This is the REST API that powers http://aviation.cristobal.io (github repo.
It's built on top of aviation-model, and uses aviation data gathered from aviation-scrapper.
Check the API docs.
This API uses the data gathered by a scrapper, the data is then normalized and stored in JSON files before being migrated to a postgres database..
Make sure you check the migration module if you want to set this app on an existing postgres server.
Docker setup
All the dependencies for running the API as defined on this projects docker-compose.yml file.
To bring up a local instance of the API, you just need to run.
make dev
this will start dependencies on docker and the server locally using nodemon.
For continuous testing run:
make test-watch
To start the db, run and other dependencies run:
make docker-dependencies
Environment setup
Default environment variables will be taken from .env
With the server started you can enter the following URL:
And will have the json object returned:
"name":"American Airlines, Inc.",
Run the command npm test
or make test
or if you want to use docker make test-docker
or make test-docker-watch
If you want to contribute, create your branch and place a PR or open an issue.