getColorFromRgbValue](#getColorFromRgbValue)**
* **[getColorFromRgbValue](#getColorFromRgbValue)**

@@ -72,9 +95,8 @@ Get Color from Rgb|Rgba value.

<!--Resources are located on personal servers for experience and testing only, do not use in production environments-->
<!--Debug version-->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<!--Compression version-->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
const { darken, lighten } = window.color
const { darken, lighten } = window.Color
// do something

@@ -84,18 +106,84 @@ </script>

<h3 align="center">Examples</h3>
#### isHex
* @description Test if a Hex color
* @param {string} color A color string maybe Hex
* @return {boolean} Test result
type isHex = (color: string) => boolean
isHex('#000') // true
isHex('#333333') // true
isHex('Not A Color') // false
isHex('rgb(0,0,0)') // false
isHex('rgba(0,0,0,1)') // false
#### isRgb
* @description Test if a Rgb color
* @param {string} color A color string maybe Rgb
* @return {boolean} Test result
type isRgb = (color: string) => boolean
isRgb('rgb(0,0,0)') // true
isRgb('RGB(0,0,0)') // true
isRgb('Not A Color') // false
isRgb('#000') // false
isRgb('#000000') // false
#### isRgba
* @description Test if a Rgba color
* @param {string} color A color string maybe Rgba
* @return {boolean} Test result
type isRgba = (color: string) => boolean
isRgba('rgba(0,0,0,1)') // true
isRgba('rgb(0,0,0)') // false
isRgba('Not A Color') // false
isRgba('#000') // false
isRgba('#000000') // false
#### isRgbOrRgba
* @description Test if a Rgb or Rgba color
* @param {string} color A color string maybe Rgb or Rgba
* @return {boolean} Test result
type isRgbOrRgba = (color: string) => boolean
isRgbOrRgba('rgb(0,0,0)') // true
isRgbOrRgba('RGB(0,0,0)') // true
isRgbOrRgba('rgba(0,0,0,1)') // true
isRgbOrRgba('#000') // false
isRgbOrRgba('Not A Color') // false
#### darken
* @description Deepen color
* @param {String} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @param {Number} percent Percent of Deepen (1-100)
* @return {String|Boolean} Rgba color (Invalid input will return false)
* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @param {number} percent Percent of Deepen (1-100)
* @return {string|null} Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
function darken (color, percent) {
type darken = (color: string, percent: number) => string | null

@@ -109,19 +197,15 @@ const before = '#3080E8'

<p align="center">
<img width="180px" src="./exampleImgs/1.jpg" />
<img width="180px" src="./exampleImgs/1.jpg" />
#### lighten
* @description Brighten color
* @param {String} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @param {Number} percent Percent of brighten (1-100)
* @return {String|Boolean} Rgba color (Invalid input will return false)
* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @param {number} percent Percent of brighten (1-100)
* @return {string|null} Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
function lighten (color, percent) {
type lighten = (color: string, percent: number) => string | null

@@ -135,19 +219,15 @@ const before = '#3080E8'

<p align="center">
<img width="180px" src="./exampleImgs/2.jpg" />
<img width="180px" src="./exampleImgs/2.jpg" />
#### fade
* @description Adjust color opacity
* @param {String} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @param {Number} percent Percent of opacity
* @return {String|Boolean} Rgba color (Invalid input will return false)
* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @param {number} percent Percent of opacity
* @return {string|null} Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
function fade (color, percent) {
type fade = (color: string, percent: number) => string | null

@@ -161,18 +241,14 @@ const before = '#3080E8'

<p align="center">
<img width="180px" src="./exampleImgs/3.jpg" />
<img width="180px" src="./exampleImgs/3.jpg" />
#### toHex
* @description Convert color to Hex color
* @param {String} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {String|Boolean} Hex color (Invalid input will return false)
* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {string|null} Hex color (Invalid input will return null)
function toHex (color) {
type toHex = (color: string) => string | null

@@ -185,16 +261,12 @@ const before = 'rgb(48,128,232)'

#### toRgb
* @description Convert color to Rgb|Rgba color
* @param {String} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @param {Number} opacity The opacity of color
* @return {String|Boolean} Rgb|Rgba color (Invalid input will return false)
* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @param {number} opacity The opacity of color
* @return {string|null} Rgb|Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
function toRgb (color, opacity) {
type toRgb = (color: string, opacity: number) => string | null

@@ -209,15 +281,11 @@ const before = '#3080E8'

#### getOpacity
* @description Get the opacity of color
* @param {String} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {Number|Boolean} Color opacity (Invalid input will return false)
* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {number|null} Color opacity (Invalid input will return null)
function getOpacity (color) {
type getOpacity = (color: string) => number | null

@@ -233,15 +301,12 @@ const color1 = '#3080E8'

#### getRgbValue
* @description Get the Rgb value of the color
* @param {String} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {Array<Number>|Boolean} Rgb value of the color (Invalid input will return false)
* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {RgbValue|null} Rgb value of the color (Invalid input will return null)
function getRgbValue (color) {
type RgbValue = [number, number, number]
type getRgbValue = (color: string) => RgbValue | null

@@ -254,15 +319,12 @@ const color = '#3080E8'

#### getRgbaValue
* @description Get the Rgba value of the color
* @param {String} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {Array<Number>|Boolean} Rgba value of the color (Invalid input will return false)
* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {RgbaValue|null} Rgba value of the color (Invalid input will return null)
function getRgbaValue (color) {
type RgbaValue = [number, number, number, number]
type getRgbaValue = (color: string) => RgbaValue

@@ -278,15 +340,14 @@ const color1 = '#3080E8'

#### getColorFromRgbValue
* @description Get Color from Rgb|Rgba value
* @param {Array<Number>} value Rgb|Rgba color value
* @return {String|Boolean} Rgb|Rgba color (Invalid input will return false)
* @param {Value} value Rgb|Rgba color value
* @return {string|null} Rgb|Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
function getColorFromRgbValue (value) {
type RgbValue = [number, number, number]
type RgbaValue = [number, number, number, number]
type Value = RgbValue | RgbaValue
type getColorFromRgbValue = (value: Value) => string | null

@@ -302,8 +363,6 @@ const value1 = [48, 128, 232]

#### Color Keywords
<p align="center">
<img width="750px" src="./exampleImgs/keywords.png" />
<img width="750px" src="./exampleImgs/keywords.png" />

@@ -6,5 +6,11 @@ [ENGLISH](./

<p align="center">
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Travis CI"></a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="LICENSE" /> </a>
<a href=""><img src="" alt="NPM" /> </a>
<a href="">
<img src="" alt="Travis CI" />
<a href="">
<img src="" alt="LICENSE" />
<a href="">
<img src="" alt="NPM" />

@@ -14,2 +20,18 @@

- **[isHex](#isHex)**
判断一个颜色是否为 Hex 类型
- **[isRgb](#isRgb)**
判断一个颜色是否为 Rgb 类型
- **[isRgba](#isRgba)**
判断一个颜色是否为 Rgba 类型
- **[isRgbOrRgba](#isRgbOrRgba)**
判断一个颜色是否为 Rgb 或 Rgba 类型
- **[darken](#darken)**

@@ -29,7 +51,7 @@

转换成 Hex 颜色
- **[toRgb](#toRgb)**
将颜色转为 Rgb 或 Rgba 颜色

@@ -42,11 +64,11 @@ - **[getOpacity](#getOpacity)**

获取颜色的 Rgb 值
- **[getRgbaValue](#getRgbaValue)**
获取颜色的 Rgba 值
- **[getColorFromRgbValue](#getColorFromRgbValue)**
从 Rgb 或 Rgba 值获取颜色

@@ -59,3 +81,3 @@ ### 附录

### npm安装
### npm 安装

@@ -77,9 +99,8 @@ ```shell

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
const { darken, lighten } = window.color
const { darken, lighten } = window.Color
// do something

@@ -89,18 +110,84 @@ </script>

<h3 align="center">示例</h3>
#### isHex
* @description 判断一个颜色是否为hex类型
* @param {string} color 可能是hex颜色的字符串
* @return {boolean} 判断结果
type isHex = (color: string) => boolean
isHex('#000') // true
isHex('#333333') // true
isHex('Not A Color') // false
isHex('rgb(0,0,0)') // false
isHex('rgba(0,0,0,1)') // false
#### isRgb
* @description 判断一个颜色是否为rgb类型
* @param {string} color 可能是rgb颜色的字符串
* @return {boolean} 判断结果
type isRgb = (color: string) => boolean
isRgb('rgb(0,0,0)') // true
isRgb('RGB(0,0,0)') // true
isRgb('Not A Color') // false
isRgb('#000') // false
isRgb('#000000') // false
#### isRgba
* @description 判断一个颜色是否为rgba类型
* @param {string} color 可能是rgba颜色的字符串
* @return {boolean} 判断结果
type isRgba = (color: string) => boolean
isRgba('rgba(0,0,0,1)') // true
isRgba('rgb(0,0,0)') // false
isRgba('Not A Color') // false
isRgba('#000') // false
isRgba('#000000') // false
#### isRgbOrRgba
* @description 判断一个颜色是否为rgb或rgba类型
* @param {string} color 可能是rgb或rgba颜色的字符串
* @return {boolean} 判断结果
type isRgbOrRgba = (color: string) => boolean
isRgbOrRgba('rgb(0,0,0)') // true
isRgbOrRgba('RGB(0,0,0)') // true
isRgbOrRgba('rgba(0,0,0,1)') // true
isRgbOrRgba('#000') // false
isRgbOrRgba('Not A Color') // false
#### darken
* @description 加深颜色
* @param {String} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba颜色或颜色关键字
* @param {Number} percent 加深的百分比 (1-100)
* @return {String|Boolean} Rgba颜色 (无效输入将返回false)
* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba颜色或颜色关键字
* @param {number} percent 加深的百分比 (1-100)
* @return {string|null} Rgba颜色 (无效输入将返回null)
function darken (color, percent) {
type darken = (color: string, percent: number) => string | null

@@ -114,19 +201,15 @@ const before = '#3080E8'

<p align="center">
<img width="180px" src="./exampleImgs/1.jpg" />
<img width="180px" src="./exampleImgs/1.jpg" />
#### lighten
* @description 提亮颜色
* @param {String} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba颜色或颜色关键字
* @param {Number} percent 提亮的百分比 (1-100)
* @return {String|Boolean} Rgba颜色 (无效输入将返回false)
* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba颜色或颜色关键字
* @param {number} percent 提亮的百分比 (1-100)
* @return {string|null} Rgba颜色 (无效输入将返回null)
function lighten (color, percent) {
type lighten = (color: string, percent: number) => string | null

@@ -143,16 +226,12 @@ const before = '#3080E8'

#### fade
* @description 调节颜色透明度
* @param {String} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba颜色或颜色关键字
* @param {Number} Percent 透明度百分比
* @return {String|Boolean} Rgba颜色 (无效输入将返回false)
* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba颜色或颜色关键字
* @param {number} Percent 透明度百分比
* @return {string|null} Rgba颜色 (无效输入将返回null)
function fade (color, percent) {
type fade = (color: string, percent: number) => string | null

@@ -166,18 +245,14 @@ const before = '#3080E8'

<p align="center">
<img width="180px" src="./exampleImgs/3.jpg" />
<img width="180px" src="./exampleImgs/3.jpg" />
#### toHex
* @description 转换成Hex颜色
* @param {String} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba颜色或颜色关键字
* @return {String|Boolean} Hex颜色 (无效输入将返回false)
* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba颜色或颜色关键字
* @return {string|null} Hex颜色 (无效输入将返回null)
function toHex (color) {
type toHex = (color: string) => string | false

@@ -190,16 +265,12 @@ const before = 'rgb(48,128,232)'

#### toRgb
* @description 将颜色转为Rgb或Rgba颜色
* @param {String} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba颜色或颜色关键字
* @param {Number} opacity 颜色的透明度 (输入该参数将生成Rgba颜色)
* @return {String|Boolean} Rgb或Rgba颜色 (无效输入将返回false)
* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba颜色或颜色关键字
* @param {number} opacity 颜色的透明度 (输入该参数将生成Rgba颜色)
* @return {string|null} Rgb或Rgba颜色 (无效输入将返回null)
function toRgb (color, opacity) {
type toRgb = (color: string, opacity: number) => string | null

@@ -214,15 +285,11 @@ const before = '#3080E8'

#### getOpacity
* @description 获取颜色透明度
* @param {String} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba颜色或颜色关键字
* @return {Number|Boolean} 颜色透明度 (无效输入将返回false)
* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba颜色或颜色关键字
* @return {number|null} 颜色透明度 (无效输入将返回null)
function getOpacity (color) {
type getOpacity = (color: string) => number | null

@@ -238,15 +305,12 @@ const color1 = '#3080E8'

#### getRgbValue
* @description 获取颜色的Rgb值
* @param {String} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba颜色或颜色关键字
* @return {Array<Number>|Boolean} Rgb值 (无效输入将返回false)
* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba颜色或颜色关键字
* @return {RgbValue|null} Rgb值 (无效输入将返回null)
function getRgbValue (color) {
type RgbValue = [number, number, number]
type getRgbValue = (color: string) => RgbValue | null

@@ -259,15 +323,12 @@ const color = '#3080E8'

#### getRgbaValue
* @description 获取颜色的Rgba值
* @param {String} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba颜色或颜色关键字
* @return {Array<Number>|Boolean} Rgba值 (无效输入将返回false)
* @return {RgbaValue|null} Rgba值 (无效输入将返回null)
function getRgbaValue (color) {
type RgbaValue = [number, number, number, number]
type getRgbaValue = (color: string) => RgbaValue

@@ -283,15 +344,14 @@ const color1 = '#3080E8'

#### getColorFromRgbValue
* @description 从Rgb或Rgba值获取颜色
* @param {Array<Number>} value Rgb或Rgba颜色的值
* @return {String|Boolean} Rgb颜色或Rgba颜色 (无效输入将返回false)
* @param {Value} value Rgb或Rgba颜色的值
* @return {string|null} Rgb颜色或Rgba颜色 (无效输入将返回null)
function getColorFromRgbValue (value) {
type RgbValue = [number, number, number]
type RgbaValue = [number, number, number, number]
type Value = RgbValue | RgbaValue
type getColorFromRgbValue = (value: Value) => string | null

@@ -307,8 +367,6 @@ const value1 = [48, 128, 232]

#### 颜色关键字
<p align="center">
<img width="750px" src="./exampleImgs/keywords.png" />
<img width="750px" src="./exampleImgs/keywords.png" />

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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