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@metamask/sdk-install-modal-web - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.31.1 to 0.31.2



@@ -9,2 +9,6 @@ # Changelog

## [0.31.2]
### Fixed
- Set initial modal tab based on preferDesktop option ([#1158](
## [0.31.1]

@@ -173,3 +177,4 @@ ### Changed


@@ -176,0 +181,0 @@ [0.31.0]:



@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ 'use strict';

const index = require('./index-e2e1ee7a.js');
const index = require('./index-df2c1e4c.js');
const appGlobals = require('./app-globals-3a1e7e63.js');

@@ -12,3 +12,3 @@

await appGlobals.globalScripts();
return index.bootstrapLazy([["mm-install-modal.cjs",[[1,"mm-install-modal",{"link":[1],"sdkVersion":[1,"sdk-version"],"preferDesktop":[4,"prefer-desktop"],"tab":[32],"translationsLoaded":[32]},null,{"preferDesktop":["updatePreferDesktop"],"link":["updateLink"],"translationsLoaded":["onTranslationsLoaded"],"tab":["onTabChange"]}]]],["mm-pending-modal.cjs",[[1,"mm-pending-modal",{"displayOTP":[4,"display-o-t-p"],"sdkVersion":[1,"sdk-version"],"otpCode":[1,"otp-code"],"translationsLoaded":[32]}]]],["mm-select-modal.cjs",[[1,"mm-select-modal",{"link":[1],"sdkVersion":[1,"sdk-version"],"tab":[32],"translationsLoaded":[32]},null,{"link":["updateLink"]}]]]], options);
return index.bootstrapLazy([["mm-install-modal.cjs",[[1,"mm-install-modal",{"link":[1],"sdkVersion":[1,"sdk-version"],"preferDesktop":[4,"prefer-desktop"],"tab":[32],"isDefaultTab":[32],"translationsLoaded":[32]},null,{"preferDesktop":["updatePreferDesktop"]}]]],["mm-pending-modal.cjs",[[1,"mm-pending-modal",{"displayOTP":[4,"display-o-t-p"],"sdkVersion":[1,"sdk-version"],"otpCode":[1,"otp-code"],"translationsLoaded":[32]}]]],["mm-select-modal.cjs",[[1,"mm-select-modal",{"link":[1],"sdkVersion":[1,"sdk-version"],"preferDesktop":[4,"prefer-desktop"],"tab":[32],"isDefaultTab":[32],"translationsLoaded":[32]},null,{"preferDesktop":["updatePreferDesktop"]}]]]], options);

@@ -15,0 +15,0 @@

@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ 'use strict';

const index = require('./index-e2e1ee7a.js');
const simpleI18n = require('./simple-i18n-6f83aa86.js');
const index = require('./index-df2c1e4c.js');
const simpleI18n = require('./simple-i18n-e4b2e147.js');
const index$1 = require('./index-bf160fda.js');

@@ -43,2 +43,3 @@ = 1;
this.isDefaultTab = true;
this.translationsLoaded = false;

@@ -49,3 +50,3 @@ this.onClose = this.onClose.bind(this);

this.render = this.render.bind(this);
this.setTab(this.preferDesktop ? 1 : 2);
this.i18nInstance = new simpleI18n.SimpleI18n();

@@ -67,31 +68,2 @@ }

updateLink(newLink) {
if (!this.translationsLoaded || !== 2) {
const svgElement = index$1.encodeQR(newLink, "svg", {
ecc: "medium",
scale: 2
if (!this.el.shadowRoot) {
console.warn('Shadow root not found');
const qrcodeDiv = this.el.shadowRoot.querySelector("#sdk-mm-qrcode");
if (!qrcodeDiv) {
console.warn('QR code div not found');
qrcodeDiv.innerHTML = svgElement;
onTranslationsLoaded(isLoaded) {
if (isLoaded && === 2) {
onTabChange(newTab) {
if (newTab === 2 && this.translationsLoaded) {
onClose() {

@@ -105,6 +77,4 @@ this.close.emit(); = newTab;
this.isDefaultTab = false;
componentDidLoad() {
render() {

@@ -115,13 +85,16 @@ if (!this.translationsLoaded) {

const t = (key) => this.i18nInstance.t(key);
return (index.h(simpleI18n.WidgetWrapper, { className: "install-model" }, index.h("div", { class: 'backdrop', onClick: this.onClose }), index.h("div", { class: 'modal' }, index.h("div", { class: 'closeButtonContainer' }, index.h("div", { class: 'right' }, index.h("span", { class: 'closeButton', onClick: this.onClose }, index.h(simpleI18n.CloseButton, null)))), index.h("div", { class: 'logoContainer' }, index.h(simpleI18n.Logo, null)), index.h("div", null, index.h("div", { class: 'tabcontainer' }, index.h("div", { class: 'flexContainer' }, index.h("div", { onClick: () => this.setTab(1), class: `tab flexItem ${ === 1 ? 'tabactive' : ''}` }, t('DESKTOP')), index.h("div", { onClick: () => this.setTab(2), class: `tab flexItem ${ === 2 ? 'tabactive' : ''}` }, t('MOBILE')))), index.h("div", { style: { display: === 1 ? 'none' : 'block' } }, index.h("div", { class: 'flexContainer' }, index.h("div", { class: 'flexItem', style: {
const currentTab = this.isDefaultTab ? this.preferDesktop ? 1 : 2 :;
const svgElement = index$1.encodeQR(, "svg", {
ecc: "medium",
scale: 2
console.log(`Showing modal with link ${} and SVG QRCode ${svgElement}`);
return (index.h(simpleI18n.WidgetWrapper, { className: "install-model" }, index.h("div", { class: 'backdrop', onClick: this.onClose }), index.h("div", { class: 'modal' }, index.h("div", { class: 'closeButtonContainer' }, index.h("div", { class: 'right' }, index.h("span", { class: 'closeButton', onClick: this.onClose }, index.h(simpleI18n.CloseButton, null)))), index.h("div", { class: 'logoContainer' }, index.h(simpleI18n.Logo, null)), index.h("div", null, index.h("div", { class: 'tabcontainer' }, index.h("div", { class: 'flexContainer' }, index.h("div", { onClick: () => this.setTab(1), class: `tab flexItem ${currentTab === 1 ? 'tabactive' : ''}` }, t('DESKTOP')), index.h("div", { onClick: () => this.setTab(2), class: `tab flexItem ${currentTab === 2 ? 'tabactive' : ''}` }, t('MOBILE')))), index.h("div", { style: { display: currentTab === 1 ? 'none' : 'block' } }, index.h("div", { class: 'flexContainer' }, index.h("div", { class: 'flexItem', style: {
textAlign: 'center',
marginTop: '4',
} }, index.h("div", { id: "sdk-mm-qrcode", class: 'center' }), index.h("div", { class: 'connectMobileText' }, t('SCAN_TO_CONNECT'), " ", index.h("br", null), index.h("span", { class: 'blue' }, index.h("b", null, t('META_MASK_MOBILE_APP'))))))), index.h("div", { style: { display: === 2 ? 'none' : 'block' } }, index.h("div", { class: 'item' }, index.h(AdvantagesListItem, { Icon: HeartIcon, text: t('INSTALL_MODAL.TRUSTED_BY_USERS') })), index.h("div", { class: 'item' }, index.h(AdvantagesListItem, { Icon: LockIcon, text: t('INSTALL_MODAL.LEADING_CRYPTO_WALLET') })), index.h("div", { class: 'item' }, index.h(AdvantagesListItem, { Icon: WalletIcon, text: t('INSTALL_MODAL.CONTROL_DIGITAL_INTERACTIONS') })), index.h("button", { class: 'button', onClick: this.onStartDesktopOnboardingHandler }, index.h(InstallIcon, null), index.h("span", { class: 'installExtensionText' }, t('INSTALL_MODAL.INSTALL_META_MASK_EXTENSION'))))), index.h(simpleI18n.SDKVersion, { version: this.sdkVersion }))));
} }, svgElement && (index.h("div", { id: "sdk-mm-qrcode", class: 'center', innerHTML: svgElement })), index.h("div", { class: 'connectMobileText' }, t('SCAN_TO_CONNECT'), " ", index.h("br", null), index.h("span", { class: 'blue' }, index.h("b", null, t('META_MASK_MOBILE_APP'))))))), index.h("div", { style: { display: currentTab === 2 ? 'none' : 'block' } }, index.h("div", { class: 'item' }, index.h(AdvantagesListItem, { Icon: HeartIcon, text: t('INSTALL_MODAL.TRUSTED_BY_USERS') })), index.h("div", { class: 'item' }, index.h(AdvantagesListItem, { Icon: LockIcon, text: t('INSTALL_MODAL.LEADING_CRYPTO_WALLET') })), index.h("div", { class: 'item' }, index.h(AdvantagesListItem, { Icon: WalletIcon, text: t('INSTALL_MODAL.CONTROL_DIGITAL_INTERACTIONS') })), index.h("button", { class: 'button', onClick: this.onStartDesktopOnboardingHandler }, index.h(InstallIcon, null), index.h("span", { class: 'installExtensionText' }, t('INSTALL_MODAL.INSTALL_META_MASK_EXTENSION'))))), index.h(simpleI18n.SDKVersion, { version: this.sdkVersion }))));
get el() { return index.getElement(this); }
static get watchers() { return {
"preferDesktop": ["updatePreferDesktop"],
"link": ["updateLink"],
"translationsLoaded": ["onTranslationsLoaded"],
"tab": ["onTabChange"]
"preferDesktop": ["updatePreferDesktop"]
}; }

@@ -128,0 +101,0 @@ };

@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ 'use strict';

const index = require('./index-e2e1ee7a.js');
const simpleI18n = require('./simple-i18n-6f83aa86.js');
const index = require('./index-df2c1e4c.js');
const simpleI18n = require('./simple-i18n-e4b2e147.js');

@@ -9,0 +9,0 @@ const styleCss = ".flexContainer {\n display: flex;\n justify-content: center;\n align-items: center;\n flex-direction: row;\n}\n\n.flexItem {\n flex: 1;\n justify-content: center;\n align-items: center;\n}\n\n.flexItem11 {\n flex: 11;\n justify-content: center;\n align-items: center;\n}\n\n.flexItem1 {\n flex: 1;\n justify-content: center;\n align-items: center;\n}\n\ {\n padding: 8px;\n cursor: pointer;\n background-color: #F2F4F6;\n font-size: 12px;\n text-align: center;\n color: #24292E;\n}\n\n.tabcontainer {\n padding: 4px;\n background-color: #F2F4F6;\n border-radius: 8px;\n margin-bottom: 30px;\n margin-top: 30px;\n}\n\n.tabactive {\n background-color: white;\n -webkit-transition: background-color 300ms linear;\n -ms-transition: background-color 300ms linear;\n transition: background-color 300ms linear;\n border-radius: 8px;\n}\n\n.item {\n font-size: 12px;\n margin-bottom: 16px;\n border-radius: 8px;\n padding: 10px;\n border: 2px #F2F4F6 solid;\n color: #24292E;\n}\n\n.extensionLabel {\n font-style: normal;\n font-weight: bold;\n font-size: 14px;\n text-align: cetner;\n color: #24272A;\n}\n\n.notice {\n font-size: 12px;\n margin-left: 10px;\n margin-right: 10px;\n color: grey;\n}\n\n.button {\n margin-top: 41.5px;\n margin-bottom: 20px;\n width: 100%;\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: row;\n justify-content: center;\n align-items: center;\n padding: 12px 20px;\n background: #037DD6;\n border-radius: 32px;\n color: white;\n border: 0;\n font-size: 14px;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n\n.backdrop {\n visibility: visible;\n position: fixed;\n top: 0;\n left: 0;\n right: 0;\n bottom: 0;\n width: 100%;\n z-index: 99998;\n background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87);\n opacity: 0.3;\n}\n\n.modal {\n visibility: visible;\n position: fixed;\n left: 50%;\n transform: translate(-50%, -50%);\n z-index: 99999;\n background: white;\n padding: 20px;\n border-radius: 8px;\n top: 50%;\n max-width: 100%;\n width: 460px;\n min-width: 300px;\n box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 0px 11px 15px -7px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14) 0px 24px 38px 3px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12) 0px 9px 46px 8px;\n -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;\n}\n\n.closeButton {\n color: #BBC0C5;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n\n.logoContainer {\n margin-left: 24px;\n margin-right: 24px;\n margin-top: 24px;\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: center;\n}\n\n.connectMobileText {\n font-size: 14px;\n color: black;\n margin-top: 28px;\n margin-bottom: 28px;\n line-height: 2;\n}\n\ {\n color: #037DD6;\n font-weight: 700;\n}\n\n.installExtensionText {\n margin-left: 10px;\n}\n\ {\n display: flex;\n justify-content: center;\n align-items: center;\n}\n\n.right {\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: right;\n}\n\n#sdk-mm-qrcode {\n svg {\n width: 50%;\n }\n}";

@@ -5,4 +5,4 @@ 'use strict';

const index = require('./index-e2e1ee7a.js');
const simpleI18n = require('./simple-i18n-6f83aa86.js');
const index = require('./index-df2c1e4c.js');
const simpleI18n = require('./simple-i18n-e4b2e147.js');
const index$1 = require('./index-bf160fda.js');

@@ -142,5 +142,8 @@

this.sdkVersion = undefined;
this.preferDesktop = undefined; = 1;
this.isDefaultTab = true;
this.translationsLoaded = false;
this.i18nInstance = new simpleI18n.SimpleI18n();
this.setTab(this.preferDesktop ? 1 : 2);

@@ -161,20 +164,15 @@ async connectedCallback() { = tab;
this.isDefaultTab = false;
updateLink(newLink) {
const svgElement = index$1.encodeQR(newLink, "svg", {
ecc: "medium",
scale: 2
if (!this.el.shadowRoot) {
disconnectedCallback() {
updatePreferDesktop(newValue) {
if (newValue) {
const qrcodeDiv = this.el.shadowRoot.querySelector("#sdk-mm-qrcode");
if (!qrcodeDiv) {
else {
qrcodeDiv.innerHTML = svgElement;
disconnectedCallback() {
render() {

@@ -186,6 +184,11 @@ if (!this.translationsLoaded) {

const sdkVersion = this.sdkVersion;
return (index.h(simpleI18n.WidgetWrapper, { className: "select-modal" }, index.h("div", { class: 'backdrop', onClick: () => this.onClose(true) }), index.h("div", { class: 'modal' }, index.h("div", { class: 'closeButtonContainer' }, index.h("div", { class: 'right' }, index.h("span", { class: 'closeButton', onClick: () => this.onClose(true) }, index.h(simpleI18n.CloseButton, null)))), index.h("div", { class: 'logoContainer' }, index.h(simpleI18n.Logo, null)), index.h("div", null, index.h("div", { class: 'tabcontainer' }, index.h("div", { class: 'flexContainer' }, index.h("div", { onClick: () => this.setTab(1), class: `tab flexItem ${ === 1 ? 'tabactive' : ''}` }, t('DESKTOP')), index.h("div", { onClick: () => this.setTab(2), class: `tab flexItem ${ === 2 ? 'tabactive' : ''}` }, t('MOBILE')))), index.h("div", { style: { display: === 1 ? 'none' : 'block' } }, index.h("div", { class: 'flexContainer' }, index.h("div", { class: 'flexItem', style: {
const currentTab = this.isDefaultTab ? this.preferDesktop ? 1 : 2 :;
const svgElement = index$1.encodeQR(, "svg", {
ecc: "medium",
scale: 2
return (index.h(simpleI18n.WidgetWrapper, { className: "select-modal" }, index.h("div", { class: 'backdrop', onClick: () => this.onClose(true) }), index.h("div", { class: 'modal' }, index.h("div", { class: 'closeButtonContainer' }, index.h("div", { class: 'right' }, index.h("span", { class: 'closeButton', onClick: () => this.onClose(true) }, index.h(simpleI18n.CloseButton, null)))), index.h("div", { class: 'logoContainer' }, index.h(simpleI18n.Logo, null)), index.h("div", null, index.h("div", { class: 'tabcontainer' }, index.h("div", { class: 'flexContainer' }, index.h("div", { onClick: () => this.setTab(1), class: `tab flexItem ${currentTab === 1 ? 'tabactive' : ''}` }, t('DESKTOP')), index.h("div", { onClick: () => this.setTab(2), class: `tab flexItem ${currentTab === 2 ? 'tabactive' : ''}` }, t('MOBILE')))), index.h("div", { style: { display: currentTab === 1 ? 'none' : 'block' } }, index.h("div", { class: 'flexContainer' }, index.h("div", { class: 'flexItem', style: {
textAlign: 'center',
marginTop: '4',
} }, index.h("div", { class: 'center', id: "sdk-mm-qrcode" }), index.h("div", { class: 'connectMobileText' }, t('SCAN_TO_CONNECT'), index.h("br", null), index.h("span", { class: 'blue' }, index.h("b", null, t('META_MASK_MOBILE_APP'))))))), index.h("div", { style: { display: === 2 ? 'none' : 'block' } }, index.h("div", { style: {
} }, index.h("div", { class: 'center', id: "sdk-mm-qrcode", innerHTML: svgElement }), index.h("div", { class: 'connectMobileText' }, t('SCAN_TO_CONNECT'), index.h("br", null), index.h("span", { class: 'blue' }, index.h("b", null, t('META_MASK_MOBILE_APP'))))))), index.h("div", { style: { display: currentTab === 2 ? 'none' : 'block' } }, index.h("div", { style: {
display: 'flex',

@@ -199,3 +202,3 @@ justifyContent: 'center',

static get watchers() { return {
"link": ["updateLink"]
"preferDesktop": ["updatePreferDesktop"]
}; }

@@ -202,0 +205,0 @@ };

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ 'use strict';

const index = require('./index-e2e1ee7a.js');
const index = require('./index-df2c1e4c.js');
const appGlobals = require('./app-globals-3a1e7e63.js');

@@ -23,3 +23,3 @@

await appGlobals.globalScripts();
return index.bootstrapLazy([["mm-install-modal.cjs",[[1,"mm-install-modal",{"link":[1],"sdkVersion":[1,"sdk-version"],"preferDesktop":[4,"prefer-desktop"],"tab":[32],"translationsLoaded":[32]},null,{"preferDesktop":["updatePreferDesktop"],"link":["updateLink"],"translationsLoaded":["onTranslationsLoaded"],"tab":["onTabChange"]}]]],["mm-pending-modal.cjs",[[1,"mm-pending-modal",{"displayOTP":[4,"display-o-t-p"],"sdkVersion":[1,"sdk-version"],"otpCode":[1,"otp-code"],"translationsLoaded":[32]}]]],["mm-select-modal.cjs",[[1,"mm-select-modal",{"link":[1],"sdkVersion":[1,"sdk-version"],"tab":[32],"translationsLoaded":[32]},null,{"link":["updateLink"]}]]]], options);
return index.bootstrapLazy([["mm-install-modal.cjs",[[1,"mm-install-modal",{"link":[1],"sdkVersion":[1,"sdk-version"],"preferDesktop":[4,"prefer-desktop"],"tab":[32],"isDefaultTab":[32],"translationsLoaded":[32]},null,{"preferDesktop":["updatePreferDesktop"]}]]],["mm-pending-modal.cjs",[[1,"mm-pending-modal",{"displayOTP":[4,"display-o-t-p"],"sdkVersion":[1,"sdk-version"],"otpCode":[1,"otp-code"],"translationsLoaded":[32]}]]],["mm-select-modal.cjs",[[1,"mm-select-modal",{"link":[1],"sdkVersion":[1,"sdk-version"],"preferDesktop":[4,"prefer-desktop"],"tab":[32],"isDefaultTab":[32],"translationsLoaded":[32]},null,{"preferDesktop":["updatePreferDesktop"]}]]]], options);

@@ -26,0 +26,0 @@

@@ -19,2 +19,3 @@ import { h } from "@stencil/core"; = 1;
this.isDefaultTab = true;
this.translationsLoaded = false;

@@ -25,3 +26,3 @@ this.onClose = this.onClose.bind(this);

this.render = this.render.bind(this);
this.setTab(this.preferDesktop ? 1 : 2);
this.i18nInstance = new SimpleI18n();

@@ -43,31 +44,2 @@ }

updateLink(newLink) {
if (!this.translationsLoaded || !== 2) {
const svgElement = encodeQR(newLink, "svg", {
ecc: "medium",
scale: 2
if (!this.el.shadowRoot) {
console.warn('Shadow root not found');
const qrcodeDiv = this.el.shadowRoot.querySelector("#sdk-mm-qrcode");
if (!qrcodeDiv) {
console.warn('QR code div not found');
qrcodeDiv.innerHTML = svgElement;
onTranslationsLoaded(isLoaded) {
if (isLoaded && === 2) {
onTabChange(newTab) {
if (newTab === 2 && this.translationsLoaded) {
onClose() {

@@ -81,6 +53,4 @@ this.close.emit(); = newTab;
this.isDefaultTab = false;
componentDidLoad() {
render() {

@@ -91,6 +61,12 @@ if (!this.translationsLoaded) {

const t = (key) => this.i18nInstance.t(key);
return (h(WidgetWrapper, { className: "install-model" }, h("div", { class: 'backdrop', onClick: this.onClose }), h("div", { class: 'modal' }, h("div", { class: 'closeButtonContainer' }, h("div", { class: 'right' }, h("span", { class: 'closeButton', onClick: this.onClose }, h(CloseButton, null)))), h("div", { class: 'logoContainer' }, h(Logo, null)), h("div", null, h("div", { class: 'tabcontainer' }, h("div", { class: 'flexContainer' }, h("div", { onClick: () => this.setTab(1), class: `tab flexItem ${ === 1 ? 'tabactive' : ''}` }, t('DESKTOP')), h("div", { onClick: () => this.setTab(2), class: `tab flexItem ${ === 2 ? 'tabactive' : ''}` }, t('MOBILE')))), h("div", { style: { display: === 1 ? 'none' : 'block' } }, h("div", { class: 'flexContainer' }, h("div", { class: 'flexItem', style: {
const currentTab = this.isDefaultTab ? this.preferDesktop ? 1 : 2 :;
const svgElement = encodeQR(, "svg", {
ecc: "medium",
scale: 2
console.log(`Showing modal with link ${} and SVG QRCode ${svgElement}`);
return (h(WidgetWrapper, { className: "install-model" }, h("div", { class: 'backdrop', onClick: this.onClose }), h("div", { class: 'modal' }, h("div", { class: 'closeButtonContainer' }, h("div", { class: 'right' }, h("span", { class: 'closeButton', onClick: this.onClose }, h(CloseButton, null)))), h("div", { class: 'logoContainer' }, h(Logo, null)), h("div", null, h("div", { class: 'tabcontainer' }, h("div", { class: 'flexContainer' }, h("div", { onClick: () => this.setTab(1), class: `tab flexItem ${currentTab === 1 ? 'tabactive' : ''}` }, t('DESKTOP')), h("div", { onClick: () => this.setTab(2), class: `tab flexItem ${currentTab === 2 ? 'tabactive' : ''}` }, t('MOBILE')))), h("div", { style: { display: currentTab === 1 ? 'none' : 'block' } }, h("div", { class: 'flexContainer' }, h("div", { class: 'flexItem', style: {
textAlign: 'center',
marginTop: '4',
} }, h("div", { id: "sdk-mm-qrcode", class: 'center' }), h("div", { class: 'connectMobileText' }, t('SCAN_TO_CONNECT'), " ", h("br", null), h("span", { class: 'blue' }, h("b", null, t('META_MASK_MOBILE_APP'))))))), h("div", { style: { display: === 2 ? 'none' : 'block' } }, h("div", { class: 'item' }, h(AdvantagesListItem, { Icon: HeartIcon, text: t('INSTALL_MODAL.TRUSTED_BY_USERS') })), h("div", { class: 'item' }, h(AdvantagesListItem, { Icon: WalletIcon, text: t('INSTALL_MODAL.LEADING_CRYPTO_WALLET') })), h("div", { class: 'item' }, h(AdvantagesListItem, { Icon: LockIcon, text: t('INSTALL_MODAL.CONTROL_DIGITAL_INTERACTIONS') })), h("button", { class: 'button', onClick: this.onStartDesktopOnboardingHandler }, h(InstallIcon, null), h("span", { class: 'installExtensionText' }, t('INSTALL_MODAL.INSTALL_META_MASK_EXTENSION'))))), h(SDKVersion, { version: this.sdkVersion }))));
} }, svgElement && (h("div", { id: "sdk-mm-qrcode", class: 'center', innerHTML: svgElement })), h("div", { class: 'connectMobileText' }, t('SCAN_TO_CONNECT'), " ", h("br", null), h("span", { class: 'blue' }, h("b", null, t('META_MASK_MOBILE_APP'))))))), h("div", { style: { display: currentTab === 2 ? 'none' : 'block' } }, h("div", { class: 'item' }, h(AdvantagesListItem, { Icon: HeartIcon, text: t('INSTALL_MODAL.TRUSTED_BY_USERS') })), h("div", { class: 'item' }, h(AdvantagesListItem, { Icon: WalletIcon, text: t('INSTALL_MODAL.LEADING_CRYPTO_WALLET') })), h("div", { class: 'item' }, h(AdvantagesListItem, { Icon: LockIcon, text: t('INSTALL_MODAL.CONTROL_DIGITAL_INTERACTIONS') })), h("button", { class: 'button', onClick: this.onStartDesktopOnboardingHandler }, h(InstallIcon, null), h("span", { class: 'installExtensionText' }, t('INSTALL_MODAL.INSTALL_META_MASK_EXTENSION'))))), h(SDKVersion, { version: this.sdkVersion }))));

@@ -167,2 +143,3 @@ static get is() { return "mm-install-modal"; }

"tab": {},
"isDefaultTab": {},
"translationsLoaded": {}

@@ -209,11 +186,2 @@ };

"methodName": "updatePreferDesktop"
}, {
"propName": "link",
"methodName": "updateLink"
}, {
"propName": "translationsLoaded",
"methodName": "onTranslationsLoaded"
}, {
"propName": "tab",
"methodName": "onTabChange"

@@ -220,0 +188,0 @@ }

@@ -14,5 +14,8 @@ import { h } from "@stencil/core";

this.sdkVersion = undefined;
this.preferDesktop = undefined; = 1;
this.isDefaultTab = true;
this.translationsLoaded = false;
this.i18nInstance = new SimpleI18n();
this.setTab(this.preferDesktop ? 1 : 2);

@@ -33,20 +36,15 @@ async connectedCallback() { = tab;
this.isDefaultTab = false;
updateLink(newLink) {
const svgElement = encodeQR(newLink, "svg", {
ecc: "medium",
scale: 2
if (!this.el.shadowRoot) {
disconnectedCallback() {
updatePreferDesktop(newValue) {
if (newValue) {
const qrcodeDiv = this.el.shadowRoot.querySelector("#sdk-mm-qrcode");
if (!qrcodeDiv) {
else {
qrcodeDiv.innerHTML = svgElement;
disconnectedCallback() {
render() {

@@ -58,6 +56,11 @@ if (!this.translationsLoaded) {

const sdkVersion = this.sdkVersion;
return (h(WidgetWrapper, { className: "select-modal" }, h("div", { class: 'backdrop', onClick: () => this.onClose(true) }), h("div", { class: 'modal' }, h("div", { class: 'closeButtonContainer' }, h("div", { class: 'right' }, h("span", { class: 'closeButton', onClick: () => this.onClose(true) }, h(CloseButton, null)))), h("div", { class: 'logoContainer' }, h(Logo, null)), h("div", null, h("div", { class: 'tabcontainer' }, h("div", { class: 'flexContainer' }, h("div", { onClick: () => this.setTab(1), class: `tab flexItem ${ === 1 ? 'tabactive' : ''}` }, t('DESKTOP')), h("div", { onClick: () => this.setTab(2), class: `tab flexItem ${ === 2 ? 'tabactive' : ''}` }, t('MOBILE')))), h("div", { style: { display: === 1 ? 'none' : 'block' } }, h("div", { class: 'flexContainer' }, h("div", { class: 'flexItem', style: {
const currentTab = this.isDefaultTab ? this.preferDesktop ? 1 : 2 :;
const svgElement = encodeQR(, "svg", {
ecc: "medium",
scale: 2
return (h(WidgetWrapper, { className: "select-modal" }, h("div", { class: 'backdrop', onClick: () => this.onClose(true) }), h("div", { class: 'modal' }, h("div", { class: 'closeButtonContainer' }, h("div", { class: 'right' }, h("span", { class: 'closeButton', onClick: () => this.onClose(true) }, h(CloseButton, null)))), h("div", { class: 'logoContainer' }, h(Logo, null)), h("div", null, h("div", { class: 'tabcontainer' }, h("div", { class: 'flexContainer' }, h("div", { onClick: () => this.setTab(1), class: `tab flexItem ${currentTab === 1 ? 'tabactive' : ''}` }, t('DESKTOP')), h("div", { onClick: () => this.setTab(2), class: `tab flexItem ${currentTab === 2 ? 'tabactive' : ''}` }, t('MOBILE')))), h("div", { style: { display: currentTab === 1 ? 'none' : 'block' } }, h("div", { class: 'flexContainer' }, h("div", { class: 'flexItem', style: {
textAlign: 'center',
marginTop: '4',
} }, h("div", { class: 'center', id: "sdk-mm-qrcode" }), h("div", { class: 'connectMobileText' }, t('SCAN_TO_CONNECT'), h("br", null), h("span", { class: 'blue' }, h("b", null, t('META_MASK_MOBILE_APP'))))))), h("div", { style: { display: === 2 ? 'none' : 'block' } }, h("div", { style: {
} }, h("div", { class: 'center', id: "sdk-mm-qrcode", innerHTML: svgElement }), h("div", { class: 'connectMobileText' }, t('SCAN_TO_CONNECT'), h("br", null), h("span", { class: 'blue' }, h("b", null, t('META_MASK_MOBILE_APP'))))))), h("div", { style: { display: currentTab === 2 ? 'none' : 'block' } }, h("div", { style: {
display: 'flex',

@@ -116,2 +119,19 @@ justifyContent: 'center',

"reflect": false
"preferDesktop": {
"type": "boolean",
"mutable": false,
"complexType": {
"original": "boolean",
"resolved": "boolean",
"references": {}
"required": false,
"optional": false,
"docs": {
"tags": [],
"text": ""
"attribute": "prefer-desktop",
"reflect": false

@@ -123,2 +143,3 @@ };

"tab": {},
"isDefaultTab": {},
"translationsLoaded": {}

@@ -163,4 +184,4 @@ };

return [{
"propName": "link",
"methodName": "updateLink"
"propName": "preferDesktop",
"methodName": "updatePreferDesktop"

@@ -167,0 +188,0 @@ }

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

import { b as bootstrapLazy } from './index-4b8a94c9.js';
export { s as setNonce } from './index-4b8a94c9.js';
import { b as bootstrapLazy } from './index-a83c417f.js';
export { s as setNonce } from './index-a83c417f.js';
import { g as globalScripts } from './app-globals-0f993ce5.js';

@@ -8,3 +8,3 @@

await globalScripts();
return bootstrapLazy([["mm-install-modal",[[1,"mm-install-modal",{"link":[1],"sdkVersion":[1,"sdk-version"],"preferDesktop":[4,"prefer-desktop"],"tab":[32],"translationsLoaded":[32]},null,{"preferDesktop":["updatePreferDesktop"],"link":["updateLink"],"translationsLoaded":["onTranslationsLoaded"],"tab":["onTabChange"]}]]],["mm-pending-modal",[[1,"mm-pending-modal",{"displayOTP":[4,"display-o-t-p"],"sdkVersion":[1,"sdk-version"],"otpCode":[1,"otp-code"],"translationsLoaded":[32]}]]],["mm-select-modal",[[1,"mm-select-modal",{"link":[1],"sdkVersion":[1,"sdk-version"],"tab":[32],"translationsLoaded":[32]},null,{"link":["updateLink"]}]]]], options);
return bootstrapLazy([["mm-install-modal",[[1,"mm-install-modal",{"link":[1],"sdkVersion":[1,"sdk-version"],"preferDesktop":[4,"prefer-desktop"],"tab":[32],"isDefaultTab":[32],"translationsLoaded":[32]},null,{"preferDesktop":["updatePreferDesktop"]}]]],["mm-pending-modal",[[1,"mm-pending-modal",{"displayOTP":[4,"display-o-t-p"],"sdkVersion":[1,"sdk-version"],"otpCode":[1,"otp-code"],"translationsLoaded":[32]}]]],["mm-select-modal",[[1,"mm-select-modal",{"link":[1],"sdkVersion":[1,"sdk-version"],"preferDesktop":[4,"prefer-desktop"],"tab":[32],"isDefaultTab":[32],"translationsLoaded":[32]},null,{"preferDesktop":["updatePreferDesktop"]}]]]], options);

@@ -11,0 +11,0 @@

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

import { h, r as registerInstance, c as createEvent, g as getElement } from './index-4b8a94c9.js';
import { S as SimpleI18n, C as CloseButton, L as Logo, a as SDKVersion, W as WidgetWrapper } from './simple-i18n-81e97ab4.js';
import { h, r as registerInstance, c as createEvent, g as getElement } from './index-a83c417f.js';
import { S as SimpleI18n, C as CloseButton, L as Logo, a as SDKVersion, W as WidgetWrapper } from './simple-i18n-50218fcb.js';
import { e as encodeQR } from './index-f0bfb0c3.js';

@@ -38,2 +38,3 @@ = 1;
this.isDefaultTab = true;
this.translationsLoaded = false;

@@ -44,3 +45,3 @@ this.onClose = this.onClose.bind(this);

this.render = this.render.bind(this);
this.setTab(this.preferDesktop ? 1 : 2);
this.i18nInstance = new SimpleI18n();

@@ -62,31 +63,2 @@ }

updateLink(newLink) {
if (!this.translationsLoaded || !== 2) {
const svgElement = encodeQR(newLink, "svg", {
ecc: "medium",
scale: 2
if (!this.el.shadowRoot) {
console.warn('Shadow root not found');
const qrcodeDiv = this.el.shadowRoot.querySelector("#sdk-mm-qrcode");
if (!qrcodeDiv) {
console.warn('QR code div not found');
qrcodeDiv.innerHTML = svgElement;
onTranslationsLoaded(isLoaded) {
if (isLoaded && === 2) {
onTabChange(newTab) {
if (newTab === 2 && this.translationsLoaded) {
onClose() {

@@ -100,6 +72,4 @@ this.close.emit(); = newTab;
this.isDefaultTab = false;
componentDidLoad() {
render() {

@@ -110,13 +80,16 @@ if (!this.translationsLoaded) {

const t = (key) => this.i18nInstance.t(key);
return (h(WidgetWrapper, { className: "install-model" }, h("div", { class: 'backdrop', onClick: this.onClose }), h("div", { class: 'modal' }, h("div", { class: 'closeButtonContainer' }, h("div", { class: 'right' }, h("span", { class: 'closeButton', onClick: this.onClose }, h(CloseButton, null)))), h("div", { class: 'logoContainer' }, h(Logo, null)), h("div", null, h("div", { class: 'tabcontainer' }, h("div", { class: 'flexContainer' }, h("div", { onClick: () => this.setTab(1), class: `tab flexItem ${ === 1 ? 'tabactive' : ''}` }, t('DESKTOP')), h("div", { onClick: () => this.setTab(2), class: `tab flexItem ${ === 2 ? 'tabactive' : ''}` }, t('MOBILE')))), h("div", { style: { display: === 1 ? 'none' : 'block' } }, h("div", { class: 'flexContainer' }, h("div", { class: 'flexItem', style: {
const currentTab = this.isDefaultTab ? this.preferDesktop ? 1 : 2 :;
const svgElement = encodeQR(, "svg", {
ecc: "medium",
scale: 2
console.log(`Showing modal with link ${} and SVG QRCode ${svgElement}`);
return (h(WidgetWrapper, { className: "install-model" }, h("div", { class: 'backdrop', onClick: this.onClose }), h("div", { class: 'modal' }, h("div", { class: 'closeButtonContainer' }, h("div", { class: 'right' }, h("span", { class: 'closeButton', onClick: this.onClose }, h(CloseButton, null)))), h("div", { class: 'logoContainer' }, h(Logo, null)), h("div", null, h("div", { class: 'tabcontainer' }, h("div", { class: 'flexContainer' }, h("div", { onClick: () => this.setTab(1), class: `tab flexItem ${currentTab === 1 ? 'tabactive' : ''}` }, t('DESKTOP')), h("div", { onClick: () => this.setTab(2), class: `tab flexItem ${currentTab === 2 ? 'tabactive' : ''}` }, t('MOBILE')))), h("div", { style: { display: currentTab === 1 ? 'none' : 'block' } }, h("div", { class: 'flexContainer' }, h("div", { class: 'flexItem', style: {
textAlign: 'center',
marginTop: '4',
} }, h("div", { id: "sdk-mm-qrcode", class: 'center' }), h("div", { class: 'connectMobileText' }, t('SCAN_TO_CONNECT'), " ", h("br", null), h("span", { class: 'blue' }, h("b", null, t('META_MASK_MOBILE_APP'))))))), h("div", { style: { display: === 2 ? 'none' : 'block' } }, h("div", { class: 'item' }, h(AdvantagesListItem, { Icon: HeartIcon, text: t('INSTALL_MODAL.TRUSTED_BY_USERS') })), h("div", { class: 'item' }, h(AdvantagesListItem, { Icon: LockIcon, text: t('INSTALL_MODAL.LEADING_CRYPTO_WALLET') })), h("div", { class: 'item' }, h(AdvantagesListItem, { Icon: WalletIcon, text: t('INSTALL_MODAL.CONTROL_DIGITAL_INTERACTIONS') })), h("button", { class: 'button', onClick: this.onStartDesktopOnboardingHandler }, h(InstallIcon, null), h("span", { class: 'installExtensionText' }, t('INSTALL_MODAL.INSTALL_META_MASK_EXTENSION'))))), h(SDKVersion, { version: this.sdkVersion }))));
} }, svgElement && (h("div", { id: "sdk-mm-qrcode", class: 'center', innerHTML: svgElement })), h("div", { class: 'connectMobileText' }, t('SCAN_TO_CONNECT'), " ", h("br", null), h("span", { class: 'blue' }, h("b", null, t('META_MASK_MOBILE_APP'))))))), h("div", { style: { display: currentTab === 2 ? 'none' : 'block' } }, h("div", { class: 'item' }, h(AdvantagesListItem, { Icon: HeartIcon, text: t('INSTALL_MODAL.TRUSTED_BY_USERS') })), h("div", { class: 'item' }, h(AdvantagesListItem, { Icon: LockIcon, text: t('INSTALL_MODAL.LEADING_CRYPTO_WALLET') })), h("div", { class: 'item' }, h(AdvantagesListItem, { Icon: WalletIcon, text: t('INSTALL_MODAL.CONTROL_DIGITAL_INTERACTIONS') })), h("button", { class: 'button', onClick: this.onStartDesktopOnboardingHandler }, h(InstallIcon, null), h("span", { class: 'installExtensionText' }, t('INSTALL_MODAL.INSTALL_META_MASK_EXTENSION'))))), h(SDKVersion, { version: this.sdkVersion }))));
get el() { return getElement(this); }
static get watchers() { return {
"preferDesktop": ["updatePreferDesktop"],
"link": ["updateLink"],
"translationsLoaded": ["onTranslationsLoaded"],
"tab": ["onTabChange"]
"preferDesktop": ["updatePreferDesktop"]
}; }

@@ -123,0 +96,0 @@ };

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

import { r as registerInstance, c as createEvent, h, g as getElement } from './index-4b8a94c9.js';
import { S as SimpleI18n, C as CloseButton, L as Logo, a as SDKVersion, W as WidgetWrapper } from './simple-i18n-81e97ab4.js';
import { r as registerInstance, c as createEvent, h, g as getElement } from './index-a83c417f.js';
import { S as SimpleI18n, C as CloseButton, L as Logo, a as SDKVersion, W as WidgetWrapper } from './simple-i18n-50218fcb.js';

@@ -4,0 +4,0 @@ const styleCss = ".flexContainer {\n display: flex;\n justify-content: center;\n align-items: center;\n flex-direction: row;\n}\n\n.flexItem {\n flex: 1;\n justify-content: center;\n align-items: center;\n}\n\n.flexItem11 {\n flex: 11;\n justify-content: center;\n align-items: center;\n}\n\n.flexItem1 {\n flex: 1;\n justify-content: center;\n align-items: center;\n}\n\ {\n padding: 8px;\n cursor: pointer;\n background-color: #F2F4F6;\n font-size: 12px;\n text-align: center;\n color: #24292E;\n}\n\n.tabcontainer {\n padding: 4px;\n background-color: #F2F4F6;\n border-radius: 8px;\n margin-bottom: 30px;\n margin-top: 30px;\n}\n\n.tabactive {\n background-color: white;\n -webkit-transition: background-color 300ms linear;\n -ms-transition: background-color 300ms linear;\n transition: background-color 300ms linear;\n border-radius: 8px;\n}\n\n.item {\n font-size: 12px;\n margin-bottom: 16px;\n border-radius: 8px;\n padding: 10px;\n border: 2px #F2F4F6 solid;\n color: #24292E;\n}\n\n.extensionLabel {\n font-style: normal;\n font-weight: bold;\n font-size: 14px;\n text-align: cetner;\n color: #24272A;\n}\n\n.notice {\n font-size: 12px;\n margin-left: 10px;\n margin-right: 10px;\n color: grey;\n}\n\n.button {\n margin-top: 41.5px;\n margin-bottom: 20px;\n width: 100%;\n display: flex;\n flex-direction: row;\n justify-content: center;\n align-items: center;\n padding: 12px 20px;\n background: #037DD6;\n border-radius: 32px;\n color: white;\n border: 0;\n font-size: 14px;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n\n.backdrop {\n visibility: visible;\n position: fixed;\n top: 0;\n left: 0;\n right: 0;\n bottom: 0;\n width: 100%;\n z-index: 99998;\n background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87);\n opacity: 0.3;\n}\n\n.modal {\n visibility: visible;\n position: fixed;\n left: 50%;\n transform: translate(-50%, -50%);\n z-index: 99999;\n background: white;\n padding: 20px;\n border-radius: 8px;\n top: 50%;\n max-width: 100%;\n width: 460px;\n min-width: 300px;\n box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) 0px 11px 15px -7px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14) 0px 24px 38px 3px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12) 0px 9px 46px 8px;\n -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;\n}\n\n.closeButton {\n color: #BBC0C5;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n\n.logoContainer {\n margin-left: 24px;\n margin-right: 24px;\n margin-top: 24px;\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: center;\n}\n\n.connectMobileText {\n font-size: 14px;\n color: black;\n margin-top: 28px;\n margin-bottom: 28px;\n line-height: 2;\n}\n\ {\n color: #037DD6;\n font-weight: 700;\n}\n\n.installExtensionText {\n margin-left: 10px;\n}\n\ {\n display: flex;\n justify-content: center;\n align-items: center;\n}\n\n.right {\n display: flex;\n align-items: center;\n justify-content: right;\n}\n\n#sdk-mm-qrcode {\n svg {\n width: 50%;\n }\n}";

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

import { h, r as registerInstance, c as createEvent, g as getElement } from './index-4b8a94c9.js';
import { S as SimpleI18n, C as CloseButton, L as Logo, a as SDKVersion, W as WidgetWrapper } from './simple-i18n-81e97ab4.js';
import { h, r as registerInstance, c as createEvent, g as getElement } from './index-a83c417f.js';
import { S as SimpleI18n, C as CloseButton, L as Logo, a as SDKVersion, W as WidgetWrapper } from './simple-i18n-50218fcb.js';
import { e as encodeQR } from './index-f0bfb0c3.js';

@@ -137,5 +137,8 @@

this.sdkVersion = undefined;
this.preferDesktop = undefined; = 1;
this.isDefaultTab = true;
this.translationsLoaded = false;
this.i18nInstance = new SimpleI18n();
this.setTab(this.preferDesktop ? 1 : 2);

@@ -156,20 +159,15 @@ async connectedCallback() { = tab;
this.isDefaultTab = false;
updateLink(newLink) {
const svgElement = encodeQR(newLink, "svg", {
ecc: "medium",
scale: 2
if (!this.el.shadowRoot) {
disconnectedCallback() {
updatePreferDesktop(newValue) {
if (newValue) {
const qrcodeDiv = this.el.shadowRoot.querySelector("#sdk-mm-qrcode");
if (!qrcodeDiv) {
else {
qrcodeDiv.innerHTML = svgElement;
disconnectedCallback() {
render() {

@@ -181,6 +179,11 @@ if (!this.translationsLoaded) {

const sdkVersion = this.sdkVersion;
return (h(WidgetWrapper, { className: "select-modal" }, h("div", { class: 'backdrop', onClick: () => this.onClose(true) }), h("div", { class: 'modal' }, h("div", { class: 'closeButtonContainer' }, h("div", { class: 'right' }, h("span", { class: 'closeButton', onClick: () => this.onClose(true) }, h(CloseButton, null)))), h("div", { class: 'logoContainer' }, h(Logo, null)), h("div", null, h("div", { class: 'tabcontainer' }, h("div", { class: 'flexContainer' }, h("div", { onClick: () => this.setTab(1), class: `tab flexItem ${ === 1 ? 'tabactive' : ''}` }, t('DESKTOP')), h("div", { onClick: () => this.setTab(2), class: `tab flexItem ${ === 2 ? 'tabactive' : ''}` }, t('MOBILE')))), h("div", { style: { display: === 1 ? 'none' : 'block' } }, h("div", { class: 'flexContainer' }, h("div", { class: 'flexItem', style: {
const currentTab = this.isDefaultTab ? this.preferDesktop ? 1 : 2 :;
const svgElement = encodeQR(, "svg", {
ecc: "medium",
scale: 2
return (h(WidgetWrapper, { className: "select-modal" }, h("div", { class: 'backdrop', onClick: () => this.onClose(true) }), h("div", { class: 'modal' }, h("div", { class: 'closeButtonContainer' }, h("div", { class: 'right' }, h("span", { class: 'closeButton', onClick: () => this.onClose(true) }, h(CloseButton, null)))), h("div", { class: 'logoContainer' }, h(Logo, null)), h("div", null, h("div", { class: 'tabcontainer' }, h("div", { class: 'flexContainer' }, h("div", { onClick: () => this.setTab(1), class: `tab flexItem ${currentTab === 1 ? 'tabactive' : ''}` }, t('DESKTOP')), h("div", { onClick: () => this.setTab(2), class: `tab flexItem ${currentTab === 2 ? 'tabactive' : ''}` }, t('MOBILE')))), h("div", { style: { display: currentTab === 1 ? 'none' : 'block' } }, h("div", { class: 'flexContainer' }, h("div", { class: 'flexItem', style: {
textAlign: 'center',
marginTop: '4',
} }, h("div", { class: 'center', id: "sdk-mm-qrcode" }), h("div", { class: 'connectMobileText' }, t('SCAN_TO_CONNECT'), h("br", null), h("span", { class: 'blue' }, h("b", null, t('META_MASK_MOBILE_APP'))))))), h("div", { style: { display: === 2 ? 'none' : 'block' } }, h("div", { style: {
} }, h("div", { class: 'center', id: "sdk-mm-qrcode", innerHTML: svgElement }), h("div", { class: 'connectMobileText' }, t('SCAN_TO_CONNECT'), h("br", null), h("span", { class: 'blue' }, h("b", null, t('META_MASK_MOBILE_APP'))))))), h("div", { style: { display: currentTab === 2 ? 'none' : 'block' } }, h("div", { style: {
display: 'flex',

@@ -194,3 +197,3 @@ justifyContent: 'center',

static get watchers() { return {
"link": ["updateLink"]
"preferDesktop": ["updatePreferDesktop"]
}; }

@@ -197,0 +200,0 @@ };

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

import { p as promiseResolve, b as bootstrapLazy } from './index-4b8a94c9.js';
export { s as setNonce } from './index-4b8a94c9.js';
import { p as promiseResolve, b as bootstrapLazy } from './index-a83c417f.js';
export { s as setNonce } from './index-a83c417f.js';
import { g as globalScripts } from './app-globals-0f993ce5.js';

@@ -19,5 +19,5 @@

await globalScripts();
return bootstrapLazy([["mm-install-modal",[[1,"mm-install-modal",{"link":[1],"sdkVersion":[1,"sdk-version"],"preferDesktop":[4,"prefer-desktop"],"tab":[32],"translationsLoaded":[32]},null,{"preferDesktop":["updatePreferDesktop"],"link":["updateLink"],"translationsLoaded":["onTranslationsLoaded"],"tab":["onTabChange"]}]]],["mm-pending-modal",[[1,"mm-pending-modal",{"displayOTP":[4,"display-o-t-p"],"sdkVersion":[1,"sdk-version"],"otpCode":[1,"otp-code"],"translationsLoaded":[32]}]]],["mm-select-modal",[[1,"mm-select-modal",{"link":[1],"sdkVersion":[1,"sdk-version"],"tab":[32],"translationsLoaded":[32]},null,{"link":["updateLink"]}]]]], options);
return bootstrapLazy([["mm-install-modal",[[1,"mm-install-modal",{"link":[1],"sdkVersion":[1,"sdk-version"],"preferDesktop":[4,"prefer-desktop"],"tab":[32],"isDefaultTab":[32],"translationsLoaded":[32]},null,{"preferDesktop":["updatePreferDesktop"]}]]],["mm-pending-modal",[[1,"mm-pending-modal",{"displayOTP":[4,"display-o-t-p"],"sdkVersion":[1,"sdk-version"],"otpCode":[1,"otp-code"],"translationsLoaded":[32]}]]],["mm-select-modal",[[1,"mm-select-modal",{"link":[1],"sdkVersion":[1,"sdk-version"],"preferDesktop":[4,"prefer-desktop"],"tab":[32],"isDefaultTab":[32],"translationsLoaded":[32]},null,{"preferDesktop":["updatePreferDesktop"]}]]]], options);

@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

import{p as e,b as o}from"./p-4739b8e2.js";export{s as setNonce}from"./p-4739b8e2.js";import{g as a}from"./p-e1255160.js";var n=()=>{const s=import.meta.url;const o={};if(s!==""){o.resourcesUrl=new URL(".",s).href}return e(o)};n().then((async e=>{await a();return o([["p-031fdccc",[[1,"mm-install-modal",{link:[1],sdkVersion:[1,"sdk-version"],preferDesktop:[4,"prefer-desktop"],tab:[32],translationsLoaded:[32]},null,{preferDesktop:["updatePreferDesktop"],link:["updateLink"],translationsLoaded:["onTranslationsLoaded"],tab:["onTabChange"]}]]],["p-ea8736ef",[[1,"mm-pending-modal",{displayOTP:[4,"display-o-t-p"],sdkVersion:[1,"sdk-version"],otpCode:[1,"otp-code"],translationsLoaded:[32]}]]],["p-c91b6be2",[[1,"mm-select-modal",{link:[1],sdkVersion:[1,"sdk-version"],tab:[32],translationsLoaded:[32]},null,{link:["updateLink"]}]]]],e)}));
import{p as e,b as o}from"./p-3ed06e9b.js";export{s as setNonce}from"./p-3ed06e9b.js";import{g as r}from"./p-e1255160.js";var t=()=>{const s=import.meta.url;const o={};if(s!==""){o.resourcesUrl=new URL(".",s).href}return e(o)};t().then((async e=>{await r();return o([["p-9b90adac",[[1,"mm-install-modal",{link:[1],sdkVersion:[1,"sdk-version"],preferDesktop:[4,"prefer-desktop"],tab:[32],isDefaultTab:[32],translationsLoaded:[32]},null,{preferDesktop:["updatePreferDesktop"]}]]],["p-db91bb82",[[1,"mm-pending-modal",{displayOTP:[4,"display-o-t-p"],sdkVersion:[1,"sdk-version"],otpCode:[1,"otp-code"],translationsLoaded:[32]}]]],["p-569339f2",[[1,"mm-select-modal",{link:[1],sdkVersion:[1,"sdk-version"],preferDesktop:[4,"prefer-desktop"],tab:[32],isDefaultTab:[32],translationsLoaded:[32]},null,{preferDesktop:["updatePreferDesktop"]}]]]],e)}));

@@ -30,2 +30,3 @@ /* eslint-disable */

"link": string;
"preferDesktop": boolean;
"sdkVersion"?: string;

@@ -137,2 +138,3 @@ }

"onConnectWithExtension"?: (event: MmSelectModalCustomEvent<any>) => void;
"preferDesktop"?: boolean;
"sdkVersion"?: string;

@@ -139,0 +141,0 @@ }

@@ -13,2 +13,3 @@ import { EventEmitter } from '../../stencil-public-runtime';

tab: number;
isDefaultTab: boolean;
el: HTMLElement;

@@ -19,11 +20,7 @@ private translationsLoaded;

updatePreferDesktop(newValue: boolean): void;
updateLink(newLink: string): void;
onTranslationsLoaded(isLoaded: boolean): void;
onTabChange(newTab: number): void;
onClose(): void;
onStartDesktopOnboardingHandler(): void;
setTab(newTab: number): void;
componentDidLoad(): void;
render(): any;

@@ -8,2 +8,3 @@ import { EventEmitter } from '../../stencil-public-runtime';

sdkVersion?: string;
preferDesktop: boolean;
private i18nInstance;

@@ -15,2 +16,3 @@ close: EventEmitter<{

tab: number;
isDefaultTab: boolean;
el: HTMLElement;

@@ -23,6 +25,6 @@ private translationsLoaded;

setTab(tab: number): void;
updateLink(newLink: string): void;
disconnectedCallback(): void;
updatePreferDesktop(newValue: boolean): void;
render(): any;
"name": "@metamask/sdk-install-modal-web",
"version": "0.31.1",
"version": "0.31.2",
"description": "MetaMask SDK Install Modal for Web",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "homepage": "",

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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