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@shopware/api-client - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.0-canary-20240619130721 to 0.0.0-canary-20240620151559



import { components as mainComponents } from "./storeApiTypes";
type GenericRecord =
| never
| null
| string
| string[]
| number
| { [key: string]: GenericRecord }; // TODO: [OpenAPI] - define GenericRecord properly
export type components = mainComponents;

@@ -17,1143 +9,2 @@ // & {

export type Schemas = {
Cart: {
/** An affiliate tracking code */
affiliateCode?: string | null;
/** A campaign tracking code */
campaignCode?: string | null;
/** A comment that can be added to the cart. */
customerComment?: string | null;
deliveries?: components["schemas"]["CartDelivery"][];
/** A list of all cart errors, such as insufficient stocks, invalid addresses or vouchers. */
| components["schemas"]["CartError"][]
| Record<
// TODO: [OpenAPI][Cart] - errors should be defined properly, sometimes it's an object?
code: number;
key: string;
level: number;
message: string;
messageKey: string;
/** All items within the cart */
lineItems?: components["schemas"]["LineItem"][];
modified?: boolean;
/** Name of the cart - for example `guest-cart` */
name?: string;
price: components["schemas"]["CalculatedPrice"]; // TODO: [OpenAPI][Cart] - price should be required
/** Context token identifying the cart and the user session */
token?: string;
/** A list of all payment transactions associated with the current cart. */
transactions?: {
amount?: components["schemas"]["CalculatedPrice"];
paymentMethodId?: string;
Category: {
active?: boolean;
afterCategoryId?: string;
afterCategoryVersionId?: string;
/** @enum {string} */
apiAlias: "category"; // TODO: [OpenAPI][Category] - apiAlias should be required
breadcrumb: string[]; // TODO: [OpenAPI][Category] - breadcrumb should be required
/** Format: int64 */
childCount: number;
children: components["schemas"]["Category"][]; // TODO: [OpenAPI][Category] - children should be empty array not null if no children
cmsPage?: components["schemas"]["CmsPage"];
cmsPageId?: string;
/** Runtime field, cannot be used as part of the criteria. */
cmsPageIdSwitched?: boolean;
cmsPageVersionId?: string;
/** Format: date-time */
createdAt: string;
customEntityTypeId?: string;
customFields?: Record<string, never>;
description?: string;
displayNestedProducts: boolean;
externalLink?: string;
id: string;
internalLink?: string;
keywords?: string;
/** Format: int64 */
level?: number;
linkNewTab?: boolean;
linkType?: string;
media?: components["schemas"]["Media"];
mediaId?: string;
metaDescription?: string;
metaTitle?: string;
name: string;
parent?: components["schemas"]["Category"];
parentId?: string;
parentVersionId?: string;
path?: string;
productAssignmentType: string;
seoUrls?: components["schemas"]["SeoUrl"][];
tags?: components["schemas"]["Tag"][];
translated: {
afterCategoryId?: string;
afterCategoryVersionId?: string;
breadcrumb: string[]; // TODO: [OpenAPI][Category] - breadcrumb should be translated?
apiAlias?: string;
cmsPageId?: string;
cmsPageVersionId?: string;
customEntityTypeId?: string;
description?: string;
externalLink?: string;
internalLink?: string;
keywords?: string;
linkType?: string;
mediaId?: string;
metaDescription?: string;
metaTitle?: string;
name?: string;
parentId?: string;
parentVersionId?: string;
path?: string;
productAssignmentType?: string;
type?: string;
versionId?: string;
type: string;
/** Format: date-time */
updatedAt?: string;
versionId?: string;
visible?: boolean;
* Format: int64
* Runtime field, cannot be used as part of the criteria.
visibleChildCount?: number;
Criteria: {
aggregations?: components["schemas"]["Aggregations"];
/** Associations to include. For more information, see [Search Queries > Associations]( */
associations?: GenericRecord; // TODO: [OpenAPI][Criteria] - associations should be defined properly, it's not an array and not nested "Criteria"
/** Fields which should be returned in the search result. */
fields?: string[];
/** List of filters to restrict the search result. For more information, see [Search Queries > Filter]( */
filter?: (
| components["schemas"]["SimpleFilter"]
| components["schemas"]["EqualsFilter"]
| components["schemas"]["MultiNotFilter"]
| components["schemas"]["RangeFilter"]
/** Perform groupings over certain fields */
grouping?: string[];
/** List of ids to search for */
ids?: string[];
includes?: components["schemas"]["Include"];
/** Number of items per result page */
limit?: number;
/** Search result page */
page?: number;
/** Filters that applied without affecting aggregations. For more information, see [Search Queries > Post Filter]( */
"post-filter"?: (
| components["schemas"]["SimpleFilter"]
| components["schemas"]["EqualsFilter"]
| components["schemas"]["MultiNotFilter"]
| components["schemas"]["RangeFilter"]
/** List of queries to restrict the search result. For more information, see [Search Queries > Query]( */
query?: string; // components["schemas"]["Query"][]; TODO: [OpenAPI][Criteria] - query is probably only string
/** Sorting in the search result. */
sort?: components["schemas"]["Sort"][];
/** Search term */
term?: string;
"total-count-mode"?: components["schemas"]["TotalCountMode"];
Product: {
active?: boolean;
/** @enum {string} */
apiAlias: "product";
available?: boolean;
/** Format: int64 */
availableStock?: number;
calculatedCheapestPrice?: {
// TODO: [OpenAPI][Product] - calculatedCheapestPrice should be defined as a separate entity
/** @enum {string} */
apiAlias?: "calculated_cheapest_price";
hasRange?: boolean;
listPrice?: components["schemas"]["ListPrice"] | null;
quantity?: number;
referencePrice?: components["schemas"]["ReferencePrice"] | null;
regulationPrice?: {
price: number;
} | null;
totalPrice?: number;
unitPrice?: number;
variantId?: string | null;
* Format: int64
* Runtime field, cannot be used as part of the criteria.
calculatedMaxPurchase?: number;
calculatedPrice: components["schemas"]["CalculatedPrice"];
calculatedPrices: components["schemas"]["CalculatedPrice"][];
canonicalProduct?: components["schemas"]["Product"];
canonicalProductId?: string;
canonicalProductVersionId?: string;
categories?: components["schemas"]["Category"][];
categoriesRo?: components["schemas"]["Category"][];
categoryIds?: readonly string[];
categoryTree?: readonly string[];
/** Format: int64 */
childCount?: number;
children?: components["schemas"]["Product"][];
cmsPage?: components["schemas"]["CmsPage"];
cmsPageId?: string;
cmsPageVersionId?: string;
configuratorSettings?: components["schemas"]["ProductConfiguratorSetting"][];
cover?: components["schemas"]["ProductMedia"];
coverId?: string;
/** Format: date-time */
createdAt: string;
crossSellings?: components["schemas"]["ProductCrossSelling"][];
customFields?: Record<string, never>;
deliveryTime?: components["schemas"]["DeliveryTime"];
deliveryTimeId?: string;
description?: string;
displayGroup?: string;
downloads?: components["schemas"]["ProductDownload"][];
ean?: string;
extensions?: {
reviewSummaries?: {
data?: {
/** @example c9c718522e64ffa5effb26cef94f4849 */
id?: string;
/** @example product_review_summary */
type?: string;
links?: {
* Format: uri-reference
* @example /product/deb10517653c255364175796ace3553f/reviewSummaries
related?: string;
swagCustomizedProductsTemplate?: {
data?: {
/** @example 6e9fad30dd3cb84748a01bb8152f4769 */
id?: string;
/** @example swag_customized_products_template */
type?: string;
links?: {
* Format: uri-reference
* @example /product/deb10517653c255364175796ace3553f/swagCustomizedProductsTemplate
related?: string;
/** Format: float */
height?: number;
id: string;
isCloseout?: boolean;
/** Runtime field, cannot be used as part of the criteria. */
isNew?: boolean;
keywords?: string;
/** Format: float */
length?: number;
mainCategories?: components["schemas"]["MainCategory"][];
manufacturer?: components["schemas"]["ProductManufacturer"];
manufacturerId?: string;
manufacturerNumber?: string;
markAsTopseller?: boolean;
/** Format: int64 */
maxPurchase?: number;
media?: components["schemas"]["ProductMedia"][];
metaDescription?: string;
metaTitle?: string;
/** Format: int64 */
minPurchase?: number;
name: string;
optionIds?: readonly string[];
options?: components["schemas"]["PropertyGroupOption"][];
packUnit?: string;
packUnitPlural?: string;
parent?: components["schemas"]["Product"];
parentId?: string;
parentVersionId?: string;
productManufacturerVersionId?: string;
productMediaVersionId?: string;
productNumber: string;
productReviews?: components["schemas"]["ProductReview"][];
properties?: components["schemas"]["PropertyGroupOption"][];
propertyIds?: readonly string[];
/** Format: int64 */
purchaseSteps?: number;
/** Format: float */
purchaseUnit?: number;
/** Format: float */
ratingAverage?: number;
/** Format: float */
referenceUnit?: number;
/** Format: date-time */
releaseDate?: string;
/** Format: int64 */
restockTime?: number;
/** Format: int64 */
sales?: number;
seoCategory: components["schemas"]["Category"];
seoUrls?: components["schemas"]["SeoUrl"][];
shippingFree?: boolean;
sortedProperties?: Record<string, never>;
states?: readonly string[];
/** Format: int64 */
stock: number;
streamIds?: readonly string[];
streams?: components["schemas"]["ProductStream"][];
tagIds?: readonly string[];
tags?: components["schemas"]["Tag"][];
tax?: components["schemas"]["Tax"];
taxId: string;
translated: {
// TODO: [OpenAPI][Product] - translated should be required
apiAlias?: string;
canonicalProductId?: string;
canonicalProductVersionId?: string;
cmsPageId?: string;
cmsPageVersionId?: string;
coverId?: string;
deliveryTimeId?: string;
description?: string;
displayGroup?: string;
ean?: string;
keywords?: string;
manufacturerId?: string;
manufacturerNumber?: string;
metaDescription?: string;
metaTitle?: string;
name?: string;
packUnit?: string;
packUnitPlural?: string;
parentId?: string;
parentVersionId?: string;
productManufacturerVersionId?: string;
productMediaVersionId?: string;
productNumber?: string;
releaseDate?: string;
taxId?: string;
unitId?: string;
versionId?: string;
unit?: components["schemas"]["Unit"];
unitId?: string;
/** Format: date-time */
updatedAt?: string;
variantListingConfig?: {
displayParent?: boolean;
} | null;
versionId?: string;
/** Format: float */
weight?: number;
/** Format: float */
width?: number;
ProductJsonApi: components["schemas"]["resource"] & {
active?: boolean;
available?: boolean;
/** Format: int64 */
availableStock?: number;
calculatedCheapestPrice?: Record<string, never>;
* Format: int64
* Runtime field, cannot be used as part of the criteria.
calculatedMaxPurchase?: number;
calculatedPrice?: Record<string, never>;
calculatedPrices?: Record<string, never>[];
canonicalProductId?: string;
canonicalProductVersionId?: string;
categoryIds?: readonly string[];
categoryTree?: readonly string[];
/** Format: int64 */
childCount?: number;
cmsPageId?: string;
cmsPageVersionId?: string;
coverId?: string;
/** Format: date-time */
createdAt: string;
customFields?: Record<string, never>;
deliveryTimeId?: string;
description?: string;
displayGroup?: string;
ean?: string;
extensions?: {
reviewSummaries?: {
data?: {
/** @example c9c718522e64ffa5effb26cef94f4849 */
id?: string;
/** @example product_review_summary */
type?: string;
links?: {
* Format: uri-reference
* @example /product/deb10517653c255364175796ace3553f/reviewSummaries
related?: string;
swagCustomizedProductsTemplate?: {
data?: {
/** @example 6e9fad30dd3cb84748a01bb8152f4769 */
id?: string;
/** @example swag_customized_products_template */
type?: string;
links?: {
* Format: uri-reference
* @example /product/deb10517653c255364175796ace3553f/swagCustomizedProductsTemplate
related?: string;
/** Format: float */
height?: number;
id: string;
isCloseout?: boolean;
/** Runtime field, cannot be used as part of the criteria. */
isNew?: boolean;
keywords?: string;
/** Format: float */
length?: number;
manufacturerId?: string;
manufacturerNumber?: string;
markAsTopseller?: boolean;
/** Format: int64 */
maxPurchase?: number;
metaDescription?: string;
metaTitle?: string;
/** Format: int64 */
minPurchase?: number;
// TODO: [OpenAPI][ProductJsonApi] - add options definition
options: Array<{
group: string;
option: string;
translated: {
[key: string]: string;
name: string;
optionIds?: readonly string[];
packUnit?: string;
packUnitPlural?: string;
parentId?: string;
parentVersionId?: string;
productManufacturerVersionId?: string;
productMediaVersionId?: string;
productNumber: string;
propertyIds?: readonly string[];
/** Format: int64 */
purchaseSteps?: number;
/** Format: float */
purchaseUnit?: number;
/** Format: float */
ratingAverage?: number;
/** Format: float */
referenceUnit?: number;
relationships?: {
canonicalProduct?: {
data?: {
/** @example 023995a50b56c0de077323e958b2bbcd */
id?: string;
/** @example product */
type?: string;
links?: {
* Format: uri-reference
* @example /product/deb10517653c255364175796ace3553f/canonicalProduct
related?: string;
categories?: {
data?: {
/** @example b0b5ccb4a195a07fd3eed14affb8695f */
id?: string;
/** @example category */
type?: string;
links?: {
* Format: uri-reference
* @example /product/deb10517653c255364175796ace3553f/categories
related?: string;
categoriesRo?: {
data?: {
/** @example 7f0702d3a90d965b8c9158c451f43fdb */
id?: string;
/** @example category */
type?: string;
links?: {
* Format: uri-reference
* @example /product/deb10517653c255364175796ace3553f/categoriesRo
related?: string;
children?: {
data?: {
/** @example 268184c12df027f536154d099d497b31 */
id?: string;
/** @example product */
type?: string;
links?: {
* Format: uri-reference
* @example /product/deb10517653c255364175796ace3553f/children
related?: string;
cmsPage?: {
data?: {
/** @example 7b1460918b1abb93311108f3dc021c9b */
id?: string;
/** @example cms_page */
type?: string;
links?: {
* Format: uri-reference
* @example /product/deb10517653c255364175796ace3553f/cmsPage
related?: string;
configuratorSettings?: {
data?: {
/** @example c0827fee13725d41f1fd7e292243f5aa */
id?: string;
/** @example product_configurator_setting */
type?: string;
links?: {
* Format: uri-reference
* @example /product/deb10517653c255364175796ace3553f/configuratorSettings
related?: string;
cover?: {
data?: {
/** @example 41d0e299ca1abeb2094852da042165c7 */
id?: string;
/** @example product_media */
type?: string;
links?: {
* Format: uri-reference
* @example /product/deb10517653c255364175796ace3553f/cover
related?: string;
crossSellings?: {
data?: {
/** @example 89936e14544d1b403cecef938101b6b0 */
id?: string;
/** @example product_cross_selling */
type?: string;
links?: {
* Format: uri-reference
* @example /product/deb10517653c255364175796ace3553f/crossSellings
related?: string;
deliveryTime?: {
data?: {
/** @example 8c888ae25a7bd42057370e31f7e01044 */
id?: string;
/** @example delivery_time */
type?: string;
links?: {
* Format: uri-reference
* @example /product/deb10517653c255364175796ace3553f/deliveryTime
related?: string;
downloads?: {
data?: {
/** @example d07d50a751bc6ddf12bf3af0efee9b45 */
id?: string;
/** @example product_download */
type?: string;
links?: {
* Format: uri-reference
* @example /product/deb10517653c255364175796ace3553f/downloads
related?: string;
mainCategories?: {
data?: {
/** @example 1fb731fc4139cbb575429e28846f0c39 */
id?: string;
/** @example main_category */
type?: string;
links?: {
* Format: uri-reference
* @example /product/deb10517653c255364175796ace3553f/mainCategories
related?: string;
manufacturer?: {
data?: {
/** @example c2904bca62b22443d6cf5e9d89cab204 */
id?: string;
/** @example product_manufacturer */
type?: string;
links?: {
* Format: uri-reference
* @example /product/deb10517653c255364175796ace3553f/manufacturer
related?: string;
media?: {
data?: {
/** @example 62933a2951ef01f4eafd9bdf4d3cd2f0 */
id?: string;
/** @example product_media */
type?: string;
links?: {
* Format: uri-reference
* @example /product/deb10517653c255364175796ace3553f/media
related?: string;
options?: {
data?: {
/** @example 93da65a9fd0004d9477aeac024e08e15 */
id?: string;
/** @example property_group_option */
type?: string;
links?: {
* Format: uri-reference
* @example /product/deb10517653c255364175796ace3553f/options
related?: string;
parent?: {
data?: {
/** @example d0e45878043844ffc41aac437e86b602 */
id?: string;
/** @example product */
type?: string;
links?: {
* Format: uri-reference
* @example /product/deb10517653c255364175796ace3553f/parent
related?: string;
productReviews?: {
data?: {
/** @example 01e78541ea343ed72424a5222796a4cd */
id?: string;
/** @example product_review */
type?: string;
links?: {
* Format: uri-reference
* @example /product/deb10517653c255364175796ace3553f/productReviews
related?: string;
properties?: {
data?: {
/** @example 74693d2fc58b46bd06410f278e39aa71 */
id?: string;
/** @example property_group_option */
type?: string;
links?: {
* Format: uri-reference
* @example /product/deb10517653c255364175796ace3553f/properties
related?: string;
seoCategory?: {
data?: {
/** @example 9354d004d12e03d35ad8292bf0bb234d */
id?: string;
/** @example category */
type?: string;
links?: {
* Format: uri-reference
* @example /product/deb10517653c255364175796ace3553f/seoCategory
related?: string;
seoUrls?: {
data?: {
/** @example 5321b5a71127b8b98cdd4b068ad56c4c */
id?: string;
/** @example seo_url */
type?: string;
links?: {
* Format: uri-reference
* @example /product/deb10517653c255364175796ace3553f/seoUrls
related?: string;
streams?: {
data?: {
/** @example 2f6f4768f1c2d7c8f1f54823723f1a70 */
id?: string;
/** @example product_stream */
type?: string;
links?: {
* Format: uri-reference
* @example /product/deb10517653c255364175796ace3553f/streams
related?: string;
tags?: {
data?: {
/** @example d57ac45256849d9b13e2422d91580fb9 */
id?: string;
/** @example tag */
type?: string;
links?: {
* Format: uri-reference
* @example /product/deb10517653c255364175796ace3553f/tags
related?: string;
tax?: {
data?: {
/** @example 06565e5611f23fdf8cc43e5077b92b54 */
id?: string;
/** @example tax */
type?: string;
links?: {
* Format: uri-reference
* @example /product/deb10517653c255364175796ace3553f/tax
related?: string;
unit?: {
data?: {
/** @example 3e34bdebd9bd5edda27e8728904a2552 */
id?: string;
/** @example unit */
type?: string;
links?: {
* Format: uri-reference
* @example /product/deb10517653c255364175796ace3553f/unit
related?: string;
/** Format: date-time */
releaseDate?: string;
/** Format: int64 */
restockTime?: number;
/** Format: int64 */
sales?: number;
shippingFree?: boolean;
sortedProperties?: Record<string, never>;
states?: readonly string[];
/** Format: int64 */
stock: number;
streamIds?: readonly string[];
tagIds?: readonly string[];
taxId: string;
translated?: {
canonicalProductId?: string;
canonicalProductVersionId?: string;
cmsPageId?: string;
cmsPageVersionId?: string;
coverId?: string;
deliveryTimeId?: string;
description?: string;
displayGroup?: string;
ean?: string;
keywords?: string;
manufacturerId?: string;
manufacturerNumber?: string;
metaDescription?: string;
metaTitle?: string;
name?: string;
packUnit?: string;
packUnitPlural?: string;
parentId?: string;
parentVersionId?: string;
productManufacturerVersionId?: string;
productMediaVersionId?: string;
productNumber?: string;
releaseDate?: string;
taxId?: string;
unitId?: string;
versionId?: string;
unitId?: string;
/** Format: date-time */
updatedAt?: string;
versionId?: string;
/** Format: float */
weight?: number;
/** Format: float */
width?: number;
CalculatedPrice: {
/** @enum {string} */
apiAlias: "calculated_price";
calculatedTaxes: {
/** @enum {string} */
apiAlias: "cart_tax_calculated";
price: number;
tax: number;
taxRate: number;
hasRange: boolean;
listPrice: components["schemas"]["ListPrice"] | null;
netPrice: number; // TODO: [OpenAPI][CalculatedPrice] - netPrice should be added to definition
quantity: number;
positionPrice: number; // TODO: [OpenAPI][CalculatedPrice] - positionPrice should be added to definition
rawTotal: number; // TODO: [OpenAPI][CalculatedPrice] - rawTotal should be added to definition
referencePrice: components["schemas"]["ReferencePrice"] | null;
regulationPrice: {
/** @enum {string} */
apiAlias?: "cart_regulation_price";
price?: number;
} | null;
/** Currently active tax rules and/or rates */
taxRules?: {
name?: string;
/** Format: float */
taxRate?: number;
taxStatus: "net" | "tax-free"; // TODO: [OpenAPI][CalculatedPrice] - taxStatus should be defined and properly typed
totalPrice: number;
unitPrice: number;
/** Format: ^[0-9a-f]{32}$ */
variantId?: string | null;
DeliveryInformation: {
/** @enum {string} */
apiAlias?: "cart_delivery_information";
deliveryTime?: {
/** @enum {string} */
apiAlias?: "cart_delivery_time";
max?: number;
min?: number;
name?: string;
unit?: string;
freeDelivery?: boolean;
height?: number;
length?: number;
restockTime?: number;
stock: number; // TODO: [OpenAPI][DeliveryInformation] - stock should be required
weight?: number;
width?: number;
LineItem: {
children?: components["schemas"]["LineItem"][];
cover?: components["schemas"]["ProductMedia"];
dataContextHash?: string;
dataTimestamp?: string;
deliveryInformation: components["schemas"]["DeliveryInformation"]; // TODO: [OpenAPI][LineItem] - deliveryInformation should be required
description?: string;
good?: boolean;
id: string;
label?: string;
modified?: boolean;
modifiedByApp?: boolean;
payload: components["schemas"]["ProductJsonApi"]; // TODO: [OpenAPI][LineItem] - payload should be required
price?: {
/** @enum {string} */
apiAlias: "calculated_price";
calculatedTaxes?: {
/** @enum {string} */
apiAlias: "cart_tax_calculated";
price: number;
tax: number;
taxRate: number;
listPrice?: components["schemas"]["ListPrice"] | null;
quantity: number;
referencePrice?: components["schemas"]["ReferencePrice"] | null;
regulationPrice?: {
/** @enum {string} */
apiAlias?: "cart_regulation_price";
price?: number;
} | null;
/** Currently active tax rules and/or rates */
taxRules?: {
name?: string;
/** Format: float */
taxRate?: number;
totalPrice: number;
unitPrice: number;
priceDefinition?: components["schemas"]["PriceDefinition"];
quantity: number; // TODO: [OpenAPI][LineItem] - quantity should be required
quantityInformation?: {
maxPurchase?: number;
minPurchase?: number;
purchaseSteps?: number;
referencedId?: string;
removable?: boolean;
stackable?: boolean;
states: ("is-physical" | "is-download")[]; // TODO: [OpenAPI][LineItem] - states should be required
type: components["schemas"]["LineItemType"];
uniqueIdentifier?: string;
ProductMedia: {
/** Format: date-time */
createdAt: string;
customFields?: Record<string, never>;
id: string;
media?: components["schemas"]["Media"];
mediaId: string;
/** Format: int64 */
position?: number;
productId: string;
productVersionId?: string;
thumbnails?: components["schemas"]["MediaThumbnail"][]; // TODO: [OpenAPI][ProductMedia] - thumbnails should probably be defined as an array
/** Format: date-time */
updatedAt?: string;
versionId?: string;
Media: {
alt?: string;
/** @enum {string} */
apiAlias: "media";
config?: Record<string, never>;
/** Format: date-time */
createdAt: string;
customFields?: Record<string, never>;
extensions?: {
mediaAiTag?: {
data?: {
/** @example 3c88197809d464216a8c40a8db191b38 */
id?: string;
/** @example media_ai_tag */
type?: string;
links?: {
* Format: uri-reference
* @example /media/3b563524fdb17b4a86590470d40bef74/mediaAiTag
related?: string;
fileExtension: string;
fileName: string;
/** Format: int64 */
fileSize?: number;
/** Runtime field, cannot be used as part of the criteria. */
hasFile: boolean;
id: string;
// TODO: [OpenAPI][Media] metaData field should be defined properly
metaData?: {
/** Format: int64 */
height?: number;
/** Format: int64 */
width?: number;
mimeType?: string;
path: string;
private: boolean;
thumbnails?: components["schemas"]["MediaThumbnail"][];
title?: string;
translated?: {
alt?: string;
apiAlias?: string;
fileExtension?: string;
fileName?: string;
mimeType?: string;
path?: string;
title?: string;
uploadedAt?: string;
url?: string;
/** Format: date-time */
updatedAt?: string;
/** Format: date-time */
uploadedAt?: string;
/** Runtime field, cannot be used as part of the criteria. */
url: string;
Order: {
addresses?: components["schemas"]["OrderAddress"][];
affiliateCode?: string;
/** Format: float */
amountNet?: number;
/** Format: float */
amountTotal?: number;
billingAddress?: components["schemas"]["OrderAddress"];
billingAddressId: string;
billingAddressVersionId?: string;
campaignCode?: string;
/** Format: date-time */
createdAt: string;
createdById?: string;
currency?: components["schemas"]["Currency"];
/** Format: float */
currencyFactor: number;
currencyId: string;
customerComment?: string;
customFields?: Record<string, never>;
deepLinkCode?: string;
deliveries?: components["schemas"]["OrderDelivery"][];
documents: components["schemas"]["Document"][];
extensions?: {
returns?: {
data?: {
/** @example 7fff84525c6516919851a9005373f87e */
id?: string;
/** @example order_return */
type?: string;
links?: {
* Format: uri-reference
* @example /order/a240fa27925a635b08dc28c9e4f9216d/returns
related?: string;
subscription?: {
data?: {
/** @example b48b13e73a6ac2a86dc54425dd24d9ff */
id?: string;
/** @example subscription */
type?: string;
links?: {
* Format: uri-reference
* @example /order/a240fa27925a635b08dc28c9e4f9216d/subscription
related?: string;
id: string;
language?: components["schemas"]["Language"];
languageId: string;
lineItems?: components["schemas"]["OrderLineItem"][];
orderCustomer?: components["schemas"]["OrderCustomer"];
orderDate: string;
/** Format: date-time */
orderDateTime: string;
orderNumber?: string;
/** Format: float */
positionPrice?: number;
price: components["schemas"]["CalculatedPrice"]; // TODO: [OpenAPI][Order] - price should be required and point to calculated price
salesChannelId: string;
shippingCosts?: {
calculatedTaxes?: Record<string, never>;
listPrice?: {
/** Format: float */
discount?: number;
/** Format: float */
percentage?: number;
/** Format: float */
price?: number;
/** Format: int64 */
quantity: number;
referencePrice?: Record<string, never>;
regulationPrice?: {
/** Format: float */
price?: number;
taxRules?: Record<string, never>;
/** Format: float */
totalPrice: number;
/** Format: float */
unitPrice: number;
/** Format: float */
shippingTotal?: number;
source?: string;
stateMachineState: components["schemas"]["StateMachineState"];
tags?: components["schemas"]["Tag"][];
taxStatus?: string;
transactions?: components["schemas"]["OrderTransaction"][];
/** Format: date-time */
updatedAt?: string;
updatedById?: string;
versionId?: string;
OrderRouteResponse: {
orders: {
elements: components["schemas"]["Order"][]; // TODO: [OpenAPI][OrderRouteResponse] - there should be elements field defined for search result
} & components["schemas"]["EntitySearchResult"];
/** The key-value pairs contain the uuid of the order as key and a boolean as value, indicating that the payment method can still be changed. */
paymentChangeable?: {
[key: string]: boolean;
ProductListingResult: components["schemas"]["EntitySearchResult"] & {

@@ -1172,3 +23,3 @@ /** @enum {string} */

key?: string;
label?: string;
label: string;

@@ -1197,48 +48,2 @@ }[];

ProductReview: {
comment?: string;
content: string;
/** Format: date-time */
createdAt: string;
customFields?: GenericRecord;
customerId?: string; // TODO: [OpenAPI][ProductReview] customerId field should be defined
externalUser?: string; // TODO: [OpenAPI][ProductReview] externalUser field should be defined
id: string;
languageId: string;
/** Format: float */
points: number;
productId: string;
productVersionId?: string;
salesChannelId: string;
status?: boolean;
title: string;
/** Format: date-time */
updatedAt?: string;
// /** Added since version: */
PropertyGroupOption: {
colorHexCode?: string;
/** Format: date-time */
createdAt: string;
customFields?: GenericRecord;
group: components["schemas"]["PropertyGroup"];
groupId: string;
id: string;
media?: components["schemas"]["Media"];
mediaId?: string;
name: string;
option: string;
/** Format: int64 */
position?: number;
// TODO: [OpenAPI][PropertyGroupOption] translated field should be defined properly
translated: {
colorHexCode?: string;
groupId?: string;
mediaId?: string;
name?: string;
option?: string;
/** Format: date-time */
updatedAt?: string;
SalesChannelContext: components["schemas"]["ArrayStruct"] & {

@@ -1289,100 +94,2 @@ /** Core context with general configuration values and state */

Quote: {
/** Format: float */
amountNet?: number;
/** Format: float */
amountTotal?: number;
comments?: components["schemas"]["QuoteComment"][];
/** Format: date-time */
createdAt: string;
createdById?: string;
currency?: components["schemas"]["Currency"];
currencyId: string;
customerId: string;
customFields?: GenericRecord;
deliveries?: components["schemas"]["QuoteDelivery"][];
discount?: {
type?: string;
/** Format: float */
value?: number;
documents?: components["schemas"]["QuoteDocument"][];
/** Format: date-time */
expirationDate?: string;
id: string;
language?: components["schemas"]["Language"];
languageId: string;
lineItems?: components["schemas"]["QuoteLineItem"][];
orderId?: string;
orderVersionId?: string;
// TODO: [OpenAPI][Quote] - price field should be defined properly
price: {
calculatedTaxes?: GenericRecord;
/** Format: float */
netPrice: number;
/** Format: float */
positionPrice: number;
/** Format: float */
rawTotal: number;
taxRules?: GenericRecord;
taxStatus: string;
/** Format: float */
totalPrice: number;
quoteNumber?: string;
salesChannelId: string;
/** Format: date-time */
sentAt?: string;
shippingCosts?: {
calculatedTaxes?: GenericRecord;
listPrice?: {
/** Format: float */
discount?: number;
/** Format: float */
percentage?: number;
/** Format: float */
price?: number;
/** Format: int64 */
quantity: number;
referencePrice?: GenericRecord;
regulationPrice?: {
/** Format: float */
price?: number;
taxRules?: GenericRecord;
/** Format: float */
totalPrice: number;
/** Format: float */
unitPrice: number;
stateId: string;
stateMachineState: components["schemas"]["StateMachineState"]; // TODO: [OpenAPI][Quote] stateMachineState field should be defined as required
/** Format: float */
subtotalNet?: number;
taxStatus?: string;
/** Format: float */
totalDiscount?: number;
transactions?: components["schemas"]["QuoteTransaction"][];
/** Format: date-time */
updatedAt?: string;
updatedById?: string;
userId?: string;
versionId?: string;
StateMachineState: {
/** Format: date-time */
createdAt: string;
customFields?: GenericRecord;
id?: string;
name: string;
technicalName: string;
translated: {
// TODO: [OpenAPI][StateMachineState] translated field should be defined as required
name?: string;
technicalName?: string;
/** Format: date-time */
updatedAt?: string;
SwagPaypalVaultToken: {

@@ -1402,54 +109,5 @@ // TODO: [OpenAPI][SwagPaypalVaultToken] - add SwagPaypalVaultToken definition to schema

WishlistLoadRouteResponse: {
products: components["schemas"]["ProductListingResult"]; // TODO: [OpenAPI][WishlistLoadRouteResponse] - products response should be defined as required
wishlist?: {
customerId?: string;
salesChannelId?: string;
export type operations = {
"createCustomerAddress post /account/address": {
contentType?: "application/json";
accept?: "application/json";
body: components["schemas"]["CustomerAddressBody"]; // TODO: [OpenAPI][createCustomerAddress] - body should be defined without id on creation
response: components["schemas"]["CustomerAddress"] &
responseCode: 200;
"listAddress post /account/list-address": {
contentType?: "application/json";
accept?: "application/json";
body?: components["schemas"]["Criteria"]; // TODO: [OpenAPI][listAddress] - body should be optional
response: {
// TODO: [OpenAPI][listAddress] add proper response type as EntitySearchResult
elements: components["schemas"]["CustomerAddress"][];
} & components["schemas"]["EntitySearchResult"];
responseCode: 200;
"readNewsletterRecipient post /account/newsletter-recipient": {
contentType?: "application/json";
accept?: "application/json";
body?: components["schemas"]["Criteria"]; // TODO: [OpenAPI][readNewsletterRecipient] - body should be optional
response: components["schemas"]["AccountNewsletterRecipientResult"]; // TODO: [OpenAPI][readNewsletterRecipient] return type is not array
responseCode: 200;
"readProductDetail post /product/{productId}": {
contentType?: "application/json";
accept?: "application/json";
headers?: {
/** Instructs Shopware to return the response in the given language. */
"sw-language-id"?: string;
/** Instructs Shopware to try and resolve SEO URLs for the given navigation item */
"sw-include-seo-urls"?: boolean; // TODO: [OpenAPI][readCategory] - add header to the parameters
pathParams: {
/** Product ID */
productId: string;
body?: components["schemas"]["Criteria"]; // TODO: [OpenAPI][readProductDetail] - body should be optional
response: components["schemas"]["ProductDetailResponse"];
responseCode: 200;
"register post /account/register": {

@@ -1540,64 +198,2 @@ contentType?: "application/json";

"handlePaymentMethod post /handle-payment": {
contentType?: "application/json";
accept?: "application/json";
body: {
/** URL to which the client should be redirected after erroneous payment */
errorUrl?: string;
/** URL to which the client should be redirected after successful payment */
finishUrl?: string;
/** Identifier of an order */
orderId: string;
response: {
redirectUrl: string; // TODO: [OpenAPI][handlePaymentMethod] add proper response type
responseCode: 200;
"readLanguages post /language": {
contentType?: "application/json";
accept?: "application/json";
headers?: {
/** Instructs Shopware to return the response in the given language. */
"sw-language-id"?: string;
body?: components["schemas"]["Criteria"]; // TODO: [OpenAPI][readLanguages] - body should be optional
response: {
elements: components["schemas"]["Language"][]; // TODO: [OpenAPI][readLanguages] add elements property as required
} & components["schemas"]["EntitySearchResult"];
responseCode: 200;
"download post /document/download/{documentId}/{deepLinkCode}": {
contentType?: "application/json";
accept?: "application/json";
headers?: {
/** Instructs Shopware to return the response in the given language. */
"sw-language-id"?: string;
pathParams: {
documentId: string;
deepLinkCode: string;
body?: components["schemas"]["Criteria"]; // TODO: [OpenAPI][download] - body should be optional
response: components["schemas"]["Document"];
responseCode: 200;
"readCustomer post /account/customer": {
contentType?: "application/json";
accept?: "application/json";
body?: components["schemas"]["Criteria"]; // TODO: [OpenAPI][readCustomer] - body should be optional
response: components["schemas"]["Customer"];
responseCode: 200;
"readCustomerWishlist post /customer/wishlist": {
contentType?: "application/json";
accept?: "application/json";
headers?: {
/** Instructs Shopware to return the response in the given language. */
"sw-language-id"?: string;
body?: components["schemas"]["Criteria"]; // TODO: [OpenAPI][readCustomerWishlist] - body should be optional
response: components["schemas"]["WishlistLoadRouteResponse"];
responseCode: 200;
"readProduct post /product": {

@@ -1610,3 +206,3 @@ contentType?: "application/json";

body: components["schemas"]["Criteria"];
body?: components["schemas"]["Criteria"];
response: {

@@ -1617,32 +213,2 @@ elements: components["schemas"]["Product"][]; // TODO: [OpenAPI][readProduct]: add elements property as required

"readProductReviews post /product/{productId}/reviews": {
contentType?: "application/json";
accept?: "application/json";
headers?: {
/** Instructs Shopware to return the response in the given language. */
"sw-language-id"?: string;
pathParams: {
/** Identifier of the product. */
productId: string;
body?: components["schemas"]["Criteria"]; // TODO: [OpenAPI][readProductReviews] - body should be optional
response: {
elements?: components["schemas"]["ProductReview"][];
} & components["schemas"]["EntitySearchResult"];
responseCode: 200;
"readSalutation post /salutation": {
contentType?: "application/json";
accept?: "application/json";
headers?: {
/** Instructs Shopware to return the response in the given language. */
"sw-language-id"?: string;
body?: components["schemas"]["Criteria"]; // TODO: [OpenAPI][readSalutation] - body should be optional
response: {
elements?: components["schemas"]["Salutation"][];
} & components["schemas"]["EntitySearchResult"];
responseCode: 200;
"readShippingMethod post /shipping-method": {

@@ -1655,3 +221,2 @@ contentType?: "application/json";

body: components["schemas"]["Criteria"];
query?: {

@@ -1661,5 +226,6 @@ /** List only available shipping methods. This filters shipping methods methods which can not be used in the actual context because of their availability rule. */

body?: components["schemas"]["Criteria"];
response: {
/** aggregation result */
aggregations?: GenericRecord;
aggregations?: Record<string, never>;
elements: components["schemas"]["ShippingMethod"][]; // TODO: [OpenAPI][readShippingMethod]: response should be `EntitySearchResult` and elements should be required

@@ -1671,34 +237,2 @@ /** Total amount */

"readQuote post /quote/detail/{id}": {
contentType?: "application/json";
accept?: "application/json";
pathParams: {
/** Identifier of the quote to be fetched */
id: string;
body?: components["schemas"]["Criteria"]; // TODO: [OpenAPI][readQuote] - body with the criteria should be defined
response: components["schemas"]["Quote"];
responseCode: 200;
"readQuotes post /quotes": {
contentType?: "application/json";
accept?: "application/json";
body?: components["schemas"]["Criteria"]; // TODO: make body optional
response: {
elements?: components["schemas"]["Quote"][];
} & components["schemas"]["EntitySearchResult"];
responseCode: 200;
"updateCustomerAddress patch /account/address/{addressId}": {
contentType?: "application/json";
accept?: "application/json";
pathParams: {
/** Address ID */
addressId: string;
body: components["schemas"]["CustomerAddressBody"]; // TODO: [OpenAPI][updateCustomerAddress] - body should be defined without id on update as address exist
response: components["schemas"]["CustomerAddress"] &
responseCode: 200;
"name": "@shopware/api-client",
"version": "0.0.0-canary-20240619130721",
"version": "0.0.0-canary-20240620151559",
"description": "Shopware client for API connection.",

@@ -51,3 +51,3 @@ "author": "Shopware",

"vitest": "1.6.0",
"eslint-config-shopware": "0.0.0-canary-20240619130721",
"eslint-config-shopware": "0.0.0-canary-20240620151559",
"tsconfig": "0.0.0"

@@ -54,0 +54,0 @@ },

@@ -223,3 +223,3 @@ # shopware/frontends - api-client

### Latest changes: 0.0.0-canary-20240619130721
### Latest changes: 0.0.0-canary-20240620151559

@@ -226,0 +226,0 @@ ### Major Changes

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