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@melt-ui/svelte - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.1.0 to 0.2.0




@@ -23,3 +23,4 @@ type CreateCollapsibleArgs = {

open: import("svelte/store").Writable<boolean>;
disabled: import("svelte/store").Writable<boolean>;
export {};



@@ -9,2 +9,3 @@ import { elementDerived } from '../../internal/helpers';

const options = { ...defaults, ...args };
const disabled = writable(options.disabled);
const open = writable(;

@@ -18,4 +19,4 @@ open.subscribe((open) => {

const trigger = elementDerived(open, ($open, attach) => {
if (!options.disabled) {
const trigger = elementDerived([open, disabled], ([$open, $disabled], attach) => {
if (!$disabled) {
attach('click', () => open.set(!$open));

@@ -25,8 +26,8 @@ }

'data-state': $open ? 'open' : 'closed',
'data-disabled': options.disabled ? 'true' : undefined,
'data-disabled': $disabled ? 'true' : undefined,
const content = derived(open, ($open) => ({
const content = derived([open, disabled], ([$open, $disabled]) => ({
'data-state': $open ? 'open' : 'closed',
'data-disabled': options.disabled ? 'true' : undefined,
'data-disabled': $disabled ? 'true' : undefined,
hidden: $open ? undefined : true,

@@ -39,3 +40,4 @@ }));


@@ -6,1 +6,4 @@ export * from './accordion';

export * from './toggle';
export * from './checkbox';
export * from './switch';
export * from './toggle-group';

@@ -6,1 +6,4 @@ export * from './accordion';

export * from './toggle';
export * from './checkbox';
export * from './switch';
export * from './toggle-group';
import { effect, elementDerived, elementMultiDerived, getElementByMeltId, isBrowser, styleToString, } from '../../internal/helpers';
import { sleep } from '../../internal/helpers/sleep';
import { computePosition } from '@floating-ui/dom';
import { onMount, tick } from 'svelte';
import { onMount } from 'svelte';
import { writable } from 'svelte/store';

@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ /**

const trigger = elementMultiDerived([open], ([$open], createAttach) => {
const trigger = elementMultiDerived([open], (_, createAttach) => {
return () => {
const attach = createAttach();
attach('click', (e) => {
console.log('click', $open);

@@ -74,3 +73,3 @@ const triggerEl = e.currentTarget;

const option = elementMultiDerived([open, selected], ([$open, $selected], createAttach) => {
const option = elementMultiDerived([selected], ([$selected], createAttach) => {
return ({ value }) => {

@@ -77,0 +76,0 @@ const attach = createAttach();

@@ -10,2 +10,3 @@ type ToggleArgs = {

'aria-pressed': boolean;
type: string;
} & {

@@ -12,0 +13,0 @@ 'data-melt-id': string;

@@ -16,2 +16,3 @@ import { elementDerived } from '../../internal/helpers';

'aria-pressed': $pressed,
type: 'button',

@@ -18,0 +19,0 @@ });

@@ -8,4 +8,33 @@ import { type Readable } from 'svelte/store';

* A utility function that creates a derived store that automatically
* unsubscribes from its dependencies.
* @template S - The type of the stores object
* @template T - The type of the derived store
* @param stores - The stores object to derive from
* @param fn - The function to derive the store from
* @returns A derived store that automatically unsubscribes from its dependencies
export declare function derivedWithUnsubscribe<S extends Stores, T>(stores: S, fn: (values: StoresValues<S>, onUnsubscribe: (cb: () => void) => void) => T): Readable<T>;
export declare function effect<S extends Stores>(stores: S, fn: (values: StoresValues<S>) => (() => void) | void): import("svelte/store").Unsubscriber;
* A utility function that creates an effect from a set of stores and a function.
* The effect is automatically cleaned up when the component is destroyed.
* @template S - The type of the stores object
* @param stores - The stores object to derive from
* @param fn - The function to run when the stores change
* @returns A function that can be used to unsubscribe the effect
export declare function effect<S extends Stores>(stores: S, fn: (values: StoresValues<S>) => (() => void) | void): () => void;
* A type that represents a function that can be used to attach events to an HTML element.
* The function is also augmented with a `getElement` function that returns a promise that
* resolves to the element.
* @template T - The type of the event to attach
* @param type - The type of the event to attach
* @param listener - The function to call when the event is triggered
* @param options - An optional object that specifies options for the event listener
type Attach = (<T extends keyof HTMLElementEventMap>(type: T, listener: (ev: HTMLElementEventMap[T]) => void, options?: boolean | AddEventListenerOptions) => void) & {

@@ -17,2 +46,8 @@ getElement: () => Promise<HTMLElement | null>;

* Exposes an `attach` function to attach events to the element.
* @template S - The type of the stores object
* @template T - The type of the attributes object
* @param stores - The stores object to derive from
* @param fn - The function to derive the attributes from
* @returns A derived store that contains the attributes for an element

@@ -22,7 +57,17 @@ export declare function elementDerived<S extends Stores, T extends Record<string, unknown>>(stores: S, fn: (values: StoresValues<S>, attach: Attach) => T): Readable<T & {

export declare function element<T extends Record<string, unknown>>(fn: (attach: Attach) => T): Readable<T & {
'data-melt-id': string;
type ReturnWithObj<T extends () => void, Obj> = ReturnType<T> extends void ? Obj : ReturnType<T> & Obj;
* Creates a derived store that contains a function, that can be called on multiple elements.
* Has a `createAttach` function that can be used to attach events to the elements.
* The `createAttach` function will create a new id on every call, so only use it once per element.
* Creates a derived store that contains a function that can be called on multiple elements.
* The function returned by the derived store takes a variable number of arguments and
* returns an object that includes a `data-melt-id` attribute. The `data-melt-id` attribute is
* a unique identifier that is used to attach events to the elements.
* @template S - The type of the stores object
* @template T - The type of the function that will be called on multiple elements
* @param stores - The stores object to derive from
* @param fn - The function to call on multiple elements
* @returns A derived store that contains the function to call on multiple elements

@@ -32,2 +77,13 @@ export declare function elementMultiDerived<S extends Stores, T extends (...args: any[]) => Record<string, unknown> | void>(stores: S, fn: (values: StoresValues<S>, createAttach: () => Attach) => T): Readable<(...args: Parameters<T>) => ReturnWithObj<T, {

* A utility function that creates a multi-element component from a function that
* returns an object of attributes for each element.
* @template T - The type of the function that returns the attributes object
* @param fn - The function that returns the attributes object
* @returns A function that can be used to render the multi-element component
export declare function elementMulti<T extends (...args: any[]) => Record<string, unknown> | void>(fn: (createAttach: () => Attach) => T): Readable<(...args: Parameters<T>) => ReturnWithObj<T, {
'data-melt-id': string;
export {};

@@ -7,2 +7,12 @@ import { onDestroy, tick } from 'svelte';

* A utility function that creates a derived store that automatically
* unsubscribes from its dependencies.
* @template S - The type of the stores object
* @template T - The type of the derived store
* @param stores - The stores object to derive from
* @param fn - The function to derive the store from
* @returns A derived store that automatically unsubscribes from its dependencies
export function derivedWithUnsubscribe(stores, fn) {

@@ -14,3 +24,5 @@ let unsubscribers = [];

const derivedStore = derived(stores, ($storeValues) => {
// Call all of the unsubscribe functions from the previous run of the function
unsubscribers.forEach((fn) => fn());
// Clear the list of unsubscribe functions
unsubscribers = [];

@@ -21,3 +33,13 @@ return fn($storeValues, onUnsubscribe);

* A utility function that creates an effect from a set of stores and a function.
* The effect is automatically cleaned up when the component is destroyed.
* @template S - The type of the stores object
* @param stores - The stores object to derive from
* @param fn - The function to run when the stores change
* @returns A function that can be used to unsubscribe the effect
export function effect(stores, fn) {
// Create a derived store that contains the stores object and an onUnsubscribe function
const unsub = derivedWithUnsubscribe(stores, (stores, onUnsubscribe) => {

@@ -30,2 +52,3 @@ return {

const returned = fn(stores);
// If the function returns a cleanup function, call it when the effect is unsubscribed
if (returned) {

@@ -35,2 +58,3 @@ onUnsubscribe(returned);

// Automatically unsubscribe the effect when the component is destroyed

@@ -42,5 +66,13 @@ return unsub;

* Exposes an `attach` function to attach events to the element.
* @template S - The type of the stores object
* @template T - The type of the attributes object
* @param stores - The stores object to derive from
* @param fn - The function to derive the attributes from
* @returns A derived store that contains the attributes for an element
export function elementDerived(stores, fn) {
// An array of functions that will be called to unsubscribe from events
let eventRemovers = [];
// A function that removes all event listeners
const removeEvents = () => {

@@ -50,7 +82,9 @@ eventRemovers.forEach((fn) => fn());

// Id outside of scope so we can pass it as an attribute
// Unique id used to attach events to the element
const id = uuid();
// A function that attaches an event listener to the element
const attach = (event, listener, options) => {
if (!isBrowser)
// Wait for the next tick to ensure that the element has been rendered
tick().then(() => {

@@ -60,2 +94,3 @@ const element = getElementByMeltId(id);

// Add a function to the `eventRemovers` array that removes the event listener
eventRemovers.push(() => {

@@ -66,2 +101,3 @@ const element = getElementByMeltId(id);

// Function that returns the element with the current `id`
attach.getElement = () => tick().then(() => {

@@ -73,2 +109,3 @@ if (!isBrowser)

return derived(stores, ($storeValues) => {
// Remove all event listeners

@@ -78,18 +115,33 @@ return { ...fn($storeValues, attach), 'data-melt-id': id };

export function element(fn) {
return elementDerived([], (_, attach) => fn(attach));
* Creates a derived store that contains a function, that can be called on multiple elements.
* Has a `createAttach` function that can be used to attach events to the elements.
* The `createAttach` function will create a new id on every call, so only use it once per element.
* Creates a derived store that contains a function that can be called on multiple elements.
* The function returned by the derived store takes a variable number of arguments and
* returns an object that includes a `data-melt-id` attribute. The `data-melt-id` attribute is
* a unique identifier that is used to attach events to the elements.
* @template S - The type of the stores object
* @template T - The type of the function that will be called on multiple elements
* @param stores - The stores object to derive from
* @param fn - The function to call on multiple elements
* @returns A derived store that contains the function to call on multiple elements
export function elementMultiDerived(stores, fn) {
// An array of functions that will be called to unsubscribe from events
let unsubscribers = [];
// Id outside of scope so we can pass it as an attribute
// Unique id used to attach events to the elements
let id = uuid();
// Create an `Attach` function that can be used to attach events to the elements
const createAttach = () => {
// Generate a new id for each call to `createAttach`
id = uuid();
// Make sure the id is the same on tick
const constantId = id;
// Function that attaches an event listener to an element
const attach = (event, listener, options) => {
if (!isBrowser)
// Wait for the next tick to ensure that the element has been rendered
tick().then(() => {

@@ -99,2 +151,3 @@ const element = getElementByMeltId(constantId);

// Add a function to the `unsubscribers` array that removes the event listener
unsubscribers.push(() => {

@@ -105,2 +158,3 @@ const element = getElementByMeltId(constantId);

// A function that returns the element associated with the current `id`
attach.getElement = () => tick().then(() => {

@@ -114,2 +168,3 @@ if (!isBrowser)

return derived(stores, ($storeValues) => {
// Unsubscribe from all events
unsubscribers.forEach((fn) => fn());

@@ -124,1 +179,13 @@ unsubscribers = [];

* A utility function that creates a multi-element component from a function that
* returns an object of attributes for each element.
* @template T - The type of the function that returns the attributes object
* @param fn - The function that returns the attributes object
* @returns A function that can be used to render the multi-element component
export function elementMulti(fn) {
// Create a derived store that contains the attributes for each element
return elementMultiDerived([], (_, createAttach) => fn(createAttach));
export * from './array';
export * from './collectionContext';
export * from './dom';
export * from './event';
export * from './id';
export * from './numbers';
export * from './object';
export * from './reactiveContext';
export * from './style';
export * from './uniqueContext';
export * from './useActions';
export * from './preview';
export * from './browser';
export * from './uuid';
export * from './builder';
export * from './array';
export * from './collectionContext';
export * from './dom';
export * from './event';
export * from './id';
export * from './numbers';
export * from './object';
export * from './reactiveContext';
export * from './style';
export * from './uniqueContext';
export * from './useActions';
export * from './preview';
export * from './browser';
export * from './uuid';
export * from './builder';

@@ -0,1 +1,7 @@

* A utility function that converts a style object to a string.
* @param style - The style object to convert
* @returns The style object as a string
export declare function styleToString(style: Record<string, number | string | undefined>): string;

@@ -1,2 +0,7 @@

// style object to string
* A utility function that converts a style object to a string.
* @param style - The style object to convert
* @returns The style object as a string
export function styleToString(style) {

@@ -3,0 +8,0 @@ return Object.keys(style).reduce((str, key) => {

@@ -0,1 +1,7 @@

* A function that generates a UUID (version 4) using the `crypto.randomUUID`
* function if available, or a fallback implementation if not.
* @returns A UUID (version 4)
export declare function uuid(): string;

@@ -0,1 +1,7 @@

* A function that generates a UUID (version 4) using the `crypto.randomUUID`
* function if available, or a fallback implementation if not.
* @returns A UUID (version 4)
export function uuid() {

@@ -2,0 +8,0 @@ try {

"name": "@melt-ui/svelte",
"version": "0.1.0",
"version": "0.2.0",
"license": "MIT",

@@ -58,3 +58,3 @@ "exports": {

"@storybook/testing-library": "^0.0.14-next.2",
"@sveltejs/adapter-cloudflare": "^2.3.0",
"@sveltejs/adapter-auto": "^2.1.0",
"@sveltejs/kit": "^1.5.0",

@@ -117,4 +117,4 @@ "@sveltejs/package": "^2.0.0",

"storybook": "storybook dev -p 6006 --no-open",
"build-storybook": "storybook build"
"build-storybook": "storybook build -s static"
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