Callbag operator that broadcasts a single source to multiple sinks. Does reference counting on sinks and starts the source when the first sink gets connected, similar to RxJS .share()
. Works on either pullable or listenable sources.
npm install callbag-share
Share a listenable source to two listeners:
const interval = require('callbag-interval');
const observe = require('callbag-observe');
const share = require('callbag-share');
const source = share(interval(1000));
observe(x => console.log(x))(source);
setTimeout(() => {
observe(x => console.log(x))(source);
}, 3500);
Share a pullable source to two pullers:
const fromIter = require('callbag-from-iter');
const share = require('callbag-share');
const source = share(fromIter([10,20,30,40,50]));
let talkback;
source(0, (type, data) => {
if (type === 0) talkback = data;
else console.log('a' + data);
source(0, (type, data) => {
if (type === 1) console.log('b' + data);