UI-Grid Auto Resize
The auto-resize plugin for UI-Grid enables the grid to resize itself when its container changes size.
Note: This plugin works by adding a checker on 250ms interval that sees if the grid element has changed in size. It could potentially affect the performance of your site or application negatively.
Getting Started
You can install @ui-grid/auto-resize
npm i --save @ui-grid/auto-resize
Once you install you need to load our main file bellow your @ui-grid/core
file as seen bellow:
<script src="/node_modules/@ui-grid/core/js/ui-grid.core.min.js">
<script src="/node_modules/@ui-grid/auto-resize/js/ui-grid.auto-resize.min.js">
Alternatively, if you are using Webpack or RequireJS to load your dependencies, you can do the following at the top of the file that needs it:
Once you load the file, you need to include 'ui.grid.autoResize' module in your angularJS app's dependencies, and add the ui-grid-auto-resize directive to your grid element.
angular.module('myApp', [
<div ui-grid="$ctrl.gridOptions" ui-grid-auto-resize>
You can find an example of this plugin in action on our website