Cloud transfer utility: for transferring files to and from the cloud.
Currently Supported Cloud Storage Providers
Currently, cx only supports Microsoft Azure, though
support for Amazon S3 is planned next, with other to follow.
In addition to cloud storage, we intend to also provide support for plain FTP and SFTP at
some point.
Browser-based Client
Currently, the only CX ui available is a browser-based interface, courtesy Express.
In the future, a command-line client, as well as a JavaScript library is planned.
To use cx, simply install it by typing npm install -g cx
on the terminal (you may need to
install Node first). To use the browser-based client, first start the
cx server by simply typing cxs
on terminal (do not close this terminal window). By default,
the the cx server starts on port 3000, so all you have to do is point a web browser to
localhost:3000. If you wish to run on a port other than 3000, you
may specify the port number thusly: cxs -p 1234
. Lastly, you may provide your Microsoft Azure
storage account name and key on the command line: cxs [-p 1234] account key