A simple awaited queue for NodeJs.
Designed to make managing concurrency limiting a breeze using tidy async/await syntax.
$ npm install @jjmschofield/await-queue
// Import the module
const { Queue } = require('@jjmschofield/await-queue');
const someQueableThing = async () =>{
// Create a queue
const queue = new Queue();
// Await your task
const result = await queue.add(someAsyncTask, { prop: 'value' });
// Profit
Your async task can be any awaitable thing, it should take an object of inputs as it's first parameter eg:
const someAsyncTask = async ({ a, b }) =>{
return { a, b };
As you can imagine, you can add virtually any function in which returns a promise, the world is your oyster!
What is a handy library without some config options? Here are yours:
const { Queue, QUEUE_MODE } = require('<path to file>');
const queue = new Queue({
maxRetry: 3, // Number of times to retry a thing before returning the final error recieved
mode: QUEUE_MODE.FIFO, // Can be 'FIFO' or 'LIFO'
concurrency: 1, // How many tasks do you want to run at once?