CDK Construct for creating wrapper Lambda@Edge functions for MediaPackage endpoints
- You can define two Lambda@Edge functions, each intended for manipulating HLS and DASH manifest
- Each function needs to be stored in a TypeScript (.ts) file and its path needs to be passed
- The created Lambda@Edge functions will be set as ORIGIN_REQUEST triggers of a newly created CloudFront distribution
- MediaPackage's domain name
- The relative path to the TypeScript file containing the Lambda@Edge function for manipulating HLS manifest
- The relative path to the TypeScript file containing the Lambda@Edge function for manipulating DASH manifest
- Lambda@Edge functions
- CloudFront distribution with associated with the Lambda@Edge functions
import { Stack, StackProps, CfnOutput, Fn } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import * as lambda from 'aws-cdk-lib/lambda';
import { Construct } from 'constructs';
import { LiveChannelFromMp4 } from 'awscdk-construct-live-channel-from-mp4-file';
import { Wrapper } from 'awscdk-construct-mediapackage-wrapper';
export class ExampleStack extends Stack {
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props?: StackProps) {
super(scope, id, props);
const {empv1: emp} = new LiveChannelFromMp4(this, 'LiveChannelFromMp4', {
sourceUrl: 's3ssl://example_bucket/test.mp4',
timecodeBurninPrefix: 'Ch1',
autoStart: true,
mediaPackageVersionSpec: 'V1_ONLY',
const hlsArr = Fn.split('/', emp.endpoints.hls.attrUrl);
const dashArr = Fn.split('/', emp.endpoints.dash.attrUrl);
const wrapper = new Wrapper(stack, 'Wrapper', {
domainName:, hlsArr),
hlsWrapperFunction: lambda.Code.fromAsset('./func/hls/')),
dashWrapperFunction: lambda.Code.fromAsset('./func/dash/')),
new CfnOutput(this, "WrappedHLSEndpointURL", {
value: `https://${}/out/v1/${, hlsArr)}/${, hlsArr)}`,
exportName: "WrappedHLSEndpointURL",
description: "HLS endpoint URL",
new CfnOutput(this, "WrappedDASHEndpointURL", {
value: `https://${}/out/v1/${, dashArr)}/${, dashArr)}`,
exportName: "WrappedDASHEndpointURL",
description: "DASH endpoint URL",