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Provides convenient way to call PDS server API of's PDS service. Full api reference look at [](

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Provides convenient way to call PDS server API of's PDS service. Full api reference look at


var CONN = require("dsd-client-conn-lib");
var dsdConn = CONN.connClient2;
var dsdCst = CONN.Consts;
dsdConn.setDaseServer({ host: "", port: 5110 });

function log(title, msg) {
    console.log(title, msg ? msg : "");

log("sendSilver should success");

    senderId: "0x003e8c791cb39b4cad756b9c25431d6eb3fed85c",
    senderPassword: "12345678",
    silverAmount: 100,
    toUserId: "0xb35ef3e31f2944d252eda42801caf5d890d1d7f9"
    ok => { log("sendSilver ok: ", ok); },
    err => { log("sendSilver err: ", err); }

log("sendSilver2 should error");

    senderId: "0x003e8c791cb39b4cad756b9c25431d6eb3fed85c",
    senderPassword: "12345678",
    toUserId: "0xb35ef3e31f2944d252eda42801caf5d890d1d7f9"
    ok => { log("sendSilver2 ok: ", ok); },
    err => {
        log("sendSilver2 err: ", err);

        //specify error handlers if necessary
        if(err.code === {
            log("I have wrong parameters count...";
            //do something
        else if(err.code === {
            log("I have server error..."+;
            //do something

console.log("addDab should success");

    ownerId: "0x003e8c791cb39b4cad756b9c25431d6eb3fed85c",
    assetUrl: "http://localhost",
    ownerPassword: "12345678",
    publicDescription: "new client lib asset",

//            custodians: [],

//            linkedDabId: 0,

//            publicityType:,

//            dataHash: 0
    ok => { log("addDab ok: ", ok); },
    err => { log("addDab err: ", err); }


Core API methods


// Description:

// Method newUser


// @param password {String}

// @returns {Keys} Look at Type description in Docs.



// Description:

// Method newUser_Public


// @param password {String}

// @returns {Keys} Look at Type description in Docs.



// Description:

// Method getKeys


// @param userId {Address}

// @param password {String}

// @returns {Keys} Look at Type description in Docs.



// Description:

// Method getKeys_Public


// @param userId {Address}

// @param password {String}

// @returns {Keys} Look at Type description in Docs.



// Description:

// Method sendWeis


// @param sender {Address}

// @param senderPassword {String}

// @param receiver {Address}

// @param weiAmount {Integer}

// @param undefined {Unknown}

// @returns {Transaction} Look at Type description in Docs.



// Description:

// Method getSilverBalance


// @param userId {Address}

// @returns {Integer}



// Description:

// Method getGoldBalance_Public


// @param userId {Address}

// @returns {Integer}



// Description:

// Method transferOut


// @param srcUserId {Address}

// @param password {String}

// @param destUserId {Address}

// @param amount {Integer}

// @returnsunspecified



// Description:

// Method transferOut_Public


// @param srcUserId {Address}

// @param password {String}

// @param destUserId {Address}

// @param amount {Integer}

// @returnsunspecified



// Description:

// Method getBalanceWeis_Public


// @param userId {Address}

// @returns {Integer}



// Description:

// Method buyGoldForWeis_Public


// @param userId {Address}

// @param password {String}

// @param goldAmount {Integer}

// @param weisAmount {Integer}

// @returns {Integer}



// Description:

// Method weisAmountForGold_Public


// @param userId {Address}

// @param goldAmount {Integer}

// @returns {Integer}



// Description:

// Method getEvents


// @param userId {Address}

// @param pos {Integer}

// @param size {Integer}

// @param filterName {String}

// @param relation {Object} Look at Constants description in Docs.

// @returnsunspecified



// Description:

// Method getEvents_Public


// @param userId {Address}

// @param pos {Integer}

// @param size {Integer}

// @param filterName {String}

// @param relation {Object} Look at Constants description in Docs.

// @returnsunspecified



// Description:

// Method getLastBlock


// @returns {Integer}



// Description:

// Method getLastBlock_Public


// @returns {Integer}



// Description:

// Method silverCostInGold


// @param userId {Address}

// @param silverAmount {Integer}

// @returns {Integer}



// Description:

// Method goldCostInSilver_Public


// @param userId {Address}

// @param goldAmount {Integer}

// @returns {Integer}



// Description:

// Method approveUserToSpendMySilver


// @param fromUserId {Address}

// @param password {String}

// @param silverAmount {Integer}

// @param toUserId {Address}

// @returns {Transaction} Look at Type description in Docs.



// Description:

// Method approveTreasuryToSpendMySilver


// @param fromUserId {Address}

// @param password {String}

// @param silverAmount {Integer}

// @returns {Transaction} Look at Type description in Docs.



// Description:

// Method sendSilver


// @param senderId {Address}

// @param senderPassword {String}

// @param silverAmount {Integer}

// @param toUserId {Address}

// @returns {Transaction} Look at Type description in Docs.



// Description:

// Method spendAlienSilver


// @param spenderId {Address}

// @param password {String}

// @param fromUserId {Address}

// @param silverAmount {Integer}

// @param toUserId {Address}

// @returns {Transaction} Look at Type description in Docs.



// Description:

// Method isValidUser


// @param account {Address}

// @param password {String}

// @returns {Boolean}



// Description:

// Method getEligibilityValue


// @param userId {Address}

// @returns {Integer}



// Description:

// Method wantVote


// @param userId {Address}

// @param userPassword {String}

// @param iWish {Boolean}

// @returns {Transaction} Look at Type description in Docs.



// Description:

// Method getVoteRewardInSilver


// @param userId {Address}

// @returns {Integer}



// Description:

// Method getVoteCostInSilver


// @param userId {Address}

// @returns {Integer}



// Description:

// Method getContractVoters


// @param userId {Address}

// @returns - Array of {Address}



// Description:

// Method getQuorumVoters


// @returns - Array of {Address}



// Description:

// Method getCandidatesPool


// @param userId {Address}

// @returns - Array of {Address}



// Description:

// Method isInCandidatesPool


// @param userId {Address}

// @returns {Boolean}



// Description:

// Method hasPledge


// @param userId {Address}

// @returns {Boolean}



// Description:

// Method isLicensedForVoting


// @param userId {Address}

// @returns {Boolean}



// Description:

// Method getMyCoinbase


// @returns {Address}



// Description:

// Method withdrawPledge


// @param userId {Address}

// @param userPassword {String}

// @returns {Transaction} Look at Type description in Docs.



// Description:

// Method sendMessageSecured


// @returnsunspecified



// Description:

// Method getMessageSecured


// @returnsunspecified



// Description:

// Method getMessagesSecuredCount


// @returnsunspecified



// Description:

// Method getLastReadMessageIndex


// @returns



// Description:

// Method setAttributeSecured


// @returns



// Description:

// Method getAttributeSecured


// @returns

/// ###########################

CDASE API methods


// Description:

// Method addDab


// @param ownerId {Address}

// @param ownerPassword {String}

// @param assetUrl {String}

// @param publicDescription {String}

// @param linkedDabId (optional. default: 0) {Integer}

// @param custodians (optional. default: []) - Array of {Address}

// @param publicityType (optional. default: 0) {Integer} Look at Constants description in Docs.

// @param dataHash (optional. default: 0) {Integer}

// @returns {Integer}



// Description:

// Method addDabList


// @param ownerId {Address}

// @param ownerPassword {String}

// @param dataArr - Array of {Object}

// @returns {Transaction} Look at Type description in Docs.



// Description:

// Method addTag


// @param ownerId {Address}

// @param ownerPassword {String}

// @param undefined {Unknown}

// @param signature {String}

// @param linkedDabId {Integer}

// @returns {Integer}



// Description:

// Method getTagsIdsForDab


// @param dabId {Integer}

// @param requestor {Address}

// @returns



// Description:

// Method getOwnedDabsIds


// @param userId {Address}

// @returns - Array of {Integer}



// Description:

// Method getSharedDabsIds


// @param userId {Address}

// @returns - Array of {Integer}



// Description:

// Method getCustodiedDabsIds


// @param userId {Address}

// @returns - Array of {Integer}



// Description:

// Method getDabs


// @param userId {Address}

// @param dabId - Array of {Integer}

// @returns - Array of {Dab} Look at Type description in Docs.



// Description:

// Method getDabsPage


// @param userId {Address}

// @param startDabId (optional. default: 0) {Integer}

// @param pageSize (optional. default: 10) {Integer}

// @returns - Array of {Dab} Look at Type description in Docs.



// Description:

// Method getDabsForTag


// @param userId {Address}

// @param tagTitle (optional. default: "") {String}

// @param tagId (optional. default: undefined) {Integer}

// @returns - Array of {Dab} Look at Type description in Docs.



// Description:

// Method offerSellAccess


// @param seller {Address}

// @param sellerPassword {String}

// @param buyerId {Address}

// @param dabId {Integer}

// @param minPrice {Integer}

// @returns {Boolean}



// Description:

// Method offerBuyAccess


// @param buyer {Address}

// @param buyerPassword {String}

// @param dabId {Integer}

// @param maxPrice {Integer}

// @returns {Boolean}



// Description:

// Method offerSellOwnership


// @param seller {Address}

// @param sellerPassword {String}

// @param buyer {Address}

// @param dabId {Integer}

// @param minPrice {Integer}

// @returns {Boolean}



// Description:

// Method offerBuyOwnership


// @param buyer {Address}

// @param buyerPassword {String}

// @param dabId {Integer}

// @param maxPrice {Integer}

// @returns {Boolean}



// Description:

// Method offerBuyCustody


// @param buyer {Address}

// @param buyerPassword {String}

// @param dabId {Integer}

// @param maxPrice {Integer}

// @returns {Boolean}



// Description:

// Method offerSellCustody


// @param seller {Address}

// @param sellerPassword {String}

// @param buyer {Address}

// @param dabId {Integer}

// @param minPrice {Integer}

// @returns {Boolean}



// Description:

// Method approveOwnershipDeal


// @param custodian {Address}

// @param custodianPassword {String}

// @param buyer {Address}

// @param dabId {Integer}

// @returns {Boolean}



// Description:

// Method approveAccessDeal


// @param custodian {Address}

// @param custodianPassword {String}

// @param buyer {Address}

// @param dabId {Integer}

// @returns {Boolean}



// Description:

// Method approveCustodyDeal


// @param custodian {Address}

// @param custodianPassword {String}

// @param buyer {Address}

// @param dabId {Integer}

// @returns {Boolean}



// Description:

// Method getTotalLicenseFee


// @param licenseType {Integer} Look at Constants description in Docs.

// @returns {Integer}



// Description:

// Method repairIntegrity


// @param owner {Address}

// @param ownerPassword {String}

// @param dabId {Integer}

// @returns



// Description:

// Method trustToBuyAccess


// @param seller {Address}

// @param sellerPassword {String}

// @param buyer {Address}

// @param dabId {Integer}

// @param minPrice {Integer}

// @returns {Boolean}



// Description:

// Method trustToBuyOwnership


// @param seller {Address}

// @param sellerPassword {String}

// @param buyer {Address}

// @param dabId {Integer}

// @param minPrice {Integer}

// @returns {Boolean}



// Description:

// Method untrustToBuyAccess


// @param seller {Address}

// @param sellerPassword {String}

// @param buyer {Address}

// @param dabId {Integer}

// @returns {Boolean}



// Description:

// Method untrustToBuyOwnership


// @param seller {Address}

// @param sellerPassword {String}

// @param buyer {Address}

// @param dabId {Integer}

// @returns {Boolean}



// Description:

// Method getDealsForDab


// @param userId {Address}

// @param dabId {Integer}

// @returns - Array of {Deal} Look at Type description in Docs.



// Description:

// Method checkUserPrvPayment


// @returns



// Description:

// Method addDataSecured


// @returns



// Description:

// Method getSecuredDabsInfoPage


// @returns



// Description:

// Method listSecuredOwnedDabs


// @returns



// Description:

// Method listSecuredSharedDabs


// @returns



// Description:

// Method listSecuredCustodiedDabs


// @returns



// Description:

// Method getSecuredDabsInfo


// @returns



// Description:

// Method payBill


// @returns

/// ###########################

PDS API methods


// Description:

// Method listVaults


// @param ownerId {Address}

// @returns - Array of {Vault} Look at Type description in Docs.



// Description:

// Method getUploadTicket


// @param userId {Address}

// @param password {String}

// @param vaultUserId {Integer}

// @param vaultPassword {String}

// @returns {Ticket} Look at Type description in Docs.



// Description:

// Method getAccessTicket


// @param dabId {Integer}

// @param buyer {Address}

// @param seller {Address}

// @param argsBuyerSignature {String}

// @param publicKey {String}

// @param vaultUserId {Integer}

// @param vaultPassword {String}

// @returns {Ticket} Look at Type description in Docs.



// Description:

// Method getAccessTicketSecured


// @returns



Package last updated on 29 Aug 2018

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