Burrito Trello
A Trello API wrapper for Node.js and the browser.
Getting Started
Install with Package Manager
Install burrito-trello with your favorite package manager for JavaScript. Yarn is the package manager used to build this project.
yarn add burrito-trello
supports token-based authentication, and it does not yet have support for a authorization userflow. For now, you can obtain your API key and a token from Trello's Developer API Key page.
Support for OAuth will is planned for 1.0.
Using Burrito-Trello
Spinning up an instance of burrito-trello
is straightforward.
const BurritoTrello = require('burrito-trello');
const trello = new BurritoTrello({
trelloKey: 'your-super-not-secret-developer-key',
trelloToken: 'super-secret-trello-token'