Animate CSS Grid
This small script makes it super easy to make sure your CSS grid transitions gracefully from one state to another.
When the grid container, or one of its immediate children, is updated via the addition or removal of a class, the grid will smoothly transition its children to their new positions and sizes.
Example on Codepen
How to use it
Just call the wrapGrid
method on your grid container.
The optional config object allows you to control duration, staggering, and easing.
ES6 Module:
yarn add animate-css-grid
import { wrapGrid } from animateCSSGrid
const grid = document.querySelector(".grid");
const { unwrapGrid } = wrapGrid(grid, {duration: 500});
Or from a script tag:
<script src=""></script>
const grid = document.querySelector(".grid");
const { unwrapGrid } = animateCSSGrid.wrapGrid(grid, {stagger: true});
Available easing functions.
Example options object:
stagger: true,
duration: 500
easing: 'Sinusoidal.InOut'
How it works
The script registers a MutationObserver
that activates when the grid or one of its immediate children adds or loses a class.
It uses the FLIP animation technique to smoothly update the grid, applying a counter transform to the children of each item so that they do not appear distorted while the transition occurs.
- The updates to the grid will have to come from addition or removal of a class. Currently, inline style updates will not trigger transitions.
- If a grid item has children, they should be surrounded by a single container element.
<div class="some-grid-class-that-changes">
<div class="grid-item">
...child 1
...child 2
Not going to work:
<div style="[grid styles that change]">
<div class="grid-item">
...child 1
...child 2