Security News
Data Theft Repackaged: A Case Study in Malicious Wrapper Packages on npm
The Socket Research Team breaks down a malicious wrapper package that uses obfuscation to harvest credentials and exfiltrate sensitive data.
Advanced tools
Structured document rendering for the terminal
Structured document rendering for the terminal.
npm install @universal-packages/terminal-document
By instantiating a TerminalDocument
object, you can create a structured document that can be rendered to a string that can be printed to the terminal.
import { TerminalDocument } from '@universal-packages/terminal-document'
const document = new TerminalDocument()
rows: [
blocks: [{ text: 'Hello World!!' }]
// Hello World!!
The rendered document.
describe(descriptor: Descriptor)
Sets the template that will be used to render the document.
boolean | [boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean]
Whether to render a border around each block in the whole document. An array of 4 booleans can be provided to specify the border for each side of the block, top, right, bottom, left respectively.
string | [string, string, string, string]
If the blockBorder option is set to true, this option can be used to specify the color of the border. An array of 4 strings can be provided to specify the color for each side of the block, top, right, bottom, left respectively. See Colors.
string | [string, string, string, string]
If the blockBorder option is set to true, this option can be used to specify the style of the border. An array of 4 BorderStyle values can be provided to specify the style for each side of the block, top, right, bottom, left respectively. See BorderStyle
number | [number, number, number, number]
The padding around each block. An array of 4 numbers can be provided to specify the padding for each side of the block, top, right, bottom, left respectively.
left | center | right | justify
default: left
The alignment of the document.
The background color of the document. See Colors.
word' | text | fill | all
The background fill of the document. word
will fill the background of each word, text
will fill the background of the whole text in each block, fill
will fill the background of each block except for the padding, all
will fill the background of the whole document.
boolean | [boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean]
Whether to render a border around the whole document. An array of 4 booleans can be provided to specify the border for each side of the document, top, right, bottom, left respectively.
string | [string, string, string, string]
If the border option is set to true, this option can be used to specify the color of the border. An array of 4 strings can be provided to specify the color for each side of the document, top, right, bottom, left respectively. See Colors.
string | [string, string, string, string]
If the border option is set to true, this option can be used to specify the style of the border. An array of 4 BorderStyle values can be provided to specify the style for each side of the document, top, right, bottom, left respectively. See BorderStyle
The color of all text in the document. See Colors.
number | [number, number, number, number]
The padding around the whole document. An array of 4 numbers can be provided to specify the padding for each side of the document, top, right, bottom, left respectively.
boolean | [boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean]
Whether to render a border around each row in the whole document. An array of 4 booleans can be provided to specify the border for each side of the row, top, right, bottom, left respectively.
string | [string, string, string, string]
If the rowBorder option is set to true, this option can be used to specify the color of the border. An array of 4 strings can be provided to specify the color for each side of the row, top, right, bottom, left respectively. See Colors.
string | [string, string, string, string]
If the rowBorder option is set to true, this option can be used to specify the style of the border. An array of 4 BorderStyle values can be provided to specify the style for each side of the row, top, right, bottom, left respectively. See BorderStyle
bold | italic | underline | inverse | strikethrough | (bold | italic | underline | inverse | strikethrough)[]
The style of all text in the document or an array of a combination of styles.
top | middle | bottom
default: top
The vertical alignment each block in the document.
default: 80
The width of the document.
An array of object describing the rows of the document.
left | center | right | justify
The alignment of each block in the row.
The background color of the row. See Colors.
word' | text | fill | all
The background fill of the row. word
will fill the background of each word, text
will fill the background of the whole text in each block, fill
will fill the background of each block except for the padding, all
will fill the background of the whole row.
boolean | [boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean]
Whether to render a border around each block in the row. An array of 4 booleans can be provided to specify the border for each side of the block, top, right, bottom, left respectively.
string | [string, string, string, string]
If the blockBorder option is set to true, this option can be used to specify the color of the border. An array of 4 strings can be provided to specify the color for each side of the block, top, right, bottom, left respectively. See Colors.
string | [string, string, string, string]
If the blockBorder option is set to true, this option can be used to specify the style of the border. An array of 4 BorderStyle values can be provided to specify the style for each side of the block, top, right, bottom, left respectively. See BorderStyle
number | [number, number, number, number]
The padding around each block. An array of 4 numbers can be provided to specify the padding for each side of the block, top, right, bottom, left respectively.
boolean | [boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean]
Whether to render a border around the whole row. An array of 4 booleans can be provided to specify the border for each side of the row, top, right, bottom, left respectively.
string | [string, string, string, string]
If the border option is set to true, this option can be used to specify the color of the border. An array of 4 strings can be provided to specify the color for each side of the row, top, right, bottom, left respectively. See Colors.
string | [string, string, string, string]
If the border option is set to true, this option can be used to specify the style of the border. An array of 4 BorderStyle values can be provided to specify the style for each side of the row, top, right, bottom, left respectively. See BorderStyle
The color of all text in the row. See Colors.
number | [number, number, number, number]
The padding around the whole row. An array of 4 numbers can be provided to specify the padding for each side of the row, top, right, bottom, left respectively.
bold | italic | underline | inverse | strikethrough | (bold | italic | underline | inverse | strikethrough)[]
The style of all text in the row or an array of a combination of styles.
top | middle | bottom
The vertical alignment each block in the row.
An array of object describing the blocks in the row.
left | center | right | justify
The alignment of the block.
The background color of the block. See Colors.
word' | text | fill | all
The background fill of the block. word
will fill the background of each word, text
will fill the background of the whole text in the block, fill
will fill the background of the block except for the padding, all
will fill the background of the whole block.
boolean | [boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean]
Whether to render a border around the whole block. An array of 4 booleans can be provided to specify the border for each side of the block, top, right, bottom, left respectively.
string | [string, string, string, string]
If the border option is set to true, this option can be used to specify the color of the border. An array of 4 strings can be provided to specify the color for each side of the block, top, right, bottom, left respectively. See Colors.
string | [string, string, string, string]
If the border option is set to true, this option can be used to specify the style of the border. An array of 4 BorderStyle values can be provided to specify the style for each side of the block, top, right, bottom, left respectively. See BorderStyle
The color of all text in the block. See Colors.
When a free block is included in a row, only that block will be considered and its text will be rendered as it is without any document styling. Useful to render text previously formatted that the terminal itself can handle.
The height of the block.
The id of the block. Used to later update this single block content and style.
The link of the block. Used to later open the link in the terminal.
number | [number, number, number, number]
The padding around the whole block. An array of 4 numbers can be provided to specify the padding for each side of the block, top, right, bottom, left respectively.
bold | italic | underline | inverse | strikethrough | (bold | italic | underline | inverse | strikethrough)[]
The text of the block.
top | middle | bottom
The vertical alignment of the block.
number | fit | string
The width of the block if not specified the block width will be calculated based on the document width and how many blocks are in the row. If the value is fit
the block will take exactly the width of the longest line in th text. You cal also provide a percentage value as a string, for example 50%
and the block will take that percentage of the document width.
getBlockSize(id: string)
Gets the size of a single block after rendering.
update(id: string, block: Object)
Update a single block content and style and re-render the document.
Valid string values for border styles are the following:
│ │
│ │
┃ ┃
║ ║
╎ ╎
╏ ╏
┆ ┆
┇ ┇
┊ ┊
Valid string values for colors are the following:
Color Name | Hexadecimal |
indian-red | $${\color{indianred}██████}$$ |
light-coral | $${\color{lightcoral}██████}$$ |
salmon | $${\color{salmon}██████}$$ |
dark-salmon | $${\color{darksalmon}██████}$$ |
light-salmon | $${\color{lightsalmon}██████}$$ |
crimson | $${\color{crimson}██████}$$ |
red | $${\color{red}██████}$$ |
fire-brick | $${\color{firebrick}██████}$$ |
dark-red | $${\color{darkred}██████}$$ |
Color Name | Hexadecimal |
pink | $${\color{pink}██████}$$ |
light-pink | $${\color{lightpink}██████}$$ |
hot-pink | $${\color{hotpink}██████}$$ |
deep-pink | $${\color{deeppink}██████}$$ |
medium-violet-red | $${\color{mediumvioletred}██████}$$ |
pale-violet-red | $${\color{palevioletred}██████}$$ |
Color Name | Hexadecimal |
light-salmon | $${\color{lightsalmon}██████}$$ |
coral | $${\color{coral}██████}$$ |
tomato | $${\color{tomato}██████}$$ |
orange-red | $${\color{orangered}██████}$$ |
dark-orange | $${\color{darkorange}██████}$$ |
orange | $${\color{orange}██████}$$ |
Color Name | Hexadecimal |
gold | $${\color{gold}██████}$$ |
yellow | $${\color{yellow}██████}$$ |
light-yellow | $${\color{lightyellow}██████}$$ |
lemon-chiffon | $${\color{lemonchiffon}██████}$$ |
light-goldenrod-yellow | $${\color{lightgoldenrodyellow}██████}$$ |
papaya-whip | $${\color{papayawhip}██████}$$ |
moccasin | $${\color{moccasin}██████}$$ |
peach-puff | $${\color{peachpuff}██████}$$ |
pale-goldenrod | $${\color{palegoldenrod}██████}$$ |
khaki | $${\color{khaki}██████}$$ |
dark-khaki | $${\color{darkkhaki}██████}$$ |
Color Name | Hexadecimal |
lavender | $${\color{lavender}██████}$$ |
thistle | $${\color{thistle}██████}$$ |
plum | $${\color{plum}██████}$$ |
violet | $${\color{violet}██████}$$ |
orchid | $${\color{orchid}██████}$$ |
fuchsia | $${\color{fuchsia}██████}$$ |
magenta | $${\color{magenta}██████}$$ |
medium-orchid | $${\color{mediumorchid}██████}$$ |
medium-purple | $${\color{mediumpurple}██████}$$ |
rebecca-purple | $${\color{rebeccapurple}██████}$$ |
blue-violet | $${\color{blueviolet}██████}$$ |
dark-violet | $${\color{darkviolet}██████}$$ |
dark-orchid | $${\color{darkorchid}██████}$$ |
dark-magenta | $${\color{darkmagenta}██████}$$ |
purple | $${\color{purple}██████}$$ |
indigo | $${\color{indigo}██████}$$ |
slate-blue | $${\color{slateblue}██████}$$ |
dark-slate-blue | $${\color{darkslateblue}██████}$$ |
medium-slate-blue | $${\color{mediumslateblue}██████}$$ |
Color Name | Hexadecimal |
green-yellow | $${\color{greenyellow}██████}$$ |
chartreuse | $${\color{chartreuse}██████}$$ |
lawn-green | $${\color{lawngreen}██████}$$ |
lime | $${\color{lime}██████}$$ |
lime-green | $${\color{limegreen}██████}$$ |
pale-green | $${\color{palegreen}██████}$$ |
light-green | $${\color{lightgreen}██████}$$ |
medium-spring-green | $${\color{mediumspringgreen}██████}$$ |
spring-green | $${\color{springgreen}██████}$$ |
medium-sea-green | $${\color{mediumseagreen}██████}$$ |
sea-green | $${\color{seagreen}██████}$$ |
forest-green | $${\color{forestgreen}██████}$$ |
green | $${\color{green}██████}$$ |
dark-green | $${\color{darkgreen}██████}$$ |
yellow-green | $${\color{yellowgreen}██████}$$ |
olive-drab | $${\color{olivedrab}██████}$$ |
olive | $${\color{olive}██████}$$ |
dark-olive-green | $${\color{darkolivegreen}██████}$$ |
medium-aquamarine | $${\color{mediumaquamarine}██████}$$ |
dark-sea-green | $${\color{darkseagreen}██████}$$ |
light-sea-green | $${\color{lightseagreen}██████}$$ |
dark-cyan | $${\color{darkcyan}██████}$$ |
teal | $${\color{teal}██████}$$ |
Color Name | Hexadecimal |
aqua | $${\color{aqua}██████}$$ |
cyan | $${\color{cyan}██████}$$ |
light-cyan | $${\color{lightcyan}██████}$$ |
pale-turquoise | $${\color{paleturquoise}██████}$$ |
aquamarine | $${\color{aquamarine}██████}$$ |
turquoise | $${\color{turquoise}██████}$$ |
medium-turquoise | $${\color{mediumturquoise}██████}$$ |
dark-turquoise | $${\color{darkturquoise}██████}$$ |
cadet-blue | $${\color{cadetblue}██████}$$ |
steel-blue | $${\color{steelblue}██████}$$ |
light-steel-blue | $${\color{lightsteelblue}██████}$$ |
powder-blue | $${\color{powderblue}██████}$$ |
light-blue | $${\color{lightblue}██████}$$ |
sky-blue | $${\color{skyblue}██████}$$ |
light-sky-blue | $${\color{lightskyblue}██████}$$ |
deep-sky-blue | $${\color{deepskyblue}██████}$$ |
dodger-blue | $${\color{dodgerblue}██████}$$ |
cornflower-blue | $${\color{cornflowerblue}██████}$$ |
royal-blue | $${\color{royalblue}██████}$$ |
blue | $${\color{blue}██████}$$ |
medium-blue | $${\color{mediumblue}██████}$$ |
dark-blue | $${\color{darkblue}██████}$$ |
navy | $${\color{navy}██████}$$ |
midnight-blue | $${\color{midnightblue}██████}$$ |
Color Name | Hexadecimal |
cornsilk | $${\color{cornsilk}██████}$$ |
blanched-almond | $${\color{blanchedalmond}██████}$$ |
bisque | $${\color{bisque}██████}$$ |
navajo-white | $${\color{navajowhite}██████}$$ |
wheat | $${\color{wheat}██████}$$ |
burly-wood | $${\color{burlywood}██████}$$ |
tan | $${\color{tan}██████}$$ |
rosy-brown | $${\color{rosybrown}██████}$$ |
sandy-brown | $${\color{sandybrown}██████}$$ |
goldenrod | $${\color{goldenrod}██████}$$ |
dark-goldenrod | $${\color{darkgoldenrod}██████}$$ |
peru | $${\color{peru}██████}$$ |
chocolate | $${\color{chocolate}██████}$$ |
saddle-brown | $${\color{saddlebrown}██████}$$ |
sienna | $${\color{sienna}██████}$$ |
brown | $${\color{brown}██████}$$ |
maroon | $${\color{maroon}██████}$$ |
Color Name | Hexadecimal |
white | $${\color{white}██████}$$ |
snow | $${\color{snow}██████}$$ |
honeydew | $${\color{honeydew}██████}$$ |
mint-cream | $${\color{mintcream}██████}$$ |
azure | $${\color{azure}██████}$$ |
alice-blue | $${\color{aliceblue}██████}$$ |
ghost-white | $${\color{ghostwhite}██████}$$ |
white-smoke | $${\color{whitesmoke}██████}$$ |
seashell | $${\color{seashell}██████}$$ |
beige | $${\color{beige}██████}$$ |
old-lace | $${\color{oldlace}██████}$$ |
floral-white | $${\color{floralwhite}██████}$$ |
ivory | $${\color{ivory}██████}$$ |
antique-white | $${\color{antiquewhite}██████}$$ |
linen | $${\color{linen}██████}$$ |
lavender-blush | $${\color{lavenderblush}██████}$$ |
misty-rose | $${\color{mistyrose}██████}$$ |
Color Name | Hexadecimal |
gainsboro | $${\color{gainsboro}██████}$$ |
light-gray | $${\color{lightgray}██████}$$ |
silver | $${\color{silver}██████}$$ |
dark-gray | $${\color{darkgray}██████}$$ |
gray | $${\color{gray}██████}$$ |
dim-gray | $${\color{dimgray}██████}$$ |
light-slate-gray | $${\color{lightslategray}██████}$$ |
slate-gray | $${\color{slategray}██████}$$ |
dark-slate-gray | $${\color{darkslategray}██████}$$ |
black | $${\color{black}██████}$$ |
This library is developed in TypeScript and shipped fully typed.
The development of this library happens in the open on GitHub, and we are grateful to the community for contributing bugfixes and improvements. Read below to learn how you can take part in improving this library.
Structured document rendering for the terminal
We found that @universal-packages/terminal-document demonstrated a healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released less than a year ago. It has 0 open source maintainers collaborating on the project.
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Security News
The Socket Research Team breaks down a malicious wrapper package that uses obfuscation to harvest credentials and exfiltrate sensitive data.
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