Authy and Verify API Client for Node.js written by Adam Baldwin.
npm install authy
When in doubt check out the official Authy and Verify docs.
Requiring node-authy
var authy = require('authy')('APIKEY');
Send OneTouch
OneTouch API docs are the source of truth.
authy.send_approval_request('1337', user_payload, [hidden_details], [logos], function (err, res) {
- id is the Authy id.
- user_payload: { 'message': 'user message here', ['details': {...}] }
- hidden_details: optional
- logos: optional
Check Approval Status
check_approval_status (uuid,callback)
authy.check_approval_status(uuid, function(err, res) {
res = {
"approval_request": {
"_app_name": YOUR_APP_NAME,
"_app_serial_id": APP_SERIAL_ID,
"_authy_id": AUTHY_ID,
"_user_email": EMAIL_ID,
"app_id": APP_ID,
"created_at": TIME_STAMP,
"notified": false,
"processed_at": null,
"seconds_to_expire": 600,
"status": 'pending',
"updated_at": TIME_STAMP,
"user_id": USER_ID,
"uuid": UUID
"success": true
Register New User
User API Information
register_user(email, cellphone, [country_code], [send_install_link_via_sms], callback);
authy.register_user('', '509-555-1212', function (err, res) {
If not given, country_code
defaults to "1"
and send_install_link_via_sms
defaults to true
Verify Token
verify(id, token, [force], callback);
authy.verify('1337', '0000000', function (err, res) {
Request SMS
request_sms(id, [force], callback);
authy.request_sms('1337', function (err, res) {
request_call(id, [force], callback);
authy.request_call('1337', function (err, res) {
Delete Registered User
delete_user(id, callback);
authy.delete_user('1337', function (err, res) {
Get Registered User Status
user_status(id, callback);
authy.user_status('1337', function (err, res) {
Start Phone Verification
Browse the API docs for all available params.
phones().verification_start(phone_number, country_code, params, callback);
authy.phones().verification_start('111-111-1111', '1', { via: 'sms', locale: 'en', code_length: '6' }, function(err, res) {
The params
argument is optional and sets 'sms' as the default via
, leaving the other two options blank.
Check Phone Verification
Browse the API docs for all available params.
phones().verification_check(phone_number, country_code, verification_code, callback);
authy.phones().verification_check('111-111-1111', '1', '0000', function (err, res) {