简介 / Introduction
A cute canvas framework. Easily managing an Array, which is connected with a Canvas.
Keywords: layout, animation, animation sequence diagram, events.
概要 / Main Points
1.兼容大多数PC浏览器和移动端。Work well with most PC and Mobile browsers.
2.不适用于"绘制"图像,适用于多个图像文件的"展示"的管理。Not suitable for CREATING pictures, suitable for DISPLAY of existed images.
使用示例 / Usage
引入 & 初始化 / Import & Start
// import or require
import EasyCanvas from 'easycanvas';
// create an EasyCanvas instance
var Foo = new EasyCanvas.painter();
// binding to a dom
// binding to a dom and catch global mouse/touch events
Foo.register(document.getElementById('foo'), {
events: {
touchend: function (e) {},
mousedown: function (e) {},
// start painting (60 fps default)
// set max fps, pause and continue
// paint once
// handler fps
Foo.setFpsHandler(function (fps) {});
引入图像 / Add image sprite
EasyCanvas.imgLoader('http://xxx.yyy/zzz.jpg', function (img) {
// create a sprite
var sprite1 = Foo.add({
img: img,
// source position, default 0
sx: 0, sy: 0,
// target position, default 0
tx: 0,
ty: function () {
// you can return the value from functions to create animation.
return new Date().getTime() % 100;
// other props can be functions as well, e.g. img/zIndex/visible
// EasyCanvas also prepare some animation-functions, like pendulum
opacity: EasyCanvas.transition.pendulum(0.1, 0.9, 1000),
locate: 'lt', // default center
zIndex: 1, // z-index of this image
eIndex: 2, // event-index of this image
visible: true, // like "display: none;" in css
dragable: { // means this is dragable and which area works
x1: 0,
x2: function () {return this.img.width;},
y1: 0,
y2: function () {return this.img.height;},
events: {
// events of current image
click: function (e) {
// "this" means this sprite, as sprite1
this.visible = false;
// "true" means stopping bubbling "click" event
return true;
// others: mousehold, mousedown, mouseout and touch events
// False will stop bubbling all events, default true
passEvent: false,
// text on image, see detail below
// text: [],
// other sprites which mounted to current, see detail below
// aboveAddon: [],
// belowAddon: [],
// rotate, see detail below
// rotate: false,
进阶 / More
整理中. Work in progress.