What is babel-plugin-syntax-dynamic-import?
The babel-plugin-syntax-dynamic-import package allows Babel to parse the syntax for dynamic imports. This plugin does not transform the code but enables the parsing of the import() syntax, which is used for dynamically loading modules in JavaScript.
What are babel-plugin-syntax-dynamic-import's main functionalities?
Enable dynamic import syntax
This feature allows the use of the import() function to dynamically load modules. The code sample demonstrates how to use import() to load a module named 'module-name' and handle the loaded module or any errors that occur during the loading process.
import('module-name').then(module => { console.log(module); }).catch(err => { console.error(err); });
Other packages similar to babel-plugin-syntax-dynamic-import
The babel-plugin-dynamic-import-node package transforms dynamic imports to use Node's require function. This is useful for server-side rendering or environments where ES modules are not natively supported. Unlike babel-plugin-syntax-dynamic-import, it actually transforms the import() syntax into a require() call.
The babel-plugin-transform-imports package allows for custom transformations of import statements. It can be used to optimize imports by transforming them into more efficient forms. This plugin provides more flexibility compared to babel-plugin-syntax-dynamic-import, which only enables the parsing of dynamic import syntax without transforming it.
Allow parsing of import()
$ npm install babel-plugin-syntax-dynamic-import
Via .babelrc
"plugins": ["syntax-dynamic-import"]
$ babel --plugins syntax-dynamic-import script.js
Via Node API
require("babel-core").transform("code", {
plugins: ["syntax-dynamic-import"]