Contensis React Base 🍃
Everything you need to get started with React and Contensis.
Handles web app routing with Contensis Site View and component rendering based on a loaded Content Type entry in Contensis, Redux application store creation and all the major application dependencies to get going, with server side rendering and an Express web server.
Key scripts :vertical_traffic_light: :page_with_curl:
npm install
- install dependencies so we can get started
npm start
- start the test web application in development mode
npm run build
- build the test web application into production-ready bundles
npm run server
- start the test web application server same as we would as if it were deployed in production
npm run build:lib
- build the library bundles that will be published with the package
Conventional commit messages are expected.
What's goin' on under the hood? :wrench:
The core of your Contensis React application is in package @zengenti/contensis-react-base
this must be installed as a 'production' dependency, i.e. lives in the dependencies
section of your package.json
The package handles things such as:
- Peer dependencies such as React, react-router-dom, immutable, react-redux... etc.
- Server side express application serving an isomorphic web app
- Client side sub-package to handle client-side rendering and hydration
- Creation of redux store and global state management for core features
- Routing handled automatically via RouteLoader component which will load entries based on a given url
- Navigation data is automatically retrieved from the Node api to load the Site View into the state
- Automatic Cache key generation for any entries and nodes the core app handles, ensuring instant cache invalidation.
All of the essential 'boilerplate' code to work on React apps with Contensis is contained in a package that can be controlled and maintained in one place. Allowing us to provide a high quality, standardised and consistent experience for all projects.
The package does not handle things like:
- Building bundles for your project
- Providing global variables to access
- e.g. CMS connection details
- Continuous integration & deployment
2.2.3 (2021-05-10)
Bug Fixes
- entry object in routing saga not being passed to onRouteLoaded when doing field-limited entry search for a found siteview node (ce5d5df9)
- Empty currentNode value in routing when doing SSR (3a6cecd2)
- remove hostname from the ReturnURL querystring provided in the login redirect from classic web servers (e124ef11)
- issue around expired contensisClassicToken sending app on a redirect loop due to app reading refreshToken as valid but IIS requiring the contensisClassicToken / ContensisCMSUserName cookie which is not valid/not present, always write the latest client credentials to cookie when validating stored credentials (64cb6194)
- add new forms sub package (1393b479)
2.2.2 (2021-04-08)
Documentation Changes
- update changelog (724f1727)
Bug Fixes
- change user props firstName, lastName to match new Management API format of camelcase (8433553b)
- Add contensis "ReturnURL" support to login redirects (b5c39814)
2.2.1 (2021-04-06)
Documentation Changes
- update changelog (27eb6c35)
Bug Fixes
- issue in search package when using a customApi to retrieve search results (bf1cb0b7)
- issue with reading mappedEntry from the state not short circuiting to the fallback Immutable.Map() before calling .toJS() on a null value (36b62e55)
2.2.0 (2021-04-01)
Build System / Dependencies
- disable warning (158a635d)
- add zenhub-dev as default .env (0308f34f)
- set zengenti-search-package to install from master branch (a90778fd)
- update contensis dependency packages (8a7e49f0)
- lib to ensure latest search package is installed (fec721ef)
Documentation Changes
- create (859c4ae1)
New Features
- record and bubble up errors from the routing saga into the redux state, webApp middleware respects the context.status returned from the React StaticRouter and will render all status codes > 400 with the same rules as a plain 404 (b9f1dcc1)
Bug Fixes
- change user props userName, firstName, lastName to match new Management API format of all lowercase (8dbe7c3d)
- alter cache duration for 404 response to 5s down from 500s (f14a60a8)
- bug introduced with last fix causing dynamic=true to throw a server side error and return an error page (e81470df)
- Commit updated search bundles (cfa6b0ac)
- LoginHelper class - Loop through ApplicationData to find refresh token rather than assuming it's always at the same index (ade9ac53)
Other Changes
- track the current statusCode by setting it in the response object when it changes instead of primitive var (42dfd243)
Bug Fixes
- issue with manipulated bundles from static not having cache headers on their response (9e59ca8d)
- prevent using relative paths to locate assets in a consumer project (d8cbe564)
Performance Improvements
- smaller bundles for release (db0a917f)
New Features
- export redux store object in /redux subpackage (82db686e)
- new server startup options staticRoutePath and staticRoutePaths[] so an array of static route paths can be defined to serve up static assets from staticFolderPath. STATIC_PATH and STATIC_ROUTE_PATH are recommended in .env file can be used exclusively or together (df990169)
- adds new server start option to allow custom folder path and filename for static/startup.js (2c9ad565)
- support for a new server startup option of "staticFolderPath" this is not required initially as everything should default to 'static' path (b4356e17)
- use react-helmet to generate the html tag server side if htmlAttributes are specified in the consuming app (ad466706)
- introduced html attributes - If the app uses react-helmet html attributes they will now work server side. (ef7b89a3)
- add UPDATE_LOADING_STATE action to reset isLoading state when app has entry (79377ab0)
- add language control to routing preview and add defaultLang var (b7dbac18)
Bug Fixes
- add node.entry.language to the routing query (5247fb75)
- linkDepth in ContentTypeMappings not taking effect (f78c8507)
- issue with SSR not hydrating properly/flash alternative way of handling immer features (3b193fb2)
- set default folder path when serving static assets (cb9b2aef)
- variable access issue (a61bd07e)
- update search package to latest containing fixes and other tweaks (e8703763)
- removed unused comment (1401dbdd)
- multilingual entries not getting mapped when visiting the same entry but after switching language (ebcea379)
- removed some non-illegal characters from fixFreeTextForElastic func in search package (eeb2fe94)
- issue with mappedEntry not being written to the redux state in v2 only due to iffy Object.keys check (24fd300c)
- remove uneeded toJs (975a17b5)
- remove module-alias package reference causing server start to fail in release package (7261b155)
Other Changes
- add support for a nodeOptions object supplied with a ContentTypeMapping to specify details for fetching children for a route entry's contentTypeId (87a1302d)
- You have reached your pull rate limit. (4a2e76b7)
- attempt to nest immer reducers under one key (809e49be)
- testImmer bit more of an example (c4cab4d5)
- emulated sometimes using fromJS sometimes fromJSOrdered in the fromJSLeaveImmer (d54530bb)
- examples/doc to show how to use immer reducers and selectors (92712b0b)
- immer functionality/testing (8ce191d7)
- immer redux features (e16dfa3f)
- opportunity to reduce some of the excess code and add additional comments to webApp.js, remove redundant patch (0b7e0269)
- remove feature to automatically exclude the current route entry id in any minilist search, instead expect the consumer to provide the current route entry id in the options if they require the current page to be excluded from minilist results (98282648)
Performance Improvements
- changing the way we import login code and contensis-management-api package, to give consumer projects the potential to externalise this library from their vendor.js bundle if the login features are not required (055e4d43)
- remove unused packages, remove old webpack build script, update jsonpath-mapper to latest version (22323612)
- remve superfluos header with Neil’s guidance (918d2e22)
Bug Fixes
- issue in release package casuing prod server to fail to start, remove previous fix for @lse/component-library package (cbf61d96)