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@readme/http-headers - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.1 to 0.0.2




@@ -1,36 +0,38 @@

import type { Parent, Node } from 'unist';
export declare const sourceUrl = "";
import type { HTTPHeader, HTTPHeaderDescription } from './types';
* Fetch MDN HTTP Header source markdown.
* Converts potentially non-compliant string into HTTP header type
export declare const retrieveMarkdown: () => Promise<string>;
export declare const normalizeHeader: (header: string) => HTTPHeader;
* Normalizes and converts a header into markdown-representative identifier
* @example
* normalizeHeader('content-length') -> '{{HTTPHeader("content-length")}}'
* Is header documented via MDN's
export declare const normalizeHeader: (header: string) => string;
export declare const isHeaderValid: (header: string) => boolean;
* Builds complete HTTP header description
* Full description may be multi-line. Ensure we've captured complete text before returning.
* Returns if header is flagged as `experimental`.
export declare const buildDescription: (tree: Parent, headerNode: ChildTextNode) => string;
export declare const isHeaderExperimental: (header: string) => boolean;
* Interpolates description string content
* Returns if header is flagged as `deprecated`.
export declare const isHeaderDeprecated: (header: string) => boolean;
* Returns direct link to header's unique page in MDN.
* @example
* interpolateDescription('{{Glossary("MIME_type", "types")}}') => 'types'
* getHeaderLink('Accept') -> ''
export declare const interpolateDescription: (description: string) => string;
interface ChildTextNode extends Node {
value?: string;
export declare const getHeaderLink: (header: string) => string;
* Performs lookup in MDN HTTP Header markdown for target header.
* Returns a description, if found.
* Returns header description, as documented in MDN.
* @example
* getHeaderDescription('Authorization') => 'Contains the credentials to authenticate a user-agent with a server.
export declare const searchHeaderDescription: (tree: Parent, header: string) => string;
export declare const getHeaderDescription: (header: string) => string;
* Performs lookup in MDN HTTP Header markdown for target list of HTTP headers.
* Returns header description, formatted in markdown.
export default function getHeaderDescription(header: string | string[]): Promise<Record<string, string>>;
export {};
export declare const getHeaderMarkdown: (header: string) => string;
* Performs lookup of an HTTP Header in MDN's snapshotted documentation.
* Sourced from
export default function getHeader(header: string): HTTPHeaderDescription;

@@ -1,111 +0,83 @@

import { fromMarkdown } from 'mdast-util-from-markdown';
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
import { find } from 'unist-util-find';
import { findAfter } from 'unist-util-find-after';
import flatFilter from 'unist-util-flat-filter';
// Core Resource - Sourcing headers directly from MDN
export const sourceUrl = '';
// Store MDN response in memory for future lookups
let markdown;
// Store previously looked-up header descriptions in memory
const cachedHTTPHeaders = {};
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.getHeaderMarkdown = exports.getHeaderDescription = exports.getHeaderLink = exports.isHeaderDeprecated = exports.isHeaderExperimental = exports.isHeaderValid = exports.normalizeHeader = void 0;
var http_headers_1 = require("./http-headers");
* Fetch MDN HTTP Header source markdown.
* Converts potentially non-compliant string into HTTP header type
export const retrieveMarkdown = () => {
return fetch(sourceUrl).then(res => {
if (!res.ok)
throw new Error('Failed to fetch markdown.');
return res.text();
var normalizeHeader = function (header) {
return header
.map(function (h) { return h.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + h.slice(1); })
exports.normalizeHeader = normalizeHeader;
* Normalizes and converts a header into markdown-representative identifier
* @example
* normalizeHeader('content-length') -> '{{HTTPHeader("content-length")}}'
* Is header documented via MDN's
export const normalizeHeader = (header) => `{{HTTPHeader("${header}")}}`.toLowerCase();
var isHeaderValid = function (header) {
var normalizedHeader = (0, exports.normalizeHeader)(header);
return !!http_headers_1.default[normalizedHeader];
exports.isHeaderValid = isHeaderValid;
* Builds complete HTTP header description
* Full description may be multi-line. Ensure we've captured complete text before returning.
* Returns if header is flagged as `experimental`.
export const buildDescription = (tree, headerNode) => {
let description = '';
let currentNode = headerNode;
while (!description.endsWith('.')) {
currentNode = findAfter(tree, currentNode, { type: 'text' });
if (currentNode?.value) {
const [fallback, text] = currentNode.value.split(': ') ?? [];
description = description.concat(text || fallback || '');
return description;
var isHeaderExperimental = function (header) {
var _a;
var normalizedHeader = (0, exports.normalizeHeader)(header);
return !!((_a = http_headers_1.default[normalizedHeader]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.experimental);
exports.isHeaderExperimental = isHeaderExperimental;
* Interpolates description string content
* Returns if header is flagged as `deprecated`.
var isHeaderDeprecated = function (header) {
var _a;
var normalizedHeader = (0, exports.normalizeHeader)(header);
return !!((_a = http_headers_1.default[normalizedHeader]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.deprecated);
exports.isHeaderDeprecated = isHeaderDeprecated;
* Returns direct link to header's unique page in MDN.
* @example
* interpolateDescription('{{Glossary("MIME_type", "types")}}') => 'types'
* getHeaderLink('Accept') -> ''
export const interpolateDescription = (description) => {
// i.e. '{{Glossary("effective connection type")}}'
const simpleGlossaryRegexp = /\{\{Glossary\("([^"]+)"?\)\}\}/g;
// i.e. '{{Glossary("MIME_type", "types")}}'
const compoundGlossaryRegexp = /\{\{Glossary\("([^"]+)", "([^"]+)"\)\}\}/g;
// Prematurely return if nothing to process
if (!description)
return description;
if (description.match(simpleGlossaryRegexp))
return description.split(simpleGlossaryRegexp).join('');
if (description.match(compoundGlossaryRegexp)) {
const [start, , interpolation, end] = description.split(compoundGlossaryRegexp);
return `${start}${interpolation}${end}`;
return description;
var getHeaderLink = function (header) {
var _a;
var normalizedHeader = (0, exports.normalizeHeader)(header);
return ((_a = http_headers_1.default[normalizedHeader]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : || '';
exports.getHeaderLink = getHeaderLink;
* Performs lookup in MDN HTTP Header markdown for target header.
* Returns a description, if found.
* Returns header description, as documented in MDN.
* @example
* getHeaderDescription('Authorization') => 'Contains the credentials to authenticate a user-agent with a server.
export const searchHeaderDescription = (tree, header) => {
if (tree && header) {
const headerNode = find(tree, (node) => {
return ((node.value?.toLowerCase().includes(normalizeHeader(header)) && node.position?.start.column === 3) || false);
if (headerNode) {
const description = buildDescription(tree, headerNode);
return interpolateDescription(description);
return '';
var getHeaderDescription = function (header) {
var _a;
var normalizedHeader = (0, exports.normalizeHeader)(header);
return ((_a = http_headers_1.default[normalizedHeader]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.description) || '';
exports.getHeaderDescription = getHeaderDescription;
* Performs lookup in MDN HTTP Header markdown for target list of HTTP headers.
* Returns header description, formatted in markdown.
export default async function getHeaderDescription(header) {
try {
// If markdown has not been requested and cached, do so now
if (!markdown)
markdown = await retrieveMarkdown();
// Convert text -> markdown syntax tree
const mdast = fromMarkdown(markdown, 'utf-8');
// Flatten tree for easy value enumeration
const tree = flatFilter(mdast, node => node?.type === 'text');
// Convert args into a unified format
const headers = Array.isArray(header) ? header : [header];
// Process headers and apply found descriptions
return headers.reduce((acc, h) => {
if (cachedHTTPHeaders[h]) {
acc[h] = cachedHTTPHeaders[h];
else {
const description = searchHeaderDescription(tree, h);
cachedHTTPHeaders[h] = description;
acc[h] = description;
return acc;
}, {});
catch (e) {
return {};
var getHeaderMarkdown = function (header) {
var _a, _b;
var normalizedHeader = (0, exports.normalizeHeader)(header);
return ((_a = http_headers_1.default[normalizedHeader]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.markdown) || ((_b = http_headers_1.default[normalizedHeader]) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.description) || '';
exports.getHeaderMarkdown = getHeaderMarkdown;
* Performs lookup of an HTTP Header in MDN's snapshotted documentation.
* Sourced from
function getHeader(header) {
var normalizedHeader = (0, exports.normalizeHeader)(header);
if (!(0, exports.isHeaderValid)(normalizedHeader))
throw new Error("'".concat(header, "' is not a documented HTTP header."));
return http_headers_1.default[normalizedHeader];
exports.default = getHeader;
"name": "@readme/http-headers",
"version": "0.0.1",
"version": "0.0.2",
"description": "Retrieve HTTP Header Descriptions from MDN",
"main": "dist/index.js",
"type": "module",
"types": "dist/index.d.ts",

@@ -32,9 +31,2 @@ "engines": {

"license": "MIT",
"dependencies": {
"mdast-util-from-markdown": "^2.0.0",
"node-fetch": "^3.3.2",
"unist-util-find": "^2.0.0",
"unist-util-find-after": "^5.0.0",
"unist-util-flat-filter": "^2.0.0"
"devDependencies": {

@@ -44,6 +36,4 @@ "@commitlint/cli": "^17.6.3",

"@readme/eslint-config": "^12.0.3",
"@types/unist": "^3.0.0",
"@vitest/coverage-v8": "^0.34.1",
"eslint": "^8.40.0",
"nock": "^13.3.2",
"prettier": "^3.0.1",

@@ -50,0 +40,0 @@ "typescript": "^5.0.4",

@@ -17,21 +17,38 @@ # @readme/http-headers

`HTTP-Headers` pulls header descriptions directly from MDN, via a `fetch` request. It then stores response markdown in memory for future usage. That means that the library is inherently asynchronous, and will need to be used with a promise handler.
`HTTP-Headers` pulls header descriptions directly from [MDN's header documentation](
import getHeaderDescription from '@readme/http-headers';
import getHeader from '@readme/http-headers';
console.log(await getHeaderDescription('Connection'));
// A typical header
Connection: 'Controls whether the network connection stays open after the current transaction finishes.',
description: 'Controls whether the network connection stays open after the current transaction finishes.',
link: '',
console.log(await getHeaderDescription(['Authorization', 'Content-Length']));
// A header with a markdown-flavored description
Authorization: 'Contains the credentials to authenticate a user-agent with a server.',
'Content-Length': 'The size of the resource, in decimal number of bytes.',
description: 'Contains stored HTTP cookies previously sent by the server with the Set-Cookie header.',
link: '',
'Contains stored [HTTP cookies](/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Cookies) previously sent by the server with the "Set-Cookie" header',
// A header with additional decorations
deprecated: true,
experimental: true,
'Client device pixel ratio (DPR), which is the number of physical device pixels corresponding to every CSS pixel.',
link: '',

@@ -1,132 +0,78 @@

import type { Parent, Node } from 'unist';
import type { HTTPHeader, HTTPHeaderDescription } from './types';
import { fromMarkdown } from 'mdast-util-from-markdown';
import fetch from 'node-fetch';
import { find } from 'unist-util-find';
import { findAfter } from 'unist-util-find-after';
import flatFilter from 'unist-util-flat-filter';
import HTTPHeaders from './http-headers';
// Core Resource - Sourcing headers directly from MDN
export const sourceUrl = '';
// Store MDN response in memory for future lookups
let markdown: string;
// Store previously looked-up header descriptions in memory
const cachedHTTPHeaders: Record<string, string> = {};
* Converts potentially non-compliant string into HTTP header type
export const normalizeHeader = (header: string): HTTPHeader => {
return header
.map(h => h.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + h.slice(1))
.join('-') as HTTPHeader;
* Fetch MDN HTTP Header source markdown.
* Is header documented via MDN's
export const retrieveMarkdown = (): Promise<string> => {
return fetch(sourceUrl).then(res => {
if (!res.ok) throw new Error('Failed to fetch markdown.');
return res.text();
export const isHeaderValid = (header: string): boolean => {
const normalizedHeader = normalizeHeader(header);
return !!HTTPHeaders[normalizedHeader];
* Normalizes and converts a header into markdown-representative identifier
* @example
* normalizeHeader('content-length') -> '{{HTTPHeader("content-length")}}'
* Returns if header is flagged as `experimental`.
export const normalizeHeader = (header: string): string => `{{HTTPHeader("${header}")}}`.toLowerCase();
export const isHeaderExperimental = (header: string): boolean => {
const normalizedHeader = normalizeHeader(header);
return !!HTTPHeaders[normalizedHeader]?.experimental;
* Builds complete HTTP header description
* Full description may be multi-line. Ensure we've captured complete text before returning.
* Returns if header is flagged as `deprecated`.
export const buildDescription = (tree: Parent, headerNode: ChildTextNode): string => {
let description = '';
let currentNode = headerNode;
export const isHeaderDeprecated = (header: string): boolean => {
const normalizedHeader = normalizeHeader(header);
return !!HTTPHeaders[normalizedHeader]?.deprecated;
while (!description.endsWith('.')) {
currentNode = findAfter(tree, currentNode, { type: 'text' }) as ChildTextNode;
if (currentNode?.value) {
const [fallback, text] = currentNode.value.split(': ') ?? [];
description = description.concat(text || fallback || '');
return description;
* Returns direct link to header's unique page in MDN.
* @example
* getHeaderLink('Accept') -> ''
export const getHeaderLink = (header: string): string => {
const normalizedHeader = normalizeHeader(header);
return HTTPHeaders[normalizedHeader]?.link || '';
* Interpolates description string content
* Returns header description, as documented in MDN.
* @example
* interpolateDescription('{{Glossary("MIME_type", "types")}}') => 'types'
* getHeaderDescription('Authorization') => 'Contains the credentials to authenticate a user-agent with a server.
export const interpolateDescription = (description: string): string => {
// i.e. '{{Glossary("effective connection type")}}'
const simpleGlossaryRegexp = /\{\{Glossary\("([^"]+)"?\)\}\}/g;
// i.e. '{{Glossary("MIME_type", "types")}}'
const compoundGlossaryRegexp = /\{\{Glossary\("([^"]+)", "([^"]+)"\)\}\}/g;
// Prematurely return if nothing to process
if (!description) return description;
if (description.match(simpleGlossaryRegexp)) return description.split(simpleGlossaryRegexp).join('');
if (description.match(compoundGlossaryRegexp)) {
const [start, , interpolation, end] = description.split(compoundGlossaryRegexp);
return `${start}${interpolation}${end}`;
return description;
export const getHeaderDescription = (header: string): string => {
const normalizedHeader = normalizeHeader(header);
return HTTPHeaders[normalizedHeader]?.description || '';
interface ChildTextNode extends Node {
value?: string;
* Performs lookup in MDN HTTP Header markdown for target header.
* Returns a description, if found.
* Returns header description, formatted in markdown.
export const searchHeaderDescription = (tree: Parent, header: string): string => {
if (tree && header) {
const headerNode = find(tree as any, (node: ChildTextNode) => {
return (
(node.value?.toLowerCase().includes(normalizeHeader(header)) && node.position?.start.column === 3) || false
if (headerNode) {
const description = buildDescription(tree, headerNode);
return interpolateDescription(description);
return '';
export const getHeaderMarkdown = (header: string): string => {
const normalizedHeader = normalizeHeader(header);
return HTTPHeaders[normalizedHeader]?.markdown || HTTPHeaders[normalizedHeader]?.description || '';
* Performs lookup in MDN HTTP Header markdown for target list of HTTP headers.
* Performs lookup of an HTTP Header in MDN's snapshotted documentation.
* Sourced from
export default async function getHeaderDescription(header: string | string[]): Promise<Record<string, string>> {
try {
// If markdown has not been requested and cached, do so now
if (!markdown) markdown = await retrieveMarkdown();
export default function getHeader(header: string): HTTPHeaderDescription {
const normalizedHeader = normalizeHeader(header);
// Convert text -> markdown syntax tree
const mdast = fromMarkdown(markdown, 'utf-8') as any;
// Flatten tree for easy value enumeration
const tree = flatFilter(mdast, node => node?.type === 'text') as Parent;
// Convert args into a unified format
const headers = Array.isArray(header) ? header : [header];
if (!isHeaderValid(normalizedHeader)) throw new Error(`'${header}' is not a documented HTTP header.`);
// Process headers and apply found descriptions
return headers.reduce(
(acc, h) => {
if (cachedHTTPHeaders[h]) {
acc[h] = cachedHTTPHeaders[h];
} else {
const description = searchHeaderDescription(tree, h);
cachedHTTPHeaders[h] = description;
acc[h] = description;
return acc;
{} as Record<string, string>,
} catch (e) {
return {};
return HTTPHeaders[normalizedHeader];

@@ -5,12 +5,8 @@ {

"declaration": true,
"esModuleInterop": true,
"module": "NodeNext",
"noImplicitAny": true,
"outDir": "./dist",
"skipLibCheck": true,
"strict": true,
"target": "ESNext",
"moduleResolution": "NodeNext"
"strict": true
"include": ["./src/**/*"]
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