A highly performant network visualization library with a simple, declarative API, plugable renderers, and bindings for different frameworks and use cases
if using npm
npm install @sayari/trellis
or alternatively import via HTML
<script src="{VERSION}/index.umd.min.js"></script>
- renderers
- layout
- force
- hierarchy
- cluster
- subgraphs
- bindings
Trellis decouples graph rendering from graph layout computations, and decouples both from framework-specific bindings. Additionally, the Trellis renderer is mostly stateless, leaving questions of state management to the application and allowing for simple customization of library behavior. This means integrating any of Trellis modules with an existing application should be relatively straightforward. Similar to rendering libraries like React, Trellis focuses on performant rendering and graph-based computations, while remaining agnostic about where and how state is managed. Moreover, by splitting responsibilities into separate modules, if existing modules don't fit your needs, you can always roll your own, while still benefiting from the remaining modules that are helpful.
See Also
npm run dev
npm run build
npm version [premajor|preminor|prepatch|prerelease] --preid rc
git push --follow-tags
npm run copy
npm publish dist/ --tag next
npm run build
npm version [major|minor|patch]
git push --follow-tags
npm run copy
npm publish dist/