What is @types/accepts?
The @types/accepts npm package provides TypeScript type definitions for the 'accepts' npm package, which is a utility for content negotiation in HTTP requests. It allows developers to use TypeScript to ensure type safety when working with HTTP Accept headers for determining the preferred content types, encodings, charsets, and languages from HTTP requests.
What are @types/accepts's main functionalities?
Content Type Negotiation
This feature allows the server to negotiate and determine the most appropriate content type to respond with, based on the client's Accept header. The code sample demonstrates how to use the 'accepts' library to select between 'json' and 'html' formats.
import accepts from 'accepts';
import http from 'http';
http.createServer((req, res) => {
const accept = accepts(req);
const preferredType = accept.type(['json', 'html']);
res.setHeader('Content-Type', preferredType);
res.end(`Content type set to ${preferredType}`);
Encoding Negotiation
This feature enables the server to select the best encoding method for the response based on the client's Accept-Encoding header. The code sample shows how to determine whether to use 'gzip' or 'deflate' encoding.
import accepts from 'accepts';
import http from 'http';
http.createServer((req, res) => {
const accept = accepts(req);
const preferredEncoding = accept.encoding(['gzip', 'deflate']);
res.setHeader('Content-Encoding', preferredEncoding);
res.end(`Content encoding set to ${preferredEncoding}`);
Language Negotiation
This feature helps in determining the preferred language for the response content based on the client's Accept-Language header. The code sample illustrates how to choose between English ('en') and Spanish ('es').
import accepts from 'accepts';
import http from 'http';
http.createServer((req, res) => {
const accept = accepts(req);
const preferredLanguage = accept.language(['en', 'es']);
res.setHeader('Content-Language', preferredLanguage);
res.end(`Content language set to ${preferredLanguage}`);
Other packages similar to @types/accepts
Negotiator is an HTTP content negotiation library similar to 'accepts' but without the TypeScript type definitions. It provides a more comprehensive API for negotiating media types, languages, charsets, and encodings.
While primarily focused on handling MIME type data, mime-types can be used in conjunction with other libraries to achieve similar functionality to 'accepts' for determining appropriate response types based on MIME types.