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@libp2p/peer-id-factory - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.8 to 1.0.9




@@ -40,3 +40,3 @@ import { keys } from '@libp2p/crypto';

privKey: excludePrivateKey === true || peerId.privateKey == null ? undefined : peerId.privateKey

@@ -43,0 +43,0 @@ export async function createFromProtobuf(buf) {

@@ -1,116 +0,11 @@

* Properties of a PeerIdProto.
* @exports IPeerIdProto
* @interface IPeerIdProto
* @property {Uint8Array} id PeerIdProto id
* @property {Uint8Array|null} [pubKey] PeerIdProto pubKey
* @property {Uint8Array|null} [privKey] PeerIdProto privKey
* Constructs a new PeerIdProto.
* @exports PeerIdProto
* @classdesc Represents a PeerIdProto.
* @implements IPeerIdProto
* @constructor
* @param {IPeerIdProto=} [p] Properties to set
export function PeerIdProto(p?: any | undefined): void;
export class PeerIdProto {
* Properties of a PeerIdProto.
* @exports IPeerIdProto
* @interface IPeerIdProto
* @property {Uint8Array} id PeerIdProto id
* @property {Uint8Array|null} [pubKey] PeerIdProto pubKey
* @property {Uint8Array|null} [privKey] PeerIdProto privKey
* Constructs a new PeerIdProto.
* @exports PeerIdProto
* @classdesc Represents a PeerIdProto.
* @implements IPeerIdProto
* @constructor
* @param {IPeerIdProto=} [p] Properties to set
constructor(p?: any | undefined);
* PeerIdProto id.
* @member {Uint8Array} id
* @memberof PeerIdProto
* @instance
id: Uint8Array | $protobuf.Buffer;
* PeerIdProto pubKey.
* @member {Uint8Array} pubKey
* @memberof PeerIdProto
* @instance
pubKey: Uint8Array | $protobuf.Buffer;
* PeerIdProto privKey.
* @member {Uint8Array} privKey
* @memberof PeerIdProto
* @instance
privKey: Uint8Array | $protobuf.Buffer;
* Converts this PeerIdProto to JSON.
* @function toJSON
* @memberof PeerIdProto
* @instance
* @returns {Object.<string,*>} JSON object
toJSON(): {
[x: string]: any;
export interface PeerIdProto {
id: Uint8Array;
pubKey?: Uint8Array;
privKey?: Uint8Array;
export namespace PeerIdProto {
* Encodes the specified PeerIdProto message. Does not implicitly {@link PeerIdProto.verify|verify} messages.
* @function encode
* @memberof PeerIdProto
* @static
* @param {IPeerIdProto} m PeerIdProto message or plain object to encode
* @param {$protobuf.Writer} [w] Writer to encode to
* @returns {$protobuf.Writer} Writer
function encode(m: any, w?: $protobuf.Writer | undefined): $protobuf.Writer;
* Decodes a PeerIdProto message from the specified reader or buffer.
* @function decode
* @memberof PeerIdProto
* @static
* @param {$protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array} r Reader or buffer to decode from
* @param {number} [l] Message length if known beforehand
* @returns {PeerIdProto} PeerIdProto
* @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
* @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
function decode(r: Uint8Array | $protobuf.Reader, l?: number | undefined): PeerIdProto;
* Creates a PeerIdProto message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
* @function fromObject
* @memberof PeerIdProto
* @static
* @param {Object.<string,*>} d Plain object
* @returns {PeerIdProto} PeerIdProto
function fromObject(d: {
[x: string]: any;
}): PeerIdProto;
* Creates a plain object from a PeerIdProto message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
* @function toObject
* @memberof PeerIdProto
* @static
* @param {PeerIdProto} m PeerIdProto
* @param {$protobuf.IConversionOptions} [o] Conversion options
* @returns {Object.<string,*>} Plain object
function toObject(m: PeerIdProto, o?: $protobuf.IConversionOptions | undefined): {
[x: string]: any;
export declare namespace PeerIdProto {
const codec: () => import("protons-runtime/dist/src/codecs/codec").Codec<PeerIdProto>;
const encode: (obj: PeerIdProto) => Uint8Array;
const decode: (buf: Uint8Array) => PeerIdProto;
import $protobuf from "protobufjs/minimal.js";

@@ -1,195 +0,20 @@

// @ts-nocheck
import $protobuf from "protobufjs/minimal.js";
// Common aliases
const $Reader = $protobuf.Reader, $Writer = $protobuf.Writer, $util = $protobuf.util;
// Exported root namespace
const $root = $protobuf.roots["libp2p-peer-id"] || ($protobuf.roots["libp2p-peer-id"] = {});
* Properties of a PeerIdProto.
* @exports IPeerIdProto
* @interface IPeerIdProto
* @property {Uint8Array} id PeerIdProto id
* @property {Uint8Array|null} [pubKey] PeerIdProto pubKey
* @property {Uint8Array|null} [privKey] PeerIdProto privKey
* Constructs a new PeerIdProto.
* @exports PeerIdProto
* @classdesc Represents a PeerIdProto.
* @implements IPeerIdProto
* @constructor
* @param {IPeerIdProto=} [p] Properties to set
export function PeerIdProto(p) {
if (p)
for (var ks = Object.keys(p), i = 0; i < ks.length; ++i)
if (p[ks[i]] != null)
this[ks[i]] = p[ks[i]];
* PeerIdProto id.
* @member {Uint8Array} id
* @memberof PeerIdProto
* @instance
*/ = $util.newBuffer([]);
* PeerIdProto pubKey.
* @member {Uint8Array} pubKey
* @memberof PeerIdProto
* @instance
PeerIdProto.prototype.pubKey = $util.newBuffer([]);
* PeerIdProto privKey.
* @member {Uint8Array} privKey
* @memberof PeerIdProto
* @instance
PeerIdProto.prototype.privKey = $util.newBuffer([]);
* Encodes the specified PeerIdProto message. Does not implicitly {@link PeerIdProto.verify|verify} messages.
* @function encode
* @memberof PeerIdProto
* @static
* @param {IPeerIdProto} m PeerIdProto message or plain object to encode
* @param {$protobuf.Writer} [w] Writer to encode to
* @returns {$protobuf.Writer} Writer
PeerIdProto.encode = function encode(m, w) {
if (!w)
w = $Writer.create();
if (m.pubKey != null &&, "pubKey"))
if (m.privKey != null &&, "privKey"))
return w;
* Decodes a PeerIdProto message from the specified reader or buffer.
* @function decode
* @memberof PeerIdProto
* @static
* @param {$protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array} r Reader or buffer to decode from
* @param {number} [l] Message length if known beforehand
* @returns {PeerIdProto} PeerIdProto
* @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
* @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
PeerIdProto.decode = function decode(r, l) {
if (!(r instanceof $Reader))
r = $Reader.create(r);
var c = l === undefined ? r.len : r.pos + l, m = new PeerIdProto();
while (r.pos < c) {
var t = r.uint32();
switch (t >>> 3) {
case 1: = r.bytes();
case 2:
m.pubKey = r.bytes();
case 3:
m.privKey = r.bytes();
r.skipType(t & 7);
if (!m.hasOwnProperty("id"))
throw $util.ProtocolError("missing required 'id'", { instance: m });
return m;
* Creates a PeerIdProto message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
* @function fromObject
* @memberof PeerIdProto
* @static
* @param {Object.<string,*>} d Plain object
* @returns {PeerIdProto} PeerIdProto
PeerIdProto.fromObject = function fromObject(d) {
if (d instanceof PeerIdProto)
return d;
var m = new PeerIdProto();
if ( != null) {
if (typeof === "string")
$util.base64.decode(, = $util.newBuffer($util.base64.length(, 0);
else if ( =;
if (d.pubKey != null) {
if (typeof d.pubKey === "string")
$util.base64.decode(d.pubKey, m.pubKey = $util.newBuffer($util.base64.length(d.pubKey)), 0);
else if (d.pubKey.length)
m.pubKey = d.pubKey;
if (d.privKey != null) {
if (typeof d.privKey === "string")
$util.base64.decode(d.privKey, m.privKey = $util.newBuffer($util.base64.length(d.privKey)), 0);
else if (d.privKey.length)
m.privKey = d.privKey;
return m;
* Creates a plain object from a PeerIdProto message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
* @function toObject
* @memberof PeerIdProto
* @static
* @param {PeerIdProto} m PeerIdProto
* @param {$protobuf.IConversionOptions} [o] Conversion options
* @returns {Object.<string,*>} Plain object
PeerIdProto.toObject = function toObject(m, o) {
if (!o)
o = {};
var d = {};
if (o.defaults) {
if (o.bytes === String) = "";
else { = [];
if (o.bytes !== Array) = $util.newBuffer(;
if (o.bytes === String)
d.pubKey = "";
else {
d.pubKey = [];
if (o.bytes !== Array)
d.pubKey = $util.newBuffer(d.pubKey);
if (o.bytes === String)
d.privKey = "";
else {
d.privKey = [];
if (o.bytes !== Array)
d.privKey = $util.newBuffer(d.privKey);
if ( != null && m.hasOwnProperty("id")) { = o.bytes === String ? $util.base64.encode(, 0, : o.bytes === Array ? :;
if (m.pubKey != null && m.hasOwnProperty("pubKey")) {
d.pubKey = o.bytes === String ? $util.base64.encode(m.pubKey, 0, m.pubKey.length) : o.bytes === Array ? : m.pubKey;
if (m.privKey != null && m.hasOwnProperty("privKey")) {
d.privKey = o.bytes === String ? $util.base64.encode(m.privKey, 0, m.privKey.length) : o.bytes === Array ? : m.privKey;
return d;
* Converts this PeerIdProto to JSON.
* @function toJSON
* @memberof PeerIdProto
* @instance
* @returns {Object.<string,*>} JSON object
PeerIdProto.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() {
return this.constructor.toObject(this, $protobuf.util.toJSONOptions);
/* eslint-disable import/export */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-namespace */
import { encodeMessage, decodeMessage, message, bytes } from 'protons-runtime';
export var PeerIdProto;
(function (PeerIdProto) {
PeerIdProto.codec = () => {
return message({
1: { name: 'id', codec: bytes },
2: { name: 'pubKey', codec: bytes, optional: true },
3: { name: 'privKey', codec: bytes, optional: true }
PeerIdProto.encode = (obj) => {
return encodeMessage(obj, PeerIdProto.codec());
PeerIdProto.decode = (buf) => {
return decodeMessage(buf, PeerIdProto.codec());
})(PeerIdProto || (PeerIdProto = {}));
"name": "@libp2p/peer-id-factory",
"version": "1.0.8",
"version": "1.0.9",
"description": "IPFS Peer Id implementation in Node.js",

@@ -126,16 +126,14 @@ "license": "Apache-2.0 OR MIT",

"scripts": {
"clean": "aegir clean",
"lint": "aegir lint",
"dep-check": "aegir dep-check dist/src/**/*.js dist/test/**/*.js",
"build": "tsc",
"pretest": "npm run build",
"test": "aegir test -f ./dist/test/*.js -f ./dist/test/**/*.js",
"test:chrome": "npm run test -- -t browser",
"test:chrome-webworker": "npm run test -- -t webworker",
"test:firefox": "npm run test -- -t browser -- --browser firefox",
"test:firefox-webworker": "npm run test -- -t webworker -- --browser firefox",
"test:node": "npm run test -- -t node --cov",
"test:electron-main": "npm run test -- -t electron-main",
"build:proto": "npm run build:proto:js && npm run build:proto:types",
"build:proto:js": "pbjs -t static-module -w es6 --es6 -r libp2p-peer-id --force-number --no-verify --no-delimited --no-create --no-beautify --no-defaults --lint eslint-disable -o src/proto.js ./src/proto.proto",
"build:proto:types": "pbts -o src/proto.d.ts src/proto.js"
"dep-check": "aegir dep-check",
"build": "aegir build",
"test": "aegir test",
"test:chrome": "aegir test -t browser --cov",
"test:chrome-webworker": "aegir test -t webworker",
"test:firefox": "aegir test -t browser -- --browser firefox",
"test:firefox-webworker": "aegir test -t webworker -- --browser firefox",
"test:node": "aegir test -t node --cov",
"test:electron-main": "aegir test -t electron-main",
"release": "aegir release"

@@ -147,9 +145,10 @@ "dependencies": {

"multiformats": "^9.6.3",
"protobufjs": "^6.11.2",
"protons-runtime": "^1.0.2",
"uint8arrays": "^3.0.0"
"devDependencies": {
"aegir": "^36.1.3",
"aegir": "^37.0.7",
"protons": "^3.0.2",
"util": "^0.12.4"

@@ -54,3 +54,3 @@ import { keys } from '@libp2p/crypto'

privKey: excludePrivateKey === true || peerId.privateKey == null ? undefined : peerId.privateKey

@@ -57,0 +57,0 @@

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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