Shared Application Layout Components

Firstly, install the peer dependencies (prerequisites):
npm i @rocket.chat/fuselage react react-dom react-i18next
yarn add @rocket.chat/fuselage react react-dom react-i18next
Add @rocket.chat/layout
as a dependency:
npm i @rocket.chat/layout
yarn add @rocket.chat/layout
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues.
As this package dependends on others in this monorepo, before anything run the following at the root directory:
yarn build
To ensure the source is matching our coding style, we perform linting.
Before commiting, check if your code fits our style by running:
yarn lint
Some linter warnings and errors can be automatically fixed:
yarn lint-and-fix
Running tests
Whenever possible, add tests to describe exactly what your code do. You can run them by yourself:
yarn test