What is @trpc/next?
@trpc/next is a package that allows you to create end-to-end typesafe APIs using tRPC in a Next.js application. It simplifies the process of building and consuming APIs by leveraging TypeScript for type safety and Next.js for server-side rendering and API routes.
What are @trpc/next's main functionalities?
Creating a tRPC Router
This feature allows you to create a tRPC router with various procedures. In this example, a simple 'hello' query is defined that returns 'Hello world'.
import { initTRPC } from '@trpc/server';
const t = initTRPC.create();
const appRouter = t.router({
hello: t.procedure.query(() => 'Hello world'),
export type AppRouter = typeof appRouter;
Integrating tRPC with Next.js API Routes
This feature demonstrates how to integrate a tRPC router with Next.js API routes. The `createNextApiHandler` function is used to create an API handler that can be used in a Next.js API route.
import { createNextApiHandler } from '@trpc/server/adapters/next';
import { appRouter } from 'path/to/your/router';
export default createNextApiHandler({
router: appRouter,
createContext: () => null,
Using tRPC in Next.js Pages
This feature shows how to use tRPC in a Next.js page. The `trpc.hello.useQuery` hook is used to fetch data from the 'hello' query defined in the tRPC router.
import { trpc } from 'path/to/trpc';
const HomePage = () => {
const { data, error, isLoading } = trpc.hello.useQuery();
if (isLoading) return <div>Loading...</div>;
if (error) return <div>Error: {error.message}</div>;
return <div>{data}</div>;
export default HomePage;
Other packages similar to @trpc/next
next-api-decorators is a package that provides a set of decorators to create type-safe API routes in Next.js. It uses TypeScript decorators to define API routes and handlers, offering a similar level of type safety as @trpc/next but with a different approach.
Blitz is a full-stack React framework built on top of Next.js. It includes a built-in data layer that provides a type-safe API similar to tRPC. Blitz aims to be a 'batteries-included' framework, offering more out-of-the-box features compared to @trpc/next.
GraphQL is a query language for APIs and a runtime for executing those queries. While it is not specific to Next.js, it can be integrated with Next.js to create type-safe APIs. GraphQL offers more flexibility in querying data compared to tRPC but requires more setup and boilerplate.