A JS implementation of the Auth47 protocol.
Initialize a new instance for a Verifier using a HTTPS callback URI
import crypto from 'crypto'
import { Auth47Verifier } from '@samouraiwallet/auth47';
const verifier = new Auth47Verifier('https://samourai.io/auth');
Generate an Auth47URI for a given nonce
const nonce = crypto.randomBytes(12).toString('hex');
const uri = verifier.generateURI({'nonce': nonce});
console.log('URI generated:', uri);
Verify a proof
const proof_received = {
'auth47_response': '1.0',
'challenge': 'auth47://aerezerzerze23131d?r=https://samourai.io/auth',
'nym': 'PM8TJTLJbPRGxSbc8EJ...TzFcwQRya4GA',
'signature': 'Hyn9En/w5I2LHR...ct8mbFD86o='
const verifiedProof = verifier.verifyProof(proof_received);
if (verifiedProof.result === 'ok') {
console.log('Proof is valid');
else {