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@jiaminghi/color - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.0 to 1.1.1



@@ -25,14 +25,12 @@ module.exports = {

'@typescript-eslint/ban-ts-ignore': 'off',
// 'no-unused-vars': 'off',
// '@typescript-eslint/no-unused-expressions': 'off',
// '@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars': [
// 'error',
// {
// vars: 'all',
// args: 'after-used',
// ignoreRestSiblings: true,
// argsIgnorePattern: '^_', // ignore unused variables whose name is '_'
// },
// ],
'@typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars': [
vars: 'all',
args: 'after-used',
ignoreRestSiblings: true,
argsIgnorePattern: '^_', // ignore unused variables whose name is '_'

@@ -1,3 +0,15 @@

# 1.0.0-alpha (2020-04-11)
# 1.1.1 (2020-05-14)
### Bug Fixes
- **types:** Absolute path cause import error.
# 1.1.0 (2020-04-21)
### Perfect
- **devDep:** Add rollup into devDep.
# 1.0.0 (2020-04-11)
### Upgrade

@@ -4,0 +16,0 @@

@@ -238,3 +238,3 @@ (function (global, factory) {

* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keywords
* @return {string|null} Valid color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Color (Invalid input will throw an error)

@@ -245,3 +245,5 @@

if (isHex(color) || isRgbOrRgba(color)) return color;
return getColorByKeyword(color) || null;
var keywordColor = getColorByKeyword(color);
if (!keywordColor) throw new Error("Color: Invalid Input of " + color);
return keywordColor;

@@ -280,3 +282,3 @@ /**

* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {RgbValue|null} Rgb value of the color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {RgbValue} Rgb value of the color

@@ -287,3 +289,2 @@

var validColor = validator(color);
if (!validColor) return null;
var lowerColor = validColor.toLowerCase();

@@ -300,3 +301,3 @@ return isHex(lowerColor) ? getRgbValueFromHex(lowerColor) : getRgbValueFromRgb(lowerColor);

var validColor = validator(color);
if (!validColor || !isRgba(validColor)) return 1;
if (!isRgba(validColor)) return 1;
return Number(validColor.toLowerCase().split(',').slice(-1)[0].replace(/[)|\s]/g, ''));

@@ -307,3 +308,3 @@ }

* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {RgbaValue|null} Rgba value of the color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {RgbaValue} Rgba value of the color

@@ -319,3 +320,3 @@

* @param {number} opacity The opacity of color
* @return {string|null} Rgb|Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Rgb|Rgba color

@@ -325,3 +326,2 @@

var rgbValue = getRgbValue(color);
if (!rgbValue) return null;
return typeof opacity === 'number' ? "rgba(" + rgbValue.join(',') + "," + opacity + ")" : "rgb(" + rgbValue.join(',') + ")";

@@ -332,3 +332,3 @@ }

* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {string|null} Hex color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Hex color

@@ -339,3 +339,2 @@

var colorValue = getRgbValue(color);
if (!colorValue) return null;

@@ -351,9 +350,9 @@ var format10To16 = function format10To16(_) {

* @param {RgbValue|RgbaValue} value Rgb|Rgba color value
* @return {string|null} Rgb|Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Rgb|Rgba color
function getColorFromRgbValue(value) {
if (!Array.isArray(value)) return null;
if (!Array.isArray(value)) throw new Error("getColorFromRgbValue: " + value + " is not an array");
var length = value.length;
if (length !== 3 && length !== 4) return null;
if (length !== 3 && length !== 4) throw new Error("getColorFromRgbValue: value length should be 3 or 4");
return (length === 3 ? 'rgb(' : 'rgba(') + value.join(',') + ')';

@@ -365,3 +364,3 @@ }

* @param {number} percent of Deepen (1-100)
* @return {string|null} Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Rgba color

@@ -375,3 +374,2 @@

var rgbaValue = getRgbaValue(color);
if (!rgbaValue) return null;
rgbaValue = (v, i) {

@@ -388,3 +386,3 @@ return i === 3 ? v : v - Math.ceil(2.55 * percent);

* @param {number} percent of brighten (1-100)
* @return {string|null} Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Rgba color

@@ -398,3 +396,2 @@

var rgbaValue = getRgbaValue(color);
if (!rgbaValue) return null;
rgbaValue = (v, i) {

@@ -411,3 +408,3 @@ return i === 3 ? v : v + Math.ceil(2.55 * percent);

* @param {number} percent of opacity
* @return {string|null} Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Rgba color

@@ -421,3 +418,2 @@

var rgbValue = getRgbValue(color);
if (!rgbValue) return null;
return getColorFromRgbValue(__spreadArrays(rgbValue, [percent / 100]));

@@ -424,0 +420,0 @@ }

@@ -15,2 +15,2 @@ !function(e,r){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?r(exports):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["exports"],r):r((e=e||self).Color={})}(this,(function(e){"use strict";

and limitations under the License.
***************************************************************************** */function r(){for(var e=0,r=0,a=arguments.length;a>r;r++)e+=arguments[r].length;var f=Array(e),n=0;for(r=0;a>r;r++)for(var t=arguments[r],i=0,l=t.length;l>i;i++,n++)f[n]=t[i];return f}var a;!function(e){e.transparent="rgba(0,0,0,0)","#000000",e.silver="#C0C0C0",e.gray="#808080",e.white="#FFFFFF",e.maroon="#800000","#FF0000",e.purple="#800080",e.fuchsia="#FF00FF","#008000",e.lime="#00FF00",e.olive="#808000",e.yellow="#FFFF00","#000080","#0000FF",e.teal="#008080",e.aqua="#00FFFF",e.aliceblue="#f0f8ff",e.antiquewhite="#faebd7",e.aquamarine="#7fffd4","#f0ffff",e.beige="#f5f5dc",e.bisque="#ffe4c4",e.blanchedalmond="#ffebcd",e.blueviolet="#8a2be2",e.brown="#a52a2a",e.burlywood="#deb887",e.cadetblue="#5f9ea0",e.chartreuse="#7fff00",e.chocolate="#d2691e",e.coral="#ff7f50",e.cornflowerblue="#6495ed",e.cornsilk="#fff8dc",e.crimson="#dc143c",e.cyan="#00ffff",e.darkblue="#00008b",e.darkcyan="#008b8b",e.darkgoldenrod="#b8860b",e.darkgray="#a9a9a9",e.darkgreen="#006400",e.darkgrey="#a9a9a9",e.darkkhaki="#bdb76b",e.darkmagenta="#8b008b",e.darkolivegreen="#556b2f",e.darkorange="#ff8c00",e.darkorchid="#9932cc",e.darkred="#8b0000",e.darksalmon="#e9967a",e.darkseagreen="#8fbc8f",e.darkslateblue="#483d8b",e.darkslategray="#2f4f4f",e.darkslategrey="#2f4f4f",e.darkturquoise="#00ced1",e.darkviolet="#9400d3",e.deeppink="#ff1493",e.deepskyblue="#00bfff",e.dimgray="#696969",e.dimgrey="#696969",e.dodgerblue="#1e90ff",e.firebrick="#b22222",e.floralwhite="#fffaf0",e.forestgreen="#228b22",e.gainsboro="#dcdcdc",e.ghostwhite="#f8f8ff","#ffd700",e.goldenrod="#daa520",e.greenyellow="#adff2f",e.grey="#808080",e.honeydew="#f0fff0",e.hotpink="#ff69b4",e.indianred="#cd5c5c",e.indigo="#4b0082",e.ivory="#fffff0",e.khaki="#f0e68c",e.lavender="#e6e6fa",e.lavenderblush="#fff0f5",e.lawngreen="#7cfc00",e.lemonchiffon="#fffacd",e.lightblue="#add8e6",e.lightcoral="#f08080",e.lightcyan="#e0ffff",e.lightgoldenrodyellow="#fafad2",e.lightgray="#d3d3d3",e.lightgreen="#90ee90",e.lightgrey="#d3d3d3",e.lightpink="#ffb6c1",e.lightsalmon="#ffa07a",e.lightseagreen="#20b2aa",e.lightskyblue="#87cefa",e.lightslategray="#778899",e.lightslategrey="#778899",e.lightsteelblue="#b0c4de",e.lightyellow="#ffffe0",e.limegreen="#32cd32",e.linen="#faf0e6",e.magenta="#ff00ff",e.mediumaquamarine="#66cdaa",e.mediumblue="#0000cd",e.mediumorchid="#ba55d3",e.mediumpurple="#9370db",e.mediumseagreen="#3cb371",e.mediumslateblue="#7b68ee",e.mediumspringgreen="#00fa9a",e.mediumturquoise="#48d1cc",e.mediumvioletred="#c71585",e.midnightblue="#191970",e.mintcream="#f5fffa",e.mistyrose="#ffe4e1",e.moccasin="#ffe4b5",e.navajowhite="#ffdead",e.oldlace="#fdf5e6",e.olivedrab="#6b8e23","#ffa500",e.orangered="#ff4500",e.orchid="#da70d6",e.palegoldenrod="#eee8aa",e.palegreen="#98fb98",e.paleturquoise="#afeeee",e.palevioletred="#db7093",e.papayawhip="#ffefd5",e.peachpuff="#ffdab9",e.peru="#cd853f","#ffc0cb",e.plum="#dda0dd",e.powderblue="#b0e0e6",e.rosybrown="#bc8f8f",e.royalblue="#4169e1",e.saddlebrown="#8b4513",e.salmon="#fa8072",e.sandybrown="#f4a460",e.seagreen="#2e8b57",e.seashell="#fff5ee",e.sienna="#a0522d",e.skyblue="#87ceeb",e.slateblue="#6a5acd",e.slategray="#708090",e.snow="#fffafa",e.springgreen="#00ff7f",e.steelblue="#4682b4",e.tan="#d2b48c",e.thistle="#d8bfd8",e.tomato="#ff6347",e.turquoise="#40e0d0",e.violet="#ee82ee",e.wheat="#f5deb3",e.whitesmoke="#f5f5f5",e.yellowgreen="#9acd32"}(a||(a={}));var f=a;function n(e){return"string"==typeof e&&(e=e.toLowerCase(),/^#([0-9a-fA-f]{3}|[0-9a-fA-f]{6})$/.test(e))}function t(e){return"string"==typeof e&&(e=e.toLowerCase(),/^(rgb\(|RGB\()/.test(e))}function i(e){return"string"==typeof e&&(e=e.toLowerCase(),/^(rgba|RGBA)/.test(e))}function l(e){return/^(rgb|rgba|RGB|RGBA)/.test(e)}function o(e){return n(e)||l(e)?e:f[e]||null}function d(e){var r=o(e);if(!r)return null;var a=r.toLowerCase();return n(a)?function(e){3===(e=e.replace("#","")).length&&(e=Array.from(e).map((function(e){return e+e})).join(""));var r=e.split("");return[,,,].fill(0).map((function(e,a){return parseInt("0x"+r[2*a]+r[2*a+1])}))}(a):function(e){return e.replace(/rgb\(|rgba\(|\)/g,"").split(",").slice(0,3).map((function(e){return parseInt(e)}))}(a)}function u(e){var r=o(e);return r&&i(r)?Number(r.toLowerCase().split(",").slice(-1)[0].replace(/[)|\s]/g,"")):1}function b(e){var a=d(e);return a&&r(a,[u(e)])}function g(e,r){var a=d(e);return a?"number"==typeof r?"rgba("+a.join(",")+","+r+")":"rgb("+a.join(",")+")":null}function c(e){if(n(e))return e;var r=d(e);if(!r)return null;return"#"{return Number(e).toString(16).padStart(2,"0")})).join("")}function s(e){if(!Array.isArray(e))return null;var r=e.length;return 3!==r&&4!==r?null:(3===r?"rgb(":"rgba(")+e.join(",")+")"}function m(e,r){void 0===r&&(r=0);var a=b(e);return a?s(,a){return 3===a?e:e-Math.ceil(2.55*r)})).map((function(e){return 0>e?0:e}))):null}function p(e,r){void 0===r&&(r=0);var a=b(e);return a?s(,a){return 3===a?e:e+Math.ceil(2.55*r)})).map((function(e){return e>255?255:e}))):null}function h(e,a){void 0===a&&(a=100);var f=d(e);return f?s(r(f,[a/100])):null}var y={isHex:n,isRgb:t,isRgba:i,isRgbOrRgba:l,fade:h,toHex:c,toRgb:g,darken:m,lighten:p,getOpacity:u,getRgbValue:d,getRgbaValue:b,getColorFromRgbValue:s};e.darken=m,e.default=y,e.fade=h,e.getColorFromRgbValue=s,e.getOpacity=u,e.getRgbValue=d,e.getRgbaValue=b,e.isHex=n,e.isRgb=t,e.isRgbOrRgba=l,e.isRgba=i,e.lighten=p,e.toHex=c,e.toRgb=g,Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})}));
***************************************************************************** */function r(){for(var e=0,r=0,a=arguments.length;a>r;r++)e+=arguments[r].length;var f=Array(e),n=0;for(r=0;a>r;r++)for(var t=arguments[r],o=0,i=t.length;i>o;o++,n++)f[n]=t[o];return f}var a;!function(e){e.transparent="rgba(0,0,0,0)","#000000",e.silver="#C0C0C0",e.gray="#808080",e.white="#FFFFFF",e.maroon="#800000","#FF0000",e.purple="#800080",e.fuchsia="#FF00FF","#008000",e.lime="#00FF00",e.olive="#808000",e.yellow="#FFFF00","#000080","#0000FF",e.teal="#008080",e.aqua="#00FFFF",e.aliceblue="#f0f8ff",e.antiquewhite="#faebd7",e.aquamarine="#7fffd4","#f0ffff",e.beige="#f5f5dc",e.bisque="#ffe4c4",e.blanchedalmond="#ffebcd",e.blueviolet="#8a2be2",e.brown="#a52a2a",e.burlywood="#deb887",e.cadetblue="#5f9ea0",e.chartreuse="#7fff00",e.chocolate="#d2691e",e.coral="#ff7f50",e.cornflowerblue="#6495ed",e.cornsilk="#fff8dc",e.crimson="#dc143c",e.cyan="#00ffff",e.darkblue="#00008b",e.darkcyan="#008b8b",e.darkgoldenrod="#b8860b",e.darkgray="#a9a9a9",e.darkgreen="#006400",e.darkgrey="#a9a9a9",e.darkkhaki="#bdb76b",e.darkmagenta="#8b008b",e.darkolivegreen="#556b2f",e.darkorange="#ff8c00",e.darkorchid="#9932cc",e.darkred="#8b0000",e.darksalmon="#e9967a",e.darkseagreen="#8fbc8f",e.darkslateblue="#483d8b",e.darkslategray="#2f4f4f",e.darkslategrey="#2f4f4f",e.darkturquoise="#00ced1",e.darkviolet="#9400d3",e.deeppink="#ff1493",e.deepskyblue="#00bfff",e.dimgray="#696969",e.dimgrey="#696969",e.dodgerblue="#1e90ff",e.firebrick="#b22222",e.floralwhite="#fffaf0",e.forestgreen="#228b22",e.gainsboro="#dcdcdc",e.ghostwhite="#f8f8ff","#ffd700",e.goldenrod="#daa520",e.greenyellow="#adff2f",e.grey="#808080",e.honeydew="#f0fff0",e.hotpink="#ff69b4",e.indianred="#cd5c5c",e.indigo="#4b0082",e.ivory="#fffff0",e.khaki="#f0e68c",e.lavender="#e6e6fa",e.lavenderblush="#fff0f5",e.lawngreen="#7cfc00",e.lemonchiffon="#fffacd",e.lightblue="#add8e6",e.lightcoral="#f08080",e.lightcyan="#e0ffff",e.lightgoldenrodyellow="#fafad2",e.lightgray="#d3d3d3",e.lightgreen="#90ee90",e.lightgrey="#d3d3d3",e.lightpink="#ffb6c1",e.lightsalmon="#ffa07a",e.lightseagreen="#20b2aa",e.lightskyblue="#87cefa",e.lightslategray="#778899",e.lightslategrey="#778899",e.lightsteelblue="#b0c4de",e.lightyellow="#ffffe0",e.limegreen="#32cd32",e.linen="#faf0e6",e.magenta="#ff00ff",e.mediumaquamarine="#66cdaa",e.mediumblue="#0000cd",e.mediumorchid="#ba55d3",e.mediumpurple="#9370db",e.mediumseagreen="#3cb371",e.mediumslateblue="#7b68ee",e.mediumspringgreen="#00fa9a",e.mediumturquoise="#48d1cc",e.mediumvioletred="#c71585",e.midnightblue="#191970",e.mintcream="#f5fffa",e.mistyrose="#ffe4e1",e.moccasin="#ffe4b5",e.navajowhite="#ffdead",e.oldlace="#fdf5e6",e.olivedrab="#6b8e23","#ffa500",e.orangered="#ff4500",e.orchid="#da70d6",e.palegoldenrod="#eee8aa",e.palegreen="#98fb98",e.paleturquoise="#afeeee",e.palevioletred="#db7093",e.papayawhip="#ffefd5",e.peachpuff="#ffdab9",e.peru="#cd853f","#ffc0cb",e.plum="#dda0dd",e.powderblue="#b0e0e6",e.rosybrown="#bc8f8f",e.royalblue="#4169e1",e.saddlebrown="#8b4513",e.salmon="#fa8072",e.sandybrown="#f4a460",e.seagreen="#2e8b57",e.seashell="#fff5ee",e.sienna="#a0522d",e.skyblue="#87ceeb",e.slateblue="#6a5acd",e.slategray="#708090",e.snow="#fffafa",e.springgreen="#00ff7f",e.steelblue="#4682b4",e.tan="#d2b48c",e.thistle="#d8bfd8",e.tomato="#ff6347",e.turquoise="#40e0d0",e.violet="#ee82ee",e.wheat="#f5deb3",e.whitesmoke="#f5f5f5",e.yellowgreen="#9acd32"}(a||(a={}));var f=a;function n(e){return"string"==typeof e&&(e=e.toLowerCase(),/^#([0-9a-fA-f]{3}|[0-9a-fA-f]{6})$/.test(e))}function t(e){return"string"==typeof e&&(e=e.toLowerCase(),/^(rgb\(|RGB\()/.test(e))}function o(e){return"string"==typeof e&&(e=e.toLowerCase(),/^(rgba|RGBA)/.test(e))}function i(e){return/^(rgb|rgba|RGB|RGBA)/.test(e)}function l(e){if(n(e)||i(e))return e;var r=f[e];if(!r)throw Error("Color: Invalid Input of "+e);return r}function d(e){var r=l(e).toLowerCase();return n(r)?function(e){3===(e=e.replace("#","")).length&&(e=Array.from(e).map((function(e){return e+e})).join(""));var r=e.split("");return[,,,].fill(0).map((function(e,a){return parseInt("0x"+r[2*a]+r[2*a+1])}))}(r):function(e){return e.replace(/rgb\(|rgba\(|\)/g,"").split(",").slice(0,3).map((function(e){return parseInt(e)}))}(r)}function u(e){var r=l(e);return o(r)?Number(r.toLowerCase().split(",").slice(-1)[0].replace(/[)|\s]/g,"")):1}function g(e){var a=d(e);return a&&r(a,[u(e)])}function b(e,r){var a=d(e);return"number"==typeof r?"rgba("+a.join(",")+","+r+")":"rgb("+a.join(",")+")"}function c(e){if(n(e))return e;return"#"+d(e).map((function(e){return Number(e).toString(16).padStart(2,"0")})).join("")}function s(e){if(!Array.isArray(e))throw Error("getColorFromRgbValue: "+e+" is not an array");var r=e.length;if(3!==r&&4!==r)throw Error("getColorFromRgbValue: value length should be 3 or 4");return(3===r?"rgb(":"rgba(")+e.join(",")+")"}function m(e,r){void 0===r&&(r=0);var a=g(e);return s(,a){return 3===a?e:e-Math.ceil(2.55*r)})).map((function(e){return 0>e?0:e})))}function h(e,r){void 0===r&&(r=0);var a=g(e);return s(,a){return 3===a?e:e+Math.ceil(2.55*r)})).map((function(e){return e>255?255:e})))}function p(e,a){return void 0===a&&(a=100),s(r(d(e),[a/100]))}var y={isHex:n,isRgb:t,isRgba:o,isRgbOrRgba:i,fade:p,toHex:c,toRgb:b,darken:m,lighten:h,getOpacity:u,getRgbValue:d,getRgbaValue:g,getColorFromRgbValue:s};e.darken=m,e.default=y,e.fade=p,e.getColorFromRgbValue=s,e.getOpacity=u,e.getRgbValue=d,e.getRgbaValue=g,e.isHex=n,e.isRgb=t,e.isRgbOrRgba=i,e.isRgba=o,e.lighten=h,e.toHex=c,e.toRgb=b,Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})}));

@@ -232,3 +232,3 @@ /*! *****************************************************************************

* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keywords
* @return {string|null} Valid color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Color (Invalid input will throw an error)

@@ -239,3 +239,5 @@

if (isHex(color) || isRgbOrRgba(color)) return color;
return getColorByKeyword(color) || null;
var keywordColor = getColorByKeyword(color);
if (!keywordColor) throw new Error("Color: Invalid Input of " + color);
return keywordColor;

@@ -274,3 +276,3 @@ /**

* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {RgbValue|null} Rgb value of the color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {RgbValue} Rgb value of the color

@@ -281,3 +283,2 @@

var validColor = validator(color);
if (!validColor) return null;
var lowerColor = validColor.toLowerCase();

@@ -294,3 +295,3 @@ return isHex(lowerColor) ? getRgbValueFromHex(lowerColor) : getRgbValueFromRgb(lowerColor);

var validColor = validator(color);
if (!validColor || !isRgba(validColor)) return 1;
if (!isRgba(validColor)) return 1;
return Number(validColor.toLowerCase().split(',').slice(-1)[0].replace(/[)|\s]/g, ''));

@@ -301,3 +302,3 @@ }

* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {RgbaValue|null} Rgba value of the color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {RgbaValue} Rgba value of the color

@@ -313,3 +314,3 @@

* @param {number} opacity The opacity of color
* @return {string|null} Rgb|Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Rgb|Rgba color

@@ -319,3 +320,2 @@

var rgbValue = getRgbValue(color);
if (!rgbValue) return null;
return typeof opacity === 'number' ? "rgba(" + rgbValue.join(',') + "," + opacity + ")" : "rgb(" + rgbValue.join(',') + ")";

@@ -326,3 +326,3 @@ }

* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {string|null} Hex color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Hex color

@@ -333,3 +333,2 @@

var colorValue = getRgbValue(color);
if (!colorValue) return null;

@@ -345,9 +344,9 @@ var format10To16 = function format10To16(_) {

* @param {RgbValue|RgbaValue} value Rgb|Rgba color value
* @return {string|null} Rgb|Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Rgb|Rgba color
function getColorFromRgbValue(value) {
if (!Array.isArray(value)) return null;
if (!Array.isArray(value)) throw new Error("getColorFromRgbValue: " + value + " is not an array");
var length = value.length;
if (length !== 3 && length !== 4) return null;
if (length !== 3 && length !== 4) throw new Error("getColorFromRgbValue: value length should be 3 or 4");
return (length === 3 ? 'rgb(' : 'rgba(') + value.join(',') + ')';

@@ -359,3 +358,3 @@ }

* @param {number} percent of Deepen (1-100)
* @return {string|null} Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Rgba color

@@ -369,3 +368,2 @@

var rgbaValue = getRgbaValue(color);
if (!rgbaValue) return null;
rgbaValue = (v, i) {

@@ -382,3 +380,3 @@ return i === 3 ? v : v - Math.ceil(2.55 * percent);

* @param {number} percent of brighten (1-100)
* @return {string|null} Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Rgba color

@@ -392,3 +390,2 @@

var rgbaValue = getRgbaValue(color);
if (!rgbaValue) return null;
rgbaValue = (v, i) {

@@ -405,3 +402,3 @@ return i === 3 ? v : v + Math.ceil(2.55 * percent);

* @param {number} percent of opacity
* @return {string|null} Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Rgba color

@@ -415,3 +412,2 @@

var rgbValue = getRgbValue(color);
if (!rgbValue) return null;
return getColorFromRgbValue(__spreadArrays(rgbValue, [percent / 100]));

@@ -418,0 +414,0 @@ }

@@ -236,3 +236,3 @@ 'use strict';

* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keywords
* @return {string|null} Valid color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Color (Invalid input will throw an error)

@@ -243,3 +243,5 @@

if (isHex(color) || isRgbOrRgba(color)) return color;
return getColorByKeyword(color) || null;
var keywordColor = getColorByKeyword(color);
if (!keywordColor) throw new Error("Color: Invalid Input of " + color);
return keywordColor;

@@ -278,3 +280,3 @@ /**

* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {RgbValue|null} Rgb value of the color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {RgbValue} Rgb value of the color

@@ -285,3 +287,2 @@

var validColor = validator(color);
if (!validColor) return null;
var lowerColor = validColor.toLowerCase();

@@ -298,3 +299,3 @@ return isHex(lowerColor) ? getRgbValueFromHex(lowerColor) : getRgbValueFromRgb(lowerColor);

var validColor = validator(color);
if (!validColor || !isRgba(validColor)) return 1;
if (!isRgba(validColor)) return 1;
return Number(validColor.toLowerCase().split(',').slice(-1)[0].replace(/[)|\s]/g, ''));

@@ -305,3 +306,3 @@ }

* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {RgbaValue|null} Rgba value of the color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {RgbaValue} Rgba value of the color

@@ -317,3 +318,3 @@

* @param {number} opacity The opacity of color
* @return {string|null} Rgb|Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Rgb|Rgba color

@@ -323,3 +324,2 @@

var rgbValue = getRgbValue(color);
if (!rgbValue) return null;
return typeof opacity === 'number' ? "rgba(" + rgbValue.join(',') + "," + opacity + ")" : "rgb(" + rgbValue.join(',') + ")";

@@ -330,3 +330,3 @@ }

* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {string|null} Hex color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Hex color

@@ -337,3 +337,2 @@

var colorValue = getRgbValue(color);
if (!colorValue) return null;

@@ -349,9 +348,9 @@ var format10To16 = function format10To16(_) {

* @param {RgbValue|RgbaValue} value Rgb|Rgba color value
* @return {string|null} Rgb|Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Rgb|Rgba color
function getColorFromRgbValue(value) {
if (!Array.isArray(value)) return null;
if (!Array.isArray(value)) throw new Error("getColorFromRgbValue: " + value + " is not an array");
var length = value.length;
if (length !== 3 && length !== 4) return null;
if (length !== 3 && length !== 4) throw new Error("getColorFromRgbValue: value length should be 3 or 4");
return (length === 3 ? 'rgb(' : 'rgba(') + value.join(',') + ')';

@@ -363,3 +362,3 @@ }

* @param {number} percent of Deepen (1-100)
* @return {string|null} Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Rgba color

@@ -373,3 +372,2 @@

var rgbaValue = getRgbaValue(color);
if (!rgbaValue) return null;
rgbaValue = (v, i) {

@@ -386,3 +384,3 @@ return i === 3 ? v : v - Math.ceil(2.55 * percent);

* @param {number} percent of brighten (1-100)
* @return {string|null} Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Rgba color

@@ -396,3 +394,2 @@

var rgbaValue = getRgbaValue(color);
if (!rgbaValue) return null;
rgbaValue = (v, i) {

@@ -409,3 +406,3 @@ return i === 3 ? v : v + Math.ceil(2.55 * percent);

* @param {number} percent of opacity
* @return {string|null} Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Rgba color

@@ -419,3 +416,2 @@

var rgbValue = getRgbValue(color);
if (!rgbValue) return null;
return getColorFromRgbValue(__spreadArrays(rgbValue, [percent / 100]));

@@ -422,0 +418,0 @@ }

"name": "@jiaminghi/color",
"version": "1.0.0",
"version": "1.1.1",
"author": "JiaMing <>",

@@ -16,6 +16,6 @@ "description": "Color extension",

"clean": "rimraf lib dist es types",
"format": "prettier --write .",
"format:check": "prettier --check .",
"type:check": "tsc --noEmit",
"lint": "eslint --ext js,ts src test",
"format:check": "prettier --check .",
"format": "prettier --write .",
"build": "rollup -c",

@@ -66,2 +66,3 @@ "prepare": "npm run clean && npm run check && npm run build",

"rimraf": "^3.0.2",
"rollup": "^2.6.1",
"rollup-plugin-babel": "^4.4.0",

@@ -68,0 +69,0 @@ "rollup-plugin-node-resolve": "^5.2.0",

@@ -183,5 +183,5 @@ [中文](./

* @param {number} percent Percent of Deepen (1-100)
* @return {string|null} Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Rgba color (Invalid input will throw an error)
type darken = (color: string, percent: number) => string | null
type darken = (color: string, percent: number) => string

@@ -205,5 +205,5 @@ const before = '#3080E8'

* @param {number} percent Percent of brighten (1-100)
* @return {string|null} Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Rgba color (Invalid input will throw an error)
type lighten = (color: string, percent: number) => string | null
type lighten = (color: string, percent: number) => string

@@ -227,5 +227,5 @@ const before = '#3080E8'

* @param {number} percent Percent of opacity
* @return {string|null} Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Rgba color (Invalid input will throw an error)
type fade = (color: string, percent: number) => string | null
type fade = (color: string, percent: number) => string

@@ -248,5 +248,5 @@ const before = '#3080E8'

* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {string|null} Hex color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Hex color (Invalid input will throw an error)
type toHex = (color: string) => string | null
type toHex = (color: string) => string

@@ -266,5 +266,5 @@ const before = 'rgb(48,128,232)'

* @param {number} opacity The opacity of color
* @return {string|null} Rgb|Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Rgb|Rgba color (Invalid input will throw an error)
type toRgb = (color: string, opacity: number) => string | null
type toRgb = (color: string, opacity: number) => string

@@ -285,5 +285,5 @@ const before = '#3080E8'

* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {number|null} Color opacity (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {number} Color opacity (Invalid input will throw an error)
type getOpacity = (color: string) => number | null
type getOpacity = (color: string) => number

@@ -305,6 +305,6 @@ const color1 = '#3080E8'

* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {RgbValue|null} Rgb value of the color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {RgbValue} Rgb value of the color (Invalid input will throw an error)
type RgbValue = [number, number, number]
type getRgbValue = (color: string) => RgbValue | null
type getRgbValue = (color: string) => RgbValue

@@ -323,3 +323,3 @@ const color = '#3080E8'

* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {RgbaValue|null} Rgba value of the color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {RgbaValue} Rgba value of the color (Invalid input will throw an error)

@@ -344,3 +344,3 @@ type RgbaValue = [number, number, number, number]

* @param {Value} value Rgb|Rgba color value
* @return {string|null} Rgb|Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Rgb|Rgba color (Invalid input will throw an error)

@@ -347,0 +347,0 @@ type RgbValue = [number, number, number]

@@ -183,5 +183,5 @@ [ENGLISH](./

* @param {number} percent 加深的百分比 (1-100)
* @return {string|null} Rgba颜色 (无效输入将返回null)
* @return {string} Rgba颜色 (无效输入将抛出异常)
type darken = (color: string, percent: number) => string | null
type darken = (color: string, percent: number) => string

@@ -205,5 +205,5 @@ const before = '#3080E8'

* @param {number} percent 提亮的百分比 (1-100)
* @return {string|null} Rgba颜色 (无效输入将返回null)
* @return {string} Rgba颜色 (无效输入将抛出异常)
type lighten = (color: string, percent: number) => string | null
type lighten = (color: string, percent: number) => string

@@ -227,5 +227,5 @@ const before = '#3080E8'

* @param {number} Percent 透明度百分比
* @return {string|null} Rgba颜色 (无效输入将返回null)
* @return {string} Rgba颜色 (无效输入将抛出异常)
type fade = (color: string, percent: number) => string | null
type fade = (color: string, percent: number) => string

@@ -248,5 +248,5 @@ const before = '#3080E8'

* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba颜色或颜色关键字
* @return {string|null} Hex颜色 (无效输入将返回null)
* @return {string} Hex颜色 (无效输入将抛出异常)
type toHex = (color: string) => string | false
type toHex = (color: string) => string

@@ -266,5 +266,5 @@ const before = 'rgb(48,128,232)'

* @param {number} opacity 颜色的透明度 (输入该参数将生成Rgba颜色)
* @return {string|null} Rgb或Rgba颜色 (无效输入将返回null)
* @return {string} Rgb或Rgba颜色 (无效输入将抛出异常)
type toRgb = (color: string, opacity: number) => string | null
type toRgb = (color: string, opacity: number) => string

@@ -285,5 +285,5 @@ const before = '#3080E8'

* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba颜色或颜色关键字
* @return {number|null} 颜色透明度 (无效输入将返回null)
* @return {number} 颜色透明度 (无效输入将抛出异常)
type getOpacity = (color: string) => number | null
type getOpacity = (color: string) => number

@@ -305,6 +305,6 @@ const color1 = '#3080E8'

* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba颜色或颜色关键字
* @return {RgbValue|null} Rgb值 (无效输入将返回null)
* @return {RgbValue} Rgb值 (无效输入将抛出异常)
type RgbValue = [number, number, number]
type getRgbValue = (color: string) => RgbValue | null
type getRgbValue = (color: string) => RgbValue

@@ -323,3 +323,3 @@ const color = '#3080E8'

* @param {String} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba颜色或颜色关键字
* @return {RgbaValue|null} Rgba值 (无效输入将返回null)
* @return {RgbaValue|null} Rgba值 (无效输入将抛出异常)

@@ -344,3 +344,3 @@ type RgbaValue = [number, number, number, number]

* @param {Value} value Rgb或Rgba颜色的值
* @return {string|null} Rgb颜色或Rgba颜色 (无效输入将返回null)
* @return {string} Rgb颜色或Rgba颜色 (无效输入将抛出异常)

@@ -350,3 +350,3 @@ type RgbValue = [number, number, number]

type Value = RgbValue | RgbaValue
type getColorFromRgbValue = (value: Value) => string | null
type getColorFromRgbValue = (value: Value) => string

@@ -353,0 +353,0 @@ const value1 = [48, 128, 232]

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { RgbValue, RgbaValue } from 'types/index'
import { RgbValue, RgbaValue } from './types/index'
import ColorKeywords from './config/keywords'

@@ -61,8 +61,11 @@

* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keywords
* @return {string|null} Valid color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Color (Invalid input will throw an error)
function validator(color: string): string | null {
function validator(color: string): string {
if (isHex(color) || isRgbOrRgba(color)) return color
return getColorByKeyword(color as keyof typeof ColorKeywords) || null
const keywordColor = getColorByKeyword(color as keyof typeof ColorKeywords)
if (!keywordColor) throw new Error(`Color: Invalid Input of ${color}`)
return keywordColor

@@ -106,9 +109,7 @@

* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {RgbValue|null} Rgb value of the color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {RgbValue} Rgb value of the color
export function getRgbValue(color: string): RgbValue | null {
export function getRgbValue(color: string): RgbValue {
const validColor = validator(color)
if (!validColor) return null
const lowerColor = validColor.toLowerCase()

@@ -127,3 +128,3 @@

if (!validColor || !isRgba(validColor)) return 1
if (!isRgba(validColor)) return 1

@@ -142,5 +143,5 @@ return Number(

* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {RgbaValue|null} Rgba value of the color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {RgbaValue} Rgba value of the color
export function getRgbaValue(color: string): RgbaValue | null {
export function getRgbaValue(color: string): RgbaValue {
const rgbValue = getRgbValue(color)

@@ -155,7 +156,6 @@

* @param {number} opacity The opacity of color
* @return {string|null} Rgb|Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Rgb|Rgba color
export function toRgb(color: string, opacity?: number): string | null {
export function toRgb(color: string, opacity?: number): string {
const rgbValue = getRgbValue(color)
if (!rgbValue) return null

@@ -170,9 +170,8 @@ return typeof opacity === 'number'

* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {string|null} Hex color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Hex color
export function toHex(color: string): string | null {
export function toHex(color: string): string {
if (isHex(color)) return color
const colorValue = getRgbValue(color)
if (!colorValue) return null

@@ -187,9 +186,10 @@ const format10To16 = (_: number): string => Number(_).toString(16).padStart(2, '0')

* @param {RgbValue|RgbaValue} value Rgb|Rgba color value
* @return {string|null} Rgb|Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Rgb|Rgba color
export function getColorFromRgbValue(value: RgbValue | RgbaValue): string | null {
if (!Array.isArray(value)) return null
export function getColorFromRgbValue(value: RgbValue | RgbaValue): string {
if (!Array.isArray(value)) throw new Error(`getColorFromRgbValue: ${value} is not an array`)
const { length } = value
if (length !== 3 && length !== 4) return null
if (length !== 3 && length !== 4)
throw new Error(`getColorFromRgbValue: value length should be 3 or 4`)

@@ -203,7 +203,6 @@ return (length === 3 ? 'rgb(' : 'rgba(') + value.join(',') + ')'

* @param {number} percent of Deepen (1-100)
* @return {string|null} Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Rgba color
export function darken(color: string, percent = 0): string | null {
export function darken(color: string, percent = 0): string {
let rgbaValue = getRgbaValue(color)
if (!rgbaValue) return null

@@ -221,7 +220,6 @@ rgbaValue = rgbaValue

* @param {number} percent of brighten (1-100)
* @return {string|null} Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Rgba color
export function lighten(color: string, percent = 0): string | null {
export function lighten(color: string, percent = 0): string {
let rgbaValue = getRgbaValue(color)
if (!rgbaValue) return null

@@ -239,7 +237,6 @@ rgbaValue = rgbaValue

* @param {number} percent of opacity
* @return {string|null} Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Rgba color
export function fade(color: string, percent = 100): string | null {
export function fade(color: string, percent = 100): string {
const rgbValue = getRgbValue(color)
if (!rgbValue) return null

@@ -246,0 +243,0 @@ return getColorFromRgbValue([...rgbValue, percent / 100] as RgbaValue)

@@ -19,10 +19,8 @@ import { expect } from 'chai'

const INVALID_COLOR_REGEXP = /Color: Invalid Input of undefined/
describe('isHex', () => {
it(`isHex()`, () => {
try {
// @ts-ignore
} catch (e) {
// @ts-ignore

@@ -61,8 +59,4 @@

it(`isRgb()`, () => {
try {
// @ts-ignore
} catch (e) {
// @ts-ignore

@@ -101,8 +95,4 @@

it(`isRgba()`, () => {
try {
// @ts-ignore
} catch (e) {
// @ts-ignore

@@ -141,8 +131,4 @@

it(`isRgbOrRgba()`, () => {
try {
// @ts-ignore
} catch (e) {
// @ts-ignore

@@ -180,19 +166,6 @@

describe('fade', () => {
it(`fade('Not A Color')`, () => {
try {
fade('Not A Color')
} catch (e) {
it(`fade error`, () => {
it(`fade()`, () => {
try {
// @ts-ignore
} catch (e) {
it(`fade('black', 50)`, () => {

@@ -252,19 +225,6 @@ expect(fade('black', 50)).to.equal('rgba(0,0,0,0.5)')

describe('toHex', () => {
it(`toHex()`, () => {
try {
// @ts-ignore
} catch (e) {
it(`toHex error`, () => {
it(`toHex('Not A Color')`, () => {
try {
toHex('Not A Color')
} catch (e) {
it(`toHex('#000')`, () => {

@@ -292,19 +252,6 @@ expect(toHex('#000')).to.equal('#000')

describe('toRgb', () => {
it(`toRgb()`, () => {
try {
// @ts-ignore
} catch (e) {
it(`toRgb error`, () => {
it(`toRgb('Not A Color')`, () => {
try {
toRgb('Not A Color')
} catch (e) {
it(`toRgb('#000')`, () => {

@@ -348,19 +295,6 @@ expect(toRgb('#000')).to.equal('rgb(0,0,0)')

describe('darken', () => {
it(`darken()`, () => {
try {
// @ts-ignore
} catch (e) {
it(`darken error`, () => {
it(`darken('Not A Color')`, () => {
try {
darken('Not A Color')
} catch (e) {
it(`darken('#3080E8', 20)`, () => {

@@ -396,19 +330,6 @@ expect(darken('#3080E8', 20)).to.equal('rgba(0,77,181,1)')

describe('lighten', () => {
it(`lighten()`, () => {
try {
// @ts-ignore
} catch (e) {
it(`lighten error`, () => {
it(`lighten('Not A Color')`, () => {
try {
darken('Not A Color')
} catch (e) {
it(`lighten('#3080E8', 20)`, () => {

@@ -444,19 +365,6 @@ expect(lighten('#3080E8', 20)).to.equal('rgba(99,179,255,1)')

describe('getOpacity', () => {
it(`getOpacity()`, () => {
try {
// @ts-ignore
} catch (e) {
it(`getOpacity error`, () => {
it(`getOpacity('Not A Color')`, () => {
try {
darken('Not A Color')
} catch (e) {
it(`getOpacity('#000')`, () => {

@@ -499,20 +407,41 @@ expect(getOpacity('#000')).to.equal(1)

describe('getRgbaValue', () => {
it(`getRgbaValue()`, () => {
try {
// @ts-ignore
} catch (e) {
describe('getRgbValue', () => {
it(`getRgbValue error`, () => {
it(`getRgbaValue('Not A Color')`, () => {
try {
getRgbValue('Not A Color')
} catch (e) {
it(`getRgbValue('black')`, () => {
expect(getRgbValue('black')).to.deep.equal([0, 0, 0])
it(`getRgbValue('#000')`, () => {
expect(getRgbValue('#000')).to.deep.equal([0, 0, 0])
it(`getRgbValue('#000000')`, () => {
expect(getRgbValue('#000000')).to.deep.equal([0, 0, 0])
it(`getRgbValue('rgb(0,0,0)')`, () => {
expect(getRgbValue('rgb(0,0,0)')).to.deep.equal([0, 0, 0])
it(`getRgbValue('rgb(1, 12, 12)')`, () => {
expect(getRgbValue('rgb(1, 12, 123)')).to.deep.equal([1, 12, 123])
it(`getRgbValue('rgba(1,12,123,1)')`, () => {
expect(getRgbValue('rgba(1,12,123,1)')).to.deep.equal([1, 12, 123])
it(`getRgbValue('rgba(1, 12, 123, 1)')`, () => {
expect(getRgbValue('rgba(1, 12, 123, 1)')).to.deep.equal([1, 12, 123])
describe('getRgbaValue', () => {
it(`getRgbaValue error`, () => {
it(`getRgbaValue('black')`, () => {

@@ -551,59 +480,17 @@ expect(getRgbaValue('black')).to.deep.equal([0, 0, 0, 1])

describe('getRgbaValue', () => {
it(`getRgbValue()`, () => {
try {
// @ts-ignore
} catch (e) {
it(`getRgbValue('Not A Color')`, () => {
try {
getRgbValue('Not A Color')
} catch (e) {
it(`getRgbValue('black')`, () => {
expect(getRgbValue('black')).to.deep.equal([0, 0, 0])
it(`getRgbValue('#000')`, () => {
expect(getRgbValue('#000')).to.deep.equal([0, 0, 0])
it(`getRgbValue('#000000')`, () => {
expect(getRgbValue('#000000')).to.deep.equal([0, 0, 0])
it(`getRgbValue('rgb(0,0,0)')`, () => {
expect(getRgbValue('rgb(0,0,0)')).to.deep.equal([0, 0, 0])
it(`getRgbValue('rgb(1, 12, 12)')`, () => {
expect(getRgbValue('rgb(1, 12, 123)')).to.deep.equal([1, 12, 123])
it(`getRgbValue('rgba(1,12,123,1)')`, () => {
expect(getRgbValue('rgba(1,12,123,1)')).to.deep.equal([1, 12, 123])
it(`getRgbValue('rgba(1, 12, 123, 1)')`, () => {
expect(getRgbValue('rgba(1, 12, 123, 1)')).to.deep.equal([1, 12, 123])
describe('getColorFromRgbValue', () => {
it(`getColorFromRgbValue()`, () => {
try {
expect(() => {
// @ts-ignore
} catch (e) {
}).to.throw(/is not an array/)
it(`getColorFromRgbValue([])`, () => {
expect(() => {
// @ts-ignore
}).to.throw(/value length should be 3 or 4/)
it(`getColorFromRgbValue([0,0,0])`, () => {

@@ -610,0 +497,0 @@ expect(getColorFromRgbValue([0, 0, 0])).to.equal('rgb(0,0,0)')

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import { RgbValue, RgbaValue } from 'types/index';
import { RgbValue, RgbaValue } from './types/index';

@@ -29,5 +29,5 @@ * @description Test if a hex color

* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {RgbValue|null} Rgb value of the color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {RgbValue} Rgb value of the color
export declare function getRgbValue(color: string): RgbValue | null;
export declare function getRgbValue(color: string): RgbValue;

@@ -42,5 +42,5 @@ * @description Get the opacity of color

* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {RgbaValue|null} Rgba value of the color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {RgbaValue} Rgba value of the color
export declare function getRgbaValue(color: string): RgbaValue | null;
export declare function getRgbaValue(color: string): RgbaValue;

@@ -50,17 +50,17 @@ * @description Convert color to Rgb|Rgba color

* @param {number} opacity The opacity of color
* @return {string|null} Rgb|Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Rgb|Rgba color
export declare function toRgb(color: string, opacity?: number): string | null;
export declare function toRgb(color: string, opacity?: number): string;
* @description Convert color to Hex color
* @param {string} color Hex|Rgb|Rgba color or color keyword
* @return {string|null} Hex color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Hex color
export declare function toHex(color: string): string | null;
export declare function toHex(color: string): string;
* @description Get Color from Rgb|Rgba value
* @param {RgbValue|RgbaValue} value Rgb|Rgba color value
* @return {string|null} Rgb|Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Rgb|Rgba color
export declare function getColorFromRgbValue(value: RgbValue | RgbaValue): string | null;
export declare function getColorFromRgbValue(value: RgbValue | RgbaValue): string;

@@ -70,5 +70,5 @@ * @description Deepen color

* @param {number} percent of Deepen (1-100)
* @return {string|null} Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Rgba color
export declare function darken(color: string, percent?: number): string | null;
export declare function darken(color: string, percent?: number): string;

@@ -78,5 +78,5 @@ * @description Brighten color

* @param {number} percent of brighten (1-100)
* @return {string|null} Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Rgba color
export declare function lighten(color: string, percent?: number): string | null;
export declare function lighten(color: string, percent?: number): string;

@@ -86,5 +86,5 @@ * @description Adjust color opacity

* @param {number} percent of opacity
* @return {string|null} Rgba color (Invalid input will return null)
* @return {string} Rgba color
export declare function fade(color: string, percent?: number): string | null;
export declare function fade(color: string, percent?: number): string;
declare const _default: {

@@ -91,0 +91,0 @@ isHex: typeof isHex;

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