Doichain Support Module for Bitcore (based on Namecoin version)

adds doichain support to bitcore for creating doichain name_*
transactions, private keys, and scripts in Node.js and web browsers.
Note: This is still experimental software. This module is not intended for use in production environments, or for use where real money is at stake, at this point.
See the main bitcore repo for more information.
Getting Started
npm install bitcore-doichain
bower install bitcore-doichain
To import a doichain WIF (from vanitygen, for example):
var bitcore = require('bitcore-doichain');
var privateKey = bitcore.PrivateKey.fromWIF('74pxNKNpByQ2kMow4d9kF6Z77BYeKztQNLq3dSyU4ES1K5KLNiz');
var address = privateKey.toAddress();
console.log( address.toString());
To create a name_new
var bitcore = require('bitcore-doichain');
var tx = new bitcore.Transaction()
.nameNew('d/name', 'randomvalue', 'mzGfeiJFdQyiuQnhB45aeBYefzHJSsiSfj')
var serialized = tx.serialize();
To create a name_firstupdate
var tx = new bitcore.Transaction()
.from([utxo, nameNewUtxo])
.nameFirstUpdate('d/name', '092abbca8a938103abcc', 'VALUE', 'mzGfeiJFdQyiuQnhB45aeBYefzHJSsiSfj')
.sign([privKeys[inputAddr], privKeys[nameNewAddr]]);
var serialized = tx.serialize();
To create a name_update
var tx = new bitcore.Transaction()
.nameUpdate('AAAAAAAAAA', 'CCCCCCCCCC', 'mkGdewyuvU13uHzpMUZe2t8ii4LKgKC8mE')
var serialized = tx.serialize();
works by pulling in bitcore and then adding Namecoin-specific
version constants, name operation functions onto Transaction
, and patches
a few bitcore functions that do not allow for altcoin compatability (specifically
and Transaction.prototype._fromNonP2SH
). These will
hopefully by replaced by native Bitcore functions as I work to improve Bitcore's
altcoin compatability.
Contributions are welcome! See on the main bitcore repo for information about how to contribute.
Code released under the MIT license.
Written in 2015 by Brandon Robertz.