appcenter help | Get help using appcenter commands |
appcenter login | Log in |
appcenter logout | Log out |
appcenter setup-autocomplete | Setup tab completion for your shell |
| |
appcenter analytics app-versions | Shows versions of the application |
appcenter analytics audience | Show audience statistics |
appcenter analytics log-flow | Command to see the incoming logs in real time |
appcenter analytics sessions | Show statistics for sessions |
appcenter analytics events delete | Delete event |
appcenter analytics events show | Show statistics for events |
| |
appcenter apps create | Create a new app |
appcenter apps delete | Delete an app |
appcenter apps get-current | Get the application that's set as default for all CLI commands |
appcenter apps list | Get list of configured applications |
appcenter apps set-current | Set default application for all CLI commands. Not compatible when authenticating with '--token' or an environment variable. Use environment variable 'MOBILE_CENTER_CURRENT_APP' to set the default app instead |
appcenter apps show | Get the details of an app |
appcenter apps update | Update an app |
| |
appcenter build download | Download the binary, logs or symbols for a completed build |
appcenter build logs | Displays log for build |
appcenter build queue | Queue a new build |
appcenter build branches list | Show list of branches |
appcenter build branches show | Show branch build status |
| |
appcenter codepush patch | Update the metadata for an existing CodePush release |
appcenter codepush promote | Create a new release for the destination deployment, which includes the exact code and metadata from the latest release of the source deployment |
appcenter codepush release-cordova | Release a Cordova update to an app deployment |
appcenter codepush release-electron | Release an Electron update to a deployment |
appcenter codepush release-react | Release a React Native update to an app deployment |
appcenter codepush release | Release an update to an app deployment |
appcenter codepush rollback | Rollback a deployment to a previous release |
appcenter codepush deployment add | Add a new deployment to an app |
appcenter codepush deployment clear | Clear the release history associated with a deployment |
appcenter codepush deployment history | Display the release history for a CodePush deployment |
appcenter codepush deployment list | List the deployments associated with an app |
appcenter codepush deployment remove | Remove CodePush deployment |
appcenter codepush deployment rename | Rename CodePush deployment |
| |
appcenter crashes upload-mappings | Upload the Android mappings for the application |
appcenter crashes upload-missing-symbols | Upload missing crash symbols for the application (only from macOS) |
appcenter crashes upload-symbols | Upload the crash symbols for the application |
| |
appcenter distribute release | Upload release binary and trigger distribution, at least one of --store or --group must be specified |
appcenter distribute groups create | Create new distribution group |
appcenter distribute groups delete | Deletes the distribution group |
appcenter distribute groups download | Download release package for the distribution group |
appcenter distribute groups list | Lists all distribution groups of the app |
appcenter distribute groups publish | Publish an app file to a group |
appcenter distribute groups show | Shows information about the distribution group |
appcenter distribute groups update | Update existing distribution group |
appcenter distribute releases add-destination | Distribute an existing release to an additional destination |
appcenter distribute releases delete | Deletes the release |
appcenter distribute releases edit-notes | Update release notes |
appcenter distribute releases edit | Toggles enabling and disabling the specified release |
appcenter distribute releases list | Shows the list of all releases for the application |
appcenter distribute releases show | Shows full details about release |
appcenter distribute stores list | Lists all stores of the app |
appcenter distribute stores publish | Publish an app file to a store |
| |
appcenter orgs create | Create a new organization |
appcenter orgs list | Lists organizations in which current user is collaborator |
appcenter orgs show | Show information about organization |
appcenter orgs update | Update organization information |
appcenter orgs apps create | Create a new app in an organization |
appcenter orgs apps list | Lists applications of organization |
appcenter orgs collaborators list | Lists collaborators of organization |
appcenter orgs collaborators update | Update list of organization collaborators |
| |
appcenter profile list | Get information about logged in user |
appcenter profile update | Update user information |
| |
appcenter telemetry off | Turn off the sending of telemetry |
appcenter telemetry on | Turn on the sending of telemetry |
| |
appcenter test download | Download the report artifacts, unpack and merge them. This command is only available for UITest and Appium test runs |
appcenter test status | Checks the status of the started test run |
appcenter test stop | Stop the started test run |
appcenter test wizard | Start a test run interactively. All the parameters will be prompted on-the-go |
appcenter test generate appium | Generates an Appium project |
appcenter test generate uitest | Generates a Xamarin.UITest project |
appcenter test prepare appium | Creates an artifacts directory with Appium tests |
appcenter test prepare calabash | Creates an artifacts directory with Calabash tests |
appcenter test prepare espresso | Creates an artifacts directory with Espresso tests |
appcenter test prepare uitest | Creates an artifacts directory with Xamarin UI Tests |
appcenter test prepare xcuitest | Creates an artifacts directory with XCUITest tests |
appcenter test run appium | Starts a test run with Appium tests |
appcenter test run calabash | Starts a test run with Calabash tests |
appcenter test run espresso | Starts a test run with Espresso tests |
appcenter test run manifest | Starts a test run with previously prepared artifacts |
appcenter test run uitest | Starts a test run with Xamarin UI Tests |
appcenter test run xcuitest | Starts a test run with XCUITest tests |
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appcenter tokens create | Create a new API token |
appcenter tokens delete | Delete an API token |
appcenter tokens list | Get a list of API tokens |