
An easy-to-use CLI tool to quickly build Koop applications and plugins
- follow Koop specification
- minimal project templates
- full development cycle support
- console commands + Node.js APIs
- cross-platform
Use npm
npm install -g @koopjs/cli
Use yarn
yarn global add @koopjs/cli
Once installed the koop
command is available at the console.
Create a new Koop application with the name my-koop-app
koop new app my-koop-app
cd my-koop-app
Add a provider @koopjs/filesystem-s3 from npm
koop add provider @koopjs/filesystem-s3
Add a custom provider that connects to a local database
koop add provider providers/local-db --local
Test out your work
koop serve
koop <command>
koop new <type> <name> create a new koop project
koop add <type> <name> add a new plugin to the current app
koop test run tests in the current project
koop serve [path] run a Koop server for the current project
--quiet supress all console messages except errors
[boolean] [default: false]
The new
command creates a new Koop project from the template at the current location.
koop new <type> <name>
type project type
[string] [choices: "app", "provider", "auth", "output"]
name project name [string]
--config specify the project configuration in JSON [string]
--skip-install skip dependence installation [boolean] [default: false]
--skip-git do not initialize Git [boolean] [default: false]
--npm-client an executable that knows how to install npm package
dependencies[string] [choices: "npm", "yarn"] [default: "npm"]
For more details on the project templates, please take a look at the Koop specification and samples.
The add
command adds a Koop plugin to the current Koop app.
koop add <type> <name>
type plugin type [string] [choices: "output", "provider", "cache", "auth"]
name plugin name [string]
Provider Options:
--route-prefix add a prefix to all of a registered routes [string]
--config specify the plugin configuration in JSON [string]
--add-to-root add the given configuration to the app root configuration
[boolean] [default: false]
--skip-install skip plugin installation [boolean] [default: false]
The serve
command starts a test server for the current project.
For Koop apps, the command runs the app directly.
For Koop plugins, the command creates a Koop server that includes the plugin and a simple GeoJSON provider named dev-provider
(source). This GeoJSON provider is only registered if the current Koop project is not a provider project. It makes sure the Koop server has an output (geoservices by default) and a provider. When the GeoJSON provider is used, the data
file path is required to provide test data (must be *.geojson
If a more customized test server is needed, you can provide your test server file path to the command.
koop serve [path]
run a koop server for the current project
path server file path [string]
--port port number of the server [number]
--data path to a GeoJSON data file for testing Koop plugin [string]
--debug enable nodejs inspector for debugging [boolean]
--watch enable auto-restart on file change [boolean]
The test
command run tests in the current koop project.
koop test
This tool can be also used as a library.
const cli = require('@koopjs/cli')
cli.new('/Documents', 'app', 'my-app', {
config: {
port: 8080
new(cwd, type, name, [options])
Create a Koop project at the given directory.
: current work directorytype
: project typename
: project name
Return a promise.
add(cwd, type, name, [options])
Add a plugin to the given Koop app
: Koop app directorytype
: project typename
: Koop plugin name
Return a promise.