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@mediaclip/dependency-injection - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.4 to 1.0.5


type Prettify<T> = T extends infer U ? {
[K in keyof U]: U[K];
} : never;
declare abstract class DiTokenBase<T> {
declare class DiToken<T> {
readonly symbol: symbol;
static mergeTokens<A extends object, B, C, D, E, F, G, H>(a: A, b?: B, c?: C, d?: D, e?: E, f?: F, g?: G, h?: H): Prettify<A & B & C & D & E & F & G & H>;
declare class DiToken<T> implements DiTokenBase<T> {
readonly symbol: symbol;
scope: 'singleton';
constructor(symbol: symbol);
static create<T>(name: string): DiToken<T>;
static mergeTokens<A extends object, B, C, D, E, F, G, H>(a: A, b?: B, c?: C, d?: D, e?: E, f?: F, g?: G, h?: H): Prettify<A & B & C & D & E & F & G & H>;
declare class ScopedDiToken<T> implements DiTokenBase<T> {
declare class ScopedDiToken<T> {
readonly symbol: symbol;
scope: 'scoped';
constructor(symbol: symbol);
static mergeTokens<A extends object, B, C, D, E, F, G, H>(a: A, b?: B, c?: C, d?: D, e?: E, f?: F, g?: G, h?: H): Prettify<A & B & C & D & E & F & G & H>;
static create<T>(name: string): ScopedDiToken<T>;

@@ -23,18 +23,22 @@ }

type TypedScopedInstanceFactory<T> = (container: IScopedDiContainer) => T;
type ScopedDiOptions = {
name: string;
interface IDiContainer {
registerSingleton<T>(token: DiToken<T>, valueOrFactory: TypedInstanceFactory<T> | T): void;
registerScoped<T>(token: ScopedDiToken<T>, factory: TypedScopedInstanceFactory<T>): void;
createScope(): IScopedDiContainer;
isRegistered<T>(token: DiTokenBase<T>): boolean;
resolve<T>(token: DiTokenBase<T>): T;
tryResolve<T>(token: DiTokenBase<T>): T | undefined;
tryResolveScopedFactory<T>(token: ScopedDiToken<T>): TypedInstanceFactory<T> | undefined;
createScope(options: ScopedDiOptions): IScopedDiContainer;
isRegistered<T>(token: DiToken<T> | ScopedDiToken<T>): boolean;
resolve<T>(token: DiToken<T>): T;
tryResolve<T>(token: DiToken<T>): T | undefined;
tryResolveScopedFactory<T>(token: ScopedDiToken<T>): TypedScopedInstanceFactory<T> | undefined;
interface IScopedDiContainer extends IDiContainer {
registerScoped<T>(token: ScopedDiToken<T>, valueOrFactory: TypedScopedInstanceFactory<T> | T): void;
resolve<T>(token: ScopedDiToken<T>): T;
resolve<T>(token: ScopedDiToken<T> | DiToken<T>): T;
type DiContainerOption = {
overridesBehaviour: "use-last" | "use-first" | "deny";
overridesBehaviour?: "use-last" | "use-first" | "deny";
name?: string;

@@ -45,32 +49,35 @@ declare class DiContainer implements IDiContainer {

protected scopedFactories: Map<symbol, Array<ScopedInstanceFactory>>;
protected containerOption: DiContainerOption;
constructor(containerOption?: DiContainerOption);
registerSingleton<T>(token: DiToken<T>, valueOrFactory: ((container: IDiContainer) => T) | T): void;
registerScoped<T>(token: ScopedDiToken<T>, factory: TypedInstanceFactory<T>): void;
isRegistered<T>(token: DiTokenBase<T>): boolean;
isSingletonRegistered<T>(token: DiTokenBase<T>): boolean;
isScopedRegistered<T>(token: DiTokenBase<T>): boolean;
ensureCanBeRegistered<T>(token: DiTokenBase<T>, scope: 'singleton' | 'scoped'): void;
readonly containerOption: Readonly<DiContainerOption>;
constructor(containerOption?: Readonly<DiContainerOption>);
registerSingleton<T>(token: DiToken<T>, valueOrFactory: TypedInstanceFactory<T> | T): void;
isSingletonFactory<T>(valueOrFactory: TypedInstanceFactory<T> | T): valueOrFactory is TypedInstanceFactory<T>;
registerScoped<T>(token: ScopedDiToken<T>, factory: TypedScopedInstanceFactory<T>): void;
isRegistered<T>(token: DiToken<T> | ScopedDiToken<T>): boolean;
isSingletonRegistered<T>(token: DiToken<T> | ScopedDiToken<T>): boolean;
isScopedRegistered<T>(token: DiToken<T> | ScopedDiToken<T>): boolean;
ensureCanBeRegistered<T>(token: DiToken<T> | ScopedDiToken<T>, scope: 'singleton' | 'scoped'): void;
resolve<T>(token: DiToken<T>): T;
tryResolve<T>(token: DiToken<T>): T | undefined;
tryResolveScopedFactory<T>(token: DiTokenBase<T>): TypedInstanceFactory<T> | undefined;
createScope(): IScopedDiContainer;
protected tryResolveFrom<T>(token: DiTokenBase<T>, registrations: Map<symbol, Array<T>>): T | undefined;
tryResolveScopedFactory<T>(token: ScopedDiToken<T>): TypedScopedInstanceFactory<T> | undefined;
createScope(options: ScopedDiOptions): IScopedDiContainer;
protected tryResolveFrom<T>(token: DiToken<T> | ScopedDiToken<T>, registrations: Map<symbol, Array<T>>): T | undefined;
private tryResolveSingletonFromFactory;
private saveSingletonInstance;
declare class ScopedDiContainer extends DiContainer {
declare class ScopedDiContainer extends DiContainer implements IScopedDiContainer {
private readonly parentContainer;
private readonly options?;
private scopedInstances;
constructor(parentContainer: IDiContainer);
constructor(parentContainer: DiContainer | ScopedDiContainer, options?: ScopedDiOptions | undefined);
registerScoped<T>(token: ScopedDiToken<T>, valueOrFactory: TypedScopedInstanceFactory<T> | T): void;
isScopedRegistered<T>(token: DiTokenBase<T>): boolean;
tryResolve<T>(token: DiTokenBase<T>): T | undefined;
isScopedFactory<T>(valueOrFactory: TypedScopedInstanceFactory<T> | T): valueOrFactory is TypedScopedInstanceFactory<T>;
isScopedRegistered<T>(token: DiToken<T> | ScopedDiToken<T>): boolean;
tryResolve<T>(token: DiToken<T> | ScopedDiToken<T>, container?: ScopedDiContainer): T | undefined;
tryResolveScopedFactory<T>(token: ScopedDiToken<T>): TypedScopedInstanceFactory<T> | undefined;
tryResolveInstance<T>(token: ScopedDiToken<T>): T | undefined;
private tryResolveScopedFromFactory;
createScope(): IScopedDiContainer;
createScope(options: ScopedDiOptions): IScopedDiContainer;
private saveScopeInstances;
declare function isFunction<T>(valueOrFactory: T | ((container: IDiContainer) => T)): valueOrFactory is (container: IDiContainer) => T;
export { DiContainer, type DiContainerOption, DiToken, DiTokenBase, type IDiContainer, type IScopedDiContainer, type InstanceFactory, type Prettify, ScopedDiContainer, ScopedDiToken, type ScopedInstanceFactory, type TypedInstanceFactory, type TypedScopedInstanceFactory, isFunction };
export { DiContainer, type DiContainerOption, DiToken, type IDiContainer, type IScopedDiContainer, type InstanceFactory, type Prettify, ScopedDiContainer, type ScopedDiOptions, ScopedDiToken, type ScopedInstanceFactory, type TypedInstanceFactory, type TypedScopedInstanceFactory };

@@ -1,15 +0,23 @@

// src/utils.ts
function isFunction(valueOrFactory) {
return typeof valueOrFactory === "function";
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropSymbols = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __propIsEnum = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable;
var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
var __spreadValues = (a, b) => {
for (var prop in b || (b = {}))
if (, prop))
__defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
if (__getOwnPropSymbols)
for (var prop of __getOwnPropSymbols(b)) {
if (, prop))
__defNormalProp(a, prop, b[prop]);
return a;
// src/token.ts
var DiTokenBase = class {
static mergeTokens(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
return Object.assign(a, b || {}, c || {}, d || {}, e || {}, f || {}, g || {}, h || {});
var DiToken = class _DiToken {
constructor(symbol) {
this.symbol = symbol;
this.scope = "singleton";

@@ -19,2 +27,5 @@ static create(name) {

static mergeTokens(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
return Object.assign(a, b || {}, c || {}, d || {}, e || {}, f || {}, g || {}, h || {});

@@ -24,3 +35,7 @@ var ScopedDiToken = class _ScopedDiToken {

this.symbol = symbol;
this.scope = "scoped";
static mergeTokens(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
return Object.assign(a, b || {}, c || {}, d || {}, e || {}, f || {}, g || {}, h || {});
static create(name) {

@@ -31,2 +46,7 @@ return new _ScopedDiToken(Symbol(name));

// src/utils.ts
function ident(str, spaces) {
return str.split("\n").join("\n" + spaces);
// src/di-container.ts

@@ -38,9 +58,10 @@ var DiContainer = class {

this.scopedFactories = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
this.containerOption = containerOption != null ? containerOption : {
overridesBehaviour: "use-last"
this.containerOption = __spreadValues({
overridesBehaviour: "use-last",
name: void 0
}, containerOption);
registerSingleton(token, valueOrFactory) {
this.ensureCanBeRegistered(token, "singleton");
if (isFunction(valueOrFactory)) {
if (this.isSingletonFactory(valueOrFactory)) {
let singletonFactories = this.singletonFactories.get(token.symbol);

@@ -56,2 +77,5 @@ if (singletonFactories === void 0) {

isSingletonFactory(valueOrFactory) {
return typeof valueOrFactory === "function";
registerScoped(token, factory) {

@@ -84,6 +108,12 @@ this.ensureCanBeRegistered(token, "scoped");

resolve(token) {
const instance = this.tryResolve(token);
if (instance === void 0)
throw new Error(`The key '${token.symbol.toString()}' was not registered in the DI`);
return instance;
var _a, _b;
try {
const instance = this.tryResolve(token);
if (instance === void 0)
throw new Error(`The key '${token.symbol.toString()}' was not registered in the DI container named '${(_a = != null ? _a : "unnamed"}'`);
return instance;
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(`Error when resolving '${token.symbol.toString()}' from DI container named '${(_b = != null ? _b : "unnamed"}':
${ident(e.toString(), " ")}`);

@@ -105,4 +135,4 @@ tryResolve(token) {

createScope() {
return new ScopedDiContainer(this);
createScope(options) {
return new ScopedDiContainer(this, options);

@@ -144,9 +174,10 @@ tryResolveFrom(token, registrations) {

var ScopedDiContainer = class _ScopedDiContainer extends DiContainer {
constructor(parentContainer) {
constructor(parentContainer, options) {
super(__spreadValues(__spreadValues({}, parentContainer.containerOption), options));
this.parentContainer = parentContainer;
this.options = options;
this.scopedInstances = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
registerScoped(token, valueOrFactory) {
if (isFunction(valueOrFactory))
if (this.isScopedFactory(valueOrFactory))
super.registerScoped(token, valueOrFactory);

@@ -158,11 +189,14 @@ else {

isScopedFactory(valueOrFactory) {
return typeof valueOrFactory === "function";
isScopedRegistered(token) {
return super.isScopedRegistered(token) || this.scopedInstances.has(token.symbol);
tryResolve(token) {
const instance = this.tryResolveFrom(token, this.scopedInstances);
if (instance)
return instance;
tryResolve(token, container) {
if (token instanceof ScopedDiToken) {
const newInstance = this.tryResolveScopedFromFactory(token);
const instance = this.tryResolveInstance(token);
if (instance)
return instance;
const newInstance = this.tryResolveScopedFromFactory(token, container);
if (newInstance)

@@ -172,4 +206,9 @@ return this.saveScopeInstances(token, newInstance);

if (parentScopedFactory) {
return this.saveScopeInstances(token, parentScopedFactory(this));
return this.saveScopeInstances(token, parentScopedFactory(container != null ? container : this));
if (this.parentContainer instanceof _ScopedDiContainer) {
const parentInstance = this.parentContainer.tryResolve(token, container);
if (parentInstance)
return parentInstance;
} else if (token instanceof DiToken) {

@@ -180,6 +219,21 @@ const singletonInstance = super.tryResolve(token);

return this.parentContainer.tryResolve(token);
return this.parentContainer.tryResolve(token);
tryResolveScopedFromFactory(token) {
tryResolveScopedFactory(token) {
var _a;
return (_a = this.tryResolveFrom(token, this.scopedFactories)) != null ? _a : this.parentContainer.tryResolveScopedFactory(token);
tryResolveInstance(token) {
const instance = this.tryResolveFrom(token, this.scopedInstances);
if (instance)
return instance;
if (this.parentContainer instanceof _ScopedDiContainer) {
const parentInstance = this.parentContainer.tryResolveInstance(token);
if (parentInstance)
return parentInstance;
return void 0;
tryResolveScopedFromFactory(token, container) {
const registeredElements = this.scopedFactories.get(token.symbol);

@@ -193,8 +247,8 @@ if (registeredElements !== void 0 && registeredElements.length > 0) {

return factory(this);
return factory(container != null ? container : this);
return void 0;
createScope() {
return new _ScopedDiContainer(this);
createScope(options) {
return new _ScopedDiContainer(this, options);

@@ -214,7 +268,5 @@ saveScopeInstances(token, value) {


@@ -7,3 +7,3 @@ {

"name": "@mediaclip/dependency-injection",
"version": "1.0.4",
"version": "1.0.5",
"main": "./dist/index.js",

@@ -10,0 +10,0 @@ "keywords": [

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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