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@sap-ux/vocabularies-types - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.5.7 to 0.6.0



@@ -17,3 +17,5 @@ import type { ActionAnnotations, ActionImportAnnotations, AnnotationAnnotations, ComplexTypeAnnotations, EntityContainerAnnotations, EntitySetAnnotations, EntityTypeAnnotations, EnumTypeAnnotations, FunctionAnnotations, FunctionImportAnnotations, IncludeAnnotations, NavigationPropertyAnnotations, ParameterAnnotations, PropertyAnnotations, ReferenceAnnotations, ReturnTypeAnnotations, SchemaAnnotations, SingletonAnnotations, TermAnnotations, TypeDefinitionAnnotations, PropertyValueAnnotations, RecordAnnotations, CollectionAnnotations } from './vocabularies/Edm_Types';

value: string;
$target: AnnotationTerm<P>;
$target: AnnotationTerm<P> & {
term: string;

@@ -23,3 +25,2 @@ declare type PrimitiveTypeCast<P, G> = (P extends boolean ? boolean | (Boolean & G) : never) | (P extends number ? number | (Number & G) : never) | (P extends string ? string | (String & G) : never) | (P & G);

fullyQualifiedName: string;
term: string;
qualifier: string;

@@ -158,2 +159,3 @@ annotations?: TermAnnotations & AnnotationAnnotations;

annotations?: RecordAnnotations;
fullyQualifiedName: string;

@@ -285,3 +287,3 @@ export declare type ComplexType = {

resolvePath: <T>(path: string) => ResolutionTarget<T>;
resolvePath: <T>(path: string, resolveDirectly?: boolean) => ResolutionTarget<T>;

@@ -288,0 +290,0 @@ declare type RemoveAnnotationAndType<T> = {

"name": "@sap-ux/vocabularies-types",
"version": "0.5.7",
"version": "0.6.0",
"description": "SAP Fiori OData - TS types for vocabularies",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "repository": {

@@ -10,7 +10,11 @@ import * as Core from "./Core";

export declare type ApplySupported = AnnotationTerm<ApplySupportedTypeTypes>;
export declare type ApplySupported = {
term: AggregationAnnotationTerms.ApplySupported;
} & AnnotationTerm<ApplySupportedTypeTypes>;
Default support of the `$apply` system query option for all collection-valued resources in the container
export declare type ApplySupportedDefaults = AnnotationTerm<ApplySupportedBaseTypes>;
export declare type ApplySupportedDefaults = {
term: AggregationAnnotationTerms.ApplySupportedDefaults;
} & AnnotationTerm<ApplySupportedBaseTypes>;
export declare type ApplySupportedBase = ComplexType & {

@@ -44,3 +48,3 @@ $Type: AggregationAnnotationTypes.ApplySupportedBase;

AggregatableProperties: AnnotationTerm<AggregatablePropertyTypeTypes[]>;
AggregatableProperties: AggregatablePropertyTypeTypes[];

@@ -91,23 +95,35 @@ export declare type AggregatablePropertyType = ComplexType & {

export declare type Groupable = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type Groupable = {
term: AggregationAnnotationTerms.Groupable;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
This property can be used in the `aggregate` transformation
export declare type Aggregatable = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type Aggregatable = {
term: AggregationAnnotationTerms.Aggregatable;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
Dynamic property that can be used in the `aggregate` transformation
export declare type CustomAggregate = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
export declare type CustomAggregate = {
term: AggregationAnnotationTerms.CustomAggregate;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
The annotated property or custom aggregate is only well-defined in the context of these properties
export declare type ContextDefiningProperties = AnnotationTerm<Edm.PropertyPath[]>;
export declare type ContextDefiningProperties = {
term: AggregationAnnotationTerms.ContextDefiningProperties;
} & AnnotationTerm<Edm.PropertyPath[]>;
Defines a leveled hierarchy by defining an ordered list of properties in the hierarchy
export declare type LeveledHierarchy = AnnotationTerm<Edm.PropertyPath[]>;
export declare type LeveledHierarchy = {
term: AggregationAnnotationTerms.LeveledHierarchy;
} & AnnotationTerm<Edm.PropertyPath[]>;
Defines a recursive hierarchy.
export declare type RecursiveHierarchy = AnnotationTerm<RecursiveHierarchyTypeTypes>;
export declare type RecursiveHierarchy = {
term: AggregationAnnotationTerms.RecursiveHierarchy;
} & AnnotationTerm<RecursiveHierarchyTypeTypes>;
export declare type RecursiveHierarchyType = ComplexType & {

@@ -122,3 +138,3 @@ $Type: AggregationAnnotationTypes.RecursiveHierarchyType;

ParentNavigationProperty: PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.NavigationPropertyPath>;
ParentNavigationProperty: Edm.NavigationPropertyPath;

@@ -156,3 +172,5 @@ Property holding the number of edges between the node and the root node

export declare type AvailableOnAggregates = AnnotationTerm<AvailableOnAggregatesTypeTypes>;
export declare type AvailableOnAggregates = {
term: AggregationAnnotationTerms.AvailableOnAggregates;
} & AnnotationTerm<AvailableOnAggregatesTypeTypes>;
export declare type AvailableOnAggregatesType = ComplexType & {

@@ -173,7 +191,7 @@ $Type: AggregationAnnotationTypes.AvailableOnAggregatesType;

ApplySupported?: AnnotationTerm<ApplySupportedTypeTypes>;
ApplySupported?: ApplySupportedTypeTypes;
Supported custom aggregates
CustomAggregates: AnnotationTerm<CustomAggregateTypeTypes[]>;
CustomAggregates: CustomAggregateTypeTypes[];

@@ -211,9 +229,9 @@ export declare type CustomAggregateType = ComplexType & {

export declare type ApplySupportedBaseTypes = AnnotationTerm<ApplySupportedBase | ApplySupportedTypeTypes>;
export declare type ApplySupportedTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<ApplySupportedType>;
export declare type AggregatablePropertyTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<AggregatablePropertyType>;
export declare type RecursiveHierarchyTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<RecursiveHierarchyType>;
export declare type AvailableOnAggregatesTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<AvailableOnAggregatesType>;
export declare type NavigationPropertyAggregationCapabilitiesTypes = AnnotationTerm<NavigationPropertyAggregationCapabilities>;
export declare type NavigationPropertyRestrictionTypes = AnnotationTerm<Capabilities.NavigationPropertyRestriction | NavigationPropertyAggregationCapabilitiesTypes>;
export declare type CustomAggregateTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<CustomAggregateType>;
export declare type ApplySupportedBaseTypes = ApplySupportedBase | ApplySupportedTypeTypes;
export declare type ApplySupportedTypeTypes = ApplySupportedType;
export declare type AggregatablePropertyTypeTypes = AggregatablePropertyType;
export declare type RecursiveHierarchyTypeTypes = RecursiveHierarchyType;
export declare type AvailableOnAggregatesTypeTypes = AvailableOnAggregatesType;
export declare type NavigationPropertyAggregationCapabilitiesTypes = NavigationPropertyAggregationCapabilities;
export declare type NavigationPropertyRestrictionTypes = Capabilities.NavigationPropertyRestriction | NavigationPropertyAggregationCapabilitiesTypes;
export declare type CustomAggregateTypeTypes = CustomAggregateType;

@@ -11,15 +11,23 @@ import * as Core from "./Core";

export declare type Dimension = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type Dimension = {
term: AnalyticsAnnotationTerms.Dimension;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
A property holding the numeric value of a measure in an analytical context
export declare type Measure = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type Measure = {
term: AnalyticsAnnotationTerms.Measure;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
The measure has non-negative and additive values; it can be used in whole-part charts, e.g. the Donut
export declare type AccumulativeMeasure = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type AccumulativeMeasure = {
term: AnalyticsAnnotationTerms.AccumulativeMeasure;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
Number of properties in the entity instance that have been aggregated away
export declare type RolledUpPropertyCount = AnnotationTerm<Edm.Int16>;
export declare type RolledUpPropertyCount = {
term: AnalyticsAnnotationTerms.RolledUpPropertyCount;
} & AnnotationTerm<Edm.Int16>;

@@ -31,3 +39,5 @@

export declare type DrillURL = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
export declare type DrillURL = {
term: AnalyticsAnnotationTerms.DrillURL;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;

@@ -37,11 +47,17 @@ Processes or generates plan data. Its logic may have side-effects on entity sets.

export declare type PlanningAction = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type PlanningAction = {
term: AnalyticsAnnotationTerms.PlanningAction;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
Dynamic properties for aggregate expressions with specified aggregation method defined on the annotated entity type.
export declare type AggregatedProperties = AnnotationTerm<AggregatedPropertyTypeTypes[]>;
export declare type AggregatedProperties = {
term: AnalyticsAnnotationTerms.AggregatedProperties;
} & AnnotationTerm<AggregatedPropertyTypeTypes[]>;
Dynamic property for aggregate expression with specified aggregation method defined on the annotated entity type.
export declare type AggregatedProperty = AnnotationTerm<AggregatedPropertyTypeTypes>;
export declare type AggregatedProperty = {
term: AnalyticsAnnotationTerms.AggregatedProperty;
} & AnnotationTerm<AggregatedPropertyTypeTypes>;
export declare type AggregatedPropertyType = ComplexType & {

@@ -65,3 +81,5 @@ $Type: AnalyticsAnnotationTypes.AggregatedPropertyType;

export declare type AnalyticalContext = AnnotationTerm<AnalyticalContextTypeTypes[]>;
export declare type AnalyticalContext = {
term: AnalyticsAnnotationTerms.AnalyticalContext;
} & AnnotationTerm<AnalyticalContextTypeTypes[]>;

@@ -108,3 +126,3 @@ Exactly one of `Property` and `DynamicProperty` must be present

export declare type AggregatedPropertyTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<AggregatedPropertyType>;
export declare type AnalyticalContextTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<AnalyticalContextType>;
export declare type AggregatedPropertyTypeTypes = AggregatedPropertyType;
export declare type AnalyticalContextTypeTypes = AnalyticalContextType;

@@ -8,3 +8,5 @@ import * as Edm from "../Edm";

export declare type SecuritySchemes = AnnotationTerm<SecuritySchemeTypes[]>;
export declare type SecuritySchemes = {
term: AuthAnnotationTerms.SecuritySchemes;
} & AnnotationTerm<SecuritySchemeTypes[]>;
export declare type SecurityScheme = ComplexType & {

@@ -24,3 +26,5 @@ $Type: AuthAnnotationTypes.SecurityScheme;

export declare type Authorizations = AnnotationTerm<AuthorizationTypes[]>;
export declare type Authorizations = {
term: AuthAnnotationTerms.Authorizations;
} & AnnotationTerm<AuthorizationTypes[]>;

@@ -63,3 +67,3 @@ Base type for all Authorization types

Scopes: AnnotationTerm<AuthorizationScopeTypes[]>;
Scopes: AuthorizationScopeTypes[];

@@ -172,12 +176,12 @@ Refresh Url

export declare type SecuritySchemeTypes = AnnotationTerm<SecurityScheme>;
export declare type AuthorizationTypes = AnnotationTerm<OpenIDConnectTypes | HttpTypes | OAuthAuthorizationTypes | ApiKeyTypes>;
export declare type OpenIDConnectTypes = AnnotationTerm<OpenIDConnect>;
export declare type HttpTypes = AnnotationTerm<Http>;
export declare type OAuthAuthorizationTypes = AnnotationTerm<OAuth2ClientCredentialsTypes | OAuth2ImplicitTypes | OAuth2PasswordTypes | OAuth2AuthCodeTypes>;
export declare type OAuth2ClientCredentialsTypes = AnnotationTerm<OAuth2ClientCredentials>;
export declare type OAuth2ImplicitTypes = AnnotationTerm<OAuth2Implicit>;
export declare type OAuth2PasswordTypes = AnnotationTerm<OAuth2Password>;
export declare type OAuth2AuthCodeTypes = AnnotationTerm<OAuth2AuthCode>;
export declare type AuthorizationScopeTypes = AnnotationTerm<AuthorizationScope>;
export declare type ApiKeyTypes = AnnotationTerm<ApiKey>;
export declare type SecuritySchemeTypes = SecurityScheme;
export declare type AuthorizationTypes = OpenIDConnectTypes | HttpTypes | OAuthAuthorizationTypes | ApiKeyTypes;
export declare type OpenIDConnectTypes = OpenIDConnect;
export declare type HttpTypes = Http;
export declare type OAuthAuthorizationTypes = OAuth2ClientCredentialsTypes | OAuth2ImplicitTypes | OAuth2PasswordTypes | OAuth2AuthCodeTypes;
export declare type OAuth2ClientCredentialsTypes = OAuth2ClientCredentials;
export declare type OAuth2ImplicitTypes = OAuth2Implicit;
export declare type OAuth2PasswordTypes = OAuth2Password;
export declare type OAuth2AuthCodeTypes = OAuth2AuthCode;
export declare type AuthorizationScopeTypes = AuthorizationScope;
export declare type ApiKeyTypes = ApiKey;

@@ -38,19 +38,29 @@ import * as Auth from "./Auth";

export declare type SupportedFormats = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String[]>>;
export declare type SupportedFormats = {
term: CapabilitiesAnnotationTerms.SupportedFormats;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String[]>>;
Media types of supported formats for $metadata, including format parameters
export declare type SupportedMetadataFormats = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String[]>>;
export declare type SupportedMetadataFormats = {
term: CapabilitiesAnnotationTerms.SupportedMetadataFormats;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String[]>>;
List of acceptable compression methods for ($batch) requests, e.g. gzip
export declare type AcceptableEncodings = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String[]>>;
export declare type AcceptableEncodings = {
term: CapabilitiesAnnotationTerms.AcceptableEncodings;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String[]>>;
Service supports the asynchronous request preference
export declare type AsynchronousRequestsSupported = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type AsynchronousRequestsSupported = {
term: CapabilitiesAnnotationTerms.AsynchronousRequestsSupported;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
Service supports the continue on error preference. Supports $batch requests. Services that apply the BatchContinueOnErrorSupported term should also specify the ContinueOnErrorSupported property from the BatchSupport term.
export declare type BatchContinueOnErrorSupported = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type BatchContinueOnErrorSupported = {
term: CapabilitiesAnnotationTerms.BatchContinueOnErrorSupported;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;

@@ -72,7 +82,11 @@ Supported odata.isolation levels

export declare type CrossJoinSupported = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type CrossJoinSupported = {
term: CapabilitiesAnnotationTerms.CrossJoinSupported;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
Supports callbacks for the specified protocols
export declare type CallbackSupported = AnnotationTerm<CallbackTypeTypes>;
export declare type CallbackSupported = {
term: CapabilitiesAnnotationTerms.CallbackSupported;
} & AnnotationTerm<CallbackTypeTypes>;

@@ -86,3 +100,3 @@ A non-empty collection lists the full set of supported protocols. A empty collection means 'only HTTP is supported'

CallbackProtocols: AnnotationTerm<CallbackProtocolTypes[]>;
CallbackProtocols: CallbackProtocolTypes[];

@@ -107,3 +121,5 @@ export declare type CallbackProtocol = ComplexType & {

export declare type ChangeTracking = AnnotationTerm<ChangeTrackingTypeTypes>;
export declare type ChangeTracking = {
term: CapabilitiesAnnotationTerms.ChangeTracking;
} & AnnotationTerm<ChangeTrackingTypeTypes>;
export declare type ChangeTrackingType = ComplexType & {

@@ -122,3 +138,3 @@ $Type: CapabilitiesAnnotationTypes.ChangeTrackingType;

ExpandableProperties: PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.NavigationPropertyPath[]>;
ExpandableProperties: Edm.NavigationPropertyPath[];

@@ -128,3 +144,5 @@ /**

export declare type CountRestrictions = AnnotationTerm<CountRestrictionsTypeTypes>;
export declare type CountRestrictions = {
term: CapabilitiesAnnotationTerms.CountRestrictions;
} & AnnotationTerm<CountRestrictionsTypeTypes>;
export declare type CountRestrictionsType = ComplexType & {

@@ -143,3 +161,3 @@ $Type: CapabilitiesAnnotationTypes.CountRestrictionsType;

NonCountableNavigationProperties: PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.NavigationPropertyPath[]>;
NonCountableNavigationProperties: Edm.NavigationPropertyPath[];

@@ -149,3 +167,5 @@ /**

export declare type NavigationRestrictions = AnnotationTerm<NavigationRestrictionsTypeTypes>;
export declare type NavigationRestrictions = {
term: CapabilitiesAnnotationTerms.NavigationRestrictions;
} & AnnotationTerm<NavigationRestrictionsTypeTypes>;
export declare type NavigationRestrictionsType = ComplexType & {

@@ -160,3 +180,3 @@ $Type: CapabilitiesAnnotationTypes.NavigationRestrictionsType;

RestrictedProperties: AnnotationTerm<NavigationPropertyRestrictionTypes[]>;
RestrictedProperties: NavigationPropertyRestrictionTypes[];

@@ -168,3 +188,3 @@ export declare type NavigationPropertyRestriction = ComplexType & {

NavigationProperty: PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.NavigationPropertyPath>;
NavigationProperty: Edm.NavigationPropertyPath;

@@ -181,11 +201,11 @@ Supported navigability of this navigation property

FilterRestrictions?: AnnotationTerm<FilterRestrictionsTypeTypes>;
FilterRestrictions?: FilterRestrictionsTypeTypes;
Restrictions on search expressions
SearchRestrictions?: AnnotationTerm<SearchRestrictionsTypeTypes>;
SearchRestrictions?: SearchRestrictionsTypeTypes;
Restrictions on orderby expressions
SortRestrictions?: AnnotationTerm<SortRestrictionsTypeTypes>;
SortRestrictions?: SortRestrictionsTypeTypes;

@@ -202,3 +222,3 @@ Supports $top

SelectSupport?: AnnotationTerm<SelectSupportTypeTypes>;
SelectSupport?: SelectSupportTypeTypes;

@@ -211,19 +231,19 @@ Supports key values according to OData URL conventions

InsertRestrictions?: AnnotationTerm<InsertRestrictionsTypeTypes>;
InsertRestrictions?: InsertRestrictionsTypeTypes;
Deep Insert Support of the annotated resource (the whole service, an entity set, or a collection-valued resource)
DeepInsertSupport?: AnnotationTerm<DeepInsertSupportTypeTypes>;
DeepInsertSupport?: DeepInsertSupportTypeTypes;
Restrictions on update operations
UpdateRestrictions?: AnnotationTerm<UpdateRestrictionsTypeTypes>;
UpdateRestrictions?: UpdateRestrictionsTypeTypes;
Deep Update Support of the annotated resource (the whole service, an entity set, or a collection-valued resource)
DeepUpdateSupport?: AnnotationTerm<DeepUpdateSupportTypeTypes>;
DeepUpdateSupport?: DeepUpdateSupportTypeTypes;
Restrictions on delete operations
DeleteRestrictions?: AnnotationTerm<DeleteRestrictionsTypeTypes>;
DeleteRestrictions?: DeleteRestrictionsTypeTypes;

@@ -236,3 +256,3 @@ Data modification (including insert) along this navigation property requires the use of ETags

ReadRestrictions?: AnnotationTerm<ReadRestrictionsTypeTypes>;
ReadRestrictions?: ReadRestrictionsTypeTypes;

@@ -265,19 +285,29 @@ export declare const enum NavigationType {

export declare type IndexableByKey = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type IndexableByKey = {
term: CapabilitiesAnnotationTerms.IndexableByKey;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
Supports $top
export declare type TopSupported = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type TopSupported = {
term: CapabilitiesAnnotationTerms.TopSupported;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
Supports $skip
export declare type SkipSupported = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type SkipSupported = {
term: CapabilitiesAnnotationTerms.SkipSupported;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
Supports $compute
export declare type ComputeSupported = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type ComputeSupported = {
term: CapabilitiesAnnotationTerms.ComputeSupported;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
Support for $select and nested query options within $select
export declare type SelectSupport = AnnotationTerm<SelectSupportTypeTypes>;
export declare type SelectSupport = {
term: CapabilitiesAnnotationTerms.SelectSupport;
} & AnnotationTerm<SelectSupportTypeTypes>;
export declare type SelectSupportType = ComplexType & {

@@ -329,7 +359,11 @@ $Type: CapabilitiesAnnotationTypes.SelectSupportType;

export declare type BatchSupported = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type BatchSupported = {
term: CapabilitiesAnnotationTerms.BatchSupported;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
Batch Support for the service
export declare type BatchSupport = AnnotationTerm<BatchSupportTypeTypes>;
export declare type BatchSupport = {
term: CapabilitiesAnnotationTerms.BatchSupport;
} & AnnotationTerm<BatchSupportTypeTypes>;
export declare type BatchSupportType = ComplexType & {

@@ -369,7 +403,11 @@ $Type: CapabilitiesAnnotationTypes.BatchSupportType;

export declare type FilterFunctions = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String[]>>;
export declare type FilterFunctions = {
term: CapabilitiesAnnotationTerms.FilterFunctions;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String[]>>;
Restrictions on filter expressions
export declare type FilterRestrictions = AnnotationTerm<FilterRestrictionsTypeTypes>;
export declare type FilterRestrictions = {
term: CapabilitiesAnnotationTerms.FilterRestrictions;
} & AnnotationTerm<FilterRestrictionsTypeTypes>;
export declare type FilterRestrictionsType = ComplexType & {

@@ -396,3 +434,3 @@ $Type: CapabilitiesAnnotationTypes.FilterRestrictionsType;

FilterExpressionRestrictions: AnnotationTerm<FilterExpressionRestrictionTypeTypes[]>;
FilterExpressionRestrictions: FilterExpressionRestrictionTypeTypes[];

@@ -418,3 +456,5 @@ The maximum number of levels (including recursion) that can be traversed in a filter expression. A value of -1 indicates there is no restriction.

export declare type SortRestrictions = AnnotationTerm<SortRestrictionsTypeTypes>;
export declare type SortRestrictions = {
term: CapabilitiesAnnotationTerms.SortRestrictions;
} & AnnotationTerm<SortRestrictionsTypeTypes>;
export declare type SortRestrictionsType = ComplexType & {

@@ -442,3 +482,5 @@ $Type: CapabilitiesAnnotationTypes.SortRestrictionsType;

export declare type ExpandRestrictions = AnnotationTerm<ExpandRestrictionsTypeTypes>;
export declare type ExpandRestrictions = {
term: CapabilitiesAnnotationTerms.ExpandRestrictions;
} & AnnotationTerm<ExpandRestrictionsTypeTypes>;
export declare type ExpandRestrictionsType = ComplexType & {

@@ -457,3 +499,3 @@ $Type: CapabilitiesAnnotationTypes.ExpandRestrictionsType;

NonExpandableProperties: PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.NavigationPropertyPath[]>;
NonExpandableProperties: Edm.NavigationPropertyPath[];

@@ -471,3 +513,5 @@ These stream properties cannot be used in expand expressions

export declare type SearchRestrictions = AnnotationTerm<SearchRestrictionsTypeTypes>;
export declare type SearchRestrictions = {
term: CapabilitiesAnnotationTerms.SearchRestrictions;
} & AnnotationTerm<SearchRestrictionsTypeTypes>;
export declare type SearchRestrictionsType = ComplexType & {

@@ -531,11 +575,17 @@ $Type: CapabilitiesAnnotationTypes.SearchRestrictionsType;

export declare type KeyAsSegmentSupported = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type KeyAsSegmentSupported = {
term: CapabilitiesAnnotationTerms.KeyAsSegmentSupported;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
Supports [passing query options in the request body](
export declare type QuerySegmentSupported = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type QuerySegmentSupported = {
term: CapabilitiesAnnotationTerms.QuerySegmentSupported;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
Restrictions on insert operations
export declare type InsertRestrictions = AnnotationTerm<InsertRestrictionsTypeTypes>;
export declare type InsertRestrictions = {
term: CapabilitiesAnnotationTerms.InsertRestrictions;
} & AnnotationTerm<InsertRestrictionsTypeTypes>;
export declare type InsertRestrictionsType = ComplexType & {

@@ -554,3 +604,3 @@ $Type: CapabilitiesAnnotationTypes.InsertRestrictionsType;

NonInsertableNavigationProperties: PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.NavigationPropertyPath[]>;
NonInsertableNavigationProperties: Edm.NavigationPropertyPath[];

@@ -571,15 +621,15 @@ These structural properties must be specified on insert

Permissions?: AnnotationTerm<PermissionTypeTypes[]>;
Permissions?: PermissionTypeTypes[];
Support for query options with insert requests
QueryOptions?: AnnotationTerm<ModificationQueryOptionsTypeTypes>;
QueryOptions?: ModificationQueryOptionsTypeTypes;
Supported or required custom headers
CustomHeaders: AnnotationTerm<CustomParameterTypes[]>;
CustomHeaders: CustomParameterTypes[];
Supported or required custom query options
CustomQueryOptions: AnnotationTerm<CustomParameterTypes[]>;
CustomQueryOptions: CustomParameterTypes[];

@@ -603,3 +653,3 @@ A brief description of the request

Scopes: AnnotationTerm<ScopeTypeTypes[]>;
Scopes: ScopeTypeTypes[];

@@ -620,3 +670,5 @@ export declare type ScopeType = ComplexType & {

export declare type DeepInsertSupport = AnnotationTerm<DeepInsertSupportTypeTypes>;
export declare type DeepInsertSupport = {
term: CapabilitiesAnnotationTerms.DeepInsertSupport;
} & AnnotationTerm<DeepInsertSupportTypeTypes>;
export declare type DeepInsertSupportType = ComplexType & {

@@ -636,3 +688,5 @@ $Type: CapabilitiesAnnotationTypes.DeepInsertSupportType;

export declare type UpdateRestrictions = AnnotationTerm<UpdateRestrictionsTypeTypes>;
export declare type UpdateRestrictions = {
term: CapabilitiesAnnotationTerms.UpdateRestrictions;
} & AnnotationTerm<UpdateRestrictionsTypeTypes>;
export declare type UpdateRestrictionsType = ComplexType & {

@@ -671,3 +725,3 @@ $Type: CapabilitiesAnnotationTypes.UpdateRestrictionsType;

NonUpdatableNavigationProperties: PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.NavigationPropertyPath[]>;
NonUpdatableNavigationProperties: Edm.NavigationPropertyPath[];

@@ -684,15 +738,15 @@ These structural properties must be specified on update

Permissions?: AnnotationTerm<PermissionTypeTypes[]>;
Permissions?: PermissionTypeTypes[];
Support for query options with update requests
QueryOptions?: AnnotationTerm<ModificationQueryOptionsTypeTypes>;
QueryOptions?: ModificationQueryOptionsTypeTypes;
Supported or required custom headers
CustomHeaders: AnnotationTerm<CustomParameterTypes[]>;
CustomHeaders: CustomParameterTypes[];
Supported or required custom query options
CustomQueryOptions: AnnotationTerm<CustomParameterTypes[]>;
CustomQueryOptions: CustomParameterTypes[];

@@ -761,3 +815,5 @@ A brief description of the request

export declare type DeepUpdateSupport = AnnotationTerm<DeepUpdateSupportTypeTypes>;
export declare type DeepUpdateSupport = {
term: CapabilitiesAnnotationTerms.DeepUpdateSupport;
} & AnnotationTerm<DeepUpdateSupportTypeTypes>;
export declare type DeepUpdateSupportType = ComplexType & {

@@ -777,3 +833,5 @@ $Type: CapabilitiesAnnotationTypes.DeepUpdateSupportType;

export declare type DeleteRestrictions = AnnotationTerm<DeleteRestrictionsTypeTypes>;
export declare type DeleteRestrictions = {
term: CapabilitiesAnnotationTerms.DeleteRestrictions;
} & AnnotationTerm<DeleteRestrictionsTypeTypes>;
export declare type DeleteRestrictionsType = ComplexType & {

@@ -788,3 +846,3 @@ $Type: CapabilitiesAnnotationTypes.DeleteRestrictionsType;

NonDeletableNavigationProperties: PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.NavigationPropertyPath[]>;
NonDeletableNavigationProperties: Edm.NavigationPropertyPath[];

@@ -805,11 +863,11 @@ The maximum number of navigation properties that can be traversed when addressing the collection to delete from or the entity to delete. A value of -1 indicates there is no restriction.

Permissions?: AnnotationTerm<PermissionTypeTypes[]>;
Permissions?: PermissionTypeTypes[];
Supported or required custom headers
CustomHeaders: AnnotationTerm<CustomParameterTypes[]>;
CustomHeaders: CustomParameterTypes[];
Supported or required custom query options
CustomQueryOptions: AnnotationTerm<CustomParameterTypes[]>;
CustomQueryOptions: CustomParameterTypes[];

@@ -827,3 +885,5 @@ A brief description of the request

export declare type CollectionPropertyRestrictions = AnnotationTerm<CollectionPropertyRestrictionsTypeTypes[]>;
export declare type CollectionPropertyRestrictions = {
term: CapabilitiesAnnotationTerms.CollectionPropertyRestrictions;
} & AnnotationTerm<CollectionPropertyRestrictionsTypeTypes[]>;
export declare type CollectionPropertyRestrictionsType = ComplexType & {

@@ -842,11 +902,11 @@ $Type: CapabilitiesAnnotationTypes.CollectionPropertyRestrictionsType;

FilterRestrictions?: AnnotationTerm<FilterRestrictionsTypeTypes>;
FilterRestrictions?: FilterRestrictionsTypeTypes;
Restrictions on search expressions
SearchRestrictions?: AnnotationTerm<SearchRestrictionsTypeTypes>;
SearchRestrictions?: SearchRestrictionsTypeTypes;
Restrictions on orderby expressions
SortRestrictions?: AnnotationTerm<SortRestrictionsTypeTypes>;
SortRestrictions?: SortRestrictionsTypeTypes;

@@ -863,3 +923,3 @@ Supports $top

SelectSupport?: AnnotationTerm<SelectSupportTypeTypes>;
SelectSupport?: SelectSupportTypeTypes;

@@ -881,3 +941,5 @@ Members can be inserted into this collection

export declare type OperationRestrictions = AnnotationTerm<OperationRestrictionsTypeTypes>;
export declare type OperationRestrictions = {
term: CapabilitiesAnnotationTerms.OperationRestrictions;
} & AnnotationTerm<OperationRestrictionsTypeTypes>;
export declare type OperationRestrictionsType = ComplexType & {

@@ -892,11 +954,11 @@ $Type: CapabilitiesAnnotationTypes.OperationRestrictionsType;

Permissions?: AnnotationTerm<PermissionTypeTypes[]>;
Permissions?: PermissionTypeTypes[];
Supported or required custom headers
CustomHeaders: AnnotationTerm<CustomParameterTypes[]>;
CustomHeaders: CustomParameterTypes[];
Supported or required custom query options
CustomQueryOptions: AnnotationTerm<CustomParameterTypes[]>;
CustomQueryOptions: CustomParameterTypes[];

@@ -906,7 +968,11 @@ /**

export declare type AnnotationValuesInQuerySupported = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type AnnotationValuesInQuerySupported = {
term: CapabilitiesAnnotationTerms.AnnotationValuesInQuerySupported;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
Support for query options with modification requests (insert, update, action invocation)
export declare type ModificationQueryOptions = AnnotationTerm<ModificationQueryOptionsTypeTypes>;
export declare type ModificationQueryOptions = {
term: CapabilitiesAnnotationTerms.ModificationQueryOptions;
} & AnnotationTerm<ModificationQueryOptionsTypeTypes>;
export declare type ModificationQueryOptionsType = ComplexType & {

@@ -942,3 +1008,5 @@ $Type: CapabilitiesAnnotationTypes.ModificationQueryOptionsType;

export declare type ReadRestrictions = AnnotationTerm<ReadRestrictionsTypeTypes>;
export declare type ReadRestrictions = {
term: CapabilitiesAnnotationTerms.ReadRestrictions;
} & AnnotationTerm<ReadRestrictionsTypeTypes>;
export declare type ReadRestrictionsBase = ComplexType & {

@@ -953,11 +1021,11 @@ $Type: CapabilitiesAnnotationTypes.ReadRestrictionsBase;

Permissions?: AnnotationTerm<PermissionTypeTypes[]>;
Permissions?: PermissionTypeTypes[];
Supported or required custom headers
CustomHeaders: AnnotationTerm<CustomParameterTypes[]>;
CustomHeaders: CustomParameterTypes[];
Supported or required custom query options
CustomQueryOptions: AnnotationTerm<CustomParameterTypes[]>;
CustomQueryOptions: CustomParameterTypes[];

@@ -983,3 +1051,3 @@ A brief description of the request

ReadByKeyRestrictions?: AnnotationTerm<ReadByKeyRestrictionsTypeTypes>;
ReadByKeyRestrictions?: ReadByKeyRestrictionsTypeTypes;

@@ -989,7 +1057,11 @@ /**

export declare type CustomHeaders = AnnotationTerm<CustomParameterTypes[]>;
export declare type CustomHeaders = {
term: CapabilitiesAnnotationTerms.CustomHeaders;
} & AnnotationTerm<CustomParameterTypes[]>;
Custom query options that are supported/required for the annotated resource
export declare type CustomQueryOptions = AnnotationTerm<CustomParameterTypes[]>;
export declare type CustomQueryOptions = {
term: CapabilitiesAnnotationTerms.CustomQueryOptions;
} & AnnotationTerm<CustomParameterTypes[]>;

@@ -1024,3 +1096,5 @@ A custom parameter is either a header or a query option

export declare type MediaLocationUpdateSupported = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type MediaLocationUpdateSupported = {
term: CapabilitiesAnnotationTerms.MediaLocationUpdateSupported;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare const enum CapabilitiesAnnotationTerms {

@@ -1096,28 +1170,28 @@ ConformanceLevel = "Org.OData.Capabilities.V1.ConformanceLevel",

export declare type CallbackTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<CallbackType>;
export declare type CallbackProtocolTypes = AnnotationTerm<CallbackProtocol>;
export declare type ChangeTrackingTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<ChangeTrackingType>;
export declare type CountRestrictionsTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<CountRestrictionsType>;
export declare type NavigationRestrictionsTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<NavigationRestrictionsType>;
export declare type NavigationPropertyRestrictionTypes = AnnotationTerm<NavigationPropertyRestriction>;
export declare type SelectSupportTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<SelectSupportType>;
export declare type BatchSupportTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<BatchSupportType>;
export declare type FilterRestrictionsTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<FilterRestrictionsType>;
export declare type FilterExpressionRestrictionTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<FilterExpressionRestrictionType>;
export declare type SortRestrictionsTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<SortRestrictionsType>;
export declare type ExpandRestrictionsTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<ExpandRestrictionsType>;
export declare type SearchRestrictionsTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<SearchRestrictionsType>;
export declare type InsertRestrictionsTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<InsertRestrictionsType>;
export declare type PermissionTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<PermissionType>;
export declare type ScopeTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<ScopeType>;
export declare type DeepInsertSupportTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<DeepInsertSupportType>;
export declare type UpdateRestrictionsTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<UpdateRestrictionsType>;
export declare type DeepUpdateSupportTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<DeepUpdateSupportType>;
export declare type DeleteRestrictionsTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<DeleteRestrictionsType>;
export declare type CollectionPropertyRestrictionsTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<CollectionPropertyRestrictionsType>;
export declare type OperationRestrictionsTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<OperationRestrictionsType>;
export declare type ModificationQueryOptionsTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<ModificationQueryOptionsType>;
export declare type ReadRestrictionsBaseTypes = AnnotationTerm<ReadByKeyRestrictionsTypeTypes | ReadRestrictionsTypeTypes>;
export declare type ReadByKeyRestrictionsTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<ReadByKeyRestrictionsType>;
export declare type ReadRestrictionsTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<ReadRestrictionsType>;
export declare type CustomParameterTypes = AnnotationTerm<CustomParameter>;
export declare type CallbackTypeTypes = CallbackType;
export declare type CallbackProtocolTypes = CallbackProtocol;
export declare type ChangeTrackingTypeTypes = ChangeTrackingType;
export declare type CountRestrictionsTypeTypes = CountRestrictionsType;
export declare type NavigationRestrictionsTypeTypes = NavigationRestrictionsType;
export declare type NavigationPropertyRestrictionTypes = NavigationPropertyRestriction;
export declare type SelectSupportTypeTypes = SelectSupportType;
export declare type BatchSupportTypeTypes = BatchSupportType;
export declare type FilterRestrictionsTypeTypes = FilterRestrictionsType;
export declare type FilterExpressionRestrictionTypeTypes = FilterExpressionRestrictionType;
export declare type SortRestrictionsTypeTypes = SortRestrictionsType;
export declare type ExpandRestrictionsTypeTypes = ExpandRestrictionsType;
export declare type SearchRestrictionsTypeTypes = SearchRestrictionsType;
export declare type InsertRestrictionsTypeTypes = InsertRestrictionsType;
export declare type PermissionTypeTypes = PermissionType;
export declare type ScopeTypeTypes = ScopeType;
export declare type DeepInsertSupportTypeTypes = DeepInsertSupportType;
export declare type UpdateRestrictionsTypeTypes = UpdateRestrictionsType;
export declare type DeepUpdateSupportTypeTypes = DeepUpdateSupportType;
export declare type DeleteRestrictionsTypeTypes = DeleteRestrictionsType;
export declare type CollectionPropertyRestrictionsTypeTypes = CollectionPropertyRestrictionsType;
export declare type OperationRestrictionsTypeTypes = OperationRestrictionsType;
export declare type ModificationQueryOptionsTypeTypes = ModificationQueryOptionsType;
export declare type ReadRestrictionsBaseTypes = ReadByKeyRestrictionsTypeTypes | ReadRestrictionsTypeTypes;
export declare type ReadByKeyRestrictionsTypeTypes = ReadByKeyRestrictionsType;
export declare type ReadRestrictionsTypeTypes = ReadRestrictionsType;
export declare type CustomParameterTypes = CustomParameter;

@@ -8,7 +8,11 @@ import * as Edm from "../Edm";

export declare type CurrencyCodes = AnnotationTerm<CodeListSourceTypes>;
export declare type CurrencyCodes = {
term: CodeListAnnotationTerms.CurrencyCodes;
} & AnnotationTerm<CodeListSourceTypes>;
An entity set containing the code list for units of measure
export declare type UnitsOfMeasure = AnnotationTerm<CodeListSourceTypes>;
export declare type UnitsOfMeasure = {
term: CodeListAnnotationTerms.UnitsOfMeasure;
} & AnnotationTerm<CodeListSourceTypes>;

@@ -31,11 +35,17 @@ An entity set containing the code list for currencies

export declare type StandardCode = AnnotationTerm<Edm.PropertyPath>;
export declare type StandardCode = {
term: CodeListAnnotationTerms.StandardCode;
} & AnnotationTerm<Edm.PropertyPath>;
Property containing code values that can be used for visualization
export declare type ExternalCode = AnnotationTerm<Edm.PropertyPath>;
export declare type ExternalCode = {
term: CodeListAnnotationTerms.ExternalCode;
} & AnnotationTerm<Edm.PropertyPath>;
Property contains a Configuration Deprecation Code
export declare type IsConfigurationDeprecationCode = AnnotationTerm<Edm.Boolean>;
export declare type IsConfigurationDeprecationCode = {
term: CodeListAnnotationTerms.IsConfigurationDeprecationCode;
} & AnnotationTerm<Edm.Boolean>;
export declare const enum CodeListAnnotationTerms {

@@ -51,2 +61,2 @@ CurrencyCodes = "",

export declare type CodeListSourceTypes = AnnotationTerm<CodeListSource>;
export declare type CodeListSourceTypes = CodeListSource;

@@ -12,39 +12,59 @@ import * as Core from "./Core";

export declare type Experimental = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
export declare type Experimental = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.Experimental;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
1 for first version of a service, incremented when schema changes incompatibly and service is published with a different URI
export declare type ServiceVersion = AnnotationTerm<Edm.Int32>;
export declare type ServiceVersion = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.ServiceVersion;
} & AnnotationTerm<Edm.Int32>;
0 for first schema version within a service version, incremented when schema changes compatibly
export declare type ServiceSchemaVersion = AnnotationTerm<Edm.Int32>;
export declare type ServiceSchemaVersion = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.ServiceSchemaVersion;
} & AnnotationTerm<Edm.Int32>;
A short, human-readable text suitable for labels and captions in UIs
export declare type Label = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
export declare type Label = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.Label;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
A short, human-readable text suitable for column headings in UIs
export declare type Heading = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
export declare type Heading = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.Heading;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
A short, human-readable text suitable for tool tips in UIs
export declare type QuickInfo = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
export declare type QuickInfo = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.QuickInfo;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
A descriptive text for values of the annotated property. Value MUST be a dynamic expression when used as metadata annotation.
export declare type Text = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
export declare type Text = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.Text;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
The annotated property contains a descriptive text for values of the referenced property.
export declare type TextFor = AnnotationTerm<Edm.PropertyPath>;
export declare type TextFor = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.TextFor;
} & AnnotationTerm<Edm.PropertyPath>;
A human readable identifier for values of the annotated property. Value MUST be a dynamic expression when used as metadata annotation.
export declare type ExternalID = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
export declare type ExternalID = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.ExternalID;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
An identifier to distinguish multiple texts in different languages for the same entity
export declare type IsLanguageIdentifier = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type IsLanguageIdentifier = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.IsLanguageIdentifier;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;

@@ -73,67 +93,101 @@ The annotated property, parameter, or return type contains human-readable text that may contain formatting information

export declare type Timezone = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
export declare type Timezone = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.Timezone;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
Contains only digits
export declare type IsDigitSequence = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type IsDigitSequence = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.IsDigitSequence;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
Contains just uppercase characters
export declare type IsUpperCase = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type IsUpperCase = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.IsUpperCase;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
Annotated property or parameter is a currency code
export declare type IsCurrency = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type IsCurrency = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.IsCurrency;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
Annotated property or parameter is a unit of measure
export declare type IsUnit = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type IsUnit = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.IsUnit;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
The number of fractional decimal digits of a currency amount or measured quantity
export declare type UnitSpecificScale = AnnotationTerm<Edm.PrimitiveType>;
export declare type UnitSpecificScale = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.UnitSpecificScale;
} & AnnotationTerm<Edm.PrimitiveType>;
The number of significant decimal digits of a currency amount or measured quantity
export declare type UnitSpecificPrecision = AnnotationTerm<Edm.PrimitiveType>;
export declare type UnitSpecificPrecision = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.UnitSpecificPrecision;
} & AnnotationTerm<Edm.PrimitiveType>;
The listed properties form a secondary key. Multiple secondary keys are possible using different qualifiers.
export declare type SecondaryKey = AnnotationTerm<Edm.PropertyPath[]>;
export declare type SecondaryKey = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.SecondaryKey;
} & AnnotationTerm<Edm.PropertyPath[]>;
The annotated set or collection contains at least this number of items
export declare type MinOccurs = AnnotationTerm<Edm.Int64>;
export declare type MinOccurs = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.MinOccurs;
} & AnnotationTerm<Edm.Int64>;
The annotated set or collection contains at most this number of items
export declare type MaxOccurs = AnnotationTerm<Edm.Int64>;
export declare type MaxOccurs = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.MaxOccurs;
} & AnnotationTerm<Edm.Int64>;
Entity representing an n:m association with attributes
export declare type AssociationEntity = AnnotationTerm<Edm.NavigationPropertyPath[]>;
export declare type AssociationEntity = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.AssociationEntity;
} & AnnotationTerm<Edm.NavigationPropertyPath[]>;
Shortcut for a multi-segment navigation, contains the long path with all its segments
export declare type DerivedNavigation = AnnotationTerm<Edm.NavigationPropertyPath>;
export declare type DerivedNavigation = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.DerivedNavigation;
} & AnnotationTerm<Edm.NavigationPropertyPath>;
Property contains sensitive data that should by default be masked on a UI and clear-text visible only upon user interaction
export declare type Masked = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type Masked = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.Masked;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
Property contains sensitive data that is by default not transferred
export declare type MaskedValue = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
export declare type MaskedValue = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.MaskedValue;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
Unmasked data for this property can be requested with custom query option `masked-values=false`
export declare type RevealOnDemand = AnnotationTerm<Edm.Boolean>;
export declare type RevealOnDemand = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.RevealOnDemand;
} & AnnotationTerm<Edm.Boolean>;
Name of the Semantic Object represented as this entity type or identified by this property
export declare type SemanticObject = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
export declare type SemanticObject = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.SemanticObject;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
Maps properties of the annotated entity type or sibling properties of the annotated property to properties of the Semantic Object
export declare type SemanticObjectMapping = AnnotationTerm<SemanticObjectMappingTypeTypes[]>;
export declare type SemanticObjectMapping = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.SemanticObjectMapping;
} & AnnotationTerm<SemanticObjectMappingTypeTypes[]>;

@@ -156,11 +210,17 @@ Maps a property of the annotated entity type or a sibling property of the annotated property to a property of the Semantic Object

export declare type SemanticObjectUnavailableActions = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String[]>>;
export declare type SemanticObjectUnavailableActions = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.SemanticObjectUnavailableActions;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String[]>>;
Term can also be used as instance annotation; AppliesTo of this term specifies where it can be applied
export declare type IsInstanceAnnotation = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type IsInstanceAnnotation = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.IsInstanceAnnotation;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
These properties only allow a subset of expressions
export declare type FilterExpressionRestrictions = AnnotationTerm<FilterExpressionRestrictionTypeTypes[]>;
export declare type FilterExpressionRestrictions = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.FilterExpressionRestrictions;
} & AnnotationTerm<FilterExpressionRestrictionTypeTypes[]>;
export declare type FilterExpressionRestrictionType = ComplexType & {

@@ -243,7 +303,11 @@ $Type: CommonAnnotationTypes.FilterExpressionRestrictionType;

export declare type ExceptionCategory = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
export declare type ExceptionCategory = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.ExceptionCategory;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
export declare type Application = AnnotationTerm<ApplicationTypeTypes>;
export declare type Application = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.Application;
} & AnnotationTerm<ApplicationTypeTypes>;
export declare type ApplicationType = ComplexType & {

@@ -271,11 +335,17 @@ $Type: CommonAnnotationTypes.ApplicationType;

export declare type Timestamp = AnnotationTerm<Edm.DateTimeOffset>;
export declare type Timestamp = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.Timestamp;
} & AnnotationTerm<Edm.DateTimeOffset>;
export declare type TransactionId = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
export declare type TransactionId = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.TransactionId;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
Hints for resolving this error
export declare type ErrorResolution = AnnotationTerm<ErrorResolutionTypeTypes>;
export declare type ErrorResolution = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.ErrorResolution;
} & AnnotationTerm<ErrorResolutionTypeTypes>;
export declare type ErrorResolutionType = ComplexType & {

@@ -299,19 +369,29 @@ $Type: CommonAnnotationTypes.ErrorResolutionType;

export declare type Messages = AnnotationTerm<Edm.ComplexType[]>;
export declare type Messages = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.Messages;
} & AnnotationTerm<Edm.ComplexType[]>;
Additional targets for the message
export declare type additionalTargets = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String[]>>;
export declare type additionalTargets = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.additionalTargets;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String[]>>;
Location of the message long text
export declare type longtextUrl = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
export declare type longtextUrl = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.longtextUrl;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
Classifies an end-user message as info, success, warning, or error
export declare type numericSeverity = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<NumericMessageSeverityType>>;
export declare type numericSeverity = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.numericSeverity;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<NumericMessageSeverityType>>;
The maximum severity of all end-user messages attached to an entity, null if no messages are attached
export declare type MaximumNumericMessageSeverity = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<NumericMessageSeverityType>>;
export declare type MaximumNumericMessageSeverity = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.MaximumNumericMessageSeverity;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<NumericMessageSeverityType>>;

@@ -324,15 +404,23 @@ Classifies an end-user message as info, success, warning, or error

export declare type IsActionCritical = AnnotationTerm<Edm.Boolean>;
export declare type IsActionCritical = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.IsActionCritical;
} & AnnotationTerm<Edm.Boolean>;
Attributes related to this property, which may occur in denormalized entity types
export declare type Attributes = AnnotationTerm<Edm.PropertyPath[]>;
export declare type Attributes = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.Attributes;
} & AnnotationTerm<Edm.PropertyPath[]>;
A recursive hierarchy related to this property. The annotation path must end in Aggregation.RecursiveHierarchy.
export declare type RelatedRecursiveHierarchy = AnnotationTerm<Edm.AnnotationPath<any>>;
export declare type RelatedRecursiveHierarchy = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.RelatedRecursiveHierarchy;
} & AnnotationTerm<Edm.AnnotationPath<any>>;
An interval with lower and upper boundaries described by two properties
export declare type Interval = AnnotationTerm<IntervalTypeTypes>;
export declare type Interval = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.Interval;
} & AnnotationTerm<IntervalTypeTypes>;
export declare type IntervalType = ComplexType & {

@@ -362,7 +450,11 @@ $Type: CommonAnnotationTypes.IntervalType;

export declare type ResultContext = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type ResultContext = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.ResultContext;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
The SAP Object Node Type represented by the annotated entity type
export declare type SAPObjectNodeType = AnnotationTerm<SAPObjectNodeTypeTypeTypes>;
export declare type SAPObjectNodeType = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.SAPObjectNodeType;
} & AnnotationTerm<SAPObjectNodeTypeTypeTypes>;

@@ -381,15 +473,23 @@ Information about an SAP Object Node Type

export declare type Composition = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type Composition = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.Composition;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
The name of the SAP Object Node Type referenced by the annotated property
export declare type SAPObjectNodeTypeReference = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
export declare type SAPObjectNodeTypeReference = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.SAPObjectNodeTypeReference;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
The annotated entity type (e.g. `Employee`) or annotation (e.g. `IsImageUrl`) represents a natural person
export declare type IsNaturalPerson = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type IsNaturalPerson = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.IsNaturalPerson;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
Specifies how to get a list of acceptable values for a property or parameter
export declare type ValueList = AnnotationTerm<ValueListTypeTypes>;
export declare type ValueList = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.ValueList;
} & AnnotationTerm<ValueListTypeTypes>;
export declare type ValueListType = ComplexType & {

@@ -432,3 +532,3 @@ $Type: CommonAnnotationTypes.ValueListType;

Parameters: AnnotationTerm<ValueListParameterTypes[]>;
Parameters: ValueListParameterTypes[];

@@ -442,19 +542,29 @@ /**

export declare type ValueListRelevantQualifiers = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<SimpleIdentifier[]>>;
export declare type ValueListRelevantQualifiers = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.ValueListRelevantQualifiers;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<SimpleIdentifier[]>>;
If specified as true, there's only one value list mapping and its value list consists of a small number of fixed values
export declare type ValueListWithFixedValues = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type ValueListWithFixedValues = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.ValueListWithFixedValues;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
Contains the qualifier of the ValueList or ValueListMapping that should be used for validation
export declare type ValueListForValidation = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
export declare type ValueListForValidation = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.ValueListForValidation;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
A list of URLs of CSDL documents containing value list mappings for this parameter or property
export declare type ValueListReferences = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String[]>>;
export declare type ValueListReferences = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.ValueListReferences;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String[]>>;
Specifies the mapping between data service properties and value list properties
export declare type ValueListMapping = AnnotationTerm<ValueListMappingTypeTypes>;
export declare type ValueListMapping = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.ValueListMapping;
} & AnnotationTerm<ValueListMappingTypeTypes>;
export declare type ValueListMappingType = ComplexType & {

@@ -489,3 +599,3 @@ $Type: CommonAnnotationTypes.ValueListMappingType;

Parameters: AnnotationTerm<ValueListParameterTypes[]>;
Parameters: ValueListParameterTypes[];

@@ -552,3 +662,5 @@ export declare type ValueListParameter = ComplexType & {

export declare type IsCalendarYear = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type IsCalendarYear = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.IsCalendarYear;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;

@@ -559,3 +671,5 @@ Property encodes a halfyear number as string following the logical pattern H consisting of a single digit.

export declare type IsCalendarHalfyear = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type IsCalendarHalfyear = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.IsCalendarHalfyear;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;

@@ -566,3 +680,5 @@ Property encodes a calendar quarter number as string following the logical pattern Q consisting of a single digit.

export declare type IsCalendarQuarter = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type IsCalendarQuarter = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.IsCalendarQuarter;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;

@@ -573,3 +689,5 @@ Property encodes a calendar month number as string following the logical pattern MM consisting of two digits.

export declare type IsCalendarMonth = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type IsCalendarMonth = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.IsCalendarMonth;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;

@@ -580,3 +698,5 @@ Property encodes a calendar week number as string following the logical pattern WW consisting of two digits.

export declare type IsCalendarWeek = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type IsCalendarWeek = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.IsCalendarWeek;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;

@@ -586,3 +706,5 @@ Day number relative to a calendar month. Valid values are between 1 and 31.

export declare type IsDayOfCalendarMonth = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type IsDayOfCalendarMonth = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.IsDayOfCalendarMonth;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;

@@ -592,3 +714,5 @@ Day number relative to a calendar year. Valid values are between 1 and 366.

export declare type IsDayOfCalendarYear = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type IsDayOfCalendarYear = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.IsDayOfCalendarYear;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;

@@ -600,3 +724,5 @@ Property encodes a calendar year and halfyear as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*)H consisting

export declare type IsCalendarYearHalfyear = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type IsCalendarYearHalfyear = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.IsCalendarYearHalfyear;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;

@@ -608,3 +734,5 @@ Property encodes a calendar year and quarter as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*)Q consisting

export declare type IsCalendarYearQuarter = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type IsCalendarYearQuarter = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.IsCalendarYearQuarter;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;

@@ -617,3 +745,5 @@ Property encodes a calendar year and month as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*)MM consisting

export declare type IsCalendarYearMonth = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type IsCalendarYearMonth = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.IsCalendarYearMonth;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;

@@ -625,3 +755,5 @@ Property encodes a calendar year and week as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*)WW consisting

export declare type IsCalendarYearWeek = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type IsCalendarYearWeek = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.IsCalendarYearWeek;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;

@@ -637,3 +769,5 @@ Property encodes a calendar date: year, month and day as string following the logical pattern (-?)YYYY(Y*)MMDD consisting

export declare type IsCalendarDate = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type IsCalendarDate = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.IsCalendarDate;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;

@@ -644,3 +778,5 @@ Property encodes a fiscal year number as string following the logical pattern YYYY consisting of four digits.

export declare type IsFiscalYear = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type IsFiscalYear = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.IsFiscalYear;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;

@@ -651,3 +787,5 @@ Property encodes a fiscal period as string following the logical pattern PPP consisting of three digits.

export declare type IsFiscalPeriod = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type IsFiscalPeriod = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.IsFiscalPeriod;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;

@@ -659,3 +797,5 @@ Property encodes a fiscal year and period as string following the logical pattern YYYYPPP consisting

export declare type IsFiscalYearPeriod = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type IsFiscalYearPeriod = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.IsFiscalYearPeriod;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;

@@ -665,3 +805,5 @@ Property encodes a fiscal quarter number as string following the logical pattern Q consisting of a single digit.

export declare type IsFiscalQuarter = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type IsFiscalQuarter = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.IsFiscalQuarter;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;

@@ -672,3 +814,5 @@ Property encodes a fiscal year and quarter as string following the logical pattern YYYYQ consisting of

export declare type IsFiscalYearQuarter = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type IsFiscalYearQuarter = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.IsFiscalYearQuarter;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;

@@ -678,3 +822,5 @@ Property encodes a fiscal week number as string following the logical pattern WW consisting of two digits.

export declare type IsFiscalWeek = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type IsFiscalWeek = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.IsFiscalWeek;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;

@@ -685,19 +831,29 @@ Property encodes a fiscal year and week as string following the logical pattern YYYYWW consisting of

export declare type IsFiscalYearWeek = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type IsFiscalYearWeek = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.IsFiscalYearWeek;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
Day number relative to a fiscal year. Valid values are between 1 and 371.
export declare type IsDayOfFiscalYear = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type IsDayOfFiscalYear = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.IsDayOfFiscalYear;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
Property encodes a fiscal year variant
export declare type IsFiscalYearVariant = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type IsFiscalYearVariant = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.IsFiscalYearVariant;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
Only one term of the group identified with the Qualifier attribute can be applied
export declare type MutuallyExclusiveTerm = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type MutuallyExclusiveTerm = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.MutuallyExclusiveTerm;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
Root entities of business documents that support the draft pattern
export declare type DraftRoot = AnnotationTerm<DraftRootTypeTypes>;
export declare type DraftRoot = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.DraftRoot;
} & AnnotationTerm<DraftRootTypeTypes>;
export declare type DraftRootType = ComplexType & Omit<DraftNodeType, '$Type'> & {

@@ -733,3 +889,5 @@ $Type: CommonAnnotationTypes.DraftRootType;

export declare type DraftNode = AnnotationTerm<DraftNodeTypeTypes>;
export declare type DraftNode = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.DraftNode;
} & AnnotationTerm<DraftNodeTypeTypes>;
export declare type DraftNodeType = ComplexType & {

@@ -749,7 +907,11 @@ $Type: CommonAnnotationTypes.DraftNodeType;

export declare type DraftActivationVia = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<SimpleIdentifier[]>>;
export declare type DraftActivationVia = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.DraftActivationVia;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<SimpleIdentifier[]>>;
The annotated property is an editable field for the referenced key property
export declare type EditableFieldFor = AnnotationTerm<Edm.PropertyPath>;
export declare type EditableFieldFor = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.EditableFieldFor;
} & AnnotationTerm<Edm.PropertyPath>;

@@ -770,7 +932,11 @@ The SimpleIdentifier of an OData construct in scope

export declare type SemanticKey = AnnotationTerm<Edm.PropertyPath[]>;
export declare type SemanticKey = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.SemanticKey;
} & AnnotationTerm<Edm.PropertyPath[]>;
Describes side-effects of modification operations
export declare type SideEffects = AnnotationTerm<SideEffectsTypeTypes>;
export declare type SideEffects = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.SideEffects;
} & AnnotationTerm<SideEffectsTypeTypes>;

@@ -788,3 +954,3 @@ Changes to the source properties or source entities may have side-effects on the target properties or entities.

SourceEntities: PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.NavigationPropertyPath[]>;
SourceEntities: Edm.NavigationPropertyPath[];

@@ -797,3 +963,3 @@ These structural properties may be affected if the value of one of the sources changes

TargetEntities: PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.NavigationPropertyPath[]>;
TargetEntities: Edm.NavigationPropertyPath[];

@@ -846,23 +1012,35 @@ One or more of the targets may show these effects. If not specified, any effect is possible.

export declare type DefaultValuesFunction = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<QualifiedName>>;
export declare type DefaultValuesFunction = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.DefaultValuesFunction;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<QualifiedName>>;
Function import to derive a default value for the property from a given context.
export declare type DerivedDefaultValue = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
export declare type DerivedDefaultValue = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.DerivedDefaultValue;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
A default value for the property to be used in filter expressions.
export declare type FilterDefaultValue = AnnotationTerm<Edm.PrimitiveType>;
export declare type FilterDefaultValue = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.FilterDefaultValue;
} & AnnotationTerm<Edm.PrimitiveType>;
A default upper limit for the property to be used in 'less than or equal' filter expressions.
export declare type FilterDefaultValueHigh = AnnotationTerm<Edm.PrimitiveType>;
export declare type FilterDefaultValueHigh = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.FilterDefaultValueHigh;
} & AnnotationTerm<Edm.PrimitiveType>;
Function import to derive a default value for the property from a given context in order to use it in filter expressions.
export declare type DerivedFilterDefaultValue = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
export declare type DerivedFilterDefaultValue = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.DerivedFilterDefaultValue;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
List of sort criteria
export declare type SortOrder = AnnotationTerm<SortOrderTypeTypes[]>;
export declare type SortOrder = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.SortOrder;
} & AnnotationTerm<SortOrderTypeTypes[]>;

@@ -889,3 +1067,5 @@ Exactly one of `Property` and `DynamicProperty` must be present

export declare type RecursiveHierarchy = AnnotationTerm<RecursiveHierarchyTypeTypes>;
export declare type RecursiveHierarchy = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.RecursiveHierarchy;
} & AnnotationTerm<RecursiveHierarchyTypeTypes>;
export declare type RecursiveHierarchyType = ComplexType & {

@@ -917,15 +1097,23 @@ $Type: CommonAnnotationTypes.RecursiveHierarchyType;

export declare type CreatedAt = AnnotationTerm<Edm.DateTimeOffset>;
export declare type CreatedAt = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.CreatedAt;
} & AnnotationTerm<Edm.DateTimeOffset>;
First editor
export declare type CreatedBy = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<UserID>>;
export declare type CreatedBy = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.CreatedBy;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<UserID>>;
Last modification timestamp
export declare type ChangedAt = AnnotationTerm<Edm.DateTimeOffset>;
export declare type ChangedAt = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.ChangedAt;
} & AnnotationTerm<Edm.DateTimeOffset>;
Last editor
export declare type ChangedBy = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<UserID>>;
export declare type ChangedBy = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.ChangedBy;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<UserID>>;

@@ -938,19 +1126,29 @@ User ID

export declare type OriginalProtocolVersion = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
export declare type OriginalProtocolVersion = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.OriginalProtocolVersion;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
Sorting and filtering of amounts in multiple currencies needs special consideration
export declare type ApplyMultiUnitBehaviorForSortingAndFiltering = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type ApplyMultiUnitBehaviorForSortingAndFiltering = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.ApplyMultiUnitBehaviorForSortingAndFiltering;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
URL for uploading new media content to a Document Management Service
export declare type mediaUploadLink = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
export declare type mediaUploadLink = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.mediaUploadLink;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
A term or term property with this tag whose type is (a collection of) `Edm.PropertyPath` MUST resolve to a primitive structural property
export declare type PrimitivePropertyPath = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type PrimitivePropertyPath = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.PrimitivePropertyPath;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
Base URL for WebSocket connections
export declare type WebSocketBaseURL = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
export declare type WebSocketBaseURL = {
term: CommonAnnotationTerms.WebSocketBaseURL;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
export declare const enum CommonAnnotationTerms {

@@ -1081,21 +1279,21 @@ Experimental = "",

export declare type SemanticObjectMappingTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<SemanticObjectMappingType>;
export declare type FilterExpressionRestrictionTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<FilterExpressionRestrictionType>;
export declare type ApplicationTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<ApplicationType>;
export declare type ErrorResolutionTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<ErrorResolutionType>;
export declare type IntervalTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<IntervalType>;
export declare type SAPObjectNodeTypeTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<SAPObjectNodeTypeType>;
export declare type ValueListTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<ValueListType>;
export declare type ValueListMappingTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<ValueListMappingType>;
export declare type ValueListParameterTypes = AnnotationTerm<ValueListParameterInTypes | ValueListParameterConstantTypes | ValueListParameterInOutTypes | ValueListParameterOutTypes | ValueListParameterDisplayOnlyTypes | ValueListParameterFilterOnlyTypes>;
export declare type ValueListParameterInTypes = AnnotationTerm<ValueListParameterIn>;
export declare type ValueListParameterConstantTypes = AnnotationTerm<ValueListParameterConstant>;
export declare type ValueListParameterInOutTypes = AnnotationTerm<ValueListParameterInOut>;
export declare type ValueListParameterOutTypes = AnnotationTerm<ValueListParameterOut>;
export declare type ValueListParameterDisplayOnlyTypes = AnnotationTerm<ValueListParameterDisplayOnly>;
export declare type ValueListParameterFilterOnlyTypes = AnnotationTerm<ValueListParameterFilterOnly>;
export declare type DraftRootTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<DraftRootType>;
export declare type DraftNodeTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<DraftNodeType | DraftRootTypeTypes>;
export declare type SideEffectsTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<SideEffectsType>;
export declare type SortOrderTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<SortOrderType>;
export declare type RecursiveHierarchyTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<RecursiveHierarchyType>;
export declare type SemanticObjectMappingTypeTypes = SemanticObjectMappingType;
export declare type FilterExpressionRestrictionTypeTypes = FilterExpressionRestrictionType;
export declare type ApplicationTypeTypes = ApplicationType;
export declare type ErrorResolutionTypeTypes = ErrorResolutionType;
export declare type IntervalTypeTypes = IntervalType;
export declare type SAPObjectNodeTypeTypeTypes = SAPObjectNodeTypeType;
export declare type ValueListTypeTypes = ValueListType;
export declare type ValueListMappingTypeTypes = ValueListMappingType;
export declare type ValueListParameterTypes = ValueListParameterInTypes | ValueListParameterConstantTypes | ValueListParameterInOutTypes | ValueListParameterOutTypes | ValueListParameterDisplayOnlyTypes | ValueListParameterFilterOnlyTypes;
export declare type ValueListParameterInTypes = ValueListParameterIn;
export declare type ValueListParameterConstantTypes = ValueListParameterConstant;
export declare type ValueListParameterInOutTypes = ValueListParameterInOut;
export declare type ValueListParameterOutTypes = ValueListParameterOut;
export declare type ValueListParameterDisplayOnlyTypes = ValueListParameterDisplayOnly;
export declare type ValueListParameterFilterOnlyTypes = ValueListParameterFilterOnly;
export declare type DraftRootTypeTypes = DraftRootType;
export declare type DraftNodeTypeTypes = DraftNodeType | DraftRootTypeTypes;
export declare type SideEffectsTypeTypes = SideEffectsType;
export declare type SortOrderTypeTypes = SortOrderType;
export declare type RecursiveHierarchyTypeTypes = RecursiveHierarchyType;

@@ -9,3 +9,5 @@ import * as Core from "./Core";

export declare type Contact = AnnotationTerm<ContactTypeTypes>;
export declare type Contact = {
term: CommunicationAnnotationTerms.Contact;
} & AnnotationTerm<ContactTypeTypes>;
export declare type ContactType = ComplexType & {

@@ -20,3 +22,3 @@ $Type: CommunicationAnnotationTypes.ContactType;

n?: AnnotationTerm<NameTypeTypes>;
n?: NameTypeTypes;

@@ -69,19 +71,19 @@ Nickname

adr: AnnotationTerm<AddressTypeTypes[]>;
adr: AddressTypeTypes[];
Phone numbers
tel: AnnotationTerm<PhoneNumberTypeTypes[]>;
tel: PhoneNumberTypeTypes[];
Email addresses
email: AnnotationTerm<EmailAddressTypeTypes[]>;
email: EmailAddressTypeTypes[];
Geographic locations
geo: AnnotationTerm<GeoDataTypeTypes[]>;
geo: GeoDataTypeTypes[];
url: AnnotationTerm<UrlTypeTypes[]>;
url: UrlTypeTypes[];

@@ -114,3 +116,5 @@ export declare type NameType = ComplexType & {

export declare type Address = AnnotationTerm<AddressTypeTypes>;
export declare type Address = {
term: CommunicationAnnotationTerms.Address;
} & AnnotationTerm<AddressTypeTypes>;
export declare type AddressType = ComplexType & {

@@ -355,11 +359,17 @@ $Type: CommunicationAnnotationTypes.AddressType;

export declare type IsEmailAddress = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type IsEmailAddress = {
term: CommunicationAnnotationTerms.IsEmailAddress;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
Property contains a phone number
export declare type IsPhoneNumber = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type IsPhoneNumber = {
term: CommunicationAnnotationTerms.IsPhoneNumber;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
Calendar entry
export declare type Event = AnnotationTerm<EventDataTypes>;
export declare type Event = {
term: CommunicationAnnotationTerms.Event;
} & AnnotationTerm<EventDataTypes>;
export declare type EventData = ComplexType & {

@@ -419,3 +429,5 @@ $Type: CommunicationAnnotationTypes.EventData;

export declare type Task = AnnotationTerm<TaskDataTypes>;
export declare type Task = {
term: CommunicationAnnotationTerms.Task;
} & AnnotationTerm<TaskDataTypes>;
export declare type TaskData = ComplexType & {

@@ -451,3 +463,5 @@ $Type: CommunicationAnnotationTypes.TaskData;

export declare type Message = AnnotationTerm<MessageDataTypes>;
export declare type Message = {
term: CommunicationAnnotationTerms.Message;
} & AnnotationTerm<MessageDataTypes>;
export declare type MessageData = ComplexType & {

@@ -513,11 +527,11 @@ $Type: CommunicationAnnotationTypes.MessageData;

export declare type ContactTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<ContactType>;
export declare type NameTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<NameType>;
export declare type AddressTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<AddressType>;
export declare type PhoneNumberTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<PhoneNumberType>;
export declare type EmailAddressTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<EmailAddressType>;
export declare type GeoDataTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<GeoDataType>;
export declare type UrlTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<UrlType>;
export declare type EventDataTypes = AnnotationTerm<EventData>;
export declare type TaskDataTypes = AnnotationTerm<TaskData>;
export declare type MessageDataTypes = AnnotationTerm<MessageData>;
export declare type ContactTypeTypes = ContactType;
export declare type NameTypeTypes = NameType;
export declare type AddressTypeTypes = AddressType;
export declare type PhoneNumberTypeTypes = PhoneNumberType;
export declare type EmailAddressTypeTypes = EmailAddressType;
export declare type GeoDataTypeTypes = GeoDataType;
export declare type UrlTypeTypes = UrlType;
export declare type EventDataTypes = EventData;
export declare type TaskDataTypes = TaskData;
export declare type MessageDataTypes = MessageData;

@@ -9,11 +9,17 @@ import * as Edm from "../Edm";

export declare type ODataVersions = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
export declare type ODataVersions = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.ODataVersions;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
Service-defined value representing the version of the schema. Services MAY use semantic versioning, but clients MUST NOT assume this is the case.
export declare type SchemaVersion = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
export declare type SchemaVersion = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.SchemaVersion;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
List of revisions of a model element
export declare type Revisions = AnnotationTerm<RevisionTypeTypes[]>;
export declare type Revisions = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.Revisions;
} & AnnotationTerm<RevisionTypeTypes[]>;
export declare type RevisionType = ComplexType & {

@@ -60,11 +66,17 @@ $Type: CoreAnnotationTypes.RevisionType;

export declare type Description = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
export declare type Description = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.Description;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
A long description of a model element
export declare type LongDescription = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
export declare type LongDescription = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.LongDescription;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
Link to related information
export declare type Links = AnnotationTerm<LinkTypes[]>;
export declare type Links = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.Links;
} & AnnotationTerm<LinkTypes[]>;

@@ -87,3 +99,5 @@ The Link term is inspired by the `atom:link` element, see [RFC4287](, and the `Link` HTTP header, see [RFC5988](

export declare type Example = AnnotationTerm<ExampleValueTypes>;
export declare type Example = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.Example;
} & AnnotationTerm<ExampleValueTypes>;
export declare type ExampleValue = ComplexType & {

@@ -127,3 +141,5 @@ $Type: CoreAnnotationTypes.ExampleValue;

export declare type Messages = AnnotationTerm<MessageTypeTypes[]>;
export declare type Messages = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.Messages;
} & AnnotationTerm<MessageTypeTypes[]>;
export declare type MessageType = ComplexType & {

@@ -150,3 +166,3 @@ $Type: CoreAnnotationTypes.MessageType;

details: AnnotationTerm<MessageTypeTypes[]>;
details: MessageTypeTypes[];

@@ -157,3 +173,5 @@ export declare type MessageSeverity = Edm.String;

export declare type ValueException = AnnotationTerm<ValueExceptionTypeTypes>;
export declare type ValueException = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.ValueException;
} & AnnotationTerm<ValueExceptionTypeTypes>;
export declare type ExceptionType = ComplexType & {

@@ -164,3 +182,3 @@ $Type: CoreAnnotationTypes.ExceptionType;

info?: AnnotationTerm<MessageTypeTypes>;
info?: MessageTypeTypes;

@@ -177,3 +195,5 @@ export declare type ValueExceptionType = ComplexType & Omit<ExceptionType, '$Type'> & {

export declare type ResourceException = AnnotationTerm<ResourceExceptionTypeTypes>;
export declare type ResourceException = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.ResourceException;
} & AnnotationTerm<ResourceExceptionTypeTypes>;
export declare type ResourceExceptionType = ComplexType & Omit<ExceptionType, '$Type'> & {

@@ -189,3 +209,5 @@ $Type: CoreAnnotationTypes.ResourceExceptionType;

export declare type DataModificationException = AnnotationTerm<DataModificationExceptionTypeTypes>;
export declare type DataModificationException = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.DataModificationException;
} & AnnotationTerm<DataModificationExceptionTypeTypes>;
export declare type DataModificationExceptionType = ComplexType & Omit<ExceptionType, '$Type'> & {

@@ -256,3 +278,5 @@ $Type: CoreAnnotationTypes.DataModificationExceptionType;

export declare type IsLanguageDependent = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Tag>>;
export declare type IsLanguageDependent = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.IsLanguageDependent;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Tag>>;

@@ -265,19 +289,29 @@ This is the type to use for all tagging terms

export declare type RequiresType = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
export declare type RequiresType = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.RequiresType;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
The target path of an annotation with the tagged term MUST start with an entity container or the annotation MUST be embedded within an entity container, entity set or singleton
export declare type AppliesViaContainer = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Tag>>;
export declare type AppliesViaContainer = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.AppliesViaContainer;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Tag>>;
Resource path for entity container child, can be relative to xml:base and the request URL
export declare type ResourcePath = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
export declare type ResourcePath = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.ResourcePath;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
Entity-ids are URLs that locate the identified entity
export declare type DereferenceableIDs = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Tag>>;
export declare type DereferenceableIDs = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.DereferenceableIDs;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Tag>>;
Entity-ids follow OData URL conventions
export declare type ConventionalIDs = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Tag>>;
export declare type ConventionalIDs = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.ConventionalIDs;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Tag>>;

@@ -327,39 +361,59 @@ Permissions for accessing a resource

export declare type ContentID = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
export declare type ContentID = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.ContentID;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
Functions, actions and types in this namespace can be referenced in URLs with or without namespace- or alias- qualification.
export declare type DefaultNamespace = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Tag>>;
export declare type DefaultNamespace = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.DefaultNamespace;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Tag>>;
A value for this non-key property can be provided by the client on insert and remains unchanged on update
export declare type Immutable = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Tag>>;
export declare type Immutable = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.Immutable;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Tag>>;
A value for this property is generated on both insert and update
export declare type Computed = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Tag>>;
export declare type Computed = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.Computed;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Tag>>;
A value for this property can be provided by the client on insert and update. If no value is provided on insert, a non-static default value is generated
export declare type ComputedDefaultValue = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Tag>>;
export declare type ComputedDefaultValue = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.ComputedDefaultValue;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Tag>>;
Properties and terms annotated with this term MUST contain a valid URL
export declare type IsURL = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Tag>>;
export declare type IsURL = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.IsURL;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Tag>>;
Lists the MIME types acceptable for the annotated entity type marked with HasStream="true" or the annotated binary, stream, or string property or term
export declare type AcceptableMediaTypes = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String[]>>;
export declare type AcceptableMediaTypes = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.AcceptableMediaTypes;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String[]>>;
The media type of the media stream of the annotated entity type marked with HasStream="true" or the annotated binary, stream, or string property or term
export declare type MediaType = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
export declare type MediaType = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.MediaType;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
Properties and terms annotated with this term MUST contain a valid MIME type
export declare type IsMediaType = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Tag>>;
export declare type IsMediaType = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.IsMediaType;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Tag>>;
The content disposition of the media stream of the annotated entity type marked with HasStream="true" or the annotated binary, stream, or string property or term
export declare type ContentDisposition = AnnotationTerm<ContentDispositionTypeTypes>;
export declare type ContentDisposition = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.ContentDisposition;
} & AnnotationTerm<ContentDispositionTypeTypes>;
export declare type ContentDispositionType = ComplexType & {

@@ -379,19 +433,29 @@ $Type: CoreAnnotationTypes.ContentDispositionType;

export declare type OptimisticConcurrency = AnnotationTerm<Edm.PropertyPath[]>;
export declare type OptimisticConcurrency = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.OptimisticConcurrency;
} & AnnotationTerm<Edm.PropertyPath[]>;
Instances of this type may contain properties in addition to those declared in $metadata
export declare type AdditionalProperties = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Tag>>;
export declare type AdditionalProperties = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.AdditionalProperties;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Tag>>;
The service will automatically expand this stream property, navigation property, or the media stream of this media entity type even if not requested with $expand
export declare type AutoExpand = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Tag>>;
export declare type AutoExpand = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.AutoExpand;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Tag>>;
The service will automatically expand this navigation property as entity references even if not requested with $expand=.../$ref
export declare type AutoExpandReferences = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Tag>>;
export declare type AutoExpandReferences = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.AutoExpandReferences;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Tag>>;
A collection of qualified type names outside of the type hierarchy that instances of this type might be addressable as by using a type-cast segment.
export declare type MayImplement = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<QualifiedTypeName[]>>;
export declare type MayImplement = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.MayImplement;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<QualifiedTypeName[]>>;

@@ -412,11 +476,17 @@ The qualified name of a term in scope.

export declare type Ordered = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Tag>>;
export declare type Ordered = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.Ordered;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Tag>>;
Items can be inserted at a given ordinal index.
export declare type PositionalInsert = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Tag>>;
export declare type PositionalInsert = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.PositionalInsert;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Tag>>;
Communicates available alternate keys
export declare type AlternateKeys = AnnotationTerm<AlternateKeyTypes[]>;
export declare type AlternateKeys = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.AlternateKeys;
} & AnnotationTerm<AlternateKeyTypes[]>;
export declare type AlternateKey = ComplexType & {

@@ -427,3 +497,3 @@ $Type: CoreAnnotationTypes.AlternateKey;

Key: AnnotationTerm<PropertyRefTypes[]>;
Key: PropertyRefTypes[];

@@ -450,3 +520,5 @@ export declare type PropertyRef = ComplexType & {

export declare type OptionalParameter = AnnotationTerm<OptionalParameterTypeTypes>;
export declare type OptionalParameter = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.OptionalParameter;
} & AnnotationTerm<OptionalParameterTypeTypes>;
export declare type OptionalParameterType = ComplexType & {

@@ -462,3 +534,5 @@ $Type: CoreAnnotationTypes.OptionalParameterType;

export declare type OperationAvailable = AnnotationTerm<Edm.Boolean>;
export declare type OperationAvailable = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.OperationAvailable;
} & AnnotationTerm<Edm.Boolean>;

@@ -471,3 +545,5 @@ A string representing a Local Date-Time value with no offset.

export declare type SymbolicName = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<SimpleIdentifier>>;
export declare type SymbolicName = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.SymbolicName;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<SimpleIdentifier>>;

@@ -480,3 +556,5 @@ A [simple identifier](

export declare type GeometryFeature = AnnotationTerm<GeometryFeatureTypeTypes>;
export declare type GeometryFeature = {
term: CoreAnnotationTerms.GeometryFeature;
} & AnnotationTerm<GeometryFeatureTypeTypes>;

@@ -494,3 +572,3 @@ A [Feature Object]( represents a spatially bounded thing

properties?: AnnotationTerm<DictionaryTypes>;
properties?: DictionaryTypes;

@@ -563,19 +641,19 @@ Commonly used identifer for a Feature

export declare type RevisionTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<RevisionType>;
export declare type LinkTypes = AnnotationTerm<Link>;
export declare type ExampleValueTypes = AnnotationTerm<ExampleValue | PrimitiveExampleValueTypes | ComplexExampleValueTypes | EntityExampleValueTypes | ExternalExampleValueTypes>;
export declare type PrimitiveExampleValueTypes = AnnotationTerm<PrimitiveExampleValue>;
export declare type ComplexExampleValueTypes = AnnotationTerm<ComplexExampleValue>;
export declare type EntityExampleValueTypes = AnnotationTerm<EntityExampleValue>;
export declare type ExternalExampleValueTypes = AnnotationTerm<ExternalExampleValue>;
export declare type MessageTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<MessageType>;
export declare type ExceptionTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<ValueExceptionTypeTypes | ResourceExceptionTypeTypes | DataModificationExceptionTypeTypes>;
export declare type ValueExceptionTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<ValueExceptionType>;
export declare type ResourceExceptionTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<ResourceExceptionType>;
export declare type DataModificationExceptionTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<DataModificationExceptionType>;
export declare type ContentDispositionTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<ContentDispositionType>;
export declare type AlternateKeyTypes = AnnotationTerm<AlternateKey>;
export declare type PropertyRefTypes = AnnotationTerm<PropertyRef>;
export declare type DictionaryTypes = AnnotationTerm<Dictionary>;
export declare type OptionalParameterTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<OptionalParameterType>;
export declare type GeometryFeatureTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<GeometryFeatureType>;
export declare type RevisionTypeTypes = RevisionType;
export declare type LinkTypes = Link;
export declare type ExampleValueTypes = ExampleValue | PrimitiveExampleValueTypes | ComplexExampleValueTypes | EntityExampleValueTypes | ExternalExampleValueTypes;
export declare type PrimitiveExampleValueTypes = PrimitiveExampleValue;
export declare type ComplexExampleValueTypes = ComplexExampleValue;
export declare type EntityExampleValueTypes = EntityExampleValue;
export declare type ExternalExampleValueTypes = ExternalExampleValue;
export declare type MessageTypeTypes = MessageType;
export declare type ExceptionTypeTypes = ValueExceptionTypeTypes | ResourceExceptionTypeTypes | DataModificationExceptionTypeTypes;
export declare type ValueExceptionTypeTypes = ValueExceptionType;
export declare type ResourceExceptionTypeTypes = ResourceExceptionType;
export declare type DataModificationExceptionTypeTypes = DataModificationExceptionType;
export declare type ContentDispositionTypeTypes = ContentDispositionType;
export declare type AlternateKeyTypes = AlternateKey;
export declare type PropertyRefTypes = PropertyRef;
export declare type DictionaryTypes = Dictionary;
export declare type OptionalParameterTypeTypes = OptionalParameterType;
export declare type GeometryFeatureTypeTypes = GeometryFeatureType;

@@ -7,3 +7,5 @@ import * as Edm from "../Edm";

export declare type RecursiveHierarchy = AnnotationTerm<RecursiveHierarchyTypeTypes>;
export declare type RecursiveHierarchy = {
term: HierarchyAnnotationTerms.RecursiveHierarchy;
} & AnnotationTerm<RecursiveHierarchyTypeTypes>;
export declare type RecursiveHierarchyType = ComplexType & {

@@ -38,2 +40,2 @@ $Type: HierarchyAnnotationTypes.RecursiveHierarchyType;

export declare type RecursiveHierarchyTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<RecursiveHierarchyType>;
export declare type RecursiveHierarchyTypeTypes = RecursiveHierarchyType;

@@ -8,3 +8,5 @@ import * as Edm from "../Edm";

export declare type CssDefaults = AnnotationTerm<CssDefaultsTypeTypes>;
export declare type CssDefaults = {
term: HTML5AnnotationTerms.CssDefaults;
} & AnnotationTerm<CssDefaultsTypeTypes>;
export declare type CssDefaultsType = ComplexType & {

@@ -23,2 +25,2 @@ $Type: HTML5AnnotationTypes.CssDefaultsType;

export declare type CssDefaultsTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<CssDefaultsType>;
export declare type CssDefaultsTypeTypes = CssDefaultsType;

@@ -7,19 +7,29 @@ import * as Edm from "../Edm";

export declare type ISOCurrency = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
export declare type ISOCurrency = {
term: MeasuresAnnotationTerms.ISOCurrency;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
The number of significant decimal places in the scale part (less than or equal to the number declared in the Scale facet)
export declare type Scale = AnnotationTerm<Edm.Byte>;
export declare type Scale = {
term: MeasuresAnnotationTerms.Scale;
} & AnnotationTerm<Edm.Byte>;
The unit of measure for this measured quantity, e.g. cm for centimeters or % for percentages
export declare type Unit = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
export declare type Unit = {
term: MeasuresAnnotationTerms.Unit;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
The unit of measure for this measured quantity, according to the [UN/CEFACT Recommendation 20](
export declare type UNECEUnit = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
export declare type UNECEUnit = {
term: MeasuresAnnotationTerms.UNECEUnit;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
The minimum granularity of duration values.
export declare type DurationGranularity = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<DurationGranularityType>>;
export declare type DurationGranularity = {
term: MeasuresAnnotationTerms.DurationGranularity;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<DurationGranularityType>>;
export declare type DurationGranularityType = Edm.String;

@@ -26,0 +36,0 @@ export declare const enum MeasuresAnnotationTerms {

@@ -8,11 +8,17 @@ import * as Core from "./Core";

export declare type EntitySemantics = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<EntitySemanticsType>>;
export declare type EntitySemantics = {
term: PersonalDataAnnotationTerms.EntitySemantics;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<EntitySemanticsType>>;
Role of the data subjects in this set (e.g. employee, customer)
export declare type DataSubjectRole = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
export declare type DataSubjectRole = {
term: PersonalDataAnnotationTerms.DataSubjectRole;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
Language-dependent description of the role of the data subjects in this set (e.g. employee, customer)
export declare type DataSubjectRoleDescription = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
export declare type DataSubjectRoleDescription = {
term: PersonalDataAnnotationTerms.DataSubjectRoleDescription;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;

@@ -25,3 +31,5 @@ Primary meaning of the data contained in the annotated entity set

export declare type FieldSemantics = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<FieldSemanticsType>>;
export declare type FieldSemantics = {
term: PersonalDataAnnotationTerms.FieldSemantics;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<FieldSemanticsType>>;

@@ -34,7 +42,11 @@ Primary meaning of a data field

export declare type IsPotentiallyPersonal = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type IsPotentiallyPersonal = {
term: PersonalDataAnnotationTerms.IsPotentiallyPersonal;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
Property contains potentially sensitive personal data
export declare type IsPotentiallySensitive = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type IsPotentiallySensitive = {
term: PersonalDataAnnotationTerms.IsPotentiallySensitive;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare const enum PersonalDataAnnotationTerms {

@@ -41,0 +53,0 @@ EntitySemantics = "",

@@ -8,3 +8,5 @@ import * as Common from "./Common";

export declare type StickySessionSupported = AnnotationTerm<StickySessionSupportedTypeTypes>;
export declare type StickySessionSupported = {
term: SessionAnnotationTerms.StickySessionSupported;
} & AnnotationTerm<StickySessionSupportedTypeTypes>;

@@ -42,2 +44,2 @@ Actions for managing data modification within a sticky session

export declare type StickySessionSupportedTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<StickySessionSupportedType>;
export declare type StickySessionSupportedTypeTypes = StickySessionSupportedType;

@@ -9,19 +9,29 @@ import * as Core from "./Core";

export declare type Pattern = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
export declare type Pattern = {
term: ValidationAnnotationTerms.Pattern;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.String>>;
Minimum value that a property, parameter, or term can have.
export declare type Minimum = AnnotationTerm<Edm.PrimitiveType>;
export declare type Minimum = {
term: ValidationAnnotationTerms.Minimum;
} & AnnotationTerm<Edm.PrimitiveType>;
Maximum value that a property, parameter, or term can have.
export declare type Maximum = AnnotationTerm<Edm.PrimitiveType>;
export declare type Maximum = {
term: ValidationAnnotationTerms.Maximum;
} & AnnotationTerm<Edm.PrimitiveType>;
Tags a Minimum or Maximum as exclusive, i.e. an open interval boundary.
export declare type Exclusive = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
export declare type Exclusive = {
term: ValidationAnnotationTerms.Exclusive;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<Core.Tag>>;
A collection of valid values for the annotated property, parameter, or type definition
export declare type AllowedValues = AnnotationTerm<AllowedValueTypes[]>;
export declare type AllowedValues = {
term: ValidationAnnotationTerms.AllowedValues;
} & AnnotationTerm<AllowedValueTypes[]>;
export declare type AllowedValue = ComplexType & {

@@ -37,7 +47,11 @@ $Type: ValidationAnnotationTypes.AllowedValue;

export declare type MultipleOf = AnnotationTerm<Edm.Decimal>;
export declare type MultipleOf = {
term: ValidationAnnotationTerms.MultipleOf;
} & AnnotationTerm<Edm.Decimal>;
Condition that the annotation target has to fulfill
export declare type Constraint = AnnotationTerm<ConstraintTypeTypes>;
export declare type Constraint = {
term: ValidationAnnotationTerms.Constraint;
} & AnnotationTerm<ConstraintTypeTypes>;
export declare type ConstraintType = ComplexType & {

@@ -57,3 +71,5 @@ $Type: ValidationAnnotationTypes.ConstraintType;

export declare type ItemsOf = AnnotationTerm<ItemsOfTypeTypes[]>;
export declare type ItemsOf = {
term: ValidationAnnotationTerms.ItemsOf;
} & AnnotationTerm<ItemsOfTypeTypes[]>;

@@ -67,7 +83,7 @@ Entities related via the single- or collection-valued navigation property identified by `path` are also related via the collection-valued navigation property identified by `target`.

path: PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.NavigationPropertyPath>;
path: Edm.NavigationPropertyPath;
A path to a collection-valued navigation property
target: PropertyAnnotationValue<Edm.NavigationPropertyPath>;
target: Edm.NavigationPropertyPath;

@@ -77,7 +93,11 @@ /**

export declare type OpenPropertyTypeConstraint = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<SingleOrCollectionType[]>>;
export declare type OpenPropertyTypeConstraint = {
term: ValidationAnnotationTerms.OpenPropertyTypeConstraint;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<SingleOrCollectionType[]>>;
Values are restricted to types that are both identical to or derived from the declared type and a type listed in this collection.
export declare type DerivedTypeConstraint = AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<SingleOrCollectionType[]>>;
export declare type DerivedTypeConstraint = {
term: ValidationAnnotationTerms.DerivedTypeConstraint;
} & AnnotationTerm<PropertyAnnotationValue<SingleOrCollectionType[]>>;

@@ -90,15 +110,23 @@ The qualified name of a type in scope, optionally wrapped in `Collection()` to denote a collection of instances of the type

export declare type AllowedTerms = AnnotationTerm<Core.QualifiedTermName[]>;
export declare type AllowedTerms = {
term: ValidationAnnotationTerms.AllowedTerms;
} & AnnotationTerm<Core.QualifiedTermName[]>;
Names of specific terms that are applicable and may be applied in the current context. This annotation does not restrict the use of other terms.
export declare type ApplicableTerms = AnnotationTerm<Core.QualifiedTermName[]>;
export declare type ApplicableTerms = {
term: ValidationAnnotationTerms.ApplicableTerms;
} & AnnotationTerm<Core.QualifiedTermName[]>;
The annotated collection must have at most the specified number of items.
export declare type MaxItems = AnnotationTerm<Edm.Int64>;
export declare type MaxItems = {
term: ValidationAnnotationTerms.MaxItems;
} & AnnotationTerm<Edm.Int64>;
The annotated collection must have at least the specified number of items.
export declare type MinItems = AnnotationTerm<Edm.Int64>;
export declare type MinItems = {
term: ValidationAnnotationTerms.MinItems;
} & AnnotationTerm<Edm.Int64>;
export declare const enum ValidationAnnotationTerms {

@@ -125,4 +153,4 @@ Pattern = "Org.OData.Validation.V1.Pattern",

export declare type AllowedValueTypes = AnnotationTerm<AllowedValue>;
export declare type ConstraintTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<ConstraintType>;
export declare type ItemsOfTypeTypes = AnnotationTerm<ItemsOfType>;
export declare type AllowedValueTypes = AllowedValue;
export declare type ConstraintTypeTypes = ConstraintType;
export declare type ItemsOfTypeTypes = ItemsOfType;

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