If you are using jest@<27.0.0
use allure-jasmine
or consider to use jest-circus
as a test runner with this package.
The integration doesn't work with custom runners. If you want to use the
integration use jest-circus
as a test runner.
Use your favorite node package manager to install required packages:
npm add -D allure-jest allure-js-commons
If you're using jest
for testing node
add following line to your jest.config.js
/** @type {import('jest').Config} */
const config = {
+ testEnvironment: "allure-jest/node",
module.exports = config
If you're using jest
for testing browser code (jsdom
) add next to your jest.config.js
/** @type {import('jest').Config} */
const config = {
+ testEnvironment: "allure-jest/jsdom",
module.exports = config
Use Allure runtime Api
The plugin provides custom global commands which allow to add additional info
inside your tests:
it("my test", () => {
allure.attachment(, screenshot, "image/png");
allure.epic(, "my_epic");
allure.parameter(, "parameter_name", "parameter_value", {
mode: "hidden",
excluded: false,