Base Directory Path Converter
This package converts file paths to starting from a desired "base" directory.
For example:
If the sourcePath is parentDirectory/childDirectory/sourceDirectory
and the provided filePath is parentDirectory/childDirectory/sourceDirectory/example/test.file
then the returned filepath will be sourceDirectory/example/test.file
npm install --save base-path-converter
- The path for the original "base" directory being read fromfilePath
- A filepath that for a file that was read from that source directory
A trimmed version of the filepath that starts from the "base" directory
Example Code
Here's an example of the package being utilized to prepare a form-data object to be send to an API.
In this example, we want to overwrite the filepath we're sending for each file, as we don't want the API receiving the file to care about the "base" folder's parents.
const recursive = require('recursive-fs');
const FormData = require('form-data');
const basePathConverter = require('base-path-converter');
const src = './../builds/React-Builds/myBuild/'
recursive.readdirr(src, function (err, dirs, files) {
const body = new FormData();
files.forEach((file) => {
const filepath = path.normalize(file);
body.append(`file`, fs.createReadStream(file), {
filepath: basePathConverter(src, file)
####Special Handling of ./
If the sourcePath is passed in and begins with ./
, then the ./
will be trimmed from the beginning of it before the sourcePath is processed.